Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 690

"You said, is it the snowy Yanjing that day, the maple leaf frost red, the motorcade blocked half of Yanjing's engagement banquet?" Xu haoxuan frowned.

On that day, Yanjing was full of frost, and the maple leaf was better than the fire. From all over the world, an endless stream of motorcade blocked half of Yanjing city. Numerous dignitaries, even the special envoy of great powers Qi Zhi.

Such a big scene, even the Yanjing people at the foot of the emperor, have never seen it several times, so they are naturally fond of talking about it.

"It is said that the engagement banquet was betrothed by the Wang family of Beishan and the general manager of beiqiong group. There are even many envoys from other countries to celebrate, which is comparable to the wedding of the prince of England. But what does this have to do with Xiao Fan? "

Xu haoxuan said strangely.

"The person engaged is Chen fan."

Hong Mi sighed.


Xu haoxuan's face suddenly changed and his eyes were filled with horror.

"Your friend has a name, Chen beixuan."

"Beiqiong group was founded by him. He came from the king's family and betrayed the king's family. In front of the king's father, he cut off the young king's city of Yanjing and broke up with the king's family. When they got engaged on that day, it was not just ambassadors of some countries who came to congratulate them. It's the special envoys sent by the heads of state of hundreds of countries in the world. Qi went to Beishan to congratulate him, even including the United States and Britain. "

Hong Mi said every word.

Every time she said a word, Xu haoxuan's face changed. In the end, she was almost shocked.

In today's world, the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries are equally important. A hundred small countries are not as heavy as the United States. The president of the United States sent special envoys to congratulate us personally. Few people can bear such a great honor in the world.

"How is that possible? How is that possible? "

Xu haoxuan said to himself, I can't believe it: "Xiao Fan is just an ordinary person, even if he joins the army, he will make great contributions. But how did the U.S. envoy come? What's more, he killed Wang Cheng, and the Wang family in Yanjing won't settle with him? "

"Just because he is Chen beixuan, Chen Liuguo and Chen Tianren, who are enemies of his own country!"

Hong Mi said in a cold voice.

"Chen Liuguo? Chen Tianren Xu haoxuan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Hong Mi came over, sat down next to him, took Xu haoxuan by the hand, and said quietly:

"I don't know some things very well. Our Hong family in Yanjing is only a second and third class family, but I also vaguely heard from my father that Chen beixuan was once an enemy of the country, defeated even the great power in the world, and even defeated Ye Qingcang on the top of Yanshan mountain, even the most extreme existence in the world. You have hundreds of billions and trillions of property. In front of him, you are mole ants. "

Said, Hong Mi will know some things, slowly way.

Although she didn't understand it very well, only a few words also set off waves in Xu haoxuan's heart.

"One man defeated the Russian armored division, the European Union Black Sea fleet, and pushed back the United States?" Xu haoxuan is a fool. He felt like he was listening to a fairy tale.

Yu Wenjing points to kill Wei Laosan. Although he is as quick as lightning and flint, he is still in the realm of ordinary people's understanding. He can only do martial arts at most. But Chen fan is already a superman and immortal.

Otherwise normal people, how can they carry tanks and artillery?

"It's impossible. How can there be such a strong person in the world? The superheroes in the movies are not so strong. " Xu haoxuan shook his head repeatedly, expressing disbelief.

"If it's not true, why is the Wei family afraid of him? After Xiao Xuan's limbs were broken, the Xiao family did not ask Chen beixuan for trouble. The Wangs died, and they were silent. How can Chen beixuan ascend the rank of general at the age of 20? Have you ever thought about these things? " Hong Mi hummed coldly.

Xu haoxuan was silent.

In his heart, he wanted to explain, but he couldn't find a reasonable way to explain all this.

"Haoxuan, this friend of yours is not a mortal, but a deity. He is an immortal

Hong Mi looked directly at her boyfriend and said, "the biggest luck in your life is not to be admitted to Huaqing, nor to know me. But to have such a friend, hold on to him, and you will go up to the sky. What is a billionaire? Maybe one day, the world's richest man will bow down and salute you "

Xu haoxuan has long been in a state of confusion. He is in a trance and has only one thought in his heart:

" is Xiaofan really a fairy? "

When Xu haoxuan and others were in a tumultuous mood.

Chen Fan returned to Dongshan villa in Yu Wenjing's car.

At this party, I met with my former classmates and let Chen Fan's mind be over. Next, he can really devote his mind to exploring the way of heaven.

"Teacher, don't we help them?"

Yu Wenjing wants to stop talking.

"No, I went to the Wei family to make a toast this time. I guess my identity has been exposed for the most part. With the five words of my friend Chen beixuan, they can run rampant in China. What else can I do for them? "

Chen Fan shook his head.

"The Wei family and the Xiao family, you only killed Wei Laosan and let them go? I don't think that Xiao Xuan is willing to give up. " Yu Wenjing frowned."I and the Wei family, the enmity has gone, after all, an old friend, do not want to do disputes." Chen fan, with his hands on his back, walked to the villa, and a faint sense of killing appeared in his eyes:

"as for Xiao Xuan, if he doesn't know the current affairs, he will kill again, but this time, I won't stay."

Yu Wenjing's head.

Such as Xiao Xuan this, at this time Chen Fan fundus, a few like mole ants. If you really dare to provoke and kill them, the Xiao family will not dare to take revenge.

At this time, Xiao Xuan is preparing to contact the Xiao family.

"Xiao Xuan, I don't need to trouble the old chief about this." With a trace of sadness on his face, Wei Lao began to persuade him.

"Yes, brother Xiao Xuan, my third uncle, he made a mistake after all. Although Chen Fan killed him too much, it was reasonable. Why drag the Xiao family in again? " Wei Ziqing also looks complicated.

"It's not just about the Wei family and Chen fan. He and I have new and old grudges. We have to repay them together. " Although Xiao Xuan was elegant, his anger was burning and he wanted to get out of his eyes.

Xiao Xuan still remembers.

Half a year ago, he was on the north mountain. Chen Fan broke his limbs and threw him down the north mountain. If the security guard didn't help him in time and send him to the hospital, I'm afraid Xiao Xuan would have died early. Even so, he was lying in the hospital for months. It wasn't until the Xiao family asked for the spirit fruit for him that they cured him and let him go down to the ground.

While thinking about it, Xiao Xuan still felt that his limbs were in pain.

"Chen beixuan, you are arrogant. Do you really think that no one can cure you?" Xiao Xuan is angry at this time and dials the phone.

"Hello, it's xuan'er. How are you feeling when you go out for a walk recently? Stop worrying about what happened six months ago. I told you to go to Jiangnan and see Xiaofu's granddaughter. Did you see it? Grandfather feels that she is very good. She is a housekeeper and can be our Xiao's daughter-in-law in the future. "

In the microphone, came the old voice of Xiao.

"Grandfather." Xiao Xuan's nose turned red and he was about to cry, but he still said, "I've been doing very well recently. I've turned around the famous mountains and rivers of my motherland. I'm in a better mood. I also met grandfather Wei and his granddaughter. Ziqing is very nice. "

"That's good, that's good."

Xiao took a breath.

Although Xiao Lao's grandson was cured by lingguo, he was always in a restless mood and smashed every day at home. Xiao knew that he was depressed in his heart, but it was obviously impossible for him to retaliate. He had to go out for a walk, hoping to ease his depression.

"By the way, Grandpa forgot to tell you. When you go to Jiangnan, don't provoke Chen beixuan and his family. Chen beixuan has just calmed down the turmoil in Xianmen and has made great contributions to the country. "

Xiao said solemnly.

He just said casually, after all, how big is Jiangnan Province, with tens of millions of people. Chen Fan's whereabouts are vague. How could it happen. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan blurted out:

"grandfather, I just want to tell you about it. I met Chen beixuan today."


At the other end of the phone, Xiao Lao, who was lying on a bamboo chair in the sun, started to work directly from the chair. The nurses and bodyguards next to each other were surprised. But old Xiao didn't care about that. He asked in a hurry:

"you won't offend him, will you?"

"It's not me. It's grandfather Wei's third son. He had some grudges with Chen beixuan. Chen beixuan came to him and killed him." Xiao Xuan explained in a few words, then with a trace of anger:

"grandfather, Chen beixuan is too overbearing. He is powerful, and he has been granted the title of general Canglong recently. We don't pay attention to the Xiao family, or even the state of China, and we are prone to murder. Even ye Qingcang didn't run wild like him. I feel that all the families in Yanjing can unite and exert pressure to force Chen beixuan to "Hutu!"

Before Xiao Xuan finished, he was interrupted by Xiao's roar.

"Do you know who Chen beixuan is? Do you know what he has done recently? Do you know what general Canglong means? " Xiao old a then a burst drink.

In recent months, Xiao Xuan has been relaxing outside, and he really doesn't know what Chen fan has done.

He tried to explain:

"general Canglong is similar to general Ye Qingcang's Kunlun. Although the Ye family in Yanshan is powerful, it is better than the Xiao family. No matter how overbearing Chen beixuan is, will he dare to destroy the Xiao family? He's not afraid of the state coming to him? "

"Similar to Ye Qingcang?"

Xiao Lao looked up to the sky and sighed, with incomparable disappointment in his tone: "Xiao Xuan, hatred blinds your eyes and makes you lose your sense."

"If you know, ye Qingcang once said that he could not defeat Chen beixuan in ten."

"If you know, Chen beixuan killed five immortals in the valley of buried immortals, suppressed the whole immortal gate, saved China, and even saved all mankind. Great contribution to the world. "

"If you know that the high-level discussion once wanted to confer Chen beixuan as marshal Canglong, and only granted him to the general for fear of causing fear in the United States, you would not have said such naive words."

Through the phone, you can feel the indifference and disappointment in his tone."What?"

Xiao Xuan's face changed wildly and his eyes were filled with horror.

(to be continued) ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!