Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 674

Knowing that there is a treasure tree, chen fan doesn't stay.

He went all the way, pushing it like a bulldozer. No matter what kind of monster, fierce array or poisonous miasma it is, you can fly with one hand. In his terrible, enough to match the innate peak of the true yuan, any obstacle is like a local chicken.

"In the river in front of me, there is a poisonous dragon, who has been practicing for 800 years. It is delicious and poisonous, and its strength is almost the same as mine"

the spirit of Archean fire ape.

After the fierce beast has been cultivated into a congenital spirit beast, it has already opened its intelligence, just like human beings.

But it's not finished yet.

Chen fan put his hand into the river and suddenly five invisible fingers appeared on the whole river. Each finger is tens of feet long, just like the giant hand of Qingtian, which sets off the waves.


A long hiss.

A poisonous dragon, hundreds of meters long, tumbled violently and was captured out of thin air by giant palm.

The dragon is dark, with two sarcomas on its head and four claws on its abdomen. It spews a green poisonous mist from its mouth. The burning void makes a crackling sound. But in front of the invisible giant palm, the poisonous dragon is like a caterpillar in the giant palm.

"Poof Pooh."

Chen Fan clenched the poison Jiao out of thin air and turned it into poisonous blood. All of a sudden, the whole river, countless strange fish turned belly, were highly toxic.

"What are you talking about?"

Chen Fan turned to look.

Archean fire ape has big eyes and can't say a word,

and ye Qingcang is numb. He thought that he and Chen fan were almost the same, but he didn't think that Chen Fan's breakthrough was just like a natural moat.

"Keep going."

Chen Fan waved his sleeve and flew to Baoshu.

Taigu fire ape and ye Qingcang followed him, as if they were in an armored car, rushing all the way. Anyone who dares to stop is directly patted into meat cake by Chen fan.

About a few hours later.

A small mountain peak appeared in front of the crowd.

"The tree is there!"

Cried the Archaean fire ape.

Chen Fan looks around.

The peak is only 100 meters high, and the mountain is as black as black charcoal, which contains surging aura. On the top of the mountain, there is a small tree more than one meter high.

The whole body of the small tree is golden, with three fruits on it. Dark clouds surround the top of the mountain. From time to time, thunder and lightning come down, hit the small tree, and it is swallowed up by the fruits.

"This precious tree will blossom and bear fruit once every 300 years, and bear three fruits at a time. At that time, the monsters and overlords of the whole burial valley will gather together to decide the height with strength and share the three fruits. It has thunder and lightning on it, which is very strange. After taking it, it can not only advance the spirit beast, but also gain the thunder power. "

Murmured the Archaean fire ape, explaining.


A pillar of thunder, thick as a bucket, came down and hit the golden tree. All of a sudden, the whole mountain peak was swallowed up by countless electric lights. The golden trees, bathed in thunder, were more and more glittering.

"This is..."

Ye Qingcang's pupil shrinks.

The blow just now can be compared with the thunder method of Dixian, but there is no golden tree at all.

"This is Lei Jie fruit tree. It only grows on yuanci mountain. It's rare in Baoyao. It can produce the fruit of thunder, but the effect is not to break through the innate, but to sacrifice and refine the magic power of thunder! "

Chen Fan's eyes were shining, he explained.

"Is thunder a magic power?"

At Ye Qingcang's level, he naturally knew that the supernatural power was terrible: "is it tianmingzi's" wind and thunder wings "

"It's just thunder wings. It's just nine stream magic power. The magic power of swallowing thunder fruits is at least several grades better than thunder wings." Chen Fan disdains to smile.


When ye Qingcang heard the words, he immediately took a cold breath.

"However, here is the most important place for the tyrants of the whole buried immortal Valley, and Nalei robs the fruit tree, which is protected by the Dharma array. No one can pick the fruit unless it is ripe. Anyone who picks it without permission will die..."

Taigu fire ape opens his mouth.

But its voice did not fall, chen fan has brazenly shot.

I saw a huge palm of tens of feet, just like the giant hand of Optimus, thundering on the black mountain. Chen Fan impressively prepared to take the mountain with small trees and uproot them.


On the golden tree, it suddenly blooms bright golden light.

Thunder awns light up from the black mountain peak, and instantly turn into countless thunder pillars to support the sky, enveloping the whole mountain peak. It turns into a barrier and blocks Chen Fan's huge hand outside.

"Can you stop me even if it's just a Dharma array?"

Chen Fan snorted coldly, and two magic awns shot out of his eyes. His long hair was scattered, his sleeves and robes were bulging up, and he tried his best for the first time.


See like the Yangtze River General true yuan, from his body whistling out. Chen fan made a picture of swallowing heaven, and then he was promoted to congenital. The surging of Zhenyuan is not inferior to the pinnacle of nature, even it has been.How terrible was his full effort?

I saw a huge black whirlpool in the void.

The whirlpool is hundreds of feet in size, just like the curtain of heaven across the mountain, constantly rotating, sending out endless attraction. Many thunder pillars, attracted by the vortex, are immediately pulled and shot into the black hole.

On the small tree, the bright golden thunder is blooming, trying to resist chen fan. But even the 100 meter mountain at its feet began to shake violently, and it seemed that it could not bear Chen Fan's capture.

Heaven swallowing power!

It's a magic power from Kunpeng. Once it's activated, it's powerful enough to shake the earth.


At this time, a strong idea came from a distance, with the breath of impatience.

The crowd frowned, looked up, and saw a blazing thunder light flying across the sky. In the thunder light, there is a ten meter long thunder beast, whose eyes are round, looking at chen fan like the enemy of life and death.

"Master Chen, you take the treasure tree and I'll stop it."

Ye Qingcang stepped forward.

But the Archaean fire ape had already looked bitter and said:

"it's too late..."

its voice just fell, and then, one after another, it rushed from all directions. Every idea is no less powerful than fire ape and poisonous dragon.

Chen Fan grabs thunder to rob fruit trees, just like stabbing a hornet's nest, which immediately startles the whole burial valley.

"As I said, this tree can't move. Whoever dares to move it will become the common enemy of many overlords in the whole burial valley. " Archean fire ape cried.

How many congenital levels exist in funxian Valley.

Ye Qingcang didn't know before, but now he knows.

I saw another light coming down from heaven and earth. Soon, six spirit beasts appeared around the black mountain. There are six spirit beasts, including thunder leopard shining with electric light, red tiger breathing fire, white snake controlling clouds and fog, and... Each of them is magnificent, just like waves, and ye Qingcang is losing.

"Six spirit beasts."

Ye Qingcang's face changed and he couldn't help exclaiming.

Who would have thought that there were so many congenital spirit beasts in a mere burial Valley. Each of them, once born, is enough to sweep the earth and set off a bloody case.

Even, this is not the limit. Ye Qingcang faintly felt that there were other spirit beasts peeping in the distance.

"Outsiders, stop at once, or you will die!"

Lei Bao opens his mouth and makes a thunderous sound.

"Why talk with them? Let's go together and tear these two outsiders and that stupid monkey to pieces." There is a golden carving with 30 or 40 meters long spreading wings. In his mind, it is cold and murderous.

"Stop at once!"

The other spirits roared.

Facing the six spirits, ye Qingcang couldn't carry them, and his face was blue and white. As for the Archean fire ape, he jumped to his feet and said, "I'm just on my way. I'm not with them."

But Chen Fan did not pay any attention, as if these spirit beasts did not exist.

He still puffed up his sleeves and gowns, and Zhenyuan poured it out. Black whirlpool, more and more big, grand suction, let ten thousand tons of rocks, began to tremble slightly, as if to be inhaled.

"To die!"

Thunder leopard angry, directly lead to a golden ray, to Chen Fan split.

Ye Qingcang immediately shot a Hunyuan blow to block the thunder. But these spirit beasts are all ancient alien species. How powerful they are. Ye Qingcang was shocked and almost didn't support him.

"Kill him."

Several other spirit beasts, whose killing intention is like raging waves, are coming step by step.

As for the Archean fire ape, it's long gone. An ape is cunning in nature, and has no loyalty at all.

"Master Chen!"

Ye Qingcang left right clumsy, can't help shouting.

Chen fan still ignore, true yuan like raging waves, those spirit beast attack to his side, automatically swallowed up.


At this time, there were five streamers, which burst in front of the black mountain. Among them, there are six figures. They are Lei Xing Di Xian and Qian Ye Xue.

"There was thunder robbing the fruit trees. I didn't expect that this trip to the secular world in the afterlife would bring me unexpected harvest. It's not a waste to use the treasure of Zongzhong."

As soon as Lei Xing Di Xian looks at the golden tree, he can't leave it any more.

With a trace of excitement in his voice, he said, "after you stop these spirit beasts for me and take the thunder fruit tree, my Tianlei sect is willing to give you 100000 spirit stones."


Master fury and others nodded immediately.

Although Lei Jieguo is also a precious medicine, it is the most effective one for the immortal practitioners of Lei family. It is the only treasure to cultivate the supernatural power of Lei family. In contrast, the stone can move people more.

As for some spirit beasts, ye Qingcang and Chen fan, they were not put into the hands of these fairies.

"Are you Chen beixuan? Remember, those who kill you will punish the immortals for Tianlei, Zonglei and Dixian! "Thunder punishes the immortals directly one step, the sleeve hand one wave.

A ray of thunder Jiao, shining with golden lightning, shot out of his sleeve and turned into ten feet long. With the terrible energy of destroying everything, he shot at chen fan. The bright Lei mang is almost as solid as a real dragon.

Under this attack, even several other spirit beasts turned pale.

It is Lei Xing Di Xian, the magic power of the kunxu Kingdom:

"the God of extinction Lei".

"Master Chen!"

Ye Qingcang roared again with an extremely anxious look.

The eyes of the other immortals are full of scorn. How can ordinary people resist Lei Xing's hand?

"It's a pity."

Changhe Sword Fairy sighs.

At this time, chen fan finally frowned, withdrew his power of swallowing, turned around, and his eyes were cold:

"who's bothering me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!