Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 673

"Uncle Leng, elder Changhe, Chen beixuan is very powerful. When he was in the divine realm, he once defeated an immortal. And he killed the blood ancestor with one hand. "

Qianyexue hesitates for a moment and finally opens her mouth.

Although the five immortals arrived together, even she felt that Chen fan had no room for resistance.

But at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, the scene of Chen Fan's killing blood ancestor was so shocking that it was deeply engraved in qianyexue's mind, not to mention Chen Fan's feat of breaking through the inborn world.

"Earthly immortals, how can we compare with kunxu university? You don't need to say much about Qianxue."

The Cold Moon Fairy gave her a light look.

Although she is the goddess of the snow temple, she can't be equal to these strong people if she doesn't become an immortal in one day. How noble is Dixian? High above, just like Yun Dian fairy, want to kill, just a matter of snap.

"Who are you?"

Seven Jue old man's eyes swept Yan Jingchao and others.

"I'd like to tell you that the villain is Yan Jingchao of heishuimen. These are all my disciples..." after being seen by the old man Qijue, Yan Jingchao felt that his soul was frozen. He fell to the ground in a hurry and replied respectfully.

As for his disciples, they had already thrown themselves to the ground, and their legs were shaking with fear.

"Tianmingzi is dead, but you are alive. You must take refuge in the secular world and be punished according to the law." Lei xingdixian opens his mouth. With a wave of his sleeve and a golden light like a dragon, he tears the sky and rolls to Yan Jingchao and others.


Yan Jingchao's face was startled and he just let out a sound. He was hit by lightning.

In an instant, the four people in heishuimen, including him, were all burned to ashes by the golden lightning. He is a master of divine realm. He didn't even support himself for half a second. Even his many magic weapons turned into ashes.

After killing Yan Jingchao with one finger, Lei xingdixian seems to crush an ant. He doesn't care, and says indifferently:

"heishuimen takes refuge in the secular world and betrays the kunxu world. When they go back, they should kill all the people. All related relatives are not allowed to cultivate immortals within a hundred years to warn kunxu. "


Cold Moon Fairy, seven Jue old man and anger flame venerable respectfully should way.

Although they are all elders and Dharma protectors of different religions, they usually stand high in the religion and overlook the kunxu area. But in the face of thunder punishment, the same fear in the heart.

A thousand nights of snow sighed in my heart.

Yan Jingchao thinks that he is also a member of the kunxu community. The local immortals in kunxu should not care about him. However, he does not know that the local immortals in Leixing are determined to kill and have a strict character. He can't rub sand in his eyes.

"Chen beixuan, I once said that you made a mistake. Now retribution has come. Can you stand it?"

Thousands of night snow looked up to the depth of the fog.


when Xianmen changed.

Chen fan and ye Qingcang are still searching in the burial valley.

The two of them, with a startling rainbow, unbridled across the sky. At first, ye Qingcang was cautious, but he found that Chen Fan seemed to be able to see through the fog and foresee the danger ahead of time.

After avoiding the three or four space gaps and bypassing the two killing arrays, ye Qingcang began to rest assured.

"There are three most important points in this burial valley."

"One is the world shaking medicine. Once it is collected, it can not only improve the cultivation, but also become the peerless God pill."

"The second is the relics of ancient immortals. Perhaps some of the top-level spiritual tools and even spiritual treasures will survive. If there are spiritual treasures in hand, you can suppress Qi Yun and have no fear of nuclear weapons."

"Third, the spirit beasts. They can be cultivated to be innate, and all of them are treasures. Scales, claws and tendons can be refined into magic weapons, while inner alchemy and flesh can be refined into great medicines, which are rare in the world. "

As Chen Fan flies, he opens his mouth.

In other people's eyes, the valley of burying immortals is a ferocious beast. Even the immortals in kunxu are afraid. But at the bottom of his eyes, it's like looking at the lines on his palm. It's a pure natural treasure house.


Chen fan gives a push.

Like a raging wave of black real yuan, swept down, brush the ground. Many flying cloud snakes, under the black Zhenyuan, are instantly engulfed. There is no bones left. They are all turned into magic power to nourish the body.

Seeing this scene, ye Qingcang's pupils shrink.

The grotesque and terrifying part of tuntiantu is beyond the imagination of the world.

"Here it is."

Chen fan holds his body, and ye Qingcang stops to look.

See a Red Valley, looming in front of the two people. The valley of burial immortals is full of fierce beasts, which are constantly killed. However, there is no fierce beast within hundreds of meters around the valley, just like a paradise.

"Heaven has the king of birds, water has the dragon, and mountain has the emperor of beasts. In the land where they live, other fierce beasts dare not set foot. There must be a king of beasts living here. "

Chen Fan took the initiative and stepped forward.


The two stepped into the valley 100 meters.

By the way of biological induction in the valley, he suddenly roared wildly.I saw a red awn rising up into the sky. In the red awn, there is a two or three meter high ape. The ape is burning all over, its eyes are like a lamp, its fur is red and bright, and its ferocious and violent breath is overwhelming. The power makes Ye Qingcang pale.

"Archean fire ape, did not expect to see this kind of wild alien on earth."

Chen Fan's eyes are slightly bright and he smiles with a caress.

And ye Qingcang's face has never been dignified.

As soon as the fire ape came out, the temperature around him rose sharply, and the breath was soaring, as if there was no end to it. The breath of cruelty and ferocity, mixed with mental power, made him feel like a great enemy.

Although this Archean fire ape is only in the early days of its birth, it is still of great blood. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is far better than the blood ancestor!

"Mr. Chen, we'd better step down. There's no need to provoke such a big enemy."

Ye Qingcang frowned.

"Archean fire ape is the most ferocious and will be rewarded. Once you get into trouble with it, you will be torn to pieces if you go to the ends of the earth. " Chen Fan said calmly.

"In that case, let's fight!"

Ye Qingcang was also resolute and resolute. Seeing that the matter had come to this point, his long hair suddenly rose and his fighting spirit was like raging waves in his eyes.


They were almost speechless and collided in an instant.

Ye Qingcang, with the body of the earth immortal, urged the bloody fight to kill his fist. His fist was like a blood flag flying across the sky, hunting in long clothes. He is proficient in innumerable secret methods, and can use them in an instant.

But the Archaean fire ape is more ferocious.

This kind of monster is a wild alien. It's powerful and incredible. It pushes back Ye Qingcang with one punch.

Then, he grabbed a huge stone weighing dozens of tons and smashed it into the air, beating Ye Qingcang to the left and right. At the end of the day, with a roar, he spewed out a brilliant fire of glass color, which made the sky pale.

All over the sky, as if there was fire and rain falling on the ground, suddenly Zizi sound, the stones were burned to ashes.

"Damn it, if I still have Lingjia and zhanjian, why is that?"

Ye Qingcang pulled out many phantoms in the air and tried to dodge. He hated in his heart.

The Taigu fire ape was so powerful that his Qi and blood were churned with one blow, especially his mouth spitting divine fire. It was so powerful that even his body was afraid to touch the divine fire.


At this time, the Archean fire ape struck down and broke the sound barrier.

It directly grasps many phantoms, rips its claws on Ye Qingcang, and makes a crackling sound with his vigorous Qi. If ye Qingcang didn't take the opportunity to make a talisman of the earth immortal, and reluctantly obstruct it, I'm afraid that the whole person would be caught in three sections by the Archean fire ape.

"Too strong."

Ye Qingcang retreated suddenly, flashed to Chen Fan and said in a hurry:

"master Chen, let's fight together to subdue the demon."

"No more." Chen Fan stepped out, stretched out his hand and patted it in the air: "it's just a little beast, I can do it with one hand."

Chen Fan's thin and white palm is as light as a fly.


The Archean fire ape roared like a heavy load on his back.

Its huge body, three meters high, was full of flames, straight into the sky, and its pupils almost ejected Mars. The two hands support the sky, the steel column like arms, the root muscles burst, even the ground, were trampled.

With the power of the Archean fire ape, it is a small mountain that can be carried.

But the palm of Chen Fan's hand, on the flat shot, without the slightest smoke, but the pressure of the Archean fire ape bending over.


In the end, the ground suddenly trembled and a handprint suddenly appeared.

This palm seal is forty or fifty feet in size, just like the palm of a God on earth. And the center of the palmprint is the Archean fire ape. At this time, it kneels down and can't even speak. It can only send out the spirit wave of begging for mercy.

"This kind of monster is awed but not virtuous. If he dares to resist, he will be killed with one hand."

In Ye Qingcang's shaking eyes, chen fan closed his hand and waved to the Archean fire ape. The three meter high ape ran to Chen Fan with a flattering look on his hairy face.

"This... This..."

Ye Qingcang was stunned.

He was not the Archean fire ape of his opponent. He couldn't even hold Chen Fan's hand?

Until now, ye Qingcang did not know how far away he was from Chen fan. That's the difference between heaven and earth.

"What do you say? Deep in the valley of buried immortals, there is a treasure tree with fruit on it, which is eaten by fierce beasts and can turn into spirit beasts?" Chen Fan's eyes brightened.

It's a treasure medicine that can make the fierce beast evolve into a congenital spirit beast, and it seems to be a powerful treasure medicine.

The Archean fire ape nodded repeatedly, and then he swore.

"Brother ye, let's go to find the tree first, and then go to the fairy gate."

Chen Fan turned his head and looked.

Ye Qingcang hesitated slightly, but he thought that Yan Jingchao said that it would take about three or five days for the enemy of the fairyland to come, so he nodded his approval. Then, two people and a monkey set up a rainbow and shot to the depth of the buried immortal valley.And not long after they left.

Not far away in the cloud snake group, suddenly appeared five streamers, it is the thunder punishment fairy and a thousand night snow.

"There are traces of fighting here. It's obviously the immortal. It's estimated that it's Chen beixuan and others. Let's chase them!"

Thunder punishes the immortals to judge quickly.

Then they turned their direction, rubbed the flame Valley and chased chen fan and others.

The huge handprint, after all, was not seen, and soon blurred in the fog. , the fastest update of the webnovel!