Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 682

"Is it true or not?"

No matter in the records of the holy see or other ancient orthodoxy.

Kunxu is an incomparable giant. It is said that the descendants of Oriental immortal live in it. It is a pure land of immortals, far away from common customs.

Such a visitor to fairyland was defeated by Chen Fan and even the gate of fairyland was closed?

"It is said that five earth immortals have come to kunxu. Two of them are also the most powerful of the earth immortals and famous figures in kunxu. But he was still swept by Chen beixuan and killed all of them. He didn't even leave his body. "

A well-informed person revealed.

Everyone who heard it shuddered.

Five immortals, what's the concept?

It's hard to say whether there are five immortals on the earth today. Even if there is, I don't know where to stay. Such a huge lineup, but Chen Fan was killed, how can people not be surprised?

"After today, the military and Taoist circles of China and Japan will take the lead of China and never commit crimes again."

Yinglonghua, the head of the Japanese sword, issued an order, which was said to be supported by the great God of Yishi.

Brahman in India, golden religion in South America, Buddhism in Southeast Asia and voodoo in Africa are all banned.

Chen fan is so terrible. He even killed five immortals. It's more terrifying than his bare handed crushing of Xuezu. As for the Japanese plutocrats and the prince of Thailand who spoke at the CIA forum, they were lost. Are in a hurry to think, how to give Chen Fan apology.

Only Teddy lanster, with the support of the United States, is still adamant, but he doesn't dare to stand up after all.


the Holy See, an ancient monastery.

"Kunxu is the largest place in the world, and it is also the strongest among the many mysteries of legend. Even they were defeated. It seems that we underestimated Chen beixuan's power. "

An old man in linen coughed and said.

"There is no stability in Xianmen. There won't be too many strong people coming from kunxu. But Chen beixuan's power is really beyond our imagination. Even Xuezu was crushed directly by him. "

The adjudicator, with heavy armor and golden hair, frowned and said:

"your honor, Xuezu is dead, and our last instructions have been completed. Next, should we...

" Xuezu is not alone, it's just a name. It represents a group of evil beings who have fallen into the dark abyss and are silent in the depths of the sea of blood. "

A clear and peaceful voice came.

When the adjudicator looked up, he saw a boy in cloth clothes, barefoot, white as milk, blue as sea, walking slowly. He was only fifteen or sixteen years old, but his breath was as vast as the sky. The infinite power of light condenses behind him and makes him like an angel.

"Your honor."

Both the old man in sackcloth and the judge immediately got up and saluted the barefoot boy solemnly.

"The blood ancestor died, but the war is not over. But in any case, we can't provoke Chen beixuan. I saw the stars falling and the gods howling on him. He is the spokesman of death in the world. "

Said the barefoot boy slowly.

The two men who knew their identities were shocked.

"My Lord, in your capacity, you also need to be afraid of Chen beixuan?" The adjudicator cried out.

"I saw my father's shadow in him!"

The barefoot boy closed his eyes and said slowly.

The old man in sackcloth and the adjudicator were shocked and lost their voice.


this dialogue is going on in many ancient orthodoxy.

Only by these ancient orthodoxy can we know the horror of kunxu. The significance behind Chen Fan's sweeping the fairies in kunxu is simply terrifying. It's a legendary world where all the immortals gather and there are real gods!

"In the adjustment plan, Chen beixuan was listed as the first level of danger, and was juxtaposed with Russia and China."

The Pentagon issued a solemn order.

From this moment on, chen fan officially became the biggest strategic enemy of the United States. He needed to exert all his strength and would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons to eliminate his existence.

All the big powers in the world have responded. Russia immediately sent Oleg to visit Chen fan, trying to explain the last misunderstanding.

At this time, chen fan has left Kunlun and returned to the sword palace.

"This time, the achievements are very fruitful."

After comforting his parents and relatives, chen fan hid in the quiet room to see the results.

In one breath, he swallowed the four immortals, and they were all born in the middle. Now the swallowing yuan in the body is still in crazy operation, digesting those huge essence.

If it's a real Kunpeng, there's no need to care. Kunpeng's body has its own immeasurable space, that is, it can swallow up a galaxy. But Chen fan is different. He is only human after all.

"Kunpeng's magic power is good, but try not to use it. Digestion is a big problem every time. If you digest half of it, you will be in trouble when you meet the enemy. But when you meet Mo Qilin again, he is a strange beast with ancient blood. He still swallows a few more. The talent of extracting blood is really effective. "Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

A black flame and a golden flame were burning in his eyes.


He saw two flames in his eyes, crossing each other and turning into two-color flames.

Qilin fire and Jinyan are more powerful than before. Even a medium-sized artifact, in the flame, is quickly burned to ashes, which represents the ordinary earth immortal, dying when touched.

"Besides Jingyuan, I got a lot of weapons by the way."

Chen Fan took out treasures from the sword gourd.

It's a cool top-grade spirit garment, a diamond bead with truth engraved on it, an ancient sword with red scabbard, and finally, a long dark sword wrapped with purple electricity.

The first three pieces are all high-quality spirit weapons. They were collected from several earth immortals, but the last one came from the hand of thunder punishing earth immortals.

"Purple electricity crazy knife, this is a quasi spiritual treasure."

Chen fan reaches out his hand and holds the sword.


A burst of purple thunder exploded from the long dark knife and surrounded Chen Fan's palm. If there is spirit in Lingbao, it will recognize the Lord automatically. If you don't have enough strength, you can't subdue Lingbao at all. Although Zidian crazy knife is not a Lingbao, it is more rebellious.


Chen Fan drinks lightly, on the palm, blooms the bright green gold God awn. Unbeatable power, instant pressure, all lightning, all forced back to the body of the long knife, and firmly hold the handle.


Purple electricity crazy knife, issued a burst of uneven calls, and finally yield.

"Tear it."

Chen fan was holding a knife. He didn't use the slightest force. He just split it at will.

Purple knife gas, across ten Zhang, fiercely cut in the quiet room wall. If it wasn't for the sword palace array, countless talismans would surge. This knife is enough to go 100 meters.

"It's worthy of being a quasi Lingbao. It's an ordinary person. If you hold it, you can give full play to the power of the immortals."

Chen fan is satisfied.

Even for his current cultivation, purple electric crazy knife is a magic weapon. If he pushes with all his strength, one knife will be enough to split the mountain! Separate the river! Kill the carrier!

"Zhunlingbao is rare. It is a treasure to suppress the great religion. Even tianleizong may not have a few. Now one of them has fallen into my hands. I'm afraid the Lord of Tianlei sect will be angry. "

Chen fan had a smile on his face.

Now, there are only three things that can be regarded as quasi Lingbao in his hands.

Mercurial armor, spear of killing gods, and purple electric sword. Although Wulei seal is strong, it's worse than Lingbao in the end. It's just the top of the top Lingbao.

"In the future, I have mercury armor for defense, spear for killing gods for far attack, and purple electric crazy knife for close combat. If you refine the five thunder seals into Lingbao, one person can sweep the whole kunxu area! "

Chen fan is full of confidence.

However, the immortal gate is unstable and temporarily unable to pass, which makes Chen Fan very tangled.

"If you want to pass through the immortal gate, it's extremely dangerous because of my current cultivation."

"The power of space, but only Jindan is involved. However, since Xuezu said that his ancestors left the earth through other ways, it can be seen that there is not only one way to heaven. I'm afraid that every avenue has its way out of the earth. "

Chen Fan touched his chin:

"and since I was born, I haven't been with my parents, Anya and Xiaoqiong. Many relationships on the earth have not been smoothed out one by one. I'm not in a hurry to leave for the moment. "

Chen fan can think of it.

Once he set foot on the ancient road of the stars, far away from the earth. I'm afraid I can't come back in ten or eight years.

Chen fan will never leave the earth unless all the threats on the earth are wiped out and the beiqiong faction is not allowed to grow into a big tree. His parents have the power to defend themselves.

"In that case, come one by one."

"Go and see the old friends to see if they are well, and then visit the major forces of the earth. If you don't accept all the warnings, you will destroy them. Finally, we set out to find the way to heaven. If you really can't, you'll have to enter the immortal gate and enter the kunxu area. "

Chen fan has decided the next road in his heart.

"By the way, what should we do with these three fruits?"

Chen Fan's eyes swept on the golden tree in the corner, looking at the shining, lightning hunting thunder, frowning slightly.

Lei muguo is a precious medicine. One is enough to promote an ordinary monk to a higher level.

But it's extremely dangerous. After all, human beings are not spirit beasts in the valley of buried immortals. They have rough skin, thick flesh and strong body. In particular, there is a violent power of thunder robbery in the fruit of thunder robbery. If it is not protected by a powerful person, ordinary people will only die and have no life if they swallow it.

"The first one, I promise to Ye Qingcang, in return for his kindness, and by the way, make a good relationship with the Chinese nation behind him. After I left the earth, my parents still live in China. "

"Second, I'll stay and practice myself. The second picture of twelve days' work is a kind of thunder beast, just as a guide. "

"As for the third... To whom?"

Chen Fan fell into deep meditation.This is a treasure that can make people break through the congenital, and it is extremely precious.

Congenitally and refining Qi are the differences between immortals and common customs. It represents a kind of extraordinary evolution, a kind of life level transition. For anyone, it's a kind of fairy fate.

But to their parents, Xiao Qiong, they are not good at fighting even if they are promoted to be a Dixian. They are far from Xuezu and even the opponents of other old Dixian. But to Hua Yunfeng or Xie Yan, chen fan is not reconciled in his heart. After all, the relationship is not very close.

When Chen Fan was struggling.

Ye Qingcang's visit brings a surprise to Chen fan.

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!