Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 668

His body, spirit and blood have almost turned into half yuan Qi. Therefore, it can be immortal for hundreds of years.

In the universe, it's simpler.

Congenital life can survive in the void of the universe for a short time. If you want to travel in the universe, at least you have to be born with life. Therefore, those descendants of the universe have innate cultivation when they grow up.


Chen Fan sat cross legged.

As he breathed and breathed, his chest stirred, and the vitality of the whole quiet room turned into storm tides, tossing back and forth. This trend is not only limited to the quiet room, but also expanded, gradually spread to the whole sword palace, and even outward expansion.

Soon, everyone saw a spectacle.

On the top of the sword palace, the clouds gradually gathered. These clouds turned into a huge funnel whirlwind, with the quiet room of the sword palace as the core, supporting a pillar of clouds through the sky and the earth.

The cloud storm was small at first, but gradually expanded outward.

One Li, two Li, three li... In the end, a radius of ten li, are shrouded by the storm.

"This is...

xuedaisha looks up.

She had seen it vaguely. When Chen Fan broke through the Shenhai sea in the beiqiongge, he also gathered clouds, covering a thousand meters, like a crown. But compared with that time, the momentum now is more than several times larger.

"I'm afraid the teacher is going to break through the inborn."

Hua Yunfeng stood there, his eyes dignified, and there was a trace of excitement.

When Chen Fan was still in the period of refining gas, he swept the earth and killed his blood ancestors like chickens. If he can make a breakthrough, how magnificent will he be?


Ah Xiu, Yu Wenjing, Fang Qiong and others all changed slightly, and they seemed to think about it.

"If the master of the sect was born, he would be the immortal of kunxu. I'm afraid we can't help beiqiong sect." Xie Yan said with a negative hand. Although Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Kexing didn't understand, they couldn't help showing their joy.

Recently Chen Fan killed Xuezu.

But the threat of kunxu is still hanging over China and the earth.

All the great powers in the world are ready, including the United States, to adjust its combat readiness level to the highest level, so that nuclear weapons can be fired at any time and the situation is tense. Wang Xiaoyun said nothing, but he was nervous.

One day, two days, three days later.

The ten mile cloud cluster started to spread again.

Eleven Li, twelve Li, thirteen li... The clouds spread step by step, and stopped at fifty Li.

All the people of beiqiong sect don't understand the meaning, but if there are senior practitioners here, they will understand.

The vitality of ten li is not enough for Chen fan to swallow. If he wants to advance to congenital, he needs to swallow more vitality. But at the same time, it also means that when he enters the congenital, he will control a far greater range of vitality than ordinary congenital.


In the quiet room, it has been filled with surging vitality.

Every trace, every inch of space, is condensed as the essence of the vitality. Chen fan is the core of the ocean of vitality. Above the sky, the tide like a funnel poured into Chen Fan's body through the invisible sword palace array.

Chen Fan sat cross legged.

They shine in turn.

First of all, the God body became small, and the concise green and golden light. Then there is the black real yuan, which is like a tsunami. In the end, it is Chen Fan's spirit as bright as gold. This spirit vaguely turns into a Kunpeng spirit, which represents Chen Fan's Kunpeng blood at this time.

The body, the true yuan and the spirit.

When the three become one, they will open the door of heaven and be promoted to the highest level.

At this time, under the surging vitality instilling, chen fan's body is undergoing mysterious changes. The power of the divine body is faintly melted with the spirits of Tun Tian Tian Yuan and Kun Peng. Gradually, there is a sign of integration and indivisibility.

"Enough accumulation, when the congenital."

Chen Fan closed his eyes, opened his mouth slowly, and spewed out ten big words:

"five years of rebirth, today, I am born!"

Every time he uttered a word, his breath rose. The physical body, the true yuan and the spirit are condensed into one, and in the end, they are united into one and never separate from each other again.

Chen Fan's body, every cell, every bone and every muscle are filled with Zhenyuan.

Even the spirit and spirit are in harmony with the spirit body along this channel. Since then, chen fan's strength has never been calculated separately. It's all three in one. His fist is not only with the power of the body, but also with the spirit and the true yuan.

This is innate terror.

Bring all the forces together. For example, chen fan used to fight only with his body, or Zhenyuan. Now, the true yuan and the spirit are all superimposed into the body and move the whole body. Gather all the forces in your body. How many times stronger than before?


When all the power in Chen Fan's body turned into a wonton pill. His whole body was enveloped in the cyan and golden radiance. In Shenhui, it is not a figure, but a Kunpeng that looks like a human being, not a human being, or a bird, not a bird.Then, chen fan began to take the last step of promotion.

Open the door!


His spirit leaped up as if it had broken through an invisible barrier. The spirit penetrates this barrier and instantly touches the boundless ocean of vitality.

The gate of heaven is open!

The vast sea of vitality is almost boundless. It seems that it is even broader than the universe, and the cohesive force of it. Just a little bit is enough to sink the mountains and rivers and crush them.

Ordinary congenital, at this time, always lost in the grand ocean of vitality, for a long time will be focused.

But Chen fan, after all, had been born early and was not at all tempted.


His mind, in an instant, extended upward along the pillar of vitality, enveloped the whole cloud. In that moment, chen fan felt as if the fish were back in the water and the child came to his mother's arms.

Chen fan is in charge of all the vitality in the area of tens of miles.

He has no contact with heaven and earth, as if he were born out of heaven and earth.

"There is a mixture of things. It's born in the first place. It's born in the first place!"


"it's strange that the teachers have been closed for nearly a month. Why haven't they broken through yet?"

A Xiu and others gather in front of the quiet room every day, waiting for Chen fan to pass.

At the beginning, when the clouds gathered ten li, they thought Chen Fan was going to break through. Unexpectedly, after that, the yuan Qi group continued to soar, from ten li to twenty Li, thirty li... Until fifty Li.

What's the concept of a 50 mile radius?

Many second tier cities in China only have this area. This means that as long as Chen Fan's thoughts are concerned, it is enough to make a city change and bring down thunder, rainstorm and hail. This kind of ability is almost divine.

Ye Qingcang can only control a radius of ten li. Chen Fan's scope of control is actually 25 times that of his, and the power he can mobilize is also calculated by dozens of times. (the area is multiplied by each other, not added up. The difference between ten li square and fifty Li square is not five times, but 25 times.)

"Is there anything wrong?"

Many people are worried.

It is recorded in ancient books that when ordinary earth immortals break through, they can only cover ten li with clouds at most.

Chen Fan's promotion is really terrible. The whole Qingcheng Mountain is shrouded in a huge air mass. From hundreds of miles away, you can see a huge funnel cloud falling from the sky. The core is in the Shushan sword palace deep in the sea of clouds.

I don't know how many spies from national and national forces are watching here nervously. In space, there are even many satellites taking pictures of clouds.

If Chen fan fails to break through, it will be a heavy blow to beiqiong school.

"Don't worry, ma'am. The teacher was relegated to the world. It's not difficult for him to break through the congenital Hua Yunfeng comforted.

Fang Qiong's face was just a little slow.

All of a sudden, a group of light shining with green gold God mang suddenly broke through the palace master's quiet room and went up to the sky along the cloud pillar. In front of guangtuan, the whole sword palace array seemed to be nonexistent.

The green golden light group, rising higher and higher, finally flew into the clouds.

Then the whole cloud cluster of tens of miles turned into a cyan gold cloud in an instant.

This green gold cloud, covering the whole Qingcheng Mountain, is like a miracle, and what's more amazing is that. The cyan and golden clouds faintly turned into a huge Kun Peng.

Kun Peng's wings spread out like clouds hanging from the sky.

"What is it?"

All the people who saw this scene were stunned.

Even ah Xiu and Xue Dai Sha, who knew Chen Fan best, were stunned.

"Yunfeng, did you see anything just now?"

Xie Yan stood there with sharp eyes and a trace of surprise in his expression.

"I vaguely see... In the light group, it is not a human shape, but more similar to a strange creature like fish and bird, a bit like the Kunpeng in myth and legend." Hua Yunfeng hesitated.

They looked at each other and could see the horror in each other's eyes.

Isn't it true that our master is not a human but a divine beast?

And in the deepest part of the luck group, Chen fanmeng opens his eyes.

There was nothing in his eyes, like two bottomless holes. As Chen Fan breathed and breathed, the whole surging cloud seemed to be breathing slightly, absorbing the vast vitality between heaven and earth.

And this world, in his eyes, is no longer the original. Countless lives and materials are composed of vitality.

At this time, chen fan only felt that his mind, far away, could control everything between heaven and earth. He stands aloof in the air, does not need to use the slightest bit of mana, just standing there, just suspended out of thin air.

"It's innate that we should be able to resist Qi, eat Qi to open up the valley, combine heaven with man, go in and out of Qingming, and live for 500 years!""Today, I am born."

Chen Fan sighed.

This sigh, I do not know how much hardship, how much joy, how much calm.

July 3, 2012.

Chen fanru was born.

HuaMian is like a cloud, covering dozens of miles. The vitality turns into a divine bird, covering Qingcheng and dispersing in three days. , the fastest update of the webnovel!