Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 684

Leave the earth.

Chen fan had this idea since his rebirth, but he never said it.

Whether facing Fang Qiong or Wang Xiaoyun Anya, chen fan only tells them that he is an immortal. However, he always taboo where the specific cultivation of immortals came from, and Fang Qiong and others did not ask him. Up to now, chen fan has been cultivated in nature and can finally reveal something.

"Leave the earth, what do you mean?"

Chen Huaian frowned and asked thoughtfully.

Fang Qiong blinked and looked curiously: "Xiaofan, are you going to kunxu? Or fly to the sun and the moon? Space travel? "

They did not know that there was an infinite world beyond the earth, with numerous immortal stars and countless races. In their cognition, even the existence of aliens is a question.

There was only a slight change in snow's expression.

When she thought of Chen fan, she asked her about the ancient immortals who had gone by the way of heaven.

Is Chen Fan ready to set foot on the so-called heavenly road and leave the star?

"This is ridiculous. In ancient times, Da Neng left at least Tianxian Zhenjun. He was just an earthly immortal, and dared to set foot on the road of heaven? Moreover, it has been thousands of years since Tianlu was cut off. Whether it exists or not is still unknown. "

Qianyexue is funny in her heart.

"Grandfather, little Joan. As you all know, I have reached the innate state of cultivation. " Chen Fan's eyes are sincere:

"when I get to my present state, if I practice hard every day, maybe my kung fu will grow a little bit. If I want to break through the golden elixir again, it will take hundreds of years. The world is like a cage to me, and I can't make any more progress. "

"Not bad."

Chen Huaian nodded.

He deeply understood that there was a huge gap between the aura of Qinglong formation and that of the outside world. Fang Qiong is also thoughtful.

"Xiaofan, are you going to kunxu? It's said that it's a fairyland with many auras. But the fairy gate seems to be closed. " Fang Qiong said strangely.

"Kunxu's aura is much worse than the real world of cultivating immortals. Otherwise, the ancient immortals would not abandon it. "

Chen Fan shook his head: "what I want is to find the way to heaven, step on the sky and go to the real immortal stars. There is a world of surging aura, completed cultivation and inheritance, and the birth of golden elixirs. That's what keeps me growing. "

"Xiuxian star?"

This time, both qianyexue and Fang Qiong were shocked.

"Are there other stars beyond the earth? There are also immortal practitioners on it? " Fang Qiong's big eyes are incredible.

A thousand night's snow also shakes my heart.

She always thought that kunxu was a fairyland, a heaven, and the most perfect world in the world.

"Of course!"

Chen Fan stood up with his hands on his back and looked up at the night sky, sighing: "the universe is up and down, and the universe has always been. The universe is vast. There are billions of stars, and naturally there are billions of lives. Thousands of people strive for glory, and countless proud people strive for supremacy. The existence of Xiuxian big star, such as the sand of Ganges, can't be counted. In contrast, the earth is just a wild star on the edge of the universe, abandoned old soil

He looked up at many familiar constellations.

"I wonder if those old friends are still waiting for me to go to heaven and fight with them again?"

Chen fan is fascinated.

On the top of the East Mountain, there was silence. All three of you have been silenced by Chen fan.

If every star in the sky, there is life, there are practitioners. How much life does the universe need? I'm afraid it can't be described in billions.

"It's impossible. I've never heard of it. There are other stars. The earth you are talking about is the only big star of life. " Thousand night snow fierce stand up, slightly excited way.

"If the earth is the only one, then where did the ancient immortals go?" Chen Fan looked calmly.

A thousand night's Sheraton is full of words.

Even up to now, the mystery of the disappearance of ancient immortals has not been solved. All the major religions are taboo.

"If there are other immortal stars, Xiaofan... Are you from there?" Fang Qiong asked hesitantly.

Everyone around chen fan has doubts in his heart. Including his parents, relatives, friends and disciples.

Chen Fan's power is so inexplicable. It's like waking up overnight and becoming a great master. And then ride out the dust, transform the realm, the divine realm and the immortals. It took only five years to set foot on the top of the earth, which made the great powers terrifying.

But I didn't hear about Chen Fan's master. I didn't see him practice since he was a child, and I didn't see any adventures.

"Yes, it is not."

Chen Fan smiles and caresses Fang Qiong's long hair:

"don't worry, Xiao Qiong and grandfather. I'm not an old monster or an alien possessed. I am me, chen fan. It's just something happened. Let me come back and make up for it. I can't explain a lot of things to you, but one day, I will confess all of them... ""Well."

Fang Qiong nodded, her eyes full of trust.

Chen Huaian also drank his tea and cut off the railway: "I don't care what outsiders say about you, but you are my grandson, the dragon of Chen family. Grandfather's eyes have never been wrong. "

"So you really want to leave?" Fang Qiong suddenly asked softly.

Despite her strength, she supported the beiqiong group in the absence of Chen fan. But when Chen Fan heard that he wanted to leave the earth, he felt as if he had lost something.

The starry sky is far away, hundreds of millions of light years. Who knows when Chen fan will come back?

"I just have this idea, but I haven't implemented it yet. If I really want to start, I have to deal with everything, which may take half a year or more. "

Chen Fan comforted with a smile: "and the fairy gate has not been solved, the United States is eyeing, there are many threats to the earth, such as the Holy See, how can I leave at ease?"

"Xiaofan, how do you get there by rocket?"

Fang Qiong suddenly had a whim.

"Ha ha?"

This time, even Chen Huaian laughed.

"In ancient times, there were many races and immortals on the earth. They all leave through the sky, which is the star transmission array. I just need to find the teleport array, repair it, and then I can leave. " Chen Fan explained with a smile:

"and even if you leave, you can come back. I can come back to see you every few years. Even when I'm high enough, I can cross the universe by myself and come to earth to take you all away. "

It's like studying abroad.

No matter Chen Huaian or Fang Qiong, their hearts are gradually relaxed.

"Hoo, I'm so scared. You'll never come back." Fang Qiong nestles up to Chen Fan and exhales like orchid road.

Chiba snow sat on one side, eyes shining.

She felt like a storm in her heart. She only felt that her world outlook had been overturned for decades.

"It turns out that Chen beixuan comes from the outside world. No wonder his cultivation is mysterious and can't be explained. It turns out that the ancient immortals left through the celestial route, the so-called star transmission array. Is our world, including the kunxu world, as Chen beixuan said, abandoning the old soil and cultivating the death star? "

The more she thought about it, the more headache she felt, just like her head was going to explode.

"By the way, grandfather, I'll show you something."

Chen Fan took out a shining fruit from the sword gourd.

"What happened to ray?"

A thousand night snow see, beautiful eyes stare round, blurt out.

"This fruit, named Lei Diaoguo, is a natural medicine. If a friar takes it, he will have a chance to ascend to heaven. " Chen Fan explained.


Both Fang Qiong and Chen Huaian took a cool breath.

At their level, how can they not know the innate terror? Chen fan, ye Qingcang, and Xuezu, which one is not the one who turns over the river and empties the air? Even more can life yuan 500 years away, is the real immortal first-class, carefree.

"For the ordinary friars, the chance is slim, but if I do it, I will never leave ten." Chen Fan said calmly:

"I got a Leijie fruit tree in funxian Valley, which bears three fruits. One was given to Ye Qingcang in return for his help and for his friendship with China. The other one is for my own use. The last one, I want to add another congenital one to my grandfather and my family, so that I can leave at ease. "

Chen Huaian was born.

Then beiqiong school is as solid as gold.

There are not only congenitally seated, but also the great array of Shushan sword palace. Even if the United States or the Kunqu market were to fight with them, they would not be able to break the sword palace.

"No, you'd better give it to Fang Qiong, Anya or Xiaoyun. I'm old. What's the use of this? " Chen Huaian shook his head decisively. Thousands of night snow beside, eyes are straight.

For the first time, I saw someone who could refuse in the face of Baoyao.

It's a chance to be promoted to Dixian. Even in kunxu, there is a giant and overlord. From then on, I will live a long life and be free in the world.

"Grandfather, it may seem to you that this is the only chance in the world. But I'm confident that in three or five years' time, I can take this kind of medicine at will. At that time, it will be very easy for each of you to be born. " Chen Fan's eyes were dignified and said:

"this time, I let you take it. Because, of all people, your mood is the highest, you can quickly grasp the innate state. If Xiao Qiong or an's elder sister swallow them up, even if they are promoted, it is difficult for them to control their innate power. It's better to be down-to-earth, step by step, and go up. "

As for Hua Yunfeng and Xie Yan.

Neither Chen Fan nor Chen Huaian mentioned it. After all, they are not the Chen family, and they can't guarantee their loyalty.

"Grandfather, Xiao Fan is right. Take it." Fang Qiong also said.


After a long time, Chen Huaian nodded solemnly.

Next, chen fan began to carve the Dharma array and lay down Taoist talismans in the void to cover the scene on the top of the mountain and prepare for Chen Huaian's promotion. But qianyexue has been dazzled"Crazy, a couple."

"It takes three years to take the thunder plunder fruit directly. It takes three years to gather a hundred herbs and refine it into a pill to dissolve the power of thunder plunder."

"And it's a waste to give an 80 or 90 year old man his potential is near. Even if he is promoted to earth immortal, he will never take another step in his life. "

But no matter what she says, Chen Fanyi has made up her mind.

Half an hour later, chen fan stood on the top of the mountain. And Chen Huaian sits cross legged, swallowing the fruit of thunder in the complicated eyes of qianyexue.

"Today, I'll help you to be born."

Chen Fan's seal is on Chen Huai'an's head.


From Chen Huaian's body, a torrential atmosphere of fury soared to the sky.

All of a sudden, the whole sky, all black clouds gathered, lightning and thunder, just like the arrival of disaster.

PS: the fifth watch is offered to the leader of Mo Jichen alliance, asking for a monthly ticket_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!