Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 672

"The fairy gate vibrates violently. Someone uses the secret treasure and wants to cross the fairy gate by force."

Qianyexue's eyes are solemn.

She didn't expect that the various religions in the kunxu world really opened up the secret of space.

You know, any space secret is a magic weapon of Lingbao level. It's a treasure of every major religion. It won't be used easily until it's critical.

"Snow fairy, I'm afraid you underestimated the identity and importance of you people."

Yan Jingchao gave a bitter smile.

Xuanluo Taoist body immortal fetus, tianmingzi wind and thunder double spirit root, thousand night snow best ice spirit root.

This is not the seed of the earth immortal, but the future successor of a sect. Not to mention, in addition to them, there are also Cixuan, leibotian, Faxiang and so on. There are more than dozens of disciples from all major sects. The fall of so many elite disciples shocked the world of kunxu as never before.

So they don't hesitate to use Lingbao, but also want to split the immortal gate to find out.

"Master, what shall we do? Chen Tianren, they haven't come yet? Don't you say three or four days later? "

Zhang Ran, Xiao Wu and others are so scared that they lose face and ask anxiously.

"Xiao Wu and Zhang Ran started to leave the burial Valley to warn those people in the secular world. The rest of us, wait here. If we can't wait for Chen Tianren, we will leave. "

Yan Jingchao made a quick decision.

"I'll stay here, too."

A thousand nights of snow.

As the goddess of the snow god palace, even if there is a fairy coming to kunxu, she can't be touched lightly. Moreover, her capture was not out of her will. Both her elders and colleagues would understand her.

"I hope Chen Tianren can come as soon as possible."

Xiaowu looked back and saw that the vibration was more and more intense, like a giant hammer hitting the immortal gate again and again. She couldn't help praying in her heart.


the earth immortal of kunxu is coming.

When the news came from the small dance and other people, the whole Kunlun army was confronted with a great enemy. Ning Haifeng's face is even more livid. Unexpectedly, his worry has come true.

"Damn it, didn't Yan Jingchao say that it would be many days?"

He was angry in his heart.

"The missile base has not been built, the nuclear weapons have not been settled, and 300000 troops have only arrived. How can we stop those enemies?" Ninghaifeng's deputy, cold hands and feet, said na na.

"What are you afraid of? General Chen and general ye have gone deep into the valley of buried immortals. With them, they can't rush out any bullshit earth immortals." Old green dragon angrily scolds a way.

"Just in case, we are also ready to fight. We will call all the families of Kunlun and inform the beiqiong faction to cooperate with other countries."

Ye Nantian's posture is straight and his eyes are like a sword.

The news quickly spread from Kunlun to the whole world.

Suddenly, the world was a sensation.

No matter the northern Hainan faction, the major dark organizations, or the great powers of the world, they are all shocked.

This is the world of kunxu, where the legendary immortals gather. No one knows how strong and how many people are there. But everyone knows that this battle will determine the life and death of Chen Fan and the whole Chinese nation.

"God bless, Xiao Fan is safe."

Fang Qiong, Anya and others prayed silently to Kunlun.

"I hope Chen Tianren and ye Tianren can annihilate the enemy and protect China."

Many Chinese warriors are looking forward to it.

"Chen beixuan, you've finally arrived today. I'll see how you die."

Chen fan has offended countless enemies, all sneer, including Britain, France, Japan and other countries.

At this time, it is the CIA underground forum, with a lot of people waiting for the end of the war. It will determine the future direction of the whole world. Even the U.S. has put things down and put its eyes on them.

For a time, Kunlun burial valley became the center of the world.


one hour, two hours, three hours.

Chen fan and ye Qingcang never arrived.

And the vibration amplitude of Xianmen is bigger and bigger. Countless white lights, like Mars. Let a person worry, this light door can be broken abruptly by the person.

"Snow fairy, do you feel that in our world, which Earth fairy will come?"

A disciple of the black water sect asked curiously.

"It's the secret of space. You can send one or two people at most at a time, and it won't last more than three people. Either Qingxuan or Tianlei. Of course, it could be our snow temple. "

The sound of the snow is cold.

"If only one or two, with the strength of Chen Tianren and ye Tianren, they should not be afraid." Yan Jing was relieved.

"Not necessarily. After entering the earth immortal, it is thousands of times more difficult to improve a realm than before. As far as I know, most of the earthly immortals in the kunxu area are just in the early stage. Few people can be promoted to the middle stage of Dixian. As for the later period of Dixian, there were very few kunxu, which were the leaders of the major religions. But again, once promoted, there will be tremendous changes in strength. "A thousand night snow light mouth: "if all come is the middle of the earth fairy, Chen beixuan may not be able to block."

"This should not be possible. In the middle of Dixian period, they were all the top-level figures of the major sects..." Yan Jingchao was smiling awkwardly, and all of a sudden he just listened to "boom!" Let's hear it.

The crowd looked up, shocked.

See the fairy gate shrouded by white light, suddenly a purple lightning channel appears in the middle. The thunder and lightning, like a giant shuttle, pierced the immortal gate. At first, the channel was only the size of a basketball. Then, it expanded violently and turned into one person's height.

"The fairy gate is open?"

People's faces changed.

At this time, chen fan and others have no shadow at all.


There are three figures in the lightning channel.

They are an old man in black, a bald monk and a beautiful woman in palace dress.

As soon as these three figures appeared, the towering atmosphere immediately shrouded the whole stone platform, and the surrounding fog was forced back by their breath. Yan Jingchao and qianyexue are both looking at each other.

"The seven great old man of mieqing Road, the exalted flame of Leiyin mountain, and the Cold Moon Fairy of snow temple."

When they saw the visitors, they immediately took a breath.

These three are all the old-fashioned immortals in kunxu. They have been practising for three or four hundred years, far from being the first born ye Qingcang and the injured blood ancestor.

"I didn't expect that three immortals came to kunxu at one time. It seems that they attach great importance to qianyexue and others."

Yan Jingchao was shocked.

"Uncle Leng, why are you here?"

Qianyexue sees the beautiful woman in palace dress. Her eyes brighten and she asks.

"Don't talk, there are still adults."

Cold Moon Fairy see a thousand night snow, also eyes flash happy, but cold mouth.

You can see that in the purple thunder passage, a figure with a sword in Green comes out.

The man's temples were white, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes, as if he were compassionate. As soon as he appeared, his surging sword Qi soared into the sky, cutting the sky and making a long crack in the clouds above him.

"Qingxuan Road, Changhe Sword Fairy?"

Whether it's snow in the night or Yan Jingchao, his face has changed.

This is a real big man. Even in Qingxuan Taoism, he is second only to the master of Qingxuan Taoism. There are only a few people who can compete with kunxu. They once broke the nulong river with one sword. They are known as one of the top sword immortals in kunxu and have been promoted to the middle stage of Dixian.

"Even Changhe Sword Fairy is here. It seems that something really big is going to happen."

Yan Jingchao's heart is not good.

He thought that there would be at most one or two immortals in kunxu, but he didn't expect that there would be four at a time. One of them was Changhe sword immortal. You know, the earth immortal who was defeated by the immortal sword of Changhe sword didn't know much about it.

Chen beixuan is just born. Can he be the opponent of Changhe Jianxian?

As soon as Changhe Sword Fairy arrived, he didn't open his mouth. He just tied his hands and waited quietly. Lengyue fairy and others also raised their eyes and looked into the immortal gate. The hearts of the people tremble. Is there anyone else coming? What's more, they are more noble than Changhe Sword Fairy?


See purple thunder and lightning, burst out, into the sky god awn.

Out of the thunder came a figure that seemed to be made up of lightning. The man's face was solemn, his eyebrows were like swords, and he was dressed in a solemn black red robe with complicated thunder patterns embroidered on it. His eyes were shining with golden lightning. His hands and feet were filled with the spirit of killing.

As soon as he came, the whole air seemed to be frozen.

But Yan Jingchao several people, already looked stupidly.

"Thunder... Thunder punishes the immortals?" Some people are dumbfounded.

Thunder punishes the immortals.

Tianleizong, deputy head teacher!

He is known as the first person under the leadership of all the major religions. He was the peak of the earth immortals in the middle period. He once swept the whole kunxu area. No less than five or six of the earth immortals died under him. This is the character who really makes children cry at night in the world of kunxu.

"This is the second person of Tianlei sect, second only to earth shaking immortal. I didn't expect that even he came?"

Yan Jingchao's heart was shocked, even his palm was shaking.

Until now.

Only then did he understand how the major religions in the kunxu area attached importance to the earth.

"Lei Xing Taoist friend, this action uses Tianlei Zong town to teach Lingbao, and you should be the leader." Long river Sword Fairy calm said.

"Since the goddess of snow temple is here, it's up to you to tell us what happened in the secular world. Why did my chief tianmingzi and my disciple Lei Botian all fall

Thunder punishes the immortals and looks at the snow.

His voice, like thunder, exploded in people's ears. A pair of golden pupils, there is infinite lightning in the jump, so that thousands of night snow do not dare to look directly at.

"Tell Dixian, xuanluo and others that they all died in the hands of a man named Chen beixuan..."

Qian yexue said respectfully.She went over the whole story quickly. The sound of a thousand night snow is cold, like a jade drop. Hearing what she said, both Changhe Sword Fairy and Qijue old man were surprised. I didn't think it was this reason.

A mortal in the secular world can defeat dozens of immortal elites, and even kill xuanluo who is a Taoist immortal. It's beyond everyone's expectation. If it wasn't for qianyexue, they wouldn't believe it.

"You say that both xuanluo and tianmingzi were killed by Chen beixuan. What's more, Chen beixuan is in the burial Valley? "

The Sword Fairy of Changhe opens his mouth slowly.


A thousand nights of snow bows its head.

"In this case, go straight to the burial Valley, find Chen beixuan, take him back to the kunxu area, and submit him to the leader of each sect for trial." Lei Xing Di Xian said in a deep voice. As soon as he opened his mouth, it was like sentencing chen fan to death.

"It's a gift to become an immortal in the secular world. It's a pity that I should not be offended by kunxu cult."

Long river Sword Fairy forehead head.

The other three immortals sneer, and the whole stone platform is filled with murderous air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!