Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 686

Lin Weiwei?

Chen fan was stunned.

This name is too long for him now, as if it had been several centuries. She was Chen Fan's little companion when she was in Surabaya. She went to primary school and middle school together. She didn't leave until Chen Fan went to Chuzhou.

"How did you get in touch with them?"

Chen fan holds a book, a little good strange road.

"Wei Wei and I made friends. When we came back from Myanmar, we got in touch. They've always wanted to see you. " Yu Wenjing came and whispered. With the cultivation, her appearance became more and more beautiful, and she was the same as a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Well, it's time to meet. I haven't met for many years."

Chen Fan grows up.

It's said that it's a classmate party. In fact, some of them are old acquaintances of Chen fan. Lin Weiwei, Yan Xiaobai, Xu haoxuan, Wu Junjie and two other girls seem to be their girlfriends.

They met at the North Bank restaurant, an upscale restaurant in Jincheng.

The North Bank restaurant is located on the Bank of the Jincheng River, overlooking the river scenery, blowing the river wind, sailing to the end, the scenery is pleasant.

"Chen, you have come to see us at last."

Meet chen fan, these former friends, and very warm, one by one up to embrace.

Even the long legged Lin Weiwei hugged chen fan. She is particularly beautiful today, wearing slim jeans, a cool vest, horsetail, incomparably refreshing. In particular, the proud figure of 1.75 meters is the best.

"Where are you dead? If Xiao Jing hadn't told you that you were still alive, we would have thought you were missing. " Lin Weiwei gives chen fan a hard blow.

Chen Fan looked up.

Yan Xiaobai is still fat and smiling.

Xu haoxuan is handsome and calm. She is holding a woman in her hand. She is also beautiful, fair skinned, tall and has a LV brand. She has a smile on her face, but she has a faint taste of resisting others.

The last Wu Junjie, although also smiling, but looking at his eyes, some complex.

"It's my fault that I haven't gone to see you in Surabaya because I'm busy all the year round. I'll give myself three penalties first Chen Fan said with a smile.

In fact, he has deliberately alienated these friends in recent years for fear that they might be implicated by himself. After all, chen fan is an enemy in the world. I'm afraid to involve them and break their peaceful life.

"Haoxuan, is this what you often call chen fan?" Xu haoxuan's girlfriend came with a trace of examination.

Chen Fan remembers that Xu haoxuan was admitted to Huaqing University in his last life and married Bai Fumei in the capital. She seemed to be the daughter of a certain family. Her father was a senior executive. Since then, he has been a top 500 executive.

"Xiao Fan, this is Hong MI and my classmate. We are just engaged." Xu haoxuan introduced.

Chen Fan nodded.

In Yanjing, I haven't heard of a big family named Hong. What's more, in Chen Fan's present state, the president of the United States may not give face. What's the only daughter of a family?

Indeed, the Hong family is not a big family in Yanjing, and they have survived the second and third tier. They are different from the Wangs and Xiaos. Even compared with the Wu family in Tianhe, there is a gap. Hong MI has never met chen fan, so she can't regard this ordinary boy as Chen Tianren who came from all countries on the north mountain.

Everyone will be seated soon.

Wu Junjie's girlfriend is a pretty girl with a little bird, and also has seven or eight points of beauty. Her name is Li Ying.

After a glass of wine, the atmosphere soon became active.

Chen fan asked about everyone. Yan Xiaobai went back to inherit the family's clothing industry, married a beautiful daughter-in-law, and gave birth to a shuilingling little daughter.

Xu haoxuan was admitted to Huaqing, got to know Hong MI, and has graduated to enter a foreign enterprise. However, this enterprise, which Chen fan has never heard of before, seems to be called "star ring group".

Wu Junjie, on the other hand, is still playing around, occupying the power of his father, making a lot of money and becoming a rich man. Now this meal is his treat.

"Speaking of it, Wenjing suddenly disappeared, and you lost contact with him. As a result, we got in touch with Wenjing and found her by your side. Are you two...

Xu haoxuan joked.

Wu Junjie smell speech, holding the hand of wine glass one quiver, be covered quickly past.

However, if Chen Fandong watched the fire, he sighed a little in his heart after seeing this scene. It seems that several years have passed. Wu Junjie still can't let Yu Wenjing go. But it's normal.

Lin Weiwei, Hong MI and Li Ying are all beauties, and they are outstanding among ordinary people.

But Yu Wenjing sat there without saying a word, just like a fairy relegated to the world. Her appearance is top-notch. Besides, she practices martial arts, takes elixir and spirit liquid, and her skin is crystal clear. Like a fairy tale spirit, she has captured the attention of the whole audience.

"Wenjing has been following me recently to learn something." Chen Fan answered calmly.

The others, not knowing what he meant, had only Wu Junjie's pupils shrink.

Everyone thinks that Chen fan is the son of the deputy county magistrate. He is an ordinary college student. At most, he is mysterious. He can command Han Tiansheng, the leader of Tianhe City, and he has a cousin who can fight.But Wu Junjie long in Jincheng circle, how can not know the identity of Chen fan?

Master Chen in Jiangbei, the son of Chen family in Jincheng, and major general Canglong are all awe inspiring, especially when Chen Fan returns to Jincheng and cuts off the head of 16 families in one day, which is still a taboo in Jincheng. However, he only knows these things. No matter how much, he can't get in touch with Wu Junjie's circle.

"I'm relieved that Wen Jing will follow you. Come on, Xiao Fan, I'll give you a toast. "

Wu Junjie got up and made a solemn toast.

They didn't know what it meant. Only Chen Fan vaguely understood it and drank it up.

After drinking this glass of wine, Wu Junjie seems to release the heavy burden, the whole person is light. He was out all the year round, full of witticism, and soon made the atmosphere on the table.

During this period, Hong Mi got up and went to the bathroom, but when she came back later, her face was a little strange.

"What's the matter, sister-in-law?"

Lin Weiwei asked strangely.

"Haoxuan, I saw a big brother in the circle. He was very nice to me since he was a child. He was in the box next door. You accompany me to meet him and drink a toast Hong Mi wants to talk and stops, and finally opens her mouth.

"Since it's your elder brother, I should go and see you. Why don't we all go over to the bar and have a toast. "

Xu haoxuan said with a smile.

As soon as Yan Xiaobai was about to get up, Hong Mi's face turned pale:

"my elder brother is very high in the circle. Even I have seen him several times, and I don't even know if he knows me. It's a chance to meet him in Jincheng this time. If you can get a little help from him, you can fight for 20 years less. "

When Hong Mi said this, the whole audience calmed down. Yan Xiaobai stood there awkwardly with the wine in his hand, neither sitting nor standing.

"Yanjing circle?"

Wu Junjie said.

Hong Mi didn't speak, just nodded.

Everyone was silent. We all know that Hong Mi's identity can be called big brother in her circle.

It must be a young man or a childe from an aristocratic family. This kind of person, with them, is different, just like the bright moon and firefly, this life will not have communication. If you force yourself to toast, you will only insult yourself.

Xu haoxuan was also embarrassed.

We are chatting happily. It's rare for us to meet our friends when we were young. You're going out for a toast all of a sudden, and the atmosphere is going bad. But it's a rare opportunity to meet the big figures in Yanjing circle. He doesn't want to let it go. He is in a dilemma.

"Forget it, haoxuan, go quickly. When can't our friends get together? This kind of opportunity is rare."

Lin Weiwei encouraged.

Wu Junjie and Yan Xiaobai also spoke one after another.

Finally, Xu haoxuan pleads guilty and follows Hong Mi to leave.

After waiting for them to leave, Wu Junjie shook his head and said, "haoxuan is looking for this wife. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

Everyone can see that Hong MI is strong. I'm afraid that with Xu haoxuan's noble temperament, I can bear the grievances at home.

"In this world, if you want to climb up, it doesn't matter. You can't do without a backer. What's the point of holding your breath?" Yan Xiaobai took up a glass of Baijiu and drank it, saying it fiercely. This gentle fat man, also polished in the society at this time, full of resentment.

Lin Weiwei also nodded: "I was admitted to the Military Academy at that time, and I wanted to be assigned to the organ Department of the military region. As a result, the quota was topped by another person. My father was so angry that he didn't sleep for three days and three nights. "

Lin Weiwei was born in a military family and had been longing for the army since she was a child.

All of them are in their twenties. They graduated from university or have been together in society for several years. They are more or less resentful. After all, their families are OK compared with ordinary people, but they are only ordinary people compared with real aristocratic families and CHILDES.

Lin Weiwei's brother is a league level cadre, and Wu Junjie's father is a department level cadre. Yan Xiaobai's family has a clothing factory, not to mention Yanjing. Even in this golden city, they can only be regarded as small officials.

Yu Wenjing sat listening and looked at chen fan as if asking for advice.

Chen Fan finally shook his head.

With his ability, it's only a matter of one word to support these friends now. Even without his presence, Yu Wenjing can settle everything. The weight of the three disciples under the throne of beixuan is enough to make Kunlun seriously wait.

"Everyone has his own destiny. Don't break their peaceful life easily. It may not be a good thing to involve them. " Chen fan sends a message to Yu Wenjing.

Yu Wenjing nodded slightly.

Soon, in less than a minute, Hong MI and Xu haoxuan came back in a hurry. Although the cover up was good, everyone could see the embarrassment and embarrassment of their eyes.

After a long time, Xu haoxuan said with a bitter smile:

"we are sentimental. People don't recognize us at all. They won't even let us in."

Hong Mi said nothing, and her pretty face became colder and colder.

People quickly persuade, this kind of thing, in fact, who have more or less met. You think you are a person. In fact, you are not in the eyes of those big people. Everyone can understand Xu haoxuan's feelings.The more proud people are, the more their self-esteem will suffer from the pain of being ignored.

"Who is that man?" Chen Fan suddenly opens his mouth.

"It's Xiao Xuan." Xu haoxuan was surprised to see Chen fan, and finally said.

He didn't tell Chen Fan in detail about Xiao Xuan's identity and origin. In his opinion, chen fan is too far away from the circle of Yanjing. He may not even know what the Xiao family is.

"Xiao Xuan?"

Chen Fan's eyes are full of fun.

Next to Wu Junjie and Lin Weiwei, their faces have changed, and they blurt out:

"Xiao Xuan, the eldest and youngest of the Xiao family in Yanjing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!