Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 671

"Do you really want to go to the burial Valley?"

A thousand nights of snow came with us, speechless all the way. At this point, I can't help talking.

"In ancient times, this immortal valley was the place where all the immortals fought. I don't know how many immortals and gods fell. Inside, the resentment condenses and turns into immortal corpses and evil spirits. It's Shizu in our palace. He once went deep into the palace, but he was seriously injured and returned home. He said that there were great demons in the depths. "

The snow goddess, who has been imprisoned by Chen Fan in recent months, still looks the same. A cold snow clothes, extraordinarily dust, like the nine immortals relegated. Around the little soldiers, passing by, see a thousand night snow, dare not look directly at.

Ning Haifeng, Lao Qinglong and others couldn't help looking at her more.

"If you take this kind of girl back to be our son's daughter-in-law, it's a blessing for the third generation." Old green dragon muttered.

Yan Jingchao several people, smell speech face straight jump.

This is tangtangkunxu cult, the goddess of snow temple. How respected her identity is. The future of the earth immortal can be expected. Most small sects are respectful when they see snow in the night. You're going to take it back to your daughter-in-law? If you dare to say that in kunxu, you would have been slapped by the elder of snow temple.

"I'm not afraid of ghosts. If there is any ghost of an ancient female fairy, I will take it back to be the lady of the village. " Chen Fan grinned.

Thousands of nights of snow and wind.

By this one old and one young, give the jade Rong of gas tiny red, turn a face directly.

"General Chen, you are ready to enter."

Ning Haifeng came up to report.

Countless scientific researchers, scientific instruments, placed next to the door, carrying out intense calculation. More elite soldiers, armed with weapons, looked anxiously at chen fan and others.

They know that this gate has devoured seven groups of companions, just like the mouth of hell.

"Brother Qingcang, it's our turn."

Chen fan enters with his hands behind his back. Ye Qingcang also laughed and followed.

The crowd watched behind, their hearts surging with admiration, as if they were looking at the death squads rushing to the battlefield. Yan Jingchao sighed and turned around:

"snow fairy, let's start the token and go to the fairy gate to wait for the two heavenly beings."

Thousands of night snow beautiful eyes flicker, after a long time to nod.



As soon as Chen Fan and ye Qingcang entered, they felt that the world was changing, as if they had stepped into another world.

It was dark all around. Even the sky seemed to be bloody. It was gray around. They couldn't see the situation tens of feet away with their eyes. Turn around again, even the door behind the body, also vaguely, as if it would disappear at any time.

"More than ten years ago, when I was about a hundred feet deep, I found a vermilion fruit, only the size of my thumb, crystal clear, with a flame burning inside. At that time, I ate and swallowed it, and then I became an immortal. Later, he found a master of Hunyuan sect in ancient times. He left two magic weapons and half of the incomplete books, and then he hastened to withdraw them. "

Ye Qingcang said.

"It should be a fruit. Zhu Yan is an ancient beast. Even if it only has a trace of aura, Zhu Yan Guo is promoted to the level of treasure medicine. If you are well prepared, you can go straight to the top with that precious fruit. "

Chen Fan explained.

Above the elixir is the precious medicine.

Precious medicine is extremely precious, in the congenital, all belong to the popular. With the aura of the earth, there is no way to produce precious medicine. I didn't expect that there was a treasure medicine in the burial valley. If Chen fan gets it, he needs to catch the blood ancestor to refine the elixir. He can directly cultivate the picture of swallowing heaven.

"Since there is one in the burial Valley, there should be another. If we can get it, whether it's self-cultivation or apprenticeship, it's better than all the elixirs for prolonging life. "

Chen Fan said, ye Qingcang's eyes suddenly brightened.

At this time, they were born with courage, far less careful than when they were buried in the immortal Valley at the beginning of that year.

They went deep into the valley with their hands behind their backs, flying in the air. The fog around him was billowing. He wanted to rush in and was directly pushed away by the two men's bodyguard Zhenyuan.


As soon as ye Qingcang waved his hand, it was like a wave of blood color, and he split it out in the air, pressing a shadow on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the shadow didn't die and struggled to get up.

"When I first entered the valley, I met this strange beast. It's made of copper and iron. It's very hard. It's very hard to kill, and it's very fast. It's comparable to the peak spirit. In the end, I provoked a group of people and let me die before I could escape from the burial valley. "

Ye Qingcang frowned and made a great effort to beat the shadow to death.

Chen fan fixed his eyes on it.

The shadow was a dog like creature about a foot long. It was dark all over, with scales on its body. Its pupils were burning with a green flame. What's more, it had a sarcoma on its neck, like a second head.

"This kind of black flame dog looks a bit like the hell three headed dog in the Western legend, but it should be regarded as a divine beast. Its strength is far more than that. It is estimated that it is the blood descendant of the three headed dog."Chen Fan shrugged.

In the universe, there are endless kinds of strange animals and monsters, which can't be distinguished one by one even in the northern xuanxianzun's experience.

Such a black flame dog is enough to tear up the ordinary divine realm. If seven or eight heads come, it is the black Duke and others who may not be able to bear it. No wonder Ye Qingcang runs away in a panic. It is estimated that only when he becomes a Dixian can he not be afraid.


The two continued to deepen.

The more they went inside, the thicker the fog around them. They tried their best to invade them, and even squeezed their body protectors into a distance of only ten feet. After about a hundred feet deep, you can't see the exit.

"You see, is that the first few soldiers who came in?"

Ye Qingcang pointed.

Chen Fan looked up and saw that a dozen steel helmets were lying on the ground, torn to pieces. On the black armor, you can also see the claw marks and tooth marks of beasts.

"Dragon general tactical armor" is a super armor independently developed by China. It's made of the "dragon breath alloy" mined from the dragon pool in Tianshan Mountain. It's as strong as the armor of American soldiers. It's enough to withstand the attack of the divine realm. According to the truth, those black flame dogs may not be able to break the armor of the Dragon general. "

Ye Qingcang frowned.

Chen fan also met the Ares team of the United States. The armor is very hard. It's useless for a general attack. In the end, the "small five elements thunder" was used to wipe it out. With the strength of those black flame dogs, they may not be able to break through.

"There must be more than one kind of black flame dog in the valley of burying immortals. You should be more careful. There may be congenital spirit beast or demon beast in it." Chen fan back hand, light way.


Ye Qingcang's face was dignified, nodded, and immediately sighed: "it's a pity that these fogs seem to have substances that hinder the mind. Otherwise, our spirit will be swept away, and the whole hundred Li array will be under our eyes. "

Chen Fan did not answer.

With the power of the golden elixir array, how can you use your mind to explore without fear?

However, two golden flames appeared in his eyes. Apart from the golden pupil of fire, he could not only kill the enemy, but also see through the dreamland and shine through the nine you. Although the fog is strange, how can it stop Chen Fan's eyes.

Next, under the guidance of Chen fan, they move forward together.

Sure enough, after hundreds of feet, more and more exotic animals appeared, including not only the black flame dog, but also all kinds of strange fierce animals. Chen fan even saw a leopard shining with thunder and lightning, which is even bigger than the thunder beast he saw on Yingzhou island.

"Boom, boom."

No matter how powerful these beasts are, how can they stop the two immortals?

Every time ye Qingcang made a fist, his red strength was 100 meters away, crushing all the thunder beasts and fierce birds into pieces. If it wasn't for the peculiar terrain and being shrouded by the Dharma array, ye Qingcang would even be hundreds of meters away.

"Have a good time!"

Ye Qingcang killed a group of winged cloud snakes surrounded by clouds and flying in the air. His long hair is scattered, his Qi and blood are surging wildly, and he is fighting hard.

As soon as he rushed into Dixian, he was seriously injured by Chen fan. In the outside world, he did not dare to use his power wantonly until he entered the valley of burying immortals.

Chen fan, with his hands behind his back, flew beside him.

One head is seven or eight meters long, which is a big section longer than the ordinary cloud snake. It is translucent and flapping its wings. The king of cloud snake, who came from behind quietly, was just about to swallow Chen Fan with his big mouth open, when Chen Fan flicked his fingers and banged it into pieces from the beginning to the end.

Chen Fan pointed out that killing the queen of the cloud snake was like brushing away the dust. He didn't care. Instead, he raised his head and looked to the West:

"I felt that there seemed to be a strong breath there, similar to you and me, maybe a spirit beast or a creature of the same level. If we can find it, we should know where the immortal gate is based on its understanding of the burial valley. "

He hunts with his golden eyes, shining through the void like a golden pillar of light.


Ye Qingcang answers.

The two men rose up straight into the sky, turned into rainbow, cut through the sky, and went to the West.


at this time, deep in the burial Valley, on a stone platform.

This stone platform is extremely old, and it is about 100 feet in diameter. There are many mysterious floating pictures on it. It seems that it has been handed down from ancient times. In the center of the stone platform, there are two stone pillars rising to the sky. In the middle of the stone pillars, there is a shining door standing on it.

This light gate, tens of meters high, seems to lead to another world.

It's the fairy gate!

Qian yexue, Yan Jingchao and others are sitting on the stone platform with their legs closed. Xiaowu, on the other hand, was bored. She took Zhang ran to the edge of the stone platform and looked at the rolling fog outside and said:

"elder martial brother Zhang, how long do you think it will take Chen Tianren and Chen Tianren to get here? Will they be in danger on their way Xiao Wu said anxiously.

"It's only half a day. What's your hurry. And with Chen Tianren's strength, if you raise your hand to crush Xuezu, you will be able to stop them no matter how dangerous the burial Valley is. Don't worry. "Zhang Ran talked with a smile.

Xiao Wu was about to open her mouth when she heard a loud noise.

When they looked back, they saw that there was a sharp white light shining on the calm fairy gate. It seemed that something was going to pass through the gate of light and come here.

"It's impossible... Doesn't it mean it will take several days to come?"

Zhang Ran's face changed wildly.

And qianyexue and Yan Jingchao also stood up and looked over in horror. , the fastest update of the webnovel!