Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 679

Kunpeng FA Xiang is the first change of Tuntian Tu.

It can evolve the inner divine image from the outside and exert one tenth of the real Kunpeng's power. Although it was only one tenth, it was also extremely terrifying, far beyond the imagination of the people in the kunxu community.

The vast vitality of heaven and earth is like the ocean of Kunpeng. As soon as it appears, the vitality of the whole area is controlled by it.

"How can it be!"

All the immortals and the spirit beasts are staring at each other and can't believe it.

Chen Fan survived the blow of so many strong men. What is his body made of? Can it be comparable to Lingbao? What kind of ghost is this strange bird? How did Chen Fan become a bird.

Only a thousand night snow beautiful eyes shrink, thought of Chen Fan break through the scene of the disaster.

"What is this?"

The Cold Moon Fairy was shocked.

For the first time, she saw such a strange skill. It turned human into animal. In particular, the strange beast, with a vast ancient, just like the breath of all living beings, is like the overlord standing at the top of the food chain.

No matter Mo Qilin or Lei Bao or Chi Hu, they all want to kneel down.

"How do you know my strength?"

At this time, chen fan, who is in the center of the vortex, finally raises his eyes.

His eyes, like bottomless abyss, with the ferocious breath of ancient times, seem to devour everything and dominate everything.

This is the domineering spirit of Kunpeng. The whole body is like immortal gold. From the inside to the outside, it blooms cyan and golden light. Black whirlpool condenses around the body, driving the power to the top.

"Today, let's see what is the real magic power and unique skill!"

Chen Fan's hands spread out slowly, just like the wings of a ROC.


The beast flapped its wings.

It's as if the rosefinch strikes three thousand worlds, and the giant Kun devours hundreds of millions of stars. With incredible terrorist power, it sets off a huge wave in the void! In front of this invincible power, any magic power is as vulnerable as a mole ant.


In Mo Qilin's body, a trace of Qilin's blood is activated, which immediately leads to ferocity.

It opened its mouth, enough to burn the black flame of the void, fierce and thick, turned into a towering pillar of fire, burning to Chen fan.

This is the Qilin fire inherited from Mo Qilin's blood. Although it's not as powerful as the real Qilin's magic fire, it's also extremely terrifying. It's not inferior to Chen Fan's golden pupil of Lihuo.


The thunder leopard, the red tiger and the White Snake are all terrified. They push their talent to the extreme.

See when the blank practice like rainbow, thunder and lightning like rain, red flame like raging waves. So many spirit beasts and immortals, even the void seems to be cracked. The whole sea of vitality boils into chaos, causing all objects to collapse within a kilometer radius.

Much more powerful than before. It is Lei Xing, di Xian, Tian Shi Zhen Jun and so on. They all try their best!


Just then, chen fan moved.

He fluttered his wings slightly and broke the sound barrier in an instant.

Eight times, nine times, ten times!

At that moment, chen fan reached ten times the speed of sound with his body. It's almost like a streamer, a mirage, a detached space. Even the naked eye can't capture his body shape

how fast the speed of sound is ten times, reaching 3 kilometers per second!

With a flick of his finger, chen fan flashed a hundred feet away.


His sharp wings, like the immortal god of gold to build a knife, flying across the sky. More than ten meters long thunder leopard and red tiger, fiercely issued a earth shaking howl.

Their bodies were split in two from the middle!

In front of Chen Fan's Divine Wings, the spirit beast's body, which is hard enough to carry the first-class spirit weapon, has no room to resist, just like a fragile tofu.

"Kill him!"

In Mo Qilin's eyes, he was furious.

The surging black flame in his mouth turns into a raging dragon and burns to Chen fan, trying to burn him to ashes. But Chen Fan now appears Kunpeng method phase, master absolute speed, which also hard with it?


Chen Fan spread his wings again and flashed behind the angry flame.


Master Nu Yan is a well-known Dixian. At that moment, he responded and played twelve Buddhist beads. Each Buddha bead is engraved with the diamond body, which can carry the strike of the twelve earth immortals!

But how terrible is Chen Fan's power at this time? That's the peak, and that's all!


There are twelve sutras that make up for Sanskrit Dharma. The golden barrier breaks away from the middle. It's like a rag cut by scissors.

And a bitter smile appeared on his face, and then a bloodstain appeared on his brow.

This bloodstain, at first only eyebrows, then derived to the nose, chin, chest, and then split into two in the air!The immortal of Leiyin mountain was cut into two pieces by Chen fan?

"You want to die!"

The thunder punishes the earth immortal and so on to see, all of them want to crack.

Their attacks hardly touched chen fan, but they were repeatedly defeated by Chen fan. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that except for the four strong ones, all the other immortals and beasts will be killed by Chen fan.

"Run away!"

White Snake, Golden Eagle, scared out of their wits, turn around and run!

But Chen Fan's speed, how fast, almost disappeared. Ten times the speed of sound is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. I saw a faint white mark in the void. Even if the air is torn, there is no time to react.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Almost between the fingers.

Another two spirit beasts were cut into two pieces by Chen fan. His divine wings were like immortal swords. They were extremely sharp, cutting gold and iron, cutting the void!


At this time, Lei xingdixian finally found the right opportunity and a thunder knife came.

The purple thunder cuts through the space, the thunder light is surging, and turns into tens of feet long Thunder Dragon, which seems to be incomparable.


Chen Fan did not dodge, directly to the left wing, hard shoulder the thunder penalty immortal hit. His shining wings of green gold God awn collided with purple thunder crazy knife, and even made a clear metal cross sound.

In the startled eyes of Lei Xing Di Xian, zhunlingbao purple thunder crazy knife, not only didn't split Chen Fan's wings, but bounced high. He was also in the hands of the great force, directly hit the backward fly out, like a meteor.

"It's too strong. I'll fart. Run away quickly!"

One side stopped Ye Qingcang's Archean fire ape, saw this scene, scared three souls out of the body, seven tricks smoke. Set up a firework directly and flee to the distance.

The Cold Moon Fairy and the last two spirit beasts were scared in their hearts, and they turned around to flee.

"It's no use. In front of me, you can't escape?"

Chen fan is flapping his wings again.

All of a sudden, the void is torn, and the white mark runs through the sky. With unmatched power, he instantly killed the Cold Moon Fairy. The Cold Moon Fairy only had time to scream and hit a magic light of ice spirit. Chen fan, even a man with a magic weapon, smashed his wings and crushed his spirits.

"Martial uncle!"

A thousand nights of snow.

At this time, the battlefield has entered the white hot.

Mo Qilin is fierce, and his body is full of anger. He almost turns into a black rainbow. Heaven corpse really king, it is every blow, all take up gush corpse spirit, sweep all directions. The sword immortal of Changhe controls the flying sword, and the sword Qi is full of heaven and earth. Thunder punishes the earth immortal. He is furious. He has a purple thunder knife in his hand.

These four masters, who have reached the peak in the middle of their lives, are fighting with all their strength!

It's a pity that their attack did not hurt chen fan. God body small cost is strong, plus Kunpeng God body, is Lingbao may not be able to cut open.

As for the Black Unicorn fire and the ferocious sword Qi, chen fan directly opened his mouth and swallowed them all.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The void vibrates.

Chen fan and them instant hand in hand, continuous collision seven or eight times. Although each time, there is a person or an animal, hematemesis back. But they have four, and Chen fan has only one. Immediately someone else will fill the gap.

See chaos churn, energy surge. When the five fight to rise, it's like a storm sweeping through heaven and earth. All the mountains, valleys and woods are crushed in front of the five strong forces.

"Do you think that's the only thing I can do with the picture of swallowing heaven?"

Once again, chen fan flapped the flying corpse with his wings. His eyes were indifferent and he hummed coldly.

The mystery of Kunpeng's Dharma is beyond the imagination of people on earth. Chen Fangang is just using the most basic physical force. I can't breathe.


Chen Fan stands in the air and opens his mouth. A huge black whirlpool emerges.

At this moment, Chen FA finally showed Kunpeng's real magic power to the world. Kunpeng's heaven swallowing power is not a combat skill, but you can swallow all kinds of magic and powers. Who can help me?

"No, go back!"

Seeing the black hole emerge, there is a trace of astonishment on the face of the immortal.

But at this time, it was too late. Mo Qilin rushes to the front. There's no time to stop. Directly swallowed by the black hole, it struggles wildly, and the black flame surges wildly. However, in front of the swallowing magic power, it is like a mole ant, and there is no room for resistance.


In the eyes of the people.

Chen fan forced one of the descendants of Kirin, who had been practicing for nearly a thousand years, into his mouth. As soon as Mo Qilin's huge body enters Chen Fan's stomach, it turns into a surging aura, which makes his accomplishments soar.

"That's the right way to use the power of swallowing. Who's next?"

Chen Fan squinted at the other three.

"Back up!"

At this time, it is the most decisive Lei Xing Di Xian, who can't help but get hairy in his heart and quickly retreat. But in front of Kunpeng, who can escape?After a flick of a finger, Tian Shi Zhen Jun is swallowed up by Chen fan. The thousand year old corpse Qi is directly digested and refined by the supernatural power. It turns into rolling true yuan and fills Chen Fan's whole body.

Three fingers later, Changhe Sword Fairy, sword broken, people died, also swallowed.

Ten fingers later, Lei xingdixian, after all, can't support it, and the crazy knife comes out of his hand. Chen fan has swallowed him up and refined him into endless real yuan.

But in the blink of an eye.

Eight spirit beasts and four earth immortals were destroyed.

Chen fan actually swept the whole burial Valley and the kunxu area with one enemy.

Only Ye Qingcang and qianyexue were left standing aside, stupefied and unable to believe all this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!