Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 687

Xiao Xuan was once interrupted by Chen Fan and left Dongshan. But with the ability of the Xiao family, it is not difficult to cure him. Besides, at the level of Wu Junjie and Lin Weiwei, the most they know about Xiao Xuan is that they may not know much about other things.

In their eyes, Xiao Xuan was a noble being.

"Junjie, who is Xiao Xuan?"

Li Ying next to him asked.

Wu Junjie's three or two sentences of explanation immediately turned her face white.

As the head of the five ethnic groups in Yanjing, the Xiao family has tremendous power, which can't be compared with ordinary people like them. Wu Junjie's and Lin Weiwei's families are among the best in Surabaya, but they are too insignificant in Jiangnan and even in China.

Hearing that Xiao Xuan was on the opposite side, everyone understood.

It's not easy to see such a top class. If you want to make a toast, it depends on whether you are qualified or not.

"Drinking, drinking, these things, let's not think about them, they are all people." Wu Junjie came out to make it right.

Despite this, Xu haoxuan is still depressed. Listen to him, they didn't even see Xiao Xuan's face, so they were stopped and didn't let them in at all.

"Xiao Xuan is the leader of the Yanjing generation. How could he be in the North Bank restaurant?" Lin Weiwei said strangely.

Everyone looked at each other.

Only Xu haoxuan frowned slightly and hesitated: "it's the Wei family in Jiangbei who stopped me. I seem to see Wei Laosan through the crack of the door. It is said that old Wei and old Xiao were comrades in arms at that time. It seems true that the Wei family has been making friends with the Xiao family all the time. "

Jiangbei Wei family.

As soon as the name was announced, chen fan held the cup.

Say, chen fan and Wei family still have a debt, did not calculate clearly. When Wei Jiacheng died in the wolf valley of Russia, he seized the cloud and fog spring and cooperated with Hongmen, which made the Chen family almost sink into the abyss.

"Xiaofan, isn't the Wei family very familiar with you?"

Wu Junjie suddenly spoke.

Chen fan is famous for master Chen in Jiangbei. At the beginning, he relied on the influence of the Wei family. All along, everyone thought that master Chen was friendly with the Wei family. Even now, many people think so, including Wu Junjie.

"Xiaofan is just an ordinary college student, who knows what Wei family, you don't joke."

Xu haoxuan shook his head.

But Lin Weiwei was suddenly silent. She faintly sounded the scene of Wushan hot spring in those years. Chen fan asked Han Tiansheng, the Tianhe boss, to bow and beg for mercy. He forced Tang Jianfeng, the youngest of the Tang family, back. Obviously, the origin is not as common as people think. It's normal to know the Wei family.

"I do know the Wei family, and there are some things with them that have not been solved."

Chen fan is holding the wine, not smiling.

If only Xiao Xuan was involved in this matter. Chen fan is too lazy to get ahead. His debts to Xiao Xuan and the Xiao family are clear. However, the Wei family is different. The northern xuanxianzun has always been a good friend and foe.

"Haoxuan, please accompany me to a toast."

Chen Fan grows up.

"Ah? To what? "

Xu haoxuan was surprised.

"Of course, it's the Wei family and the Xiao family." Chen fan has a funny smile on his face.

... until chen fan and Xu haoxuan left, all the people came back.

"What is haoxuan doing? I feel dizzy. I don't think it's enough to lose face just now? " Hong MI is the first to react, and suddenly starts to lose her temper.

Lin Weiwei quickly persuades: "sister-in-law, maybe Xiao Fan really knows the Wei family, so he goes to propose a toast. Hao Xuan follows him, can also see Xiao family big young, isn't just right? "

"Ha ha, how about meeting the Wei family? When Xiao Xuan comes, the Wei family will certainly try their best to entertain him. They are afraid of making a mistake. Do you think the Wei family will allow anyone to disturb the Xiao family? "

Hong Mi sneers.


Compared with the superior Xiao family, the Wei family is only a local force in Jiangbei. Xiao Xuan came to Jiangnan just like the place where the prince came. The Wei family must be in great fear of receiving people. They are afraid of making mistakes. They dare to let people in.

"Or let's go and have a look."

Yan Xiaobai hesitated.

"Let's go and have a look." Wu Junjie got up with an excited look in his eyes.

In the presence of Yu Wenjing, only he knows part of Chen Fan's identity. But Wu Junjie is not very clear, Canglong major general's identity, in the end enough to let the Wei family moved. After all, it was Xiao Xuan, the legendary son of the old Xiao family, and the top-ranking young man in Yanjing.

Six people out of the box, quickly catch up.

At this time, chen fan has taken Xu haoxuan to the door of Wei's box.

The best location of the North Bank restaurant is the Dajiang hall, which extends into the river. At the foot of the glass, you can see the waves flowing through the river, extremely beautiful. The Wei family entertained Xiao Xuan in Dajiang hall. Two murderous bodyguards in black stand guard at the door.

"Xiaofan, let's forget it. It's just a little thing. There's no need to fight."

As soon as Xu haoxuan comes out, he will regret and persuade chen fan."This wine must be served today."

Chen fan has a firm attitude.

When they came to Dajiang hall, one of the black bodyguards frowned and said, "I've already said that the Wei family is entertaining distinguished guests. They are not allowed to enter the room..."

as he was saying that, the bodyguard with strong breath next to him suddenly began to tremble and looked at Chen Fan's eyes, full of panic.

"A Biao, long time no see."

Chen Fan deals with the bodyguard.

"Chen... Master Chen?"

Tough bodyguard, teeth are shaking.

He is a Biao, the number one thug of Zhou Tianhao. After Zhou Tianhao was killed by Chen fan, a Biao followed Wei Laosan. Today, the Wei family entertains distinguished guests. Wei Laosan specially calls him to fill the scene. Unexpectedly, he meets chen fan.

Think of Chen Fan's cruel means, a Biao almost scared down.

"Since you are here, Wei Laosan must also be here. It happens that I have an account to settle with him." With a smile on his face, chen fan pushed the door in. Another tall and thin bodyguard, also feel wrong, did not dare to stop.

Everyone watched Chen Fan enter.


The door opened.

Inside, there is a box with luxurious decoration and elegant style. The box is very spacious, with a total area of more than 100 square meters. A group of people are sitting on the table, pushing cups and cups. Sitting at the top of the table is a tall and handsome young man with a strong bearing. But on the man's face, there seems to be some melancholy.

"Xiao Shao, it's rare for you to come to Jiangnan. My Wei family is very prosperous. On behalf of the old man, here's to you. "

Wei Laosan's face was red and he raised his glass to welcome him.

"My grandfather and grandfather Wei are good friends for decades. I should take him to visit grandfather Wei. " Xiao Xuan took his glass and sipped it lightly.

Sitting on the other side of the old Wei, white hair such as immortals, old bosom big comfort.

Wei Ziqing, who accompanied Xiao Xuan, also narrowed her eyes with a smile. Other senior officials of the Wei family, such as Wei Changqing and Wei Changsong, including Wei Zifang and Wei Ziping, were smiling.

As we all know, Xiao Xuan's visit to Mr. Wei is only one of them this time. The key is to see Wei Ziqing and decide on their marriage.

Wei Ziqing made friends with Xiao Xuan since he was a child. Since the marriage of the Qin family was cut off, the Xiao family has been looking for another marriage for Xiao Xuan. At this time, Mr. Wei proposed it, and Mr. Xiao readily agreed to send his grandson over.

"If Ziqing and Xuaner get married in the future, we'll be closer. We don't have to be so polite."

Wei Changsong said with a smile.

He is the pillar of the second generation of the Wei family. Now he is in the frontier, even the Xiao family has to look up.

The people were talking and laughing when the door was suddenly pushed open. Wei Ziping, the son of Wei Laosan, frowned and turned his head to scold him angrily: "what are you doing? I don't want to explain why I don't want people to come in and disturb me..."

before he said anything, he suddenly stood there and looked at Chen fan as if he saw a monster.

"Ziping, what's the matter?"

Everyone turned their back on Chen fan, but they didn't notice it for the first time. Wei old three drink high, drunk eyes hazy look over, see Chen fan, first is not satisfied, and then fierce eyes a stare, such as see ghost.

"Chen... Chen..."

Wei Lao San woke up in a flash, wet his back with sweat and stammered.

At this time, many people feel wrong and turn their heads. When they see Chen fan, including Xiao Xuan, their faces change greatly. No one thought that Chen fan should appear here.

"Master Chen? Why are you here? "

Wei Ziqing's beautiful eyes showed surprise and stood up.

"Here's a toast. It's a grudge."

Chen fan came slowly with a light smile on his face, holding a wine glass.


Wei Laosan's teeth were trembling, and his legs were like swinging.

"Hey, Xiao Fan, come out quickly, you can't go in." Xu haoxuan burst in at this time. When he saw the scene, he was stunned and didn't know why.

Chen Fan ignored him, but looked directly at Wei Laosan: "in those days, I ordered you to manage Yunwu Lingquan and promise you 10% profit. In terms of making 10 billion yuan a year, it's a billion yuan or more. And if you sell it, you'll get a billion yuan. I'm very kind to you Wei family and Wei Laosan. When I disappeared, you betrayed me, took refuge in Hongmen, and even took away the cloud and fog spring. "

"Don't you think I'll settle this debt with you?"

Every time Chen Fan said a word, he hit Wei Laosan like a heavy hammer. In the end, Wei Laosan collapsed to the ground with fright. He didn't even have the courage to stand up and even stepped back.

"Master Chen, these are old things. Why don't we sit down and talk about them?"

Wei Changsong, without any trace, frowned and said with a smile.

"Yes, master Chen. When you helped me get married to Wanqing, we always wanted to find a chance to thank you for that? " Wei Zifang also played around. His wife Yi Wanqing has a bright smile. In those days, chen fan and the two finally got married."I, Chen beixuan, will repay my gratitude and resentment. I have paid off your Wei family's kindness. Now, I want to take back your Wei family's revenge. Do you want to stop me? "

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and he said indifferently.

Wei family people, suddenly frozen in that, at a loss. Who doesn't know Chen Fan's strength?


Wei finally sighed and slowly got up: "master Chen, it's my Wei family that is sorry for you. I don't know if you can spare the third one for the sake of your old face. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!