Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 669

When Chen Fan broke through the congenital, the strange image of Qingcheng appeared.

The eyes of the world's great powers and numerous forces are all cast.

"It's more amazing than when Chen beixuan was refining super weapons in London. Did Chen beixuan refine a more powerful weapon? "

Britain, France, the United States and other countries are all shocked.

The fact that Chen Fan forged the "five thunder seal" in London and then destroyed the island with one blow is still deeply remembered by several big powers. Half of their fear of earthly immortals came from Chen Fan's earth shaking strike.

It was the only time on earth, so far, that the strength of an individual was comparable to that of a nuclear weapon.

Since then, although Chen fan, ye Qingcang, and Xuezu have been extremely destructive, they are still far behind the level of nuclear weapons and the frequent destruction of cities and islands.

"Before the five elements God thunder, the lethality has been comparable to tens of thousands of tons of nuclear weapons. Now if we refine more powerful weapons, wouldn't it represent 100000 tons or even hundreds of thousands of tons of nuclear weapons?"

Many countries are already shaking.

Such weapons, once dropped, are enough to flatten ordinary cities directly. Even the super big cities can't bear such a terrible blow.

The United States, the United Kingdom and other high-level officials are dignified.

If Chen Fan really holds such a terrible weapon, their attitude towards chen fan must be adjusted.

On the outskirts of Yanjing, in the secret base of Kunlun.

Ye Qingcang asserted:

"it must be Chen Tianren who has broken through to the realm of immortals."

Western countries don't know much about immortals. However, according to the records in the ancient books of various Chinese sects, including Ye Qingcang himself as a Dixian, how could he not understand the origin of the strange image of Qingcheng Mountain.

"No, according to our conjecture, the area covered by that cloud is more than 50 Li! According to the ancient books, when the earth immortal broke through, it was only ten miles around. "

Lao Qinglong said.

It's not five times more than ten miles, but dozens of times! In the past, only one mountain was covered, but now the whole Qingcheng mountains and dozens of peaks are covered.

"Although there is no record in ancient books, Mr. Chen is not an ordinary person. Naturally, we can't measure him with an ordinary eye." Ye Qingcang said calmly.

He was the only one who really understood the identity of Chen fan.

Chen fan comes from the depths of the starry sky. It's normal for him to practice the real method of cultivating immortals, which is stronger than the earth immortals on earth.

"That Chen beixuan's strength, and enhance how much, total impossibility also promote dozens of times?" The rosefinch questioned.

Originally, chen fan could defeat Ye Qingcang and crush Xuezu. If it's increased by dozens of times, I'm afraid that the fairies of kunxu will come out together, and it's not enough for Chen fan to crush them with one hand.

Everyone was silent.

No one, including Ye Qingcang, can judge.

"No matter how much promotion, Chen Tianren at this time must be more terrifying than before. From today on, China needs more respect for Chen Tianren. " Ye Qingcang said solemnly.


Kunlun people bow their heads.

Ye Nan sighed in the sky.

He thought that he had been promoted to the divine realm and was getting closer to Chen fan, but he didn't expect that he was getting farther and farther away at this time.


although Chen Fan's strength has not been improved dozens of times, it is not much different.


Chen Fan stands in the clouds, his whole body is full of bright green gold God awn, this God awn will be the whole cloud, all dyed blue and gold. From a distance, it looks like a metal cloud.

"I look like Kun Peng from the outside."

Chen Fan's divine sense is external. It's funny to see what he looks like.

At this time, chen fan was suspended in the void, his wings were spread out, and he was ten feet long. His whole body was made of green gold, just like immortal god gold, like fish not fish, like birds not birds, constantly changing, as if he really incarnated into a Kunpeng.

But Chen fan knows.

This is just the result of Kunpeng's appearance.

This ten Zhang Long Kunpeng is actually made of pure vitality. He is still in the divine form, and his power is only one tenth of that of a real Kunpeng. But even so, it's terrifying.


Chen Fan spread his wings slightly.

He's all up in the air, shining thousands of kilometers away. Almost like a blink, there is no trace of flight in the middle. In terms of speed alone, it's seven times the speed of sound. But this, chen fan has not exerted force, if fully flapping wings, I am afraid can break through faster.

"If it's really Kunpeng, it's enough to shake the golden elixir. I'm not as good as the real Kunpeng, but I don't have many rivals. "

Chen Fan said in his heart.

Kunpeng is the top beast. Even when he was very young, he was far better than the friars of the human race.

Speed, however, is only the most common item of Kunpeng. Its strength, physical body and combat power are extremely terrifying. What's more, Kunpeng has a talent."Swallow

Chen Fan opened his mouth.


In the void, a aura tornado appears directly. This tornado is hundreds of meters long, just like a whale drinking water, pouring into Chen Fan's mouth. Those auras, converging in the air, are almost as concise as substance.

With this bite alone, chen fan swallowed up the aura within a kilometer.

As the aura was swallowed up, chen fan turned his head. Half of the sky was swept by him, whether it was the real fire of the sun, the evil spirit of Yin, the thunder cloud, all of them were swallowed up by Chen fan. Even above the sword palace array, there was a crackling sound, and the invisible power of the array seemed to be swallowed by him.

"After the appearance of Kunpeng, my power of swallowing power has increased ten times. It used to be only 100 meters, but now it's skyrocketing to 1000 meters. " Chen Fan closed his mouth and thought.

But the aura of the earth made his heart sink.

With such a terrible power of swallowing, it's ten times and a hundred times as much as ordinary people's innate power. The aura swallowed by them is not much improved. It's just a drop in the bucket. Those ordinary earth immortals, if they stay on the earth, I'm afraid they will never want to rise to a higher level in their life.

"If I break through the golden elixir on earth, it will take me at least 20 years."

Chen Fan calculated and sighed slightly:

"it's a pity that it will take a long time for us to master the art of swallowing heaven and turn it into a real Kunpeng. Now we just have a statue."

The real Kunpeng has a much stronger ability of swallowing than Shenxiang, and his cultivation speed is much faster.


I saw that the blue and golden Kun Peng suddenly turned into a light spot all over the sky and was collected into Chen Fan's body. These light spots, like the light of Taoism, are imprinted on Chen Fan's four limbs, viscera and even the soul.

Although the painting of swallowing the sky has been completed, it is only a small achievement at this time. There are several levels on it. The highest point is to incarnate into a real Kunpeng and travel through the universe.

"Kunpeng's divine appearance can be used as a way to press the bottom of the box. I don't know how much strength I've been promoted. "

Chen fan shows up.

He clenched his fist slightly, then volleyed it.


He saw a cyan gold beam of light, shooting from his fist, as far as several kilometers away, without stopping. Finally, he hit a small peak of Qingcheng Mountain.


The mountain peaks vibrated, and countless broken stones broke up, just like heaven and earth. The whole small mountain peak was flattened directly by his fist, just like a super powerful missile.

"So strong?"

Even Chen Fan himself was slightly surprised.

The punch he just made was just a random one. But when he stepped into xianhou, his body and soul had all merged into one. So although it's an ordinary fist, it condenses all the strength of Chen fan. Its power is more than ten times stronger than before?

"I have surpassed the top of Yanshan Mountain and defeated Ye Qingcang. Chen fan can't imagine the power if he uses Zhenwu Shenquan to urge...


At that time, he urged Zhenwu divine fist to defeat Ye Qingcang, who was burning life. As a result, ye Qingcang's present state was greatly damaged, and his injury has not been repaired. If you use Shenquan or other martial arts skills again, you'll be ten ye Qingcang, and you'll be able to explode with one blow.


Chen Fan clenched his fist and felt the endless power in his body like the sun god stove. His face looked happy: "this is just the most common entry into the innate world. In addition, my powers, weapons, techniques, and realms are soaring. "

Such as Lihuo Jintong, Yimu Lingqi, Jinyan Zhanjia and other supernatural powers, their power increases with the improvement of the master's cultivation level.


See two regiments of gold God flame, gush out from Chen Fan's eyes.

The flame beat slightly, but it was more convergent than before. There was a trace of white in the gold, which seemed to turn into platinum. But the whole void, as if unable to bear it, made a sound of Puyi.

From the golden pupil of fire, you can cultivate to a higher level, and even refine the sun. At this time, although not to that level, but has let the space, some can not bear.


The golden flame instantly spread over Chen Fan's body, showing his scale like armor.

Golden Flame armor, originally only able to resist armor piercing bullets, but with this time, Chen Fanxiu for the surge. Even small nuclear weapons may not be able to kill chen fan. This body protecting magic power, if cultivated well, is no inferior to the defensive spirit weapon and even the spirit treasure.

"But the most important thing is..."

Chen Fan waved his hand.

The clouds of tens of miles in a circle are moving with a bang.

In the sky, lightning and thunder, purple thunder, heavy rain.

Then, chen fan turned his hand again.

The clouds and rain in the sky suddenly stopped, turned into a shining sun, and the sun was shining all over the sky. Let the people at the foot of the mountain witness a miracle.

Turning hands is cloud, covering hands is rain. One moment, the sun is shining. The next moment, it turns into rain curtain, like a water dragon falling from the sky. This is the innate power."Innate ability can control the vital energy, although in battle, it is too fast to use. But if given enough time, he can even set off a tsunami, engulf a city, and even explode the power of nuclear weapons. And since then, when there is no energy to exhaust, this is where the innate real power lies

Chen fan, with his hands on his back, stands in the void.

The sun came down and covered him with gold flame and armor, just like a God. , the fastest update of the webnovel!