Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 691

The news of one man's killing five earth immortals to seal marshal Canglong is just like a spear from the God of thunder, which penetrates into Xiao Xuan's heart and shakes him so that he can hardly speak.

"You won't offend Chen Tianren in your words."

Old Xiao suddenly frowned and asked nervously.

"I..." Xiao Xuan hesitated, unable to speak for a moment.

"Son of a bitch! Do you want to die again and drag the Xiao family into the invincible abyss? " Old Xiao was angry and thundered. The old man in his nineties, with his chest undulating, coughed violently across the microphone.

"Grandfather, grandfather, don't be angry. I just said that the Xiao family won't let him go." Xiao Xuan cried quickly.

"Go to apologize to Chen Tianren immediately. He won't forgive you. Never go back to Xiao's house."

Xiao hung up angrily.

Xiao Xuan put down his cell phone and looked around. Many Wei family high-level, are sitting there, their eyes can not hide the horror. Old Xiao was so loud just now that the whole room could hear him clearly.

Just because they heard clearly, they were so shocked.

Even the Xiao family, the head of the five ethnic groups in Yanjing, was extremely scared when facing chen fan. Even Xiao Lao roared to drag down the Xiao family's words, we can see Chen Fan's current status, to what terrible degree.

"Marshal, this is the highest rank that hasn't been awarded in decades. Since World War II, only Russia has retained the rank of Marshal. Even so, Russia finally awarded marshal in 1997, and never again. The state even wanted to make Chen Fan marshal of Canglong... "

Wei Changqing whispered.

Wei Changsong and others have been shocked.

Only then did they realize how ridiculous their idea of fighting with Chen Fan was. Maybe chen fan can kill the Wei family by raising his hand.

"Chen fan is so strong?" Wei Ziqing's eyes were complex.

However, Mr. Wei already felt remorseful:

"five years later, my Wei family was wrong after all. At that time, if we could seize the opportunity to make friends with Chen beixuan. Our Wei family may not be able to become the second Xiao family, or even stronger, especially when Ziqing was fond of Chen beixuan.... '

but these things have been missed after all.

In the evening, Xiao Xuan and the Wei family went up to the gate of Beishan villa to meet chen fan and ask for forgiveness. Yu Wenjing came forward and stopped all the people directly:

"the master is practicing. It's not convenient to see guests. Please come back."

"We only want to see General Chen once, apologize to him and repent of our previous mistakes." Old Wei bowed slightly. Xiao Xuan followed him without saying a word.

Bowing down to apologize to his enemy is a great blow to Xiao Xuan's self-esteem.

"All right."

Yu Wenjing thought and nodded.

Can enter the villa gate, only Wei family several high-rise. In the backyard of the villa, everyone saw chen fan. At this time, chen fan is playing go with his grandfather. Although Chen Huaian was born with white hair and black hair, he could cover his special appearance with a little magic.

The snow stands on one side, just like a maid carrying tea and pouring water.

"General Chen, I was wrong. At that time, I was lucky that with a little friendship, I could protect Xiao San. So I never brought him to apologize to you. Now think about it, make mistakes again and again. Just ask general Chen to see the past and spare the Wei family. "

Wei walked forward and bowed deeply.

When the Wei family saw this scene, their eyes were red and they were ready to cry.

After a long time, I heard Chen Fan's faint voice: "Mr. Wei, I have said that my enmity with the Wei family has been written off. You don't need to apologize. As long as you don't provoke me, I won't embarrass the Wei family. "

"That's good."

Wei said, a trace of disappointment flashed through his eyes.

After the Wei family apologized, Xiao Xuan, who was standing behind him, bit his teeth, strode forward and bowed to Chen Fan: "Chen Tianren, I made a mistake before. Please forgive me."

"Oh? What did you do wrong? "

Chen Fan fingers on the chessboard, smiling.

Xiao Xuan's face changed slightly, and a trace of shame flashed in his eyes, but he still said, "I shouldn't blame you. The third son of the Wei family is responsible. It's reasonable for you to kill him."

"What else?" Chen Fan said lazily.

"Besides, I should not threaten you, saying that the Xiao family will not let you go." Xiao Xuan's face suddenly rose red, but he was still in a difficult way.

"Not enough. There's more." Chen Fan shook his head.

"Not enough?"

Xiao Xuan raised his head angrily, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Xiao Xuan, you feel very aggrieved. You are the leader of the young generation in Yanjing, a noble man of heaven. Everyone should pet you, respect you and fear you. But I don't know that there are people in this world who are above you and you can't make themChen Fan said lightly:

"do you know? Don't say on the north mountain, you instruct wusheng River to attack me. I can kill you on the spot just by your threat today. No matter the Xiao family or the Chinese nation, no one will trouble me. "

Master can not be humiliated, let alone heaven and man?

It is disrespectful to threaten a priori. In the world of cultivating immortals, chen fan can be killed at will. That is to say, it was born back to the earth that the murderous Qi converged a lot.

Hearing this, Xiao Xuan's face turned blue and red, and finally turned pale.

Only at this time did he know the gap between himself and Chen fan. Xiao Xuan slowly bent his knees and bowed to the ground: "Xiao family... Xiao Xuan... Request... Heaven and man... Forgiveness."

Every time he uttered a word, it was very difficult, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

Both Wei Lao and Wei Ziqing have complicated eyes. It's more painful for him to let an aristocratic family kneel down and apologize than to kill him.

Only qianyexue's eyes are indifferent, a natural appearance.

The kunxu Kingdom inherited some of the traditions of the Xiuxian Kingdom, and the earth immortals were as high as immortals. If a mortal dares to be disrespectful to the immortals, he can destroy them without any consequences.

Xiao Xuan knelt on the ground for a long time before he heard Chen Fan's calm voice:

"go out, this time I can take it as if it didn't happen. Next time I do it again, I will not only kill you, but also level the whole Xiao family."


Xiao Xuan answered with a trembling voice and got up with difficulty.

Wei family came to help him, he slapped away, and then left without looking back.

Wei Ziqing stood there, looking at Xiao Xuan with a bent back, like a lost dog, and looking at him, his breath was misty, like Chen fan who was banished to the world. His heart was full of mixed feelings, and he could not help but feel a trace of regret.

When Xiao Xuan finally left Jiangnan, it is said that his marriage with the Wei family was not settled.

Chen Fan didn't pay much attention to these things. He was in Jincheng and accompanied his parents Xiao Qiong. After playing for many days, he was ready to set out to find the way.

"Don't worry, Joan, even if I find the way. I won't leave the earth without removing the threat of Xianmen. " Chen Fan comforts Fang Qiong with a smile.

"Grandfather, please do everything."

Give all the things in the house to Chen Huaian. Chen Fan officially embarked on the journey.

The gate of buried immortal Valley is temporarily closed. Chen fan can only find another way to leave the earth.

"The only way for the ancient monks to leave the earth was the star array. In a corner of the earth, there must be a transmission array left over from ancient times. Find it, fix it, and I'll be gone. "

Chen Fan thought.

"According to the data of Xuezu and others, not only the eastern immortals left, but also many Western gods, even the ancestors of the dark blood clan, seemed to have left the earth. It seems that this teleportation array is also available in the West. But the destination of transmission may not be similar. "

Chen fanxin has some scruples about this.

The most ideal is to go to an immortal planet through the transmission array of kunxu kingdom. Chen fan, after all, is a cultivator of immortals. He knows the world better. But if there's no way, chen fan can accept it even if it's spread to the dark blood clan's home. It's a big deal to find a way there.

"I hope those dark blood clans don't know that I have refined their descendants into Dan tun." Chen fan was amused.

For the earth, there may be several locations of the sky transmission array, chen fan also has a guess.

"The Oriental cultivator left the gate in the valley of the buried immortals and laid a powerful golden elixir array. It seems that the other transmission arrays should be among the major Jedi. "

Chen Fan touched his chin.

There are seven Jedi on earth.

Kunlun burial Valley, Changbai dragon pool, Maya temple, Babylon grottoes, Romanian Blood Sea and so on. These Jedi are all related to ancient mythology, and are most likely the last bases left by the major races or gods before they left.

"I've been to the valley of burying immortals. The Mayan temple is controlled by the US Army. According to Kunlun, the Changbai dragon pool looks like an extremely powerful congenital spirit beast sleeping in it. It may be a thousand year old dragon... Now it seems that the blood sea in Romania is the most suitable."

The sea of blood is the place where the blood ancestor sleeps.

The death of Xuezu means that the sea of blood is unguarded. Moreover, the dark blood clearly left the earth, and they remained in the earth's transmission array, which could only be in the sea of blood.

"Set off for Romania, sea of blood!"

This time Chen Fan left, he was really alone. In addition to the sword Hu, who did not take, even a thousand night snow are left in the Dongshan villa. He left quietly, no one knew.

"Hoo Hoo."

The plane cut through the sky.

Chen Fan sat on the international flight from Jincheng to Romania, thinking about the next step in his mind, while looking at the proud figure of the stewardess in a bored way. Although the cultivator is indifferent, chen fan doesn't want to be a stone after all.At this time, the woman with long hair and sunglasses sitting opposite him suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

"Chen fan?"

Chen Fan looked up and saw the woman with long hair. She took off her sunglasses and showed a pretty face.

"It's you, Jiang churan?"

Chen fan was slightly surprised. He didn't expect to meet his old friend on the plane. , the fastest update of the webnovel!