Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 681

When Chen Fan and others were fighting in the burial Valley, the outside world was also turbulent.

Chen fan and ye Qingcang are their support and hope for the Chinese nation and the Chinese martial arts circle. Before the defensive position was built, it was up to the two of them to stop the immortal in kunxu.

"I don't know. How many immortals, Chen Tianren and ye Tianren, can deal with them?"

At the huaguowudao forum, someone hesitated.

"Chen Tianren hanged Xuezu with one hand, at least as good as two or three immortals. In addition, ye Tianren has absolutely no problem in the face of three or four Fairies in kunxu. "

Guo Xiaoman answered with confidence.

She has become Chen Fan's brain powder for a long time. Every day, she defends Chen Fan in the martial arts forum, and her ID "Xiao Manyao" is well known.

"The blood ancestor has lived for thousands of years. He has been old for a long time. How much strength is still in doubt. Needless to say, we don't know how many people come to kunxu. Five or six, even seven or eight at a time. No matter how strong Chen beixuan is, how many nails can he hit? "

One was sarcastic.

"According to the information, the immortal gate hasn't been opened yet. At most two or three people can come here temporarily. With the strength of the two talents, we can easily clean up. Please rest assured. "

ID Zhu xiaoque came out and assured everyone.

"Rosefinch, what first-hand information do you have in Kunlun? Come on, we're all in a hurry." Someone recognized the rosefinch and called at once.

"We are as anxious as everyone else, but please believe that the two heavenly beings, the 9th and 18th armies in the burial Valley, are ready to fight in an all-round way. All the country's major missile bases are on the string. All fighters take off all day. Even if Chen Tianren and others make mistakes, China has enough strength to protect everyone's interests. "

The rosefinch answered calmly.

Most of the people who went to the Wudao forum were martial arts. They had a deep understanding of the power of China.

That's the second largest country in the world, after the United States. The powerful nuclear arsenal is enough to suppress everything. It really infuriates China. It throws dozens of hydrogen bombs into the valley of buried immortals. All the immortals come here to deliver food.

But in the major dark forums abroad, there are more voices of schadenfreude.

"Chen beixuan defeated Ye Qingcang, killed Xuezu and oppressed all the countries. Now he has finally been punished."

"I heard that there are dozens of immortals in the kunxu area. Even three or five are enough to tear Chen beixuan to pieces. "

A Japanese warrior is cold hum.

"So many, if they kill Chen beixuan, what will they do? What can we do to resist so many immortals? " The other was worried.

"Are you stupid? Though the world is good, it is as free as the sky. Immortals see our world as we see deserts and swamps. Will you abandon your villa and go to live in the desert forest? "

There are senior strong people to explain.

For the major ancient systems of the earth, they are vaguely aware of the great changes in heaven and earth and the depletion of aura. I also know why the gods and immortals left the earth, so I don't worry about it.

As for asking chen fan to go to kunxu to apologize, it's just an excuse to bully chen fan.

"According to the ancient books, kunxu was the residence of Oriental immortals, which was inherited by many ancient sects, among which there were hundreds of earth immortals. Even after thousands of years, the number will decrease, which is far more than that of human beings. "

An ancient monk of the Holy See stood up and said.

It was recognized that the ancient friar was the former Cardinal of the Holy See, a powerful man in seclusion.

"So Chen beixuan is dead?"

The Vatican came out to endorse it, and many people were excited.

The west, Japan, Thailand and so on all have a grudge against Chen fan. They want to see Chen fan die. Over the past few years, chen fan has been rampant on the earth, killing countless gods. I don't know how many forces he has offended.

"When Chen beixuan died, I wrapped up Hawaii and invited people on the forum to play for ten days for free!"

A man named "Teddy lanster" was shouting at the CIA underground forum.

Many people know that this teddy lanster is a heavyweight of the lanster family in the United States, who specializes in managing the dark world and gang affairs. There are hundreds of fully armed mercenaries under his command. In the New York state generation, he is the top boss.

"I invite you to play for a month!"

A Japanese plutocracy master followed the post.

"Half a year, please!"

Cried a prince of the Thai royal family.

There are too many people Chen fan has offended all over the world. As soon as he met the crisis, the entire CIA underground forum was filled with ecstatic voices. However, more people are watching coldly.

"Since his debut, Chen beixuan has never been defeated. I don't know how many faces he has swollen. This time, perhaps, as before, the world will be shocked again. At that time, all the people who dare to clamor on the forum will be listed by North qiongpaila. "

Black and white, the demon hunter, said.

It was then that people remembered.

Even if Chen Fan died, beiqiong school was still there. It's a monster with three or four gods, the first force in the dark world!"What are you afraid of? The holy see is still there. I'll ask the Holy See to do justice when the time comes. What's more, the United States, Britain, France and other big powers were beaten in public by Chen beixuan last time. Can they bear this tone? "

The prince of Thailand yelled.

Thaksin, the God of Thailand, was slapped to death by Chen Fan in the Dragon hall. Thailand's royal family's hatred of Chen fan, simply poured three rivers of water, also can't wash.

"Wait, this battle is about the world pattern. If Chen beixuan wins, he will suppress the world and beiqiong will be invincible. If he dies, we will be ready to fight against the enemy in the kunxu area! "

The discerner came out and said.

For a moment, the whole forum was silent.

Those who support chen fan, and those who oppose chen fan, are waiting quietly, casting their eyes on Kunlun. Those who support Chen Fan expect chen fan to win. Those who oppose Chen Fan expect him to die.


Yanjing, Beishan villa.

Wang Zhongguo stands in front of the window, overlooking the brightly lit Yanjing city.

"Father, there's no news yet. You've been standing all day. Please sit down and have something to eat." Wang Keqin came over with a pale face.

For ordinary aristocratic families, the world of kunxu and the affairs of earthly immortals are just like legends, and they can't touch them at all. But the Wang family is one of the five major families in Yanjing. Although the family is declining, they are still well-informed.

"Keqin, I have some regrets."

Wang Zhongguo spoke.

"I regret that I didn't see that Chen Fan was the wood of Lingyun. I regret that when their mother and son went to the gate of the king's house, they didn't use family affection to win them over. Instead, they secretly calculated. I regret that I made constant decisions, which led to the repeated mistakes of the Wang family and the present situation. "

In Wang Keqin's puzzled eyes, Wang Zhongguo said slowly.

"Father, who can tell? Didn't we all lose sight at that time? Who would have thought that, as a little bastard, he could rise to the top of the world and become an immortal in the Ninth Heaven. "

Wang Keqin also said with a bitter smile.

"If Chen fan comes out alive this time, take me and apologize to Xiaoyun."

As soon as Wang Zhongguo said this, he seemed to be seven or eight years old.

His waist, which had never been bent, was slightly bent.

"But father, the Revenge of cheng'er is gone?" Wang Keqin was in a hurry.

Chen Fan cut off the relationship between the two families in front of the Wang family. Wang Keqin still remembers it all the time. It was his own son, the most proud descendant of his life.

"If he comes out of Kunlun, the general situation will be established, and no one in the world can shake him!"

Wang Zhongguo's eyes narrowed slightly and said slowly.

Wang Keqin was shocked.


these words are not only in Wang's family, Xiao's family, Han's family and Qin's family.

Before chen fan, although he was powerful, he was still not invincible in the eyes of these big families. Whether it is the nuclear weapons stored in Britain, France, the United States and other countries, or the super weapons that are really secretly developed, chen fan can be threatened or even killed.

It is said that a mysterious military base in China is studying how to kill the immortals with nuclear weapons.

But if Chen Fan defeated all the immortals in the kunxu, he would come out alive. He has made great contributions to China and the world. Is the hero of all mankind. If such a person wants to move him, he will offend the whole martial arts world of China and half of the dark forces of mankind.

Even the great powers in the world will be afraid of the rat.

Beiqiong sent people to gather in the sword palace and pray quietly.

"Don't worry, my teacher is invincible and will never lose."

Hua Yunfeng advised.

No matter Wang Xiaoyun, Anya or Fang Qiong, they haven't had a drink of water these days. They are all waiting quietly. After all, it's the kunxu world, the legendary fairyland and the place of immortals.

The xuanluo and tianmingzi who step out of them can sweep the world, not to mention their masters and ancestors?

"We don't know much about the Kun ruins and the burial valley. That thousand night snow, in a few months, kept his mouth shut and didn't disclose any information. If I hadn't been scrupulous about her master, I would have captured her, tortured her and searched her soul. "

Snow on behalf of the sand cold channel.

She is similar to qianyexue in temperament, but she is oppressed by qianyexue's appearance and cultivation. She is not happy for a long time.

"If you know more, you will be upset. If we say that there are hundreds of earth immortals in kunxu, and dozens of them will enter the world, what can we do? We can't fight yet. "

Xie Yan shook his head.

Kunxu, the mysterious fairyland, is now surrounded by clouds and mist. No matter what Yan Jingchao, xuanluo and others said, it's just a half and can't be seen clearly.

"Just wait."

Wang Xiaoyun bowed his head and prayed silently.

Beiqiong faction, Longtang, Hongmen, Chinese martial arts and Taoism, Japanese and Korean Kendo, and major dark forces. As well as many big powers, as well as the top aristocratic consortia, all cast their eyes on the world, quietly waiting for the end of the World War I....

July 5, 2012.

Chen fan, ye Qingcang and others stepped out of the burial valley.

In the valley, chen fan, with his own strength, swept all the immortals in kunxu and closed the gate of immortals. When the news came out, the whole earth was shocked, and even the great power of the world lost its voice.

One person, and the town of the world!

PS: the second one is here. The author continues to write the third one. From the beginning of the new January, he asks for a monthly ticket_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!