Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 664

"No way, that's the blood ancestor."

Several ambassadors of great powers, their faces changed greatly, their hands trembled and said.

For thousands of years, there has been only one legendary earth immortal, far more than ye Qingcang. A few of his bodyguards once dominated the world. How could such a strong man be so vulnerable that he was trampled to death by Chen fan?

"The master will not be defeated easily. Chen beixuan is just irritating the master." Said the black Duke coldly.

Standing in the crowd, a Western friar in a white robe also slightly bowed his head and said:

"the blood ancestor is going to show his real body."


Just when the people were still shocked, they saw a black column of light in the huge pit.

In the column of light is the dark force surging to the extreme. The force is so strong that it seems to come from the nine hell. As soon as the pillar of light appeared, everyone at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain fell into the abyss. Even the top of his head began to make up for the dark clouds, as if it was going to turn into night.

"The day changes into the night, the stars change, and the blood ancestor is born!"

The white run bitter Friar's eyes are focused on the road.

"What's that...

suddenly someone exclaimed.

They looked up and saw a black figure in the light column.

Its body is black, its eyes are scarlet as blood, and it looks like human, not human, not devil. Its claws are about feet long and cross in front of its chest. Its black body is covered with mysterious incantations. Behind it, a pair of bat wings spread out, just like hell ghosts. Only the chest, a huge blood hole, is proving something.

"Chen beixuan, you forced me out. I must dig out your heart, swallow your blood, and make your body into the most beautiful specimen."

Reinhart had a Nightowl like voice in his mouth. He put out his long bright red tongue and licked his lips. No, we can't call it Reinhardt now. It's like a monster.

"That's the real, great, master of power."

The black Duke looked fanatical and bowed down on one knee.

The other dark powers, however, screamed and retreated one after another. Before the blood ancestor to maintain human appearance, we are still confused by him, now the real body appears, so ferocious, who still regard it as the same? I believe it's for human consideration.

"This is the devil, the devil to the core!"

A Korean Taekwondo master, wake up and scream out.

Blood ancestor impatiently raised a hand, spit out an ancient syllable in the mouth. A silent black mantra came to the head of the Korean master. In the blink of an eye, the Korean man grabbed his throat and turned into a dehydrated mummy from beginning to end.

"Curse of withering."

Someone whispered.

This curse, which turns the top martial arts into mummies, scares everyone. The voodoo witches, who are famous for their curse, are also stunned.

"This is the so-called blood ancestor, the so-called person who makes my teacher sacrifice for the sake of human beings and the earth. It is a devil at all. Do you still believe it?"

Yu Wenjing scolded in a delicate voice.

When she said this, many of the Western strongmen lowered their heads in shame, and several ambassadors were embarrassed. I didn't expect that the true face of Xuezu was like this.

"Chen beixuan, you did not enter this realm. You will never know the power and terror of this realm." Xuezu flapped his wings and flew into the air.

His chest, the huge blood hole that Chen fan had stepped on, began to wriggle at this time and quickly recovered. Now after the real death, the blood ancestor's recovery ability has been upgraded to a higher level.

"Yes, this is the pure blood dark blood... This is what I need."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and his voice became lower and lower.


This time, no longer and Chen Fan nonsense, blood ancestor direct hand.

With one stroke of its claw, it drives the surging breath of darkness, and the whole dark force between heaven and earth boils and condenses in the hands of Xuezu. Let its feet long blood awn God claw, full soar two feet, into nearly three feet long, as if it can split heaven and earth.

Dark clouds in the sky, are condensed as if dripping liquid, hurricane, crying. The power of this blow is comparable to that of Ye Qingcang's last blow.

The dark blood clan is the favorite of the dark. They are born with the dark spirit, which is far better than the ordinary earth immortal friars.

However, chen fan was not afraid at all, but said faintly:

"the divine body is small, but one hand is congenital. Today, I let you know that the realm is nothing!"

With that, chen fan stepped out and clapped in the air.


It's just like the river of heaven, the sun and the moon. A palm formed by the light of green gold emerged in the void. It's just a combination of Chen Fan's physical strength. The light palm is about the size of Zhang Xu. The whole body is made of clear colored glass, and the fiber pattern is complete. It's like immortal gold.

The green gold God's palm pats it. As soon as it hits out, it will crush the three feet of blood awn, and then pats it to the blood ancestor. Xuezu's face changed wildly, and he let him go, but he didn't escape completely. Half of the shoulder was smashed. Pieces of black scales and broken bones were flying, and a hot mist of blood came out of his wound."Damn you!"

The blood ancestor's eyes were as red as blood in a moment, and the extremely ferocious murderous spirit erupted from his eyes.

The blood ancestor has been on the earth for thousands of years. Except for the holy men of the Holy See, when did he suffer such damage?

He has wings behind him. He breaks the sound barrier and attacks chen fan at nearly five times the speed of sound. Another intact left claw, with heavy shadow, seems to split the wind, can penetrate steel.


Five times the speed of sound. It's beyond everything. People can't even catch it. The last moment is still thousands of meters away, and the next moment has come to Chen fan, as if breaking through time.


Xuezu raised his left claw, and there were black mist, like a poisonous snake, under the claw. Each mist represented a very vicious curse.

"Withering curse, aging curse, blood poison curse..."

in a flash, the blood ancestor put ten curses on his hand. It's almost as good as "the angel's twelve note scale.". If the strike is real, it will be a God. I'm afraid it will fall.

"Chen beixuan, I use the top ten curses as weapons. If you can bear the small ones, I will turn around and run away."

Xuezu laughs wildly, and the evil spirit is wrapped around Chen Fan from all directions, and penetrates into Chen Fan's brain. Destroy his spirit.

"Just like ants."

Chen Fan's face was expressionless, his eyes were joyless, and he gently raised his hand.

At this time, the curse claw of Xuezu is only three inches away from Chen Fan's heart.

But Xuezu felt that the three inch distance seemed very far away. It watched Chen Fan raise his hand. Watching Chen Fan press his hand on his left paw, he completely ignored many curses. Watch Chen Fan gently wave his left claw off his body.


Xuezu screamed wildly, making a shrill voice like an old owl.

Its wings flapped wildly, its figure retreated suddenly, and its eyes were full of fear.

The power of Chen fan is beyond the imagination of Xuezu. Whether it is the incredible physical body, or the constitution that is not afraid of many curses, as well as the terror ability that seems to slow down, it is totally beyond the imagination of the blood ancestor.

"This is a monster, a real monster. His body is close to the real spirit. What's more, it's a magic power to control time? How can this be possible? Among the oldest ancestors of our family, no one has ever heard that someone can control time. "

The more Xuezu thought about it, the more frightened he was. His wings flapped like a phantom, turning into a blood awn and fleeing to the distance.

Time is above all laws.

The magic power of controlling time, which is earth shaking, is famous in the universe. Although Chen fan can't use the magic power of time, he can still do it with a little power.

"Is Xuezu going to escape?"

Countless people stare at me.

The black Duke was even more dull and could not believe it.

"You can't escape."

Chen Fan's figure is like a mirage. He emerges behind the blood ancestor out of thin air. He stretches out his hands and tears them gently.


The bat wings behind Xuezu were torn down by Chen fan. When xuezudun let out a terrible howl, a cloud of blood fog fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

It's under Chen Fan's hands, but it's not vulnerable at all.

"Run away!"

Blood ancestor at this time which still has the heart of a little fight. Its body fell to the ground, instantly burning the essence of the body, turning it into a blood mane, flying to the distance and flying away.


Chen Fan gave a soft drink.

The whole void suddenly condensed like an iron plate. Then, chen fan stretched out a palm covered with divine lines and pressed it in the air. The fleeing blood Miscanthus is patted into the ground by a green golden palm. Chen Fan clenched his fist. Xuezu was also seized by Qingjin's giant palm in the air. No matter how it breaks free, it can't break away.

It's made by the power of the divine body. It's so strong that it surpasses the hardest metal on earth.

God body small into, can only hand crack congenital!

This is the real power of the green emperor's immortal body. Before Zhan xuanluo and Tian Mingzi, chen fan didn't even use half of his power.

"With you, I'll finally be able to practice Tiangong and enter the congenital world." Chen Fan grinned. In the fear eyes of Xuezu, he played golden prohibitions, sealed them, and finally turned them into a golden ball, floating in Chen Fan's hands.

Chen fan, holding a golden ball in his hand, flies to Shushan sword palace without looking back. Before leading away, a golden light popped up and killed the black Duke who wanted to escape.

Only the people at the foot of the mountain stood there in a daze, just like watching a myth.

"Is Xuezu dead?" After a long time, someone whispered.

"The blood ancestor has been captured by my master. Who has any objection to my master today?"

Xuedaisha looked up and looked around like a proud queen. No matter the envoys of great powers or the Western divine realm, they all bow their heads and no one dares to speak.The world is terrified!

PS: originally, I only wanted to write three chapters. Finally, I got up and finished the plot. I'm going to be born soon. My friends, please have some monthly tickets_ ∩) O

well, it's estimated that the chapters in the evening will be updated later, but the author will definitely be more careful^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!