Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 675

Chen Fan's eyes are cold, like the cold wind of the ice field, freezing through the world.

And the golden Thunder Dragon, at this time, has opened his teeth and claws, tearing the sky. It is composed of countless burst thunder rays, each of which contains the destructive power of terror. Although it is far inferior to the "five elements God thunder", it has the strongest and most powerful Qi to kill the demons and resist the evils.

The devil's thunder!

With this magic power, thunder punishing immortals can cross the world of kunxu. There are few rivals, except for those in charge. I don't know how many evil local immortals turned into powder under this attack.

When the spirit beasts saw it, they all felt tight in their hearts, as if they were facing the enemy.

But Chen Fan did not dodge, still standing there, carrying his hands. The terrible Lei Jiao rushed to his body and was swallowed up by the black whirlpool.

Kunpeng's power of swallowing heaven is much stronger than thunder.

"It's interesting."

Lei Xing Di Xian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although he didn't give his full strength to the blow just now, ordinary earth immortals couldn't take it because of his innate mid-term peak cultivation. He would be seriously injured and die in one blow. Chen Fan didn't think about it, but he carried it down quietly.

"Look at the secular world in the afterlife, it's really a genius. No wonder it can kill xuanluo and kill the tianmingzi. It's a pity that you shouldn't offend our kunxu sect. We are descendants of heaven. You are just ordinary people. If you offend immortals with people, you should be punished according to the law! "

Lei xingdixian said that, this time, he waved his sleeve robe at the same time and made two 20 Zhang long golden electric dragons.

Leijiao dances in the sky, shining through the half of the sky.

This blow, the thunder punishment immortals have already poured into seven parts of the force, that terrible power, is even seven Jue old man's face dignified. With their strength, means and cards, they may not be able to resist.

"You want to die!"

Chen Fan's face was expressionless, his eyes were cold, and he was really angry.

Leijieguoshu is protected by the Dharma array and connected with the whole immortal burial array. Chen Fanzhen uses his supernatural power to pull up the mountain and capture leijieguoshu completely, but he is interrupted repeatedly. How can he not be angry?


Chen Fan grabs the emptiness.

A huge black whirlpool, invisible, in the air. As soon as they reached the mid air, they were engulfed by the black whirlpool.

"What kind of magic power is this?"

Qijue old man and others all frowned slightly.

The thunder, the God of demons, is strong enough to smash all magic weapons.

But Chen Fan quietly swallowed up, there is no movement, in the kunxu world, they have never seen such a strange magic power.

Thunder robbing Dixian shot twice in a row, but he didn't do anything. His face was a little ugly. His eyes were shining with thunder, and he was ready to use his real strength. All of a sudden, there was a crackle.


The thunder pillar around the golden tree suddenly collapses and shatters. The whole tree and yuanci mountain are exposed to the public.

"The array is broken, grab the thunder and rob the fruit!"

The exasperation flame venerable a high cry.

A few spirit beasts, but also a bright eye, all gave up Ye Qingcang, desperately rushed to the golden tree. It's a precious medicine that can be promoted and refined by swallowing.

Especially the LeiBao, which is more than ten meters long, is the fastest.

Its body shape pulls out an electric light in the air, which is as fast as flint. It instantly breaks the sound barrier and rushes away at several times the speed of sound.

"Stop them, our Tianlei sect will produce 120000 spirit stones!"

Thunder punishes the immortal to burst to drink, no matter chen fan again, turn into the golden thunderbolt directly, rush to the golden small tree. Including seven Jue old man, anger flame venerable etc., all rushed forward.

In front of a treasure tree, what is the Revenge of a mere disciple?

Anyway, chen fan can run away from the monk but not the temple. As long as he is still in the secular world, Lei Xing, di Xian and others will eventually find Chen Fan's clan relatives, and it will be OK to turn the secular world upside down.

"Get out of here!"

Leixing Dixian makes a leijiao more than 20 feet long, and with the power of killing demons, he bites the fastest charging LeiBao.

LeiBao is a descendant of thunder beasts in ancient times. He was born to control thunder and lightning. He also controls a kind of magic power "Jingang shenlei!" A layer of golden awn appears on its body surface, just like a vigorous mask, which surrounds the whole body and is immune to all thunder methods.

However, under the attack of the immortal, even the thunder leopard couldn't bear it and let out a howl.


There was a loud noise.

Lei Baogang's cover is broken, and his fur is full of blood. He is seriously injured and falls to the ground.

With the power of thunder leopard, they can't stop thunder punishing the immortals, which shows the terror of the deputy leader of Tianlei sect. Other several spirit beasts saw, immediately beast pupil a shrink, speed slow a minute.

At this time, the seven Jue old man had already rushed up and stopped a spirit beast, especially Changhe Dixian. He was able to fight three with one.

"If you take this treasure tree back, it will be enough to suppress the spirit of my religion. At that time, every three hundred years, I will teach three inborn, and practice top-level magic power. If we accumulate a few more years, we will have no fear in the face of Yuntian palace. "Thunder punishes the immortals and rushes to the treasure tree. The greedy color in his eyes can't stop.

He never thought that a trip to the earth would bring him such a great harvest. In contrast, what's the point of death?


When thunder punishes the earth immortal and is ready to use his magic power to absorb the treasure tree, a voice suddenly comes from his ear:

"this treasure tree is my foreknowledge, and the array is broken by me. How dare you take it?"


As soon as the immortal turned his head, he saw Chen Fan standing behind him with his hands on his back.

"Chen beixuan?"

Lei Xing Di Xian's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a sneer:

"I still want to let you live. If you take advantage of this precious tree and escape, you will live longer. Even dare to stop me. Don't blame me for killing you and then killing your family to warn the secular world that our immortal family is dignified and can't be violated! "

Thunder punishes the immortals and says that it has a pride of killing the world and punishing all living beings.

He enforced the law for tianleizong, took charge of the criminal law, deterred the kunxu community, followed his words and obeyed his instructions. Naturally, he was domineering.

"Is it?"

Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

At this time, the seven Jue old man took a Black Whirlwind and rushed in the air: "Lei Xing Shang Xian, you take fruit trees first, and I'll kill Chen beixuan. If you slow down a step further, the real king of beasts in the burial valley will come. "

Sure enough, the immortal of thunder punishment listened.

And he heard faintly, and there came a sound of drinking in the distance. Through dozens of miles, you can vaguely hear the earth shaking roar. It must be a ferocious beast.

"Spare your life first."

Thunder punishment immortal cold hum, directly around chen fan, into a thunder light giant hand, cover to the golden tree. This Zunbao tree is connected with the whole yuanci mountain. If you want to capture it, you must move the whole yuanci mountain. Even if it's thunder punishing the immortals, we have to do our best to do it.

"You want to spare me, but I don't know. I haven't spared you yet."

With a faint smile, chen fan's eyes were indifferent. With a flick of his fingers, a black real yuan turned into a huge whirlpool and stopped Lei Guangju from punishing the immortals.

"Boy, your opponent is me."

The old man gave a sneer.

As one of the elders of mieqing Dao, he has a high status. Even the master of mieqing Taoism had to give him three points of thin noodles when he saw him, not to mention chen fan, who was just in the secular world?


Seven old people, such as spring thunder.

In a flash, he turned into a thin film of light and shadow. From a strange angle, he miraculously appeared behind chen fan. In his hand, he magically turned into a strange dagger.

The dagger is divided into seven sections, each of which is engraved with a special poisonous curse, which is enough to make the body of the earth immortal fall, more like a snake. Once waved, a green snake soul emerged from the top, with the ferocious spirit of tearing the spirit, only came.

Seven Star snake soul dagger.

This is one of the patriarchal weapons of mieqing Daozhen. It's a medium spirit weapon!

Qijue old man is famous for Qixing Jue poison. He controls seven kinds of curse, seven kinds of poison. Every door is enough to kill the earth immortal. Seven in one, that is, the top immortals are unable to carry. Especially the snake spirit with the seal on it is an ancient viper. It is extremely poisonous and is good at evil spirits. Although it's a medium quality weapon, its lethality is not inferior to that of the best.

With this blow, the seven Jue old man is enough to crush Xuezu and ye Qingcang and dominate the earth.

"Just like ants."

Chen Fan's eyes were calm. He raised his finger and pointed. When he became a small God, he could cross the blood ancestor. Now he has broken through the congenital, but he still pays attention to the early congenital.


See Chen Fan a finger to hit, seven Jue old man's face suddenly appear a trace of you deceived smile.

As soon as he had a light drink, the seven Jue old man's figure changed, and two illusions appeared in the air. These two phantoms, each holding a ferocious dagger, besieged Chen Fan from all directions.

Each dagger is full of ferocious blood evil spirit. Obviously, it is not inferior to the Seven Star snake soul dagger.

Three people together, just like three immortals together, chen fan instantly into danger.

"You people in the secular world are too young after all. But don't know, I put out the love way to pay attention to, the lion fight the rabbit also with all one's strength! I've been in kunxu for hundreds of years, but I don't have many ways to suppress the bottom of the box. Let's have a taste of my "seven illusions" technique. "

The seven Jue old man opened his mouth with a sneer in his eyes.

The seven illusions of exterminating emotion is the secret skill of exterminating emotion. It's said that the great master of mieqing Dao used it to transform into seven separate bodies.

In a short period of time, the original strength of each separation can burst out, which is equivalent to the joint efforts of seven people. It's the assassin's must kill theory. Although the seven Jue old man has no such power, he can transform into two parts, which is enough to cross the earth.


Chen fan was silent and indifferent. In this way, let the other two daggers stab him, but he still hit out flat and pointed on the Seven Star snake soul dagger."Click."

Seven Jue old man smile fierce stiff on the face.

See that green snake soul roar of dagger, unexpectedly fiercely send out a whine, start from the blade tip, inch inch break up. That powerful force, along with the dagger, all the way to the seven Jue old man crazy rush away, seven Jue old man like lightning, instant vomit blood defeat.

One finger.

The spirit weapon is broken, the earth immortal is defeated! , the fastest update of the webnovel!