Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 665

Xuezu is dead!

The news, like thunder, spread all over the world. Countless aristocratic families, wudaozong and the dark forces were all stunned and could hardly speak.

In mythology and legend, blood ancestor is the existence of hell demon king level. In the past thousand years, every resurrection has set off a huge wave, and blood washed countless tribal cities. Any strong God is like an ant in front of it.

Such an old Dixian, unexpectedly fell into the hands of Chen fan, do not know life and death.

According to the observers, although Xuezu had many means at that time, he was extremely terrible. But Chen Fan was too strong. From beginning to end, he just killed Xuezu with one hand. He was so fierce that the whole world was shocked.

"How can there be such a powerful existence in the world? It's not reasonable. Xuezu is more powerful than ye Qingcang. Why did he fail so miserably? " Many people think hard, their heads explode, and they can't find the answer.

"I'm afraid we can't get revenge on Chen beixuan in our life."

Japan's military and Taoist circles are even bleak. Yinglonghua, yishida and others were all dignified to the extreme.

At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, they saw with their own eyes Chen Fan crush Xuezu like a chicken. This kind of power is completely beyond their imagination. Even if Japan still has the inside information, they still feel weak in the face of Chen fan.

"Chen beixuan is destined to reign in an era. Next, we only see if he can survive the disaster of kunxu."

Yishi sighed.

And in the Siberian ice sheet.

Many wolves gathered together to cheer and celebrate.

"When the blood ancestor died, half of our family's revenge was avenged."

"At that time, our nation and the blood alliance fought against the failure of the Holy See together. As a result, the blood ancestor took advantage of the fall of our ancestors and sent his men to hunt down our tribe. The black Duke and others pursued our tribe all the way for nearly 300 years. Today, they have finally got their revenge. "

There is a lot of discussion among the wolves.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's drink to your highness Chen beixuan

A wolf leader, dressed in animal skin and showing his broad chest, stood up and grabbed the beast bone cup.

"Salute your highness beixuan."

Countless wolves have sprung up and responded one after another.

Although Chen Fan killed gagerdan and trampled the snow wolf department. However, he avenged the wolf family. The ice wolf family has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. At this time, he is more grateful to Chen Fan than to hate him.

"Gugal, my good friend, what's my suggestion?"

Oleg stood outside, looking at the scene of the bonfire, and said to an old man beside him.

"Cough, heaven and earth are changing, and the rules of the world are changing. With the death of the blood ancestor, there is a powerful man like his highness beixuan in the East, which means that it's time for our family to enter the world. "

Despite his wrinkled face and bent body, the breath in his body is very dignified, just like a hidden volcano. He said slowly as he coughed.

"Welcome to join the blood wolf guard. The great emperor will be glad to hear that."

There was a smile on Oleg's face.


the whole world is in turmoil.

The Western powers that originally clamored for Chen fan to take the initiative to come forward and plead with kunxu, as well as several big families in Yanjing, were no longer silent.

In Qingcheng Mountain, chen fan not only captured Xuezu alive, but also shot and killed a Western congresswoman.

Her name is Jennifer. She is the head of the Laurent family, a big political family in the West. He played an important role in western politics. He even made friends with German female prime minister Merkel. This time, he asked chen fan to sacrifice his leading figure in the movement.

Such a heavyweight member was killed by Chen fan.

The meaning behind it is self-evident.

"Chen beixuan is too arrogant. He is totally contemptuous of the West and China."

At the EU meeting, some senior German officials slapped the table angrily.

All the people beside them held their chests and shook their heads with a sneer:

"if we say contempt, it would have been completely scorned as early as the moment Chen beixuan killed the EU special envoy. After stepping on the Black Sea fleet and destroying the island, that is the threat of chiguoguo. "

But with that in mind, many senior EU officials are still heavy.

This time, although they didn't think chen fan would go to kunxu to plead guilty, with the help of this trend, they gathered the strength of all the countries in the world, and even the heavyweight chip of blood ancestor, they thought they could force chen fan to make some concessions with China.

For example, the withdrawal of the northern Qiong faction in Europe, the disclosure of the formula of the life yuan liquid, the sharing of the intelligence of the kunxu community, the overall contraction of the northern Qiong faction, and so on.

But never thought that the legendary blood ancestor could not even stop chen fan.

"Our judgment of Chen beixuan's power is too wrong. This is a serious and fatal mistake. I ask the British and French military to develop their tactics again and determine the threshold of Chen beixuan's strength. Otherwise, one day, when we find that even nuclear weapons can't kill him, it's the end of the world. "An old EU general said slowly.

"Yes, sir, we have worked closely with our American allies to calculate the data of this battle."

The British major general stood up and responded.

Everyone looks at each other. This time, we can only rely on the strength of the United States. The European Union alone seems to have no choice.

Compared with the Western powers, the Yanjing families lost their voice completely.

The Qin family and the Han family are all out of their wits. It is said that the next day, Qin went to Jincheng to visit Chen Huaian. However, Chen Huaian kept his door closed and declared that he wanted to practice calligraphy.

Mr. Qin had to come back bitterly because he had been shut up.

"Yan'er, you didn't see it with your own eyes. The blood ancestor was like a ball in front of Chen beixuan. He hit the ground as soon as he patted, and he didn't have the power to fight back."

Ye Yiren excitedly said to his friends.

Qin Yan'er sits on the elegant seat and looks out of the window. This is the ninety ninth floor of Ziwen building. You can see the North Mountain in the distance. It's still brightly lit, just like a city that never sleeps.

"There he is. Get engaged to a woman surnamed Fang."

Even today, Qin Yan'er still remembers the scene of the ten mile long dragon and the celebration of all nations.

"After the first World War, I'm afraid no one in the whole world dares to ask Chen Tianren to go to the kunxu area to plead guilty."

Ye Yiren snorted.

As a warrior, she dislikes this kind of thing, putting her own people out to make amends. The martial arts are indomitable and never afraid. In the end, the jade and stone will burn. What does it mean to kneel down and beg for mercy before fighting?

"No matter how strong the kunxu community is, there are Chen Tianren and my grandfather. What's more, modern science and technology are so magnificent that many weapons are in the hands of world powers. I don't believe that Dixian can hold the nuclear bomb! If 100000 tons is not enough, millions of tons, tens of millions of tons! "

Ye Yiren waved his small fist and said angrily.

Although the earth immortal is strong, it is human after all, which is essentially different from the immortal elixir. Such as the blood ancestor of pure blood dark blood, even if the nuclear bomb does not die, but also have to be seriously injured. And this is a small nuclear bomb. The power of a large nuclear bomb is even more terrifying.

"Once the fight starts, it's the end of the world."

Qin Yan'er sighed softly.

"By the way, Yan'er, I heard that your family seems to want to give you to Chen Tianren as a concubine to make amends to the Chen family." Ye Yiren covered his mouth and snickered.

Qin Yan'er blushed and lowered her head, but a trace of regret flashed in her heart:

"now, I'm afraid he can't see me anymore."


"in Chen beixuan's eyes, there is no one in the world!"

Emperor zhanhuang left this famous remark in the CIA underground world.

More and more people, in the following post, agree. All the way, chen fan never bowed his head. No matter what difficulties or obstacles, we should push them out with one hand. Every time, when everyone thought that he was going to lose, he was crushed by Chen fan.

"At first, I thought most people were right. Later, I learned that Chen beixuan was right."

Someone sighed.

This time, the fall of the blood ancestor, the shock of the dark world, is unprecedented.

When ye Qingcang first entered kunxu, all the immortals were ethereal. Xuezu was the only one who was known to be an old immortal and lived for thousands of years. The whole dark world, the major families, are closely related to him.

Such a mythical figure, captured by Chen Fan with only one hand, has no room for resistance. How can the dark world not be afraid?

"From today on, I will always stand on Chen beixuan's side, no matter what opponent or thing he is, because he represents truth, correctness and invincibility."

A person with an ID called Shaguo posted.

"What if Chen beixuan goes to war with the United States and the United States uses nuclear weapons to bomb him?"

Some people question it.

"Then I will support Chen beixuan. He will win."

Sand fruit angry humming.

Many people are wondering if this guy is a girl. He worships chen fan as a Korean idol and turns into a fan. But more people are worried:

"Chen beixuan doesn't want to go to Kunlun to plead guilty, and Xuezu is dead again. If the immortal gate is opened, and the immortals of kunxu enter the world, how can we resist them. It's not one or two, it's a big group. "

The horror of the earth fairy.

You've all seen it with your own eyes. Ye Qingcang raised his hand to set off a storm of ten miles. Chen Fan destroyed the mountain with one blow. Although the blood ancestor hung up too fast, in history, killing the gods was like killing the people in the city.

One or two of these strong men are enough to sweep the world, not to mention one immortal in kunxu?

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover. With the development of Earth Science and technology, it is no longer for anyone to be slaughtered. If they dare to come, they have to taste the power of the nuclear bomb. "

The insight came out and said coldly:

"moreover, the big era has emerged. Ye Qingcang, Xuezu, Chen beixuan, kunxu world... More and more earth immortals and mythical strongmen are born. I have a premonition that we will live in a great era, and the protagonist of this era is Chen beixuan! "All the people who saw this message were silent.


just when the world is boiling for him, chen fan has returned to the forbidden area of the sword palace with the golden ball.

"Chen beixuan, what are you going to do?"

In the golden ball, the voice of Xuezu's panic came.

"It's nothing. I'll borrow you to make a furnace of medicine." Chen Fan said leisurely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!