Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 692

After more than half a year, Jiang churan became more mature and elegant. She was wearing Tan sunglasses, shawl and long hair, a big casual Batman shirt, thin waist jeans, and an urban beauty.

The last time we met, chen fan was on the top of Yunwu Mountain, cutting seven gods.

"Long time no see. You're going to Europe, too?"

Chen Fan said hello with a smile.

They had a lot of grudges before, but as time went on, they didn't put them in Chen Fan's eyes. Those are just the childishness of little girls. On the contrary, there are fewer and fewer old friends left. Instead, chen fan cherishes them.

"Yes, what a coincidence."

Jiang churan was stunned and showed a bright smile.

As she smiles, her eyes are complex, and she looks at the ordinary young man in front of her. Who would have thought that he would be the first person in the dark world, the head of the northern qiongmen sect, and also a Burmese immortal on the Internet?

"Why didn't I see what was outstanding about him like my concubine?" Jiang churan sighed in his heart, but he didn't show his face.

When old classmates meet, they naturally chat with old classmates and old people.

"The last time you came to the lake, you surprised them all. Li Yifeng and Si Yingxia were all stimulated by you. They went back to school that night and studied hard. It is said that Si Yingxia, with absolute achievements, recommended Harvard Business School, and Yang Chao, who was also selected as the main player of the National Men's basketball team... "

Jiang churan said excitedly, holding his green finger.

Chen Fan nodded with a smile and did not speak.

"By the way, there is the little girl named Lin Lulu who adores you and treats you as an idol. Ask me for number, address, personality, hobbies, constellations and so on. I just want to marry you as my girlfriend. " Jiang churan covered his mouth with a smile, and his eyes flashed:

"don't you think about it? With your present status, it should be no problem to marry three wives and four concubines. "

"No problem, but it doesn't make much sense. A hundred years of mortals, beautiful and white. If I marry them, I have to be responsible for them. I can't watch them turn into ashes after a hundred years. "

Chen Fan shook his head and sighed.

This has always been the most scrupulous place for Chen Fan and every great monk.

In the last life, chen fan was involved in the universe, competing with the pride of all ethnic groups, and had several confidants. But Chen Fan didn't accept them as Taoist partners in the end.

The most important thing is company. He Daozhen immortals often spend hundreds of thousands of life yuan. Those who can be their companions are either he Daozhen immortals, or the physique or blood of animals, or they will be worn away by endless years. Now it's just congenital. Chen fan can collect precious medicines and push his parents, Fang Qiong and Anya into congenital.

When they reach the state of harmony and salvation. Even the fairy medicine may not work. Is Chen Fan indifferent to them as they grow old?

Mention this heavy topic, Jiang churan also silent.

"Forget it, don't say that. What are you doing in Europe? According to the time, you should graduate from university. No boyfriend? " Chen fan asked.

"I'm going to Europe for a party. Many people in Europe are very interested in the super powers and the Burmese gods. I'm the Secretary General of the network super Association. I've been invited to several European forums and visited in the past. "

Jiang churan smoothed his long hair and adjusted his posture.


Chen Fan nodded.

He knew that since the first World War. The Internet is full of demons.

All kinds of super forum, vampire website, werewolf house and so on, emerge in droves, and even form a worldwide trend and storm. Recently, because of the kunxu industry, a little bit of wind came out, which made the voice of the end of the world in 2012 even louder.

"You are the God of Myanmar. I want to interview you. 2012 will not be the end of the world." Jiang churan said with a half true and half false smile.

"Don't worry, even if there is the end of the world, I will suppress it."

Chen Fan grinned and the sun was shining.


the airliner flew out of Jincheng and landed in the capital of Italy.

Jincheng did not have a direct flight to Romania, and Chen Fan did not prepare to go directly to Romania.

"Although the blood ancestor is dead, the blood sea is the legacy of the dark blood clan. It can't be said that there is any danger in it. If sleeping in a pure blood family of Jindan level, it would be a big trouble. It's better to find out first. "

Although Chen fan knows that there is unlikely to be a golden elixir on earth.

With the cultivation of the golden elixir, you can cross the universe physically and leave this desolate planet, but after all, you can make all preparations.

Moreover, his trip not only seeks the way to heaven, but also frightens the major forces and orthodoxy in the world, so that his relatives who stay on the earth will not be threatened after he leaves the earth.

"Apart from kunxu, the oldest orthodoxy on the earth today should be the Western Vatican, African voodoo, Inca Golden Temple, Indian Brahman and Tantric Buddhism. And the strongest of them, no doubt, is the Holy See. "

Chen Fan looks at a corner in the northwest of Rome"When the Vatican was in its heyday, there were saints and nine divine realms sweeping the world. One hand suppress the dark arbitration department, but also the werewolf and vampire to nearly exterminate. The blood ancestor was also severely damaged by St. Augustus, and did not advance in a thousand years. If you want to find the secret of the sea of blood, it's the easiest thing to ask the Holy See. "

The holy see is in the northwest corner of Rome.

This is a small country with only 440000 square meters, which is only equivalent to a large commercial community or golf course. But here, too, is the center of faith for one sixth of the world's population.

Leave a number with Jiang churan and make an appointment to get together again.

Chen Fan said goodbye and left, walking alone in the streets of Rome to the Vatican.

He just like a tourist, stop and go, meet the delicious Italian snacks, often stop to taste. If someone asks to take a picture, chen fan will gladly agree.

About two or three hours later, chen fan stepped into the Vatican.

"My father in heaven, may your name be holy..."

on the flower square of the Holy See, believers and tourists from all over the world flow incessantly. There are traces of extraordinary people everywhere. Chen fan can feel many people without divine consciousness, full of powerful energy. They are all masters or masters.

But these people are very honest in the Holy See, just like the mice who see the cat.

The Holy See has suppressed the earth for thousands of years, and the orthodoxy is extremely ancient. It's a real hegemonic existence. At that time, the United States was so strong in nuclear weapons that it could only force it to close down. Who dares to provoke easily?

"Dear child, what can I do for you?"

Chen Fan went deep all the way, the number of people reduced, and came to a heavily guarded gate. A black priest in a high-level robe came out and stopped Chen Fan with a smile.

Although he has a peaceful smile, he is a real member of the Holy See.

"I want to see your principal."

Chen fan back hand, light way.

"You want to see the Pope? I'm sorry, your majesty is not here. Every other month, his holiness will hold a service in the hall of St. Peter, and then you can attend it. " The black priest frowned and replied.

"What I want to see is not the secular puppet Pope. It's the real Lord of your holy see. " Chen Fan said calmly.

"Who are you?"

The black robed priest's face cooled down and his eyes were sharp as a sword. The surging power of light in his body was boiling. You can see that Bai mang condenses on him, and he is almost a S-level Superman.

"You are not qualified to ask me who I am. Let the person in charge come out."

Chen Fan stood in front of the church, his eyes light.

"How dare you come to the Holy See? Arrogance and ignorance

The black robed priest snorted coldly, spat out a syllable in his mouth, and pulled out a white awn fiercely in his hand. The white awn was like a cross shaped lightsaber. It was extremely hot, waving in the air, leaving many lights and shadows.


The black robed priest made a direct attack on Chen fan.

What he performed was the Holy See's divine skill, the cross lightsaber, which Adam had also performed in those years, cutting the mountain wall more than ten meters with one sword. Although the power of the priest is far less than that of Adam, he has a solid foundation and is more stable and authentic.


To the surprise of the black robed priest, chen fan didn't dodge at all, but with a flick of his finger, he smashed the cross lightsaber with his finger, and the rest of his strength came along like a heavy hammer hitting him in the chest.

"Poof Pooh."

The black priest spat out blood and flew out into the church.

Others in mid air, the mind is still in shock. The cross lightsaber is the pure power of light. It can cut gold and iron, and melt steel armor. How can people carry it with their fingers? Unless you are a master of martial arts or even higher?

"Bang bang."

As soon as Chen Fan pointed to the defeat of the black robed priest, he did not cover it up any more and went straight in.

There are obstacles on the road, such as the Vatican guards in steel armor, the members of the Inquisition in black and white gloves, the bitter friars in ancient friars' clothes, etc. no matter who they are, they are all shot away by Chen fan.

One of the Cardinals even reached the top of the divine realm in terms of cultivation, but still could not resist Chen Fan's understatement.

"The strength of the holy see is very strong. Ordinary members of the guard have internal strength and accomplishments. In the Vatican, there are probably thousands of guards. These are thousands of internal strength masters. Not to mention all kinds of other theologians, supernatural beings, inquisitors and many bishops. "

As Chen Fan thought about it, he left with his hands on his shoulders.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Vatican of the tiger cave in the dragon pond, however, seems to be in a state of no one.


In another holy land, the Cardinal was slapped on the wall by Chen fan. After a long time, he didn't come down. Many members of the Vatican finally knew that they had hit the iron plate. They no longer stepped forward, but formed a group and nervously looked at chen fan.


The alarm sounded over the Vatican.That means that the enemy is coming and needs all the people to fight. The last wake-up call came 50 years ago when the Vatican was oppressed by millions of American soldiers.

"Cough. Dear Mr. Chen beixuan, what did we do wrong that led you to ask a question? "

An old man in linen, with the help of a blonde knight, leads the crowd and bows to Chen fan.

"Someone recognized me at last."

With a smile, chen fan's eyes fell on the old man: "are you the leader of the Vatican generation? A saint is really qualified to be a master. I didn't expect that there were saints in the Vatican in this era. It's very deep. "

Chen Fan's words suddenly changed everyone's face.

PS: the fourth one is for the monthly ticket_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!