Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 676


The figure of the seven Jue old man retreated abruptly, sprinkling a string of blood beads in the air. First, the dagger in his hand was cut open, and then the blood column burst from his shoulders, chest, thighs and arms.

Chen Fan's power is so terrible. It's just like Mount Tai. Although it's just a finger, it has the power of nuclear explosion, which can't be supported by the body of Dixian.

At the end.


The wild and fierce Zhenyuan exploded directly on the old man Qijue, and blew him into a blood mist.

"How could it be?"

See this scene, whether it is cold moon fairy, or anger flame venerable etc., all pupil a shrink. Even the Sword Fairy can't help it. Old man Qijue is also the elder of mieqing Dao. He's an old Dixian. Unexpectedly, he can't even hold Chen Fan's finger. Is he still from the secular world?


A dark shadow suddenly flashed out of the blood mist, showing the figure of the seven Jue old man. But at this time, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

If it wasn't before, he practiced for death, and blocked it for him.

With just one blow, chen fan was enough to kill him in the air.

"How could this guy be so powerful? It seems that he is one quarter higher than Lei Xing Di Xian. I haven't seen it in the patriarch. It seems that I can only vaguely see it in those big sect leaders who live at the top of kunxu. "

In the heart of the seven Jue old man, it was like a storm.

At this time, chen fan's pure theory of the true yuan was comparable to the peak of the innate, even had it. With the cultivation of Qijue old man, you have to fight your life to stop him.

"Not dead yet?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He underestimated the immortal of kunxu. After all, these earthly immortals are inherited from ancient times. Although they may not be powerful, they are extremely difficult to deal with and have various ways to protect their lives.

"But your magic power can save you once at most. Can it save you a second time?"

Chen Fan step out, a hundred Zhang void, at his feet, as if there is no such thing. He hovered in the air, moved to the seven Jue old man in an instant, and came again.

"Help me!"

Seven Jue old man roared. Wrinkled face, instantly turned into smooth skin, rosy face, white long hair also has black edge white, blood soared to the extreme, but also surging.

Obviously, in that moment, he had already used his secret skill to burn Qi and blood.


Seven Jue old man points out empty handed. The body shape is unreal. In the void, there are three illusions again. Each of these three phantoms comes from the air with the intention of exterminating everything.

"Mie Qing" refers to.

It seems to be martial arts, but in fact it is more important. It refers to the sense of hurting the soul and destroying the spirit.


The angry flame master uttered the Buddha's name, abandoned the white snake in front of him, and clapped it with one palm.

He practiced the unique skill of Leiyin mountain, big flame palm!

I saw a giant golden flame palm, more than ten feet in size, flying in the sky. It was like a Buddha's hand, like King Kong's coming into the world. It was burning fiercely. Chen Fan's strength was beyond the expectation of all the immortals in the kunxu community. They had to do their best.


Cold Moon Fairy, also play a spirit of ice.

See crystal clear light, across the sky, as if when the blank practice. The Holy Light collects the eternal cold air in kunxu, the far north, and condenses in Zhenyuan. Every time it hits, it is enough to chill all living beings.

Three immortals, together at the same time, the power suddenly earth shaking!

Even a thousand night snow all pupil a shrink.

Although she expected that Chen Fan was strong, she didn't expect to be so strong. He forced the seven Jue old man to death.

"But if the three immortals do it together, you won't have a chance."

Thousand night snow thought in the heart.

But in the next scene, she couldn't help staring.


Chen Fan's face was calm and calm. With a wave of his sleeve robe and a green and gold fingerprint, he smashed out of the air and hit the flame's giant palm fiercely.

Zhang long green gold fingerprints, more than ten Zhang in front of the flame giant palm, like ants.

But just a click!

With the sound of many Sanskrit chants, the giant palm of flame burst out, just like the glass was hit by a heavy hammer and broke instantly. The green and gold fingerprints, with incomparable domineering spirit, cross the sky to the angry flame.

"Damn it."

The angry flame master's face changed wildly, and he shot out several Buddhist beads one after another.

These beads are sealed with "great Vajra Taicang Dharma mantra", which is enough to resist the attack of the earth immortal. But in front of the green gold fingerprints, everything is broken like a local chicken and a dog. In the end, the angry flame master hesitated, took out a diamond bead that looked like a glass relic, and gritted his teeth to make it.

"Bam! Bam

Void shows an old monk sitting cross legged.The old monk had the idea of being the strongest and the most powerful, and never moving. Recite the truth, clap it with one hand, and collide with the green gold fingerprints. In the void burst out many loud noise, the last two have disappeared.

"That's the" true word diamond pearl "given to me by Zen master Longxiang of Leiyin mountain. It can resist the attack of a Dixian for three days and three nights. But he didn't want to be defeated. How strong is Chen beixuan? "

Anger flame venerable both flesh ache, and frightened.

At this time, the ice spirit of the Cold Moon Fairy, as well as the seven Jue old man's mieqing finger, killed one after another.

Chen Fan opened his mouth.

"Poof Pooh."

The spirit of ice, which was enough to freeze the soul and turn the square into frost, was swallowed by him like a puff of vermicelli. Let the Cold Moon Fairy gape, like a ghost.

Then, chen fan did not dodge, let three magic body, point on him.

Three black whirlpools appear in the air. The magic body is enough to make the spirit of the earth immortal die. When you point on the black whirlpool, you are immediately engulfed. Kunpeng's heaven swallowing power is not only used for attack, but also for defense.


At this time, chen fan just pointed out.

This finger, obviously late, but as if out of time, first point to the seven Jue old man's forehead.

"I'm not reconciled..."

the seven Jue old man still has a sense of madness in his eyes.

It is clear that the three immortals can easily crush everything in the secular world. How can he die? Until now, he didn't understand. It is clear that he took the lead, but why is Chen Fan faster than him.


But the next moment, the light in the eyes of the seven Jue old man was suddenly extinguished and returned to nothingness. Then, from beginning to end, he burst into a blood mist. Even the spirit of the earth immortal in the body didn't escape and was killed by Chen fan!

It's a dead silence!

Those spirit beasts, and ye Qingcang, who were fighting, could not help but stop and looked over in shock.

In particular, the Cold Moon Fairy and others, is dumbfounded, can't believe.

That's the seven great old man! There are few earthly immortals in the way of mieqing, which have been in kunxu for hundreds of years. It is even more difficult for a giant to kill him.

Such an old Dixian can't even stop chen fan? This guy, even with the strength of one person, the pressure of the whole court bow?

"I'm a good girl. Fortunately, I escaped quickly. Otherwise, I might be the one who died now."

Archean fire ape hiding in the distance, see this scene, heart straight cry.

And the night snow all see silly, chen fan's strength at this time, compared with Qingcheng Mountain battle blood ancestor, and more than several times powerful? At that time, although he crushed Xuezu, Xuezu still had the power to fight back. Now, killing Qijue old man was almost like killing a chicken.

"Yexue... Are you sure... This guy is really from the secular world?"

Cold Moon Fairy jade looks pale, difficult to ask.

Qianyexue said nothing.

At this time, she did not know what to say. As for those spirit beasts, they quickly gathered together and looked at chen fan as if facing the enemy. In Chen Fan's body, they feel more terrible threat than thunder punishing immortals.

"Brother Lei, I'm afraid we've met the enemy."

Changhe Sword Fairy's eyes are dignified. He puts his hand on the handle of the sword behind him and draws out the magic sword step by step, while sinking his voice.


Lei xingdixian just broke Chen Fan's shield. At this moment, seeing this scene, he couldn't help shrinking his pupils, but he was still full of confidence:

"brother Changhe, you stop him for me for three minutes, and I can take away Lei Jieguo."

"OK, three quarters, I'll stop it for you!"

Changhe sword immortal Cuncun pulls out the ancient sword behind him, and the sword Qi soars to the sky, tearing the sky. The top of the head of the clouds, all cracked, and even appeared dark sky. It's a terrible burial array.

The head of Qing Xuan Dao's sword is now bursting with all his strength.

The frightful force of the sword made the Cold Moon Fairy and others retreat suddenly.

"This is the strength of Dixian in the middle period. It's really different from us. No wonder the Sword Fairy of Changhe River can break the river with one sword and kill the invincible Nu Jiao! "

The Cold Moon Fairy was shocked.

And a few spirit beasts, have quietly gathered together, flash to the side, eyes to carry yo yo turn. It's obvious that Chen fan is going to watch the fire from the other side of the river, and wait for Chen fan to fight with all the people in the kunxu world.

"Master Chen, I'll stop him for you. You go to rob Lei."

Ye Qingcang was bathed in blood all over his body and flew up. He was full of fighting spirit and rose instead of retreating.

His cultivation is the weakest among the people. Before he was besieged by several spirit beasts, he was seriously injured.

"No, it's up to him, not to mention three quarters of an hour, even a snap of the finger."

A trace of warmth flashed in Chen Fan's eyes and said with a faint smile.

"Lizi is arrogant! I'll see how you beat me! "

As soon as the eyes of the Sword Fairy in the long river were cold, the sword Qi soared fiercely, and even the void showed the traces of the sword, just like the door of heaven was split."Tear!"

He stepped out and the sword split. A pitiful green rainbow, like a nine Heaven Sword, descends across the sky and envelops Chen Fan from all directions.

Shifang extinction Kendo!

This is one of the three swordsmanship of Qingxuan Dao, which is parallel with xuanluo's invisible sword Qi.

But from the sword immortal of Changhe, it's really like the river of heaven breaking its dyke and the rainbow flying across the sky. Can xuanluo imagine its power? Under this sword, the heaven and the earth seem to be split, and the power of the sword is far away.

All those who are in charge of it are all disgraced.

Chen fan, on the other hand, smiles faintly and punches from afar, like the collapse of the void and the hanging of the universe:

"defeat you, one punch is enough!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!