Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 694

Old gate?

As soon as this word appeared, chen fan's spirit was highly concentrated.

Because in every race, every civilization. The external performance of the transmission array is different. For example, the world of cultivating immortals is a Sendai carved with Dharma array. Through Sendai open up space channel, transmission to another Sendai.

However, other civilizations or cultivation systems are not necessarily, such as the Zerg, which means opening wormholes. Gods and demons, on the other hand, construct transmission gates, similar to those of Kunlun's "immortal gate.". This ancient gate is most likely the gateway to leave the earth.

Chen Fan's fingertips crossed the passage:

"the ancestor of the dark blood clan suffered unprecedented damage"

"they decided to leave the secular world and go to the original place. With their blood and life, they built an old gate, which leads to the depths of the starry sky. The ancestor left seven blood descendants in the world to guard the gate and wait to return to the world It's not bad, it's a portal to the stars

Chen Fan's eyes lit up directly.

Five years after returning to the earth, chen fan finally found a way to leave the earth.

"It seems that the ancestor of the dark blood clan is very powerful, at least at the level of Jindan or Yuanying. Otherwise, we can't build the star sky portal and take the whole clan away. This door, it seems, is deep in the sea of blood. Wait a minute. It says, "there are seven blood people guarding the gate?"

Chen Fan frowned.

He always thought that there was only one blood ancestor on the earth. Now it seems that this is not the case.

"So, in the depths of the sea of blood, there may be six pure blood dark blood clans guarding the gate? No wonder the Holy See has not invaded the depths of the sea of blood for thousands of years. But why are they not in this world? Is there any restriction that they can't leave the sea of blood for too long? "

Chen Fan shook his head and didn't think about it.

Now he has become a man of nature and has made great achievements in swallowing heaven. Don't say only six blood clan, is ten more, are not enough to kill chen fan. Especially the dark blood, pure blood, has a strong talent, chen fan swallowed, maybe can cultivate a talent.

"Keep looking and see what's left."

Chen fan enters the data.

The Holy See provided him with the most information about the history of the blood clan.

According to the information, in the ancient times, the earth was a very brilliant cultivation star. Oriental immortals and Western gods stand side by side. There are even extraterrestrial races who come to the earth from afar, across the ancient path of the starry sky. Dark blood clan, wolf clan, etc. are one of them.

At that time, the East set up a heaven to manage all the immortals in the world. The Western gods stand side by side. But suddenly one day, the earth changes, aura gradually dried up, not enough for many gods to survive.

So a bloody battle broke out.

Many gods and immortals fight one after another, fighting all corners of the earth, no one can escape. Countless civilizations have been cracked, and many ancient cities and countries have been sunk into the sea. The brilliant world of cultivation is on fire in an instant.

This is the battle of the gods at dusk. In the East, it is called the battle of celestial meteorite.

"The battle of immortal meteorite lasted for hundreds of years. In the later stage of the battle, the major gods were ready to give up and make peace. All of a sudden, the invasion of foreign enemies, more brutal bloody war set off "

Chen Fan crossed the parchment.


He frowned suddenly.

In describing this word, the Holy See used the word "foreign land". This word, in the interpretation of ancient Hebrew, has many meanings of hell, abyss and beyond. Chen Fan couldn't tell where the enemy came from.

And here, the information of the holy see is suddenly vague.

There is no record of what the great enemy of Outland is, only mentioning that it is extremely terrible. The pen soon turned to the enemy's retreat, and the ancestor of the blood clan began to build the "blood gate" and leave the earth.

"The gate is made of blood, the white bones of hundreds of millions of creatures, and the souls of countless lives are attached to it. It stands in the deepest part of the sea of blood, which needs the blood of the true God to open and lead to the most evil source "

" the seven blood lineages are the envoys of their ancestors, sleeping in the sea of blood and suppressing the gate. When they are awakened, the whole world will be drowned in blood "

" never fight with them in the sea of blood, they are immortal "

here comes the information, and it stops suddenly.

Next, in the last few hundred years, the Holy See has been sending people to detect the information of the blood sea. However, they were all little creatures in the realm of spirit and spirit. They couldn't go deep into the sea of blood, so they hurried back. It's just some external information. Chen Fan swept it at a glance.


Chen Fan touched his chin: "there are some secrets of the dark blood clan. They have a nearly immortal body in their ancestral land or where the blood is strong. They can't be killed at all. That blood ancestor, it's his own stupidity. He came all the way to Qingcheng Mountain, and I made him a great medicine. "

Although he thinks so, chen fan is not worried at all.

He was reincarnated as a great friar in the period of passing through the robbery. There are countless secret techniques. It's too easy to break the immortal body."After reading the information, get ready to go."

Chen Fan closed the parchment book and grew up.

Although there are still some information about the Babylonian grottoes, Mayan temples and Changbai Tianchi, since he knows that there is a star portal deep in the blood sea, chen fan naturally went to the blood sea

the blood sea is located in Eastern Europe, deep in Romania, on a barren plain.

The plain is thousands of miles in circumference, extremely desolate and barren. Life seems to stop here. For hundreds of years, many explorers have gone to the legendary sea of blood to explore the origin of vampire ancestors, but most of them have failed.

The town of mekava.

It's a very old town by the sea. It has been standing here since thousands of years ago, like an oasis in the desert. Many exploration teams will pass by when they go to the sea of blood.

"In recent years, more and more people have come to explore the sea of blood. They don't really think that there are vampires in the sea of blood, do they?"

In the pub, a group of bald men gathered there, drinking beer and chatting.

"It's all a group of teenagers. There are more on the Internet and they are brainwashed by what kind of blood sucking culture. The sea of blood is also a little red, experts say, because the iron content is too high? If there's some kind of red algae, they think it's all blood in the sea of blood? "

As soon as the words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

The peculiarity of the sea of blood has long attracted the attention of scientists. But analysis to analysis, can not find the cause, but determined. The sea is by no means made of blood.

"But it's said that deep in the sea of blood, there are blood people sleeping. A few months ago, Bula village, Ontario village and green town were all washed with blood. All the people and animals were taken away. The whole village was empty. They are all saying that someone is going to hold a sacrifice to wake up the vampires sleeping in the sea of blood. "

A man suddenly whispered.

Suddenly, the whole tavern was quiet.

Those villages, near the town of mekava, stand around the sea of blood. The sudden disappearance of personnel has attracted the attention of the whole Romanian government. Therefore, the rumors about the existence of the blood clan are so noisy that many expeditions are attracted.

"It seems that it was the handwriting left by the black Duke to wake up the blood ancestor."

Chen fan is sitting in the deep of the bar, drinking and thinking.

It didn't take him long to get to Romania from Italy. The transportation in Europe was well developed. Chen fan is not in a hurry. As he walks, he travels around the scenery.

"It was just an accident."

The bald man said with a strong smile.

"But I heard that last night, there were people missing again in Dinghu village. Hundreds of people in the whole village disappeared at the same time." The other whispered.

This time, everyone's face changed.

This successive disappearance, like a curse in general, makes people feel hairy.

"Who disappeared again? Just yesterday? "

Chen fan holds the hand of wine cup, suddenly a meal.

The blood ancestor has been refined into pills by him, and the black Duke has been killed by him. The disappearance of Dinghu village is not what the black Duke called.

"Does anyone want to wake up the remaining six pure blood clans in the sea of blood?"

Chen fan put down his glass, his eyes flickering.

He dropped a few euros and disappeared from the tavern in a flash. He turned into a faint shadow and ran to the sea of blood. The sea of blood is very vast, hundreds of miles in size. The sea is as red as blood, and there are no fish living in it.


Chen Fan galloped close to the sea like a motorboat. The deeper he went, the thicker the fog around him. At the end, he could hardly see his fingers.

"It's a strong Yin evil spirit. It seems that this sea of blood is built on a Yin evil earth vein."

Chen Fan raised his eyes, his eyes shining with gold.

These Yin evil fog, which can obstruct his double pupil. In the white fog, two golden lampposts swept by, and the fog dissipated.

"I feel a strong dark force. It seems that I am very close to my destination."

Chen fan runs faster.

The red water under his feet gradually thickened, and at last, it seemed to turn into blood.


Chen Fan broke out of the fog, a huge blood lake. Now in front of Chen Fan's eyes, this blood lake is tens of miles around, in which thick blood is churning, and a stream of blood evil gas condenses. The whole lake is made up of real blood!

"Here is the real sea of blood, the sea of blood formed by the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures."

Chen Fan's eyes are cold.

How much human blood does it take to fill such a blood lake with tens of miles? Ten million? a hundred million? It can be imagined that in ancient times, what kind of murder happened and how pitiful the human beings were at that time. Compared with the ancestors of the blood clan, Damon is just a baby.

"I'll get it back for them."

Chen Fan raised his head and a towering ancient castle loomed in the distance.It's in the depths of the sea of blood.

The place where the blood clan sleeps is built on the whole blood sea, just in the center of the blood sea. , the fastest update of the webnovel!