Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 670

"Teacher, master, Xiao Fan."

When Chen Fan came down from the air, beiqiong sent people to greet him.

At this time, chen fan's breath converges. From the outside, he looks like a sunny boy. Who would have thought that he could wipe out the mountain with one blow, let the rainstorm pour like a note, and turn heaven and earth into color, and become the only heaven and man in the world?

"Teacher, have you made a breakthrough?"

Ah Xiu is the most anxious, rushing up to say.

"I think so."

Chen Fan's understatement of Tao.

It's not difficult for him to break through the inborn. The difficulty is to cultivate every small realm to the top, and then break through it after refining into Kunpeng's divine phase, so as to have the power of crossing the innate realm.

When people heard the words, they were very excited.

The earth immortal has lived for 500 years, which is the highest existence on earth. Since then, beiqiongpai has been able to stand in the East and be proud of the world.

Only a thousand nights of snow, beautiful eyes with a trace of horror, obviously did not expect, chen fan breakthrough congenital, the movement is so big.

"Master, ye Tianren has sent a message that there is an emergency. I want to discuss with you."

Snow on behalf of sand step forward, pretty voice way.


Chen Fan nodded.

He knew that ye Qingcang, including Kunlun and China, was very anxious. After all, it's less than a few months before the gate of immortals opens. Ye Qingcang is patient enough to let Chen Fan break through, which has enough respect for him.


Ye Qingcang came very quickly.

About that evening, ye Qingcang arrived at Shushan sword Palace by military plane. Then came Lao Qinglong, ye Nantian, and several Chinese generals.

"Congratulations to Mr. Chen, who has broken through the innate nature and become a man of heaven."

Ye Qingcang bowed.

He was still a teenager, but his hair was half gray and half white, and it was obvious that he was not fully injured.

"Mr. Chen, the state of the burial Valley is not optimistic." When ye Qingcang finished his salute, he raised his head and couldn't wait.

"What's going on?"

Chen Fan raised his head and looked at the people of heishuimen who came with Ye Qingcang.

Yan Jingchao decided to join the beiqiong sect after xuanluo and other immortal disciples died. In recent months, Yan Jingchao was taken away by Kunlun and sent to the burial Valley to monitor the state of Xianmen.

"Tell Heaven and man that I have been observing the dynamics of Xianmen these days. I found that the fluctuation of Xianmen has become more and more intense recently. It seems that someone is on the opposite side, trying to break through the immortal gate and break in. According to that situation, I'm afraid it won't be a few days. "

Yan Jingchao's face is heavy.

Hearing the news, both Hua Yunfeng and others, and Lao Qinglong, all looked pale.

In the hearts of all people, the kunxu area is always like a big mountain. After all, it's the first-class fairyland and the divine world in mythology and legend. There are many earthly immortals and ancient Taoist veins. A group of disciples can sweep the earth, not to mention their masters and ancestors?

"Didn't you say that the immortal gate would not be opened until half a year later?"

Xie Yan frowned.

"Half a year later, the gate of immortals will be completely opened, allowing the immortals to enter. But before that, I didn't expect that they would use the secret of space to forcibly open the immortal gate. " Yan Jingchao said with a bitter smile.

"General Chen, this change is beyond our imagination."

"Originally, the military had already stationed ten divisions outside the burial Valley, built a great wall of steel, equipped with nuclear weapons and top-notch scientific and technological weapons, to stop the enemy in the kunxu area at any time. But according to the plan, that's four months from now. We didn't expect them to come so fast. "

A tall general frowned.

His name is Ning Haifeng. He is the deputy leader of the kunxu community affairs team, which is urgently set up by the Chinese government. He controls 100000 troops and is highly trusted by the Chinese leaders and ye Qingcang.

"Since it's the secret of using space, even if you come in advance, it's only two or three at most. Don't worry too much about that. " Chen Fan shook his head.

Everyone was relieved.

"But the destructive power of two or three immortals is also very terrible. If we can't stop them and they rush into the hinterland of China, it is very likely that life will be ruined. "

Ning Haifeng's face is still ugly.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Fan looks at Ye Qingcang and others.

Ye Qingcang solemnly said: "if I can, I want to join hands with Mr. Chen to enter the valley of burying immortals, intercept them in the depths of Kunlun and annihilate them on the spot."


This time, chen fan simply nodded.

After all, kunxu's affairs arose because of him. Now that we have entered the congenital stage, it's time to go to the burial Valley and have a look.


Chen Fan was in the sword palace and didn't stay long.

Both Wang Xiaoyun, Chen Kexing and Fang Qiong Anya know that Chen fan has a mission. All the immortals in kunxu are like the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. If it is not solved in a day, the whole northern Hainan and even China are in crisis."Xiaofan, take care of yourself."

Fang Qiong said.

"Smelly boy, we'll hide in the sword palace and not fight with them."

Wang Xiaoyun explained.

Anya just looked at him and said nothing.

"When I get back."

Chen Fan waved and set foot on the military plane to Kunlun.

No matter Ye Qingcang or Ning Haifeng, they all look dignified along the way. Chen fan is very comfortable. He looks at the scenery outside through the window.

The closer to the Kunlun Mountains, the more wrong Chen Fan feels.

Countless motorcades, like a long dragon, travel between the snow mountains and deep valleys. In the sky, fighter planes and transport planes constantly come and go, very frequently. When he was approaching the burial Valley, chen fan vaguely saw a magnificent defense line emerging in the mountains.

"That's the great wall of steel we prepared for the enemies in the kunxu area. The major military regions, with more than 300000 troops, have gathered here. We have built 10 missile interception positions, and we will build another 20 in the future. Equipped with the latest laser interceptor missiles, and armor piercing missiles. With the command of the headquarters, we can raze the whole burial Valley to the ground. "

Ning Haifeng said.

Although the threat to Dixian is greatly reduced by the modern army.

But an army of more than 300000 people and many missile positions are still a great threat. In particular, chen fan can feel that there must be nuclear weapons in it, and there must be more than one.

"A big hand."

Chen Fan nodded.

If it is before him, in the face of such a situation, will also scalp numbness. Until now, we can't ignore it completely.

"In the depths of Kunlun, I'm afraid only China can garrison 300000 troops." Old green dragon said with a little pride. And others, at this time, have looked at the mouth of the valley, which is shrouded by clouds, like a natural moat.

Here's the burial Valley!


buried in the valley of immortals.

It is one of the seven Jedi on earth. It is said that many immortals were buried in it. Since thousands of years ago, countless top leaders have come to explore and failed. Only Ye Qingcang came out of the valley alive.

At the mouth of the burial Valley, there are two towering peaks, just like two magic swords sticking straight into the sky. The mountain peaks are hundreds of meters high, separated from each other by no more than 30 meters, and the entrance of funxian Valley is within 30 meters. The whole entrance is shrouded in clouds, just like a fairyland.

"Sure enough, the strange mountain and Jedi, Chen Tianren and general ye, shall we go directly into the burial Valley? With the guide of Yan, we should be able to find the immortal gate soon. If you want me to say, just use hydrogen bomb to blow up Xianmen. "

The old green dragon is rebellious.

"The immortal gate is in the burial Valley, but I don't know how to find it."

Yan Jingchao shook his head.

"If you don't know, how can you get through the fairy gate? How do you know the immortal gate is unstable? " Ye Nantian frowned.

"Every one of them who wants to live in the secular world will get a token. That token is connected with the magic array of buried immortal valley. As long as you activate it at the mouth of the valley, it will be transferred to the area where the immortal gate is located. "

Chen Fan said.

As early as he saw Yan Jing for the first time, he had already asked about the news.

"Yes, it's a small area, only a small corner of the valley. In other areas, it's too dangerous. The leaders of each sect have told us not to enter without permission. Otherwise, the immortals are also in danger. "

Yan Jingchao nodded.

"The valley of burying immortals is a battlefield in ancient times. There are more than a few immortals and gods buried in it. There are dangerous space crevices everywhere, as well as various mysteries, illusions, killing arrays, and many powerful monsters and even spirit beasts. When I went in, I only went around the mouth of the valley, and then I came back in a hurry. When I went deep into it, I was the earth immortal, and I was doomed. "

Ye Qingcang's face is the same.

Because of his current cultivation, he was extremely scared in the face of the burial valley. It can be seen that in those days, he came out alive and became a body of earthly immortals.

"There are dozens of people in the immortal gate. So many tokens are enough for us to send dozens of people through."

Old green dragon eyes a bright way.

"It's useless. We've tested it for a long time. Only they can use the token." Ning Haifeng looked ugly and said:

"before that, we sent about seven waves, carrying the most top weapons and wearing the latest" dragon general "tactical armor developed by the state, with combat effectiveness comparable to that of a regiment. It's a pity that there is no return. As soon as they go in, the news is cut off and no picture can be sent out. "

"Those tokens are bound with their spirits, which can't be used by others. Moreover, there is a golden elixir array in the burial Valley, which can isolate all information and may not even be in our world." Chen Fan explained lightly.

"What about that?"

Old green dragon is silly.

There are many dangers in the burial Valley, but it can't be transferred to the immortal gate through the token. Even among the people, only Ye Qingcang has ever entered the valley and only wanders at the mouth of the valley. I don't know how far away it is from the immortal gate."It's easy. Just go in."

Chen Fan grinned and his eyes sparkled with everything.

Although the array was extremely grand, chen fan even doubted that it was not built by the golden elixir, but by a stronger one at a higher level. But at this time, he was born. He was allowed to block everything, kill everything, and kill with one sword. , the fastest update of the webnovel!