Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 683

Ye Qingcang comes here to discuss the follow-up affairs of Xianmen with Chen fan.

"Yan Jingchao is dead, and the Blackwater gate is completely destroyed, leaving only Xiaowu and zhangran. Although they are sad, they are willing to guard the immortal gate. " Ye Qingcang said.

"Their master, after all, died for us. When the immortal gate is finished, I will be sent to beiqiong gate to teach the true cultivation of immortals. " Chen Fan nodded slightly.

"Master, does it really take two or three years for the immortal gate to open?"

Ye Qingcang's eyes are focused on the road.

"It's hard to say that I don't know when to stabilize the spatial fluctuation. At least one or two years, at most three or five years. But it will be stable in the end, and I'll have to be ready to fight. Before I leave the earth, I will solve the problem of Xianmen. "

Chen Fan said calmly.

This is the first time that he shows his intention to leave the earth in front of outsiders.

Ye Qingcang knew the origin of Chen fan, so he was not surprised. He just nodded solemnly: "Kunlun decided to fully develop the burial Valley, and the state also agreed to my proposal. In the next three years, the burial valley will be the top priority of the whole country, and all efforts will be made to develop it. "

Chen fan was not surprised.

According to American legend, the Mayan temple, one of the seven Jedi, was developed before it became a superpower and dominated the earth.

In the valley of burying immortals, I don't know how many treasures there are, such as the corpses and secret scripts left by ancient immortals. Besides, many of them are of great research value. However, it is hard to say how many people will die on the way of development.

"Beiqiong will also help Kunlun. And the Archean fire ape. I'll stay in the burial valley. If you want to use it, you can command it at any time. " Chen Fan said.

As he is about to leave the earth, he naturally wants to form a good relationship with China.

"Thank you, master."

Ye Qingcang bowed down solemnly.

The Archean fire ape is one of the few spirit beasts in the burial valley. With it, the process of developing burial Valley in China will be greatly accelerated.

"Master, you have made great contributions to the country and the world by suppressing the immortal gate and protecting China. Our country intends to confer you the rank of general Canglong, above all generals. What do you think? "

Ye Qingcang hesitated slightly and finally opened his mouth.


Chen fan was surprised.

In the end, chen fan took over the Canglong general.

Just as he wants to make a good relationship with China, China also reciprocates and hopes to have a good relationship with him. This general Canglong is actually a promise. Even if he leaves the earth, China will still protect beiqiongpai and his relatives.

"From now on, the Canglong team will be under your management. As a general, the military will give you all the rights you have, including mobilizing troops, calling them military aircraft, and so on. " Ye Qingcang said to Chen Fan before he left.

"Admiral, I didn't expect my Chen family to produce an admiral."

When Chen Kexing heard this, he was immediately moved.

Including Wang Xiaoyun and Anya's daughters, they were all beaming with joy.

Although they have already taken the elixir of top quality, they have entered the period of tongxuan. However, there is no consciousness of an immortal at all. It is still a secular idea. It is a great honor for Chen fan to become a general.

"I'll have to go back and tell my father that if he knows, he will be very relieved." Chen Kexing made a decision.

When Chen Fan was closed, Fang Qiong and others retreated to Shushan sword palace for fear of revenge from Xianmen or Xuezu. Only Mr. Chen Huaian still stays in his hometown of Jincheng and doesn't go anywhere.

"Well, I haven't seen my grandfather for a long time, either."

Chen Fan nodded slightly.

Soon, the whole sword palace was startled.

Chen Fan wants to go back to Jincheng. It's a big deal. Today's Chen fan is no longer the nameless boy. He is Chen Liuguo, Chen Tianren, the first person in the world, and the strongest immortal. Especially before, it just saved China and mankind. He was also awarded the rank of general Canglong.

Including Xue Daisha, a Xiu, Yu Wenjing and others, they all clamor to go back to Jincheng with Chen fan.

Now that the Xianmen crisis is over, Fang Qiong and Anya have long wanted to go back to CNOOC and take charge of the affairs of beiqiong group.

"Xiaojing, please come with me and meet my old classmates. Other people, those who should go back to China seas, those who should go to Nanyang, go to Nanyang and do their own things. " Chen Fan quickly dismissed the crowd.

Finally, we will return to Jincheng.

Only Chen Fan's family, Fang Qiong, Yu Wenjing, and Qian yexue's oil bottle.

They flew directly from Shu to Jincheng by military plane. The Canglong team has been gathering at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain for a long time. When they see Chen fan, the old leader, they are all very excited.

"Good instructor!"

A thunder roared from the mouth of many members of the dragon.

Chen Fan's eyes swept.

Tanks, eagle eyes, knives, etc. These are his old subordinates, Zhao Baofeng whom he met in Wuzhou, and his last acquaintance...

"Chu Minghui?"

Chen fan is slightly surprised, looking at this tall and straight chested, strong and tough man. His breath is as powerful as a mountain, and his evil spirit is concentrated. He has already practiced the black dragon forging technique to a very deep level, which is comparable to the master of horizontal training."Commander in chief, team Chu is the leader of our Canglong team. The former Yue team died in a foreign war. "

The tank said, a trace of gloom on his face.

Yue Jianqiu is also familiar with Chen fan. He is a real soldier. Unexpectedly, he died.

"Tell the chief instructor that I will stick to the will of Captain Yue Jianqiu and devote myself to Canglong and China." Chu Ming Hui roared like thunder.


Chen Fan nodded.

He looked around and said calmly:

"since China has given me the black dragon, I can't stand by. After today, Canglong will not only become the strongest in the special forces, but also become the strongest in the dark world and even the whole earth. In the future, he will fight against the big powers, the major Jedi and even the kunxu world. Do you have the courage? "

As soon as Chen Fan said this, the whole audience was suffocated.

Canglong is just an ordinary team, the strongest Chu Minghui, only horizontal training master realm. To fight against the major Jedi, the great powers in the world, and even the kunxu area, it's like a mantis arm serving as a vehicle.

"I will die!"

Chu Minghui called out.

"Never back!"

The others roared out immediately, their chest was boiling with blood, and they almost wanted to come out through the body.

They are just a group of mortals, but Chen Fan wants to take them to the forbidden area of the real world, Dixian Jedi. For the members of Canglong, it is a great honor and inspiration.

Next, chen fan and his party set out for Jincheng.

Military transport plane, across the 10000 meters high, chen fan through the window, overlooking the earth, eyes showing a trace of nostalgia. I'm afraid it's the last time he has seen the scenery of his hometown.

After staying in the secular world for a period of time, he will set out to find the way to heaven and leave the earth.

"Before that, parents must be well settled and given enough protection. And remove the threat from Xianmen and other major forces. "

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet.

The surrounding Anya, Wang Xiaoyun and others are all immersed in the joy of returning home.

Only Fang Qiong sat next to him, vaguely feeling something. She reached out and gently grasped Chen Fan's palm.

"Don't worry, Joan."

Chen Fan gave her a comforting smile.

Soon, Jincheng arrived.


the golden city in July is the scorching sun and hot summer.

Street shopping malls above, full of wearing hot pants, skirts, showing two long white legs, wearing cool girls. At this time, the summer vacation is coming, and the college students and middle school students who have been locked up in the school for a semester are pouring out one after another.

Chen Fan's family took a military vehicle to Dongshan villa.

"It's rare for Xiao Fan to come back. I heard that you just made immortal contributions?"

Old man Chen Huaian, wearing a white training suit, is fighting in the shade of a tree. His fists are concise, and his fists and feet shake the void. There are leaves involved in the moment was torn into pieces.

"The inner strength and the outer strength, the realm of connecting the Metaphysics?"

Chen fan was not only surprised, but also shocked.

The last time Chen fan saw Chen Huai'an, the old man was just in the later stage of foundation construction. Unexpectedly, he went into tongxuan without saying a word. Although it has something to do with the spirit liquid and elixir he left behind, Chen Huaian's talent is too high.

You know, Wang Xiaoyun and other people's tongxuan period, are purely relying on the top grade elixir pile up.

"Dad, Xiaofan not only made great contributions, but also was awarded the rank of general Canglong by the state." Chen Kexing couldn't help feeling excited. In the eyes of an old man like him, no matter how strong chen fan is, he is not as important as the title of general.


Accompanied by Chen Ning, Chen Guoguo several people, directly shocked.

"Well, well, it's a real dragon of my Chen family. This time, I'm going to open a ancestral hall and gather the clan to celebrate for Xiao Fan. "

Chen Huaian was also moved by it and burst into laughter

in ancient times, chen fan was the number one scholar in the examination, became the prime minister and glorified his ancestors!

If it was in the past, chen fan naturally didn't care about such common things, so he just pushed it. But now, he is ready to leave the earth, in the face of his parents, grandfather and other happy expression, chen fan also nodded in agreement.

Naturally, it is not a matter of one or two days to call the clan together.

Chen Fan lived in Dongshan villa. If you don't have to tease your sister Chen Guoguo, by the way, you can point out the cultivation of the Canglong team. Although he won't teach the true cultivation of immortals to the Canglong team, some body refining skills are OK.

Fang Qiong seems to feel something, contrary to the normal, did not go to China shipping, but accompanied by Chen fan.

This day.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, the sky is clear and cloudless.

Chen fan, Chen Huai'an and Fang Qiong are sitting on the top of the East Mountain, slowly cooking tea and chatting. Qianyexue acts as a maid. Chen Huai and others also knew her identity, so they didn't care."Xiaofan, what's on your mind these days?"

Chen Huaian's mood is detached, and his eyes move like a candle. It's easy to see that Chen fan is wrong.

Fang Qiong smell speech, also raise a head, beautiful Mou worry of hope.

After a pause, chen fan finally put down his tea cup and said, "grandfather, Xiao Qiong, I may be leaving the earth."


This remark, the presence of three people, all pale.

PS: the fourth one is for the monthly ticket_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!