Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 685

Lei muguo is the most precious medicine.

This kind of precious medicine grows on yuanci holy mountain. It has withstood thousands of years of thunder and bears fruit every three hundred years. It's the elixir of the golden elixir, which was collected by the friar of the golden elixir.

Chen fan used it to build a foundation for an 80-90-year-old man, and let him ascend to the congenital world. This is against heaven.


A thunder and lightning cut through the sky and shot down Dongshan.

The Dongshan formation was stimulated and launched, with countless clouds rolling on the Dongshan mountain. A fog white dragon is boiling in the clouds. It looks up to the sky and screams. It sends out bursts of dragon chants. The white dragon's whole body hair must be exposed, just like the reality.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Chen Huaian's robes bulged and his face looked extremely painful.

Thunder lights exploded on him, and Chen Huai'an's body was filled with terrifying and violent aura. If it wasn't for Chen Fan's protection, he would be directly occupied by the surging aura at the entrance of Lei muguo.

"If you don't use the secret method to refine this kind of fruit and eliminate the power of thunder robbery, ordinary earth immortals don't dare to take it." Qianyexue frowned and said:

"all the monsters in the buried immortal valley have thick skin and thick flesh. When they reach the top of their physical cultivation, they will swallow them when they are only half a step away from the earth immortal. Even if they do, they will die. Few of them have completed the transformation, and most of them are killed by the force of thunder."

"Chen beixuan, since you are a stranger from outside, how can you not understand these when the ancient relegated immortals came?"

Listen to her words, Fang Qiong suddenly look slightly changed, nervous look to Chen Huaian.

Sure enough, Chen Huaian's body trembled violently, and the thunder burst out on him. It's the power in the body that can't be digested and has begun to vent. In his ear, nose and throat, there is a ray mang overflow.

"Xiaofan?" Fang Qiong cried anxiously.

"Nothing." Chen Fan comforted him and glanced at the snow: "refining Qi and promoting nature is a step of transforming human beings into immortals. We must experience great terror, great fortune, remould ourselves, wash hair and cut marrow before we can really be promoted. If you don't eat big pants, how can you be born

This is also the reason why Chen Fan chose Chen Huai'an.

The old man has been through the world all his life, and his spirit has been tempered for a long time. If it is Anya or Wang Xiaoyun, they may not be able to bear the pain of this step.


At this time, Chen Huaian's palm burst open, countless flesh and blood, directly by Lei Mang, intensified into a blood mist, leaving only dense bones. Then, Chen Huaian's body burst inch by inch.

Arms, arms, shoulders, chest...

in the end, only the head and viscera were left, and all the other muscles and blood burst, leaving a white bone. At this time, Chen Huaian's eyes were slightly closed and he didn't feel it.

On his head, chen fan's hand tied the seal of Dharma, and the surging mana instilled into him protected Chen Huaian's spirit.

"I went through this step when I gathered the eternal life of the Qing emperor. So later, it became congenital, and it was a step away from being reborn. Ye Qingcang had a great fortune in the valley of burying immortals, and he was able to build a body of immortals in advance, which was also less. But my grandfather is just a human body. If he wants to ascend to heaven one step at a time, it is absolutely necessary. "

Chen Fan thought, the vast mana, no money infusion.

Chen Huaian's head is shining with crystal light, just like an immortal cyan gold sculpture.

"Lei robber's fruit is a treasure of Lei family. If you use it to reshape your body, you'd better practice it for your grandfather." Chen Fan changed his mind and quickly thought of a formula. Then he instilled it into Chen Huaian.

Chen Huaian's eyelids jumped and apparently received it.

"Lei Huangti, the best spirit body. This body can wheeze God thunder, control the storm, and control the power of thunder. It is born with wind and thunder wings and green eyes. It can awaken nine kinds of magic powers. It is the derivation of the ancient god body "thunder punishment God body."

This Lei imperial style, which Chen Fan thought of, is the most suitable for Chen Huaian's physique.

Although it's only a top-quality spirit, it has nine kinds of magical powers. It's born with wind and thunder wings. Once it is completed, it can be compared with Leixing Dixian's painstaking cultivation for hundreds of years. Moreover, in the future, nine kinds of magical powers will be awakened, and even the ancient thunder punishment body can be changed.

In spirit, it's one of the best.


Chen Fan patted the top with one hand and drank it gently.


Countless golden rays of thunder poured out of Chen Huai'an's bones, like the confluence of rivers, quickly condensed and pulled out the golden thread. In Fang Qiong's and qianyexue's eyes, these golden threads formed the outline of muscles and limbs.


The surging aura of heaven and earth comes from all directions. A few of them are next to the green dragon array. The array has accumulated aura for several years, which is not inferior to that of Yingzhou island or kunxu, and is enough to promote people to the top.

"Hoo Hoo."

The top of the head is surrounded by dark clouds. Finally, it forms a funnel shape with Chen Huaian as the center and rotates violently.

The power of thunder and the vast aura gradually reshape Chen Huaian's body and unite his spirit. In the end, Chen Huaian's whole body is like gold, shining with countless thunder lights."Pop."

The light of thunder dispersed and showed its appearance.

A man with black hair was sitting cross legged. The man looks like a man in his thirties. His muscles are long and strong, just like a bodybuilder. His face is like a magic work. It can be seen that he is similar to Chen Fan and Chen Kexing in seven aspects. He is a young version of Chen Huaian.

"To be reborn is to be reborn."

A thousand nights of snow.

To be an immortal is to die. There are many great religions in the world of kunxu, and numerous religious sects are rampant, which have been accumulated for thousands of years from generation to generation. But there are still few earthly immortals. Even if she is such a Dixian seed, she is not sure that she will become a Dixian. Seeing this scene, I realized the difficulty of the earth immortal. At the same time, I was more and more awed by Chen fan who could help others enter the earth immortal.

"Xiao Fan, is grandfather promoted?"

Fang Qiong was surprised.

"Not yet. It's just that it's just congealed into a congenital spirit body. Next, we need to break the gate of heaven and integrate the essence, Qi and spirit to really promote the congenital spirit. " Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and said.

Most of the people who swallow Lei Jieguo have been stuck in the gate for decades or even hundreds of years, including many immortals or top monsters. They have accumulated enough, but they just lack an opportunity. Lei is just a springboard to push forward the last step.

Like Chen fan, it's ten times more difficult to push an old man from the metaphysical realm into the congenital world.

"The body, the essence and the mind are in one, opening the door of heaven!"

Chen Fan's hand turned and beat fiercely.


In Chen Huaian's body, there are thousands of Lei mang.

Under Chen Fan's domineering power, these bright Lei mang are tamed into a true yuan, filling Chen Huai'an's four limbs and bones. Then Chen Huai'an's spirit absorbs the meaning of thunder robbery from the fruit of thunder robbery, transforms rapidly, and finally turns into a golden spirit with a length of about a foot.

Under the control of Chen fan, the essence, Qi and spirit gradually merged into one, and turned into a nearly chaotic yuan Dan. This is the prelude of Jindan. But when you can see all the forces in your body and unite them into one point, you can make an immortal elixir.


When the three melted into one, a golden spirit, wrapped by the power of thunder, jumped out of his head, and the bright light expanded in all directions. In that moment, Chen Huaian felt the boundless ocean of vitality.

The power of heaven and earth was so vast that his mind was swallowed up in an instant.

However, after decades, Chen Huaian recovered quickly in just a few breaths. Then a golden pillar of light, wrapped with lightning, from his head, straight into the sky, the aura of ten miles, quickly converged, in his head, forming a towering cloud cover type.

"Condense gas into cloud, crown ten li, really become immortal?"

Qianyexue has been frozen.

Chen Fan nearby, quickly hit a number of magic formula, the sky will cover the image. Otherwise, if it is discovered, the whole world will know that there is another birth in beiqiong school? It's not a killer.


Chen Huaian also knew this. He quickly recovered the spirit and scattered the spirit cloud above his head.

He opened his eyes violently. There were two thunderbolts in his eyes. The electric light exploded, and the fundus of his eyes was blue. Impressively, it is the magic power of green eyes and electric eyes. This magic power has great paralyzing power. Any life that is hit will numb the body and produce a pause.


At this time, Chen Huaian got up and stepped out of the cliff.

He was wearing a white training suit, flying in the air to resist the wind, and his sleeve robes were flying. He stood in the void like an immortal.

One step of heaven and man!

Only chen fan, Chen Huai'an, Qian yexue and Fang Qiong know what happened on the top of Dongshan mountain. This is one of the biggest secrets of the beiqiong school. Chen Huaian can suppress beiqiong's qi movement when he has been cultivated. Chen fan is also relieved to find the way to heaven and leave the earth.

"With the support of China and ye Qingcang, and the presence of my grandfather, I'm afraid there is nothing in the world that can threaten our beiqiong school except the kunxu community and several ancient Taoist traditions."

Chen Fan thought.

Chen Huaian's talent is beyond Chen Fan's imagination. As soon as he was born, he awakened three powers in succession. In addition to the cultivation of Lei imperial body, the combat effectiveness is even comparable to that of the old Dixian.

Chen Fan specially found a thunder skill and gave it to Chen Huaian to practice. Namen Lei is a medium-sized sect in the universe. Although it is not as good as shenjue and SHENGJUE, it just fits Chen Huaian's constitution.

"As soon as you enter heaven, you will know why you want to leave the earth. It's really a big cage here. It's too hard to go further. Xiaofan, don't worry. I'll protect the Chen family. "

Chen Huaian's eyes are as deep as the sky, and his breath is more and more misty day by day.

He is really a genius of cultivation. He has a lot of experience and is more suitable for cultivating immortals than qianyexue and xuanluo.


Chen Fan nodded. He was ready to meet his old friend and accompany his parents Fang Qiong. He set out to find the way to heaven.At this time, Yu Wenjing suddenly came to the door:

"teacher, Lin Weiwei contacted me and said that junior high school students wanted to get together. Would you like to go or not?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!