Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 680

"Dead, dead."

Qianyexue's lonely and thin figure, standing there, is like a cold and gorgeous snow lotus. His face was full of horror and shock.

Thunder punishes the immortals and suppresses the ruins of kunxu. In his hand, he holds the most precious "Purple electric sword" of Tianlei sect. The sword immortal of Changhe borrowed the power of Taoist master Qingxuan for a quarter of an hour. Although it was only 20% or 30%, it was also earth shaking. Needless to say, the heavenly corpse is the body of an ancient celestial being, and Mo Qilin has the blood of a divine beast...

these theories can be ranked in the kunxu world, close to the existence of the leaders of various religions and old monsters, but they are all swallowed up by chen fan. Not to mention the dead six spirit beasts and the Cold Moon Fairy and others.

Kunxu expeditionary army, completely destroyed!

"Is he a man or a demon reincarnated?"

Qianyexue looks at Chen Fan in horror.


See green gold God awn, a contraction. The ten foot long Kunpeng beast gradually turns into countless light spots, merges into Chen Fan's four limbs, bones and spirits, and finally shows Chen Fan with black hair, black pupil and white clothes.


Chen Fan breathed out a long breath, barely calming the violent force in his body.

Kunpeng's magic power, though earth shaking, can devour everything. But after all, he is not Kunpeng's real body. He forced to swallow the four congenital metaphase, which has exceeded his limit. At this time, chen fan's body, swallow day yuan is crazy operation, in order to digest this huge power.

"If I swallow these people, my real yuan will grow by about 10%. It's too inefficient."

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

Although it is easy to use, it is not omnipotent. Just like a man eating a cow, can his weight and strength increase the strength of a cow?

It's impossible.

After Chen Fan swallows the four auras in the middle of the congenital period, most of the useless ones will be filtered out. Only a small part of life essence can be integrated into Chen Fanxiu's works. Even for this small part of life essence, chen fan is also cautious.

"I'm not a Kunpeng. I can't accept all the rivers and all the strength. The most important thing for those who want to ascend to heaven step by step and cast the supreme Taoist foundation is to be unique. In my last life, it was by virtue of my pure invincibility that I was able to cross the universe and dominate the world. "

Chen Fan said, eyes firm.

"However, this swallowing power has another advantage, that is, the power of stripping blood."


A black flame suddenly peels off and filters out from Zhenyuan. It's Mo Qilin's Qilin fire.

"Qilin fire is also a famous magic power in the universe, not inferior to Kunpeng's power of swallowing heaven. However, the ink Unicorn only has a little blood, and its power difference is 18000 Li. But it's enough for me


See black flame only, from Dan Tian in, pour into pupil.

In the pupil of Chen Fan's eye, two black flames suddenly appeared, and then the black flame gradually merged with the golden flame beside him. Gradually turned into a two-color flame of black and gold. The fire beat, showing a trace of destruction.

"The golden pupil of Lihuo can hold all kinds of fire in the world. It is said that there was once a true immortal who had reached the extreme of cultivation and integrated 7865 kinds of divine fire in the universe. Once released, the power could destroy the sky and the earth, and melt the stars. I don't know when I will be able to make such amazing powers. "

Chen Fan thought, coming down from the sky.

"Mr. Chen."

Ye Qingcang came here with a very respectful attitude.

Qianyexue came forward with pale face and complicated eyes.

Chen Fan pushed ten thousand enemies with one hand and swallowed up the power of the sun and the moon, which really calmed the founder of Kunlun. Only at this time did he realize that Chen fan had reached a state far beyond him.

"I'm afraid that Mr. Chen's last life was a golden elixir, even a yuan baby."

Ye Qingcang thought and said respectfully:

"master, that Archean fire ape has escaped."

"Ha ha, I set a ban in it. I really think I can escape in this way?" Chen Fan sneered, reached out to the void, and five streamers flew out of his fingers.

It won't be long.

Only listen to the voice of "ouch, ouch".

A group of green gold God awn, flying from afar. Inside is the Archean fire ape wrapped by five green gold chains.

"God spare my life, God spare my life, I don't dare any more!"

The Archean fire ape was so scared that he knelt down to beg for mercy.

Chen Fangen didn't bother to pay attention to the fire monkey, but directly handed it over to Ye Qingcang. If you didn't want to find the immortal gate and inquire about the burial of the immortal Valley, you would have slapped yourself dead.

"Next, take away the thunder."

Chen Fan turned his head and looked at the golden tree and the three bright fruits on it.

This time, no one bothered him. Chen fan directly used his magic power to pull out mountains and shake the earth.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

From his hands, the green and golden awns flew out, turned into God chains and twined on the black peaks. Each chain is as thick as a bucket, just like immortal gold."Get up!"

Chen Fan grabs and drinks.

Infinite divine power, from his four limbs, viscera, burst out at the same time. It seems that 100 atomic bombs are exploding in the body, making a thunder like sound. The terrible real yuan, the impact of his robes flying, long hair floating.


The hundred meter high yuanci mountain was lifted up by his hand.

Although yuanci mountain is much lighter than an ordinary mountain peak, it is still shocked by two people and a monkey.

"Use the power of heaven and earth!"

Chen fanmeng stamped his foot and drank in the air.

I saw the vitality of tens of miles, which was transferred by Chen Fan in an instant. The infinite power of heaven and earth turns into a giant hand, grabbing the black mountain peak and lifting it in the air. In this way, chen fan, holding the peak in one hand, and playing a series of tricks with the other hand, wanted to refine them on the spot.

"Bang bang."

Gold Charms are injected into the black mountain.

The hundred meter high black hill gradually shrinks. In the end, it is only a few meters around. Chen fan directly takes out the sword gourd and takes it in.

"This... Mr. Chen?"

Ye Qingcang has been stunned.

"Lei Ya Guo, only grows on yuanci mountain. This kind of yuanci mountain, which has been refined by thunder for thousands of years, has long been full of aura and is a natural treasure. As long as you know how to control treasure, you can refine it. "

Chen Fan explained.

There was a surge of joy in his heart.

This time I was buried in immortal Valley, the most important thing was not Lei muguo, but yuanci mountain.

This kind of natural material and local treasure is the best material to make "Lingbao". If you can integrate it into your own "five thunder seal", maybe you can refine it into a "spiritual treasure". At that time, all the leaders of the kunxu world would be together, and Chen Fan was not afraid.

"Brother ye, it's not ripe yet. When it's mature, I'll give you one. " Chen Fan said.

"Master Chen is serious. You have made great achievements in suppressing the enemies in the kunxu area and protecting the common people and China. I'm just coming here to fight. How dare I take the fruit of Lei Diao Bao when I have no effect? "

Ye Qingcang face a Su, quickly declined.

"I have made up my mind."

Chen fan is firm.

This time, ye Qingcang is not afraid to die, and he comes up to stop the enemy for him. Chen fan has his own worries in his eyes. Beixuan xianzun has always had a clear sense of gratitude and resentment, and he will repay his kindness.

"... yes."

Ye Qingcang knew his temperament and could only bow down.

Next, under the guidance of the fire ape, they flew to the immortal gate. Although the burial Valley is extremely dangerous, there are many demons and beasts, and there are many gaps and killing arrays.

But in front of Chen Fan's majestic power, those surviving spirit beasts dare to stand up?

But in two or three hours, the people flew to the immortal gate.

The gate of immortals is still towering, with a hundred Zhang stone platform, which is simple and grand, just like the viewing platform of the ancient emperor of heaven to inspect the immortals. Two stone pillars rise up from the sky. However, the light gate in the middle of the stone pillar is sparkling and shaking violently, just like the agitated lake water.

"What's the matter? Is there another immortal coming

Ye Qingcang's face changed wildly.

They had just gone through a big war, chen fan, who was still digesting the Tao of the four immortals. At this time, they played up to half of their fighting power. If the enemy of kunxu comes again, what will it take to face it.

Especially this time, if the kunxu Kingdom comes, it must be an old monster in the late congenital period, or even a big sect leader. That kind of power is far more than thunder, punishment, immortals and so on.

"Not really. It seems that something is wrong with this fairy gate."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

From his perspective, we can see at a glance that the so-called immortal gate is just a space channel connecting with another small world. However, at this time, the space channel is very unstable and will collapse at any time.

"Is it before, thunder punishment, immortals and so on, forced through, interfered with the operation of the immortal gate?"

Chen Fan touched his chin.

Xuezu once said that the gate of immortals is fragile and can't allow too many immortals to pass through. Yan Jingchao also said that it will be at least four months before the gate of immortals will be opened for the exchange of immortals.

Lei Xing, di Xian and so on. Before the time, they forcibly used the secret treasure of space to split the immortal gate. And once, he came here wearing five earth immortals, including him and Changhe sword immortals, which were strong earth immortals in the middle of the congenital period.

Obviously, it has greatly disturbed the operation of Xianmen.

After Chen Fan said this theory, ye Qingcang was happy: "so, this immortal gate, no one can wear it again?"

"In a short time, at least, it's impossible. Except for the fairies in the kunxu area, each of them has its own golden elixir, which can carry the turbulent flow of time and space. Otherwise, no one can cross the immortal gate in two or three years. However, after two or three years, the immortal gate will be completely stable, and maybe it will stay forever and never be closed again... "

Chen Fan said, shaking his head slightly."Two or three years is enough. In the next two or three years, we can be ready to let these fairies in the kunxu world taste the power of modern technology. "

Ye Qingcang hammered his thigh and cried joyfully.

And next to the snow, but a dim vision.

Even Chen Fan frowned. The instability of the immortal gate not only means that the earth immortal in the kunxu world can't come to the world, but also means that he can't go to the kunxu world in a short time to find the way out of the earth.

"Well, let's leave first. People outside may be anxious."

Chen Fan shook his head and said.

He knew that when they stepped out of the burial Valley, what a big storm they would bring to the world.

PS: only two chapters were changed yesterday, and today we will compensate you. When the new January begins, the author wants to cheer up and start fighting. His friends ask for monthly tickets_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!