Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 663

For the earth and mankind?

This is the most ridiculous lie chen fan has ever heard.

The blood ancestor in front of us, Reinhardt, is a pure blood dark blood clan. Whether it is the dark power of the abyss or the word "Feng" in the middle of its name, it represents the identity of the blood ancestor.

"I've heard that all the major families of the dark blood clan take" single word "as their surname. The word Feng means that you come from a blood tribe named Feng. In the universe, the dark blood clan and the human race are mortal enemies. They feed on the human race. For the first time, I heard that you still have to think about human beings. "

Chen Fan said with a cold smile.

The smile on Reinhardt's face faded, and his scarlet pupils shrunk slightly.

The world only knows that they are vampires, but they don't know the existence of the dark blood clan. This is a mysterious race in the starry sky, hundreds of millions of light-years away from the earth. Even Reinhart himself knew little about the origin of the dark blood clan. Chen Fan didn't know it.

"Chen beixuan, you have to make a choice, life or death!"

It's here. Reinhardt doesn't want to cover it up. He says in a cold voice.

Both chen fan and Reinhardt understand it. What for the sake of the earth, for the sake of mankind, that's just a lie. Their real purpose is only each other.

"What a delicious taste. It's the blood of the earth immortal. It's full of aura and power. If I can take his blood, I will surely go one step further and even evolve to the legendary blood god."

Reinhart's eyes are fixed on Chen fan, and he can't help being greedy.

As for kunxu, Reinhardt never paid any attention to it. No matter how strong the immortals in the kunxu world are, he can't hide in the sea of blood. What does it have to do with him to let those people in the kunxu world turn the earth upside down?

Reinhart did not know that Chen Fan's eyes were similar.

"Mr. Chen beixuan, even an alien like Lord Reinhart is willing to consider the earth. As a human being, you should not set an example at this time..."

a blonde Western congresswoman, with righteous words, persuades chen fan.

Chen Fanli didn't pay attention to it, but with a flick of his finger, a blue light blade came out and chopped the Congresswoman into two pieces. Before she died, the Congresswoman had an incredible look on her face.

All of a sudden, it was quiet.

Everyone did not expect that Chen fan should be so decisive.

There is no hesitation when it comes to killing. Only Reinhardt sneers, for example, chen fan, a strong man who is aloof from the world, is close to God. How can he sacrifice himself for some great righteousness? It's all the lies of Western politicians. I didn't expect that they would believe it.

"Mr. Chen beixuan..."

the British ambassador suddenly changed his mind and asked.

Chen Fan turned his back and said faintly, "if you spit out another word, I will not only kill you all over the house, but also kill all the officials of the British government from top to bottom. Do you believe it?"

The British ambassador suddenly froze, his face was blue and white, his lips were wriggling, and he couldn't say a word.

Until now, it occurred to many people that this man was not a kind-hearted people. His hands were covered with the blood of unknown people from the East and the West. Chen beixuan's fame was built up with the corpses of countless powerful people in the dark world.

"We even tried to persuade such a murderer to sacrifice ourselves to save mankind. It's just like water in our head."

Someone's talking to himself.

More people are livid.

Chen Fan's attitude is so tough that he doesn't want to take the initiative to plead guilty to the immortals in the kunxu world. Half a year later, when the gate of immortals is wide open, what will the earth take to resist the invasion of the immortals in the kunxu world?

A road vision, involuntarily converge to Reinhardt.

Up to now, many people feel that Reinhart is unreliable, but we can only rely on him.

For a moment, Reinhart seemed to be the Savior of all people, while Chen Fan seemed to be a villain in front of him.

"Chen beixuan, you killed the Western councillors without permission and did not listen to our suggestions. I can only take you down and escort you to the kunxu community to plead guilty." Reinhart sighed as if he had to.


Chen Fangen didn't bother to pay attention to his affectation. In Chen Fan's eyes, he was just a little worm. Even if not into the congenital, swallow day map also did not practice. But only with the small success of the God, you can capture and kill with one hand.


Chen Fan stretched out a hand, shining with brilliant green and gold light, surrounded by divine lines, just like Buddha's giant palm, descending from the sky and pressing down on Reinhardt.


Reinhardt's body directly turned into a blood awn. He suddenly broke through the sound barrier and reached the terrible speed of three times the speed of sound. He rushed to Chen fan, palm to palm, and strong to strong.

Black Duke and others, for half blood, can easily break the sound barrier. The blood ancestor is a pure blood race and has survived for thousands of years. No one can imagine how terrible its physical body and power are.

"DeathIn Reinhardt's eyes, the blood rose sharply, and a white and ferocious tusk appeared at the corner of his mouth. He is delicate, white and tender, just like the hands of a pianist. At this time, he suddenly elongated and turned into sharp claws, shining cold.


Reinhardt tore the air with one claw and pushed it to Chen Fan's heart with the force of several times the speed of sound.

The dark blood clan is a strong clan in the starry sky. It doesn't need any martial arts. With a pair of sharp claws and a strong body, the blood clan has self-confidence and can kill the immortals.

"What is Ye Qingcang? In my eyes, ye Qingcang is just a child who has just learned to walk. I've just been promoted to Dixian. I'm just defeated by you. Can you imagine the real power of the earth immortal? "

Reinhardt thought that the scarlet pupils were getting hotter and hotter, and a pair of sharp claws were shining with blood awn. The blood awn was extremely evil. It was composed of pure blood energy, and the level was high enough to easily penetrate the body of the earth immortal and point at chen fan.


Chen fan has only one hand to respond to him.

Wrapped in the light of green gold, the white and tender palm of the hand, slapped out, directly on Reinhardt's claws.

Just listen to "click!" Let's hear it.

Reinhardt's body retreated suddenly and stood in the sky thousands of meters away from the void.

He looked at his palms with scarlet eyes. The two claws, which were enough to tear the earth fairy, were smashed into deformities, the roots were broken, and even the carpal bones were deformed.

"How is that possible? Why is his physical body so powerful? "

Reinhart was horrified.

Even a thousand years ago, St. Augustus of the Holy See defeated him only by the power of the holy instrument. He did not dare to fight with Reinhardt. When did Reinhardt see a man who was stronger than him?

But he did not fear, pure blood recovery ability, terror to the extreme. As soon as he breathed, his claws returned to their original state, as if they had not been hurt.

"Chen beixuan, I look down on you. I didn't expect that you would appear on the earth before entering the world for thousands of years. But... This makes me more excited. If I can devour your blood, I will evolve into a blood god, and the possibility will be increased by another point, ha ha ha! "

Reinhart's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at chen fan, his mind surging.

His wild laughter reverberated in Chen Fan's mind, unspeakable evil. This handsome and polite blood ancestor is just a demon in human skin.

"If I catch you, I can also practice swallowing the sky..."

Chen Fan bowed his head and said softly.

"Bang bang."

As soon as Reinhardt's voice fell, his figure suddenly turned into many phantoms, attacking Chen Fan from all directions. Every mirage is very real, breaking the sound barrier, with the power of terror.

The spectators, standing at the foot of the mountain, could only see Reinhardt's figures in the sky.

In addition to cursing magic, dark blood is also famous for its speed. Reinhardt's speed is far beyond the imagination of human beings, and even ordinary immortals.

"It's just magic. Break it for me."

Chen Fan disdained to smile, did not use magic at all, just holding hands into a fist, volley.


The void is boiling, and the ocean of vitality seems to be broken under this blow. A blue and golden light comes out of Chen Fan's right fist. Terrible energy, condensed into a substantial column of light, shot into the sky.

Those illusions in front of the light column are all broken in an instant, just like paper paste. Finally, the beam of light directly bombarded a person with a face full of panic.

"How can you see through my" thousand illusions and blood shadow technique "..."

a stream of angry spirit came to Chen fan. Reinhardt's real body, however, was hit by Chen Fan's blow and flew upside down. It turned into a bloody meteor and shot into the distance.

"You are too young to understand."

Chen Fan chuckles and turns his back on his hands. His figure is like a mirage. He appears above Reinhart in a flash. His face is cold and he steps down like a mole ant.

Chen Fan's right foot is shrouded in the bright green and golden light. Countless divine lines emerge with a trace of immortal will. Like the giant feet of ancient gods, one foot can trample a mountain.


Reinhardt screamed wildly. The surging blood can gush out of him, condense between his claws, cover his hands, red awn like a sword, bright red, like red crystal.

His bloody claws had once torn the throat of the Holy One, but in front of Chen Fan's feet, they were just like ants. Chen fan directly crushed it. Then, chen fan directly stepped on his chest, with claws and people, fell from hundreds of meters, and stepped on the ground with one foot.


Qingcheng Mountain is shaking.

There is a huge hole directly on the ground, which is more than ten feet in diameter and can't see the bottom. Even the blood ancestor's shadow can't be seen, only Chen Fanli's figure on it.Everyone was stunned.

Blood ancestor, an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, was trampled to death by Chen fan?

This guy is too terrible, totally beyond everyone's imagination!

PS: the third one, well, I don't know when the password red envelope will be sent. Let me tell you the password first. The password is: Urban rebirth and immortality between heaven and earth! , the fastest update of the webnovel!