Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 693


This is the same existence as the Oriental earth immortal.

Chen Fan's words shocked the audience.

As we all know, since the fall of St. Augustine thousands of years ago, no saint was born in the Holy See. Even many priests and friars did not expect that there was a saint hidden in the Holy See!


Countless eyes, from Chen fan to the old man in linen.

The old man was white haired, with a face full of furrows and wrinkles. His eyes were muddy, as if he would fall down at any time. The Golden Knight standing beside him was very respectful, just like a teacher and a king.

We all know the blonde knight. He was the chief judge of the inquisition. He was the second person in the list of gods. He was full of the power of light. He was as fierce as anger! He must be a real big man in the holy see if he could be cherished. But people didn't expect that the old man was a saint.

"It's your majesty Francis. You're not dead yet?" Cried an old cardinal suddenly.

"The 42nd Pope, your majesty Francis?"

All of a sudden, the whole square was in a commotion.

Francis is known as the best Pope in the past five hundred years. He brought the Vatican to the peak and competed with the British Empire. But that was one or two hundred years ago. If he lived, he would be nearly three hundred years old.

"It's your majesty Francis. I saw his portrait in the papal chamber." Cried another bishop.

At this moment, no doubt, they all fell to the ground and burst into tears:

"to the great, noble and holy Saint Francis! May you protect the Holy See and survive the disaster... "

the old man in sackcloth walks out slowly in the sound of blessing.

His white hair turned black, his forehead wrinkled, his figure stood up, and finally he turned into a tall, strong, dignified middle-aged man:

"Mr. Chen beixuan, you are an oriental fairy, why do you want to offend my holy see?"

St. Francis's boiling power of light is as vast as the ocean, which is at least a little better than the blood ancestor, and almost reaches the peak of the early congenital stage. Without chen fan, he might be the strongest on earth.

"I want to find the person in charge, but they don't listen, so they draw their swords." Chen Fan said calmly, "your holy see is a bit overbearing. Is that how you treat guests?"

"Nonsense, it's you who want to break into the forbidden area!"

A priest jumped out to blame.

As Chen Fan's eyes swept by, the priest suddenly fell back like a lightning strike.

"Sir, as the first person in the world to suppress the most powerful people in the East, why do you have to worry with mortals? As long as I can help the Holy See, just speak up. " St Francis has a moderate attitude.

"Good! I want the Holy See to hand over all the information and ancient books about the seven Jedi. " Chen Fan opened his mouth.

The faces of the Holy See changed suddenly.

The seven Jedi are the oldest mysteries of the earth, involving the legendary mystery of the disappearance of gods. Every Jedi is extremely dangerous. They have sacrificed countless lives of the holy see for thousands of years before they gradually collect these materials. They are priceless treasures. Chen Fan wants to take them all as soon as he opens his mouth?

"Sir, these are secrets of the Holy See. They won't be lent out. Please go back."

The blonde adjudicator came forward with a serious face.

"You understand wrong. I'm here to get it, not borrow it." Chen fan light way.

How can beixuan xianzun be constrained by such a simple morality when he runs across the universe, lives and kills at will, and obeys and disobeys his heart? You have to give as well as not. And Chen fan also wants to take this opportunity to frighten the Holy See, so that his parents and relatives will not be hurt when he leaves.


Many bishops turn pale at the same time.

How could Chen Fan forcibly take the information from the Vatican? This completely angered all the members of the Holy See.

"Your Majesty Francis, I request that the ruling team be used to punish this madman who intruded into the Holy Land and humiliated the Holy See." Asked a bishop, kneeling on one knee.

Many other members were shouting.

The Holy See has been standing in the world for more than 2000 years. In those days, even the United States was just outside Chen Bing's door. When was it forced to come home? Even the immortals have to fight. Besides, they also have saints.

Chen Fan didn't say anything, he just stepped out.


A torrent of weather surged up from Chen fan, and an ancient Kunpeng appeared behind him.

Kunpeng is so big that I don't know how many miles it is. It's a place to stay in the sky. It stands aloof and spreads its wings among the stars. The smell of terror swept the square, and many members of the Holy See fell to their knees.

There were only seven or eight bishops in the divine realm, who stood up with white light.

"Why, sir."

St. Francis's face changed, and he opened his air, stopped chen fan and sheltered the people behind him.

"Hand over the information, or you will die!"Chen Fan's eyes are indifferent, just like the eternal blue sky.

His sleeves and robes are flying, and his breath is misty. At this time, he shows his immortal nature and looks down on all living beings. His breath surged forward like a thousand tsunami. The breath of St. Francis in front of Chen Fan was like a boat in front of a huge wave. It was losing and there was little room for resistance.

The old man's face was blue and white, and his eyes were struggling.

Just when people thought he was going to do it, the old man suddenly sighed, took back his momentum, slowly bowed his head and said:

"my holy see, I should obey your will."

"Your majesty

Many bishops, eager to crack, all uttered laments.

But St. Francis, with an iron face, said:

"go, take out all the information about the seven Jedi, and give it to Mr. Chen beixuan."

He is not only a saint, but also a former Pope. No one in the Vatican dares to violate his status.

Soon, the information came.

There is not much information. It is only the size of a safe. Many of them are written in parchment. Each page carries countless blood of the Holy See. It is the information that the Holy See has gained from generations of strong men walking on thin ice to go deep into the major Jedi.


Chen fan enters yangjianhu and turns to leave.

After Chen Fan left, the old man in sackcloth scattered the crowd and took the adjudicator to the Vatican.

"Your Majesty, why do you give in? We have been operating in the Vatican for thousands of years. There are many holy instruments left by the saints of the past dynasties. Even if you sit in the Vatican, the nuclear weapons may not be destroyed. You can fight Chen beixuan, not to mention the Holy Son. "

The blonde adjudicator complained.

"Master Shengzi told me not to provoke Chen beixuan, he has the power to rival the gods. I didn't believe it at first. Today I see and feel his breath. It's really as vast as a God. It's just a few of me, not necessarily his opponent. "

The old man in linen spoke slowly.

In his eyes, he was still a little frightened. When he faced chen fan, the old man seemed to be facing an ancient fierce beast. He could swallow him up in one bite, especially the supernatural beast behind chen fan.

"Behind him is Kunpeng, the legendary beast of ancient China, which has the power of swallowing the sky and swallowing the earth." A clear and gentle voice came.

"Lord son."

The old man and the knight bow down.

He looked at the old man and nodded his praise:

"you are right. We are not ready to be born yet. Chen beixuan is not our primary goal. He came to seek the seven Jedi, most likely to go to the sea of blood and other places. He must collide with the demons in the sea of blood In fact, it's good for us. "

"Moreover, I have a vague feeling that Chen beixuan knows my existence."

Speaking of this, the young man's eyes narrowed slightly.


This time, the old people in hemp changed their colors.

Only the two people present could know the dignity of the young man. He is hiding in the deepest part of the Holy See, surrounded by many saints' Dharma circles, and can even be detected by Chen fan. How terrible is Chen Fan's power?

"Fortunately, he didn't provoke Chen beixuan."

A fluke came to their hearts.


Chen Fan stepped out of the Vatican and looked back at the pocket city.

In other people's eyes, the Vatican is just an ordinary ancient city. In Chen Fan's eyes, it is indeed surrounded by numerous powerful Dharma arrays, and the radiance rises to the sky, and the divine light covers the holy city.

The deeper you go into the Vatican, the more Fazhen and seal you have, the stronger the power of light.

The Vatican's thousands of years of accumulation and profound foundation are worthy of being the most powerful orthodoxy on earth. With so many saints, chen fan even doubts whether the nuclear bomb can destroy the holy city.

However, although the Holy See was strong, it could not stop Chen Fan's thoughts.

"The family background of the holy see is really deep. In its deepest core, I vaguely feel a pure breath of light. That breath of light, too pure, is totally different from that of ordinary people... It is somewhat similar to the bright family in the universe."

Chen Fan touched his chin.

The Guangming clan is a big family in the universe. Even in the list of ten thousand nationalities in the starry sky, they are at the top of the list, far from being comparable to the middle race of the dark blood clan. Every member of the Guangming clan has amazing fighting power and is born a congenital life.

"Is there a pure blood bright race on earth? If there is, the fighting capacity is much stronger than that of blood ancestor. If we catch them to refine pills, we may be able to refine a batch of pills. "

Chen Fan thought and shook his head.

After all, the Holy See had no grudge against him. Before chen fan could get rid of the grudge, he took people to alchemy. Now his primary goal is to explore the sea of blood and find the way to heaven.

"Let me see what secrets are recorded in the materials of the Holy See."Chen Fan found a coffee shop, took out the information of the Holy See, and looked at it page by page. A lot of materials come from 1000 or even 2000 years ago. They are written in ancient Hebrew, which is difficult to understand. However, chen fan learned all the languages on earth long before he came to the West.

"The gods stand in the forest... The stars change... The battle of the gods at dusk... The invasion of the enemies of foreign lands... The repulsion of the enemies... The deep sea of blood... The death of this world... The ancient gate?"

One by one, the ancient secrets passed in front of Chen Fan's eyes.

The records of the holy see are more detailed than those of Kunlun and Shushan sword palace. Every one of them is earth shaking news. Suddenly, chen fan's eyes were fixed.

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