Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 666

Blood ancestor. ()

is the dark blood group of pure blood.

This kind of life, born is a congenital body, comparable to the Taoist body immortal fetus. After adulthood, they are promoted automatically. A blood, spirit, body, incomparably pure, spirit surging.

Like this kind of congenital race, spirit beast and so on, all over the body, from head to foot, are treasures.

If we use them to refine medicine, we can produce unprecedented big medicine on earth. Maybe we can get rid of the elixir of top grade and promote the level of Baodan. That's one. It can make a congenital existence.

"You dare!"


The golden light ball vibrated violently, and the blood ancestor's crazy howl came from it. The horrible dark breath and blood energy made the golden ball seem to burst and jump up and down.


Chen Fan turned out a yellow paper talisman and pasted it on the golden ball. All of a sudden, the golden ball seemed to be hit by Mount Tai and did not move.

The yellow paper talisman, on which the sword shape is drawn, is the "Heavenly Sword talisman" pasted on the door of the palace master's quiet room. This talisman is from the hand of the old man with nine swords at the peak of the celestial being. It contains a powerful blow from a celestial being, which is comparable to the power of nuclear weapons to suppress the blood ancestor. It is simple.

Seeing that he could not break away, Xuezu began to plead for mercy and said: "Chen beixuan, I can sign a contract with you on the Styx River and swear to the ancestor god that I will never be enemies with you and the beiqiong sect again. Where you are, I will be far away from you for a thousand li, OK? "

Chen Fan ignored it, but took out a three meter high copper stove.

This copper furnace is the best alchemy furnace stored in the treasure house of sword palace. In terms of quality, it is a high-quality spirit tool, which is called "Jiulong stove". It's more than enough to practice a blood ancestor. Chen fan puts the copper stove on the ground fire, and then plays the formula.

"Dong Dong Dong."

The copper furnace began to vibrate, and the whole furnace God was shining.

Fire dragons, like snakes, come out of the nine holes of the copper stove and make the whole room burning hot. There are nine fire dragons, each of which is ten meters long. They are very real. Even their hair and whiskers are condensed by flames, just like the spirits in the fire. They open their mouths and spray out different flames to burn the alchemy furnace.

No wonder it is called "Jiulong furnace".

Chen Fan almost mastered this kind of low-grade Dan furnace as soon as he started.

He started to control the nine fire dragons, release the flames in an orderly way, and offer sacrifices to the alchemy furnace.

"... or we can sign a master servant contract and I will serve you for a hundred years."

Obviously, Xuezu could feel the external situation. When he saw the Dan furnace coming out, he was immediately flustered and quickly told for mercy:

"Chen beixuan, you know, once you refine me, you can't get anything, I will explode in the furnace. But if you sign a contract, you will get a loyal servant and many blood secrets. Together, we can completely destroy the Holy See and dominate the whole earth...

"without you, I can also run across the earth."

Chen Fan said faintly, while communicating with the ground fire.


I saw a black pillar of fire coming out of the fire on the ground.

This black pillar of fire is made of the real fire of the earth's lung. It seems that there is no temperature outside. In fact, inside, it is enough to burn people to ashes in an instant. It is the top grade flame of alchemy.

As soon as the fire broke out, the Jiulong stove began to run.

The copper stove is spinning slowly in the air, and a fresh fragrance is winding around the room. This is the elixir Qi that has been practiced in the elixir furnace. If ordinary people take one mouthful, they will not get sick.

"But the earth immortals of kunxu are coming soon. Although you have become the body of gods, there are a large number of them that you can't deal with... I know how to deal with them..."

Xuezu cried.


Chen fan was ready to throw the golden ball into the furnace and asked:

"what do you know?"

"... Hoo."

Xuezu finally breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"although I didn't take part in the battle of immortal meteorite in those years, I once heard my father talk about it."

"Almost all the gods and immortals of the East and the West took part in the war. The whole earth was sunk, bleeding and sculling. Countless countries and civilizations have been crushed, and even Atlantis has been sunk into the ocean. "

"I don't know what the cause of that battle was. I only know that later, not only the gods of the earth fought themselves, but also the foreign enemies intervened. In the end, we finally beat back the enemies of Outland, but the earth is full of sores and is not suitable for gods to survive. So the ancestors, gods and immortals of all ethnic groups either opened up the world, hid in it, or ventured to leave the earth... "

when Xuezu said this, chen fan's eyes narrowed.

Tianlu is Chen Fan's most concerned news.

Chen fanqiong searched the earth, and finally gathered together the resources to break through the congenital.

But it's too difficult to promote Jindan. I'm afraid it's not enough to clean up the whole earth. After all, there are three, six and nine kinds of gold elixirs. Chen Fan's wild hope is far beyond the satisfaction of ordinary gold elixirs."Kunxu kingdom is a small world left by the Oriental immortals. Its immortal gate has its limitations. If the Dixian level crosses too much, it will be unstable and very dangerous. And in my blood group, there is a secret treasure that can interfere with space. As long as you let me go, I'll take out the secret treasure, which can disturb the immortal gate and make it difficult for them to pass. "

Blood ancestor said.

It believes that compared with the enemy of kunxu, it is nothing to refine medicine from it.

"That secret treasure is sealed in the forbidden area of my blood clan. You can't find it without my leadership." Blood ancestor warning. It is afraid of Chen Fan's evil thoughts and kills itself to search for the secret treasure.

"The secret of space?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed.

Any treasure related to space can only be refined by golden elixir. If there is such a secret treasure, chen fan can even destroy the whole immortal gate.

But in his eyes, where are the fairies in kunxu? What Chen Fan pursues is to find the "Heaven's way" for the ancient immortals to leave through the kunxu world, so as to leave the earth.


Xuezu suddenly panicked to find that the golden ball moved again and flew to the Danlu at a high speed.

"Chen beixuan, what are you going to do? You don't want the secret? You are not afraid that the immortals of kunxu will step into the world and tear you and your sect to pieces! " Xuezu cried in panic.

"Refining you means that there are more immortals in the kunxu world. What's my fear?"

Chen Fan's eyes are deep, and his skills are firm.

"Chen beixuan, I curse you. Your sect and all your relatives and friends will surely fall into hell... "It seems that you can feel Chen Fan's will, and the blood ancestor howls wildly, sending out the most vicious curse.

Finally, with a bang, the furnace was closed and the golden ball was sealed into it.

"Now, at last, it has begun."

Chen Fan's eyes were burning, and a trace of excitement appeared on his face.

It's very difficult for alchemists to make great medicine with the help of congenital creatures. After all, the blood ancestor is alive, it is forced in the Dan furnace, even self explosion, how to make it into Dan medicine smoothly, not every alchemist can do it.

"Dihuo practice, Jiulong Town closed, forbidden!"

Chen Fan quickly pinched his hands and made a series of tricks.

The nine fire dragons, like nine chains, wound the furnace tightly and penetrated into the interior of the furnace. And the true fire of the earth's lung rose up into the sky and turned into a pillar of fire, burning the Jiulong stove red.

"Boom, boom!"

Blood ancestor's crazy roar came from the Dan furnace. It would rather explode than be refined by Chen fan. But soon, Xuezu was frightened and found: "how could it be? I can't use my strength... No!"

This is the forbidden system attached to the Jiulong furnace. It can be condensed into a small Dharma Realm in the Dan furnace to forbid all forces. However, this alchemy technique is so skillful that it cannot be manipulated by non top alchemists.

Next, chen fan no matter how the blood ancestor begged and cursed. Orderly start alchemy thing, constantly into a panacea. Many top quality elixirs fly into the elixir like running water.

Above the elixir, it means "treasure".

Chen Fan's "ChiYan elixir" is just a top-grade elixir, which is enough to create a divine realm. Once the blood ancestor is refined into a treasure pill, one swallow can make people ascend to the heaven. But for Chen fan, the greater significance is to complete the last piece of the picture.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The fire of the earth is like a pillar, surging and ceaseless.

This kind of surging ground lung fire is extremely hot. Even if Chen Fan stays in it for too long, he will not be able to bear it. As for the blood ancestor is unbearable, almost half a day, there is not much sound.

One day, two days, three days passed.

About seven days later, chen fan finally received the formula, put out the fire and put down the copper stove.


When the lid of the stove was opened, the whole stone room was filled with a strong fragrance.

A red ball of light flew out of the copper stove. In the ball of light, it was the size of a fist. It was all red, just like the soul stirring blood amber. It was red and bleeding. In the blood pill, there is a translucent soul, sealed in it, you can see the appearance of the blood ancestor.

As soon as the Dan came out, a thunder cloud quickly gathered outside Shushan sword palace. If Chen Fan hadn't suppressed the Dan room with his strength, the sky sword Fu would have been more shining, and I'm afraid there would have been thunder.

"This life medicine has finally been refined."

There was a smile on Chen Fan's face.

He devoted all his family resources to paste all the elixirs seized from Yingzhou island and Shushan sword palace into them and finally made them into a treasure pill.

"Such a treasure pill, if given to ordinary deities, can directly create a congenital. Unfortunately, there is only one, otherwise it will be given to parents and Xiao Qiong. "

Chen Fan sighed in his heart, but did not hesitate on his face.

Facing the enemies of kunxu, he needs the strongest strength to protect his relatives. As for Baodan, when his accomplishments are restored, not to mention just Baodan, but Shendan and Shengdan are readily available."Hoo

Chen fan runs Xuangong. The whole body, innumerable light spots, gives out a bright and incredible divine light. This piece of divine brilliance, indistinctly connected into a piece, seems to be a strange beast that looks like a fish but not a fish, a bird but not a bird.

The divine beast's light map, now behind Chen Fan's back, has already lit up 90 percent. It's only the last step and the most important part of the mouth.


Chen Fan opened his mouth and swallowed the blood pill into his mouth.


A surge of power, burst in his body, let Chen Fan's breath, endless to rise! , the fastest update of the webnovel!