Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 662

"Is Xuezu really here?"

Countless eyes, looking to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. I saw a beautiful young man in a black gilt evening dress with mysterious blood pattern, white skin, black hair, accompanied by several distinguished ambassadors.

Blood ancestor!

Seeing the young man, countless people suffocated.

Although there is no legend that the blood ancestor has a blue face, fangs, bat wings on his back, and can easily devour hundreds of thousands of people. But who else can accompany the envoys of major powers?

"This is the devil who has come out of hell. It has been waking up for thousands of years, killing tens of thousands of people. Compared with him, Damon is as pure as an angel. His hands are covered with my human blood. "

Someone trembled and whispered.

Although the people around them heard it, they pretended not to.

Everyone knows that the blood ancestor is a vampire. In those years, he used to feed on human beings and created monstrous blood evils. But now, the enemy of kunxu is in charge. All countries and organizations in the world have to rely on the power of blood ancestors. After all, this is an old Dilian.

"Sir, Chen beixuan is among the clouds at the top of the mountain, according to our information. In the sea of clouds, there is a mysterious palace, which can't be detected by any modern technology. It seems to be hidden in the clouds. "

The British ambassador bowed slightly.

In those days, the dark arbitration department worked for the British Empire. Britain has the closest relationship with the blood group. So this time, it was Britain and the United States that encouraged the blood ancestors to come.

"It's Shushan sword palace. Thousands of years ago, the fairy palace handed down by Oriental immortals. We don't have to rush in, just wait at the door."

Xuezu said slowly.

His voice was elegant, with a standard cockney accent and a tongue up at the end, as if he were reciting a sonnet.

"I came here to persuade Mr. Chen beixuan. Although I am a foreign race, the earth is also my hometown. I am willing to do my part for human beings and earth creatures. "

The blood ancestor turned his head and saluted the people.

Many people find it funny that such a demon in human skin, who feeds on human beings, should keep saying that he wants to consider human beings. It's just like a glitch in the world.

"Well, that's nice. It's not to force Chen beixuan to sacrifice himself. As long as Chen beixuan is not a fool, he will never listen to you. " Many of the eastern warriors sneer.

Chen fan is a great power in the world.

In the whole East, most warlocks regard him as an idol. This time, the beiqiong faction was able to withstand the pressure because of Ye Qingcang and the support of China.

But Western practitioners are different.

"Sir, please be sure to persuade Mr. Chen beixuan. If he doesn't listen, we will use force to subdue him and give him to the immortals in the kunxu area. "

Many Western practitioners, cheering, and others shouting.

Although Chen fan is strong, only Ye Qingcang has been defeated so far. Xuezu, as an old Dixian, has survived for thousands of years. In people's eyes, his strength is obviously better than Chen Fan's.

After that, Xuezu stood on the top of Qingcheng Mountain and waited quietly.

One day, two days, three days...

at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, more and more people gathered. There are even voodoo priests and rainforest warriors from black Africa and even South America. The divine realm of the world is gathering here, and everyone is waiting for Chen Fan's answer.

"Xuezu, they have been waiting outside the door for five days and five nights. If the teacher doesn't go out of the gate, they have to wait all the time."

In the sword palace.

Wang Xiaoyun, Fang Qiong, Qian yexue and others stood in front of the door of the quiet room, looking at the situation outside, looking ugly. Through a magic water mirror, you can see that there are thousands of people at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

I'm afraid that half of the world's dark powers will gather here.

"They all asked Xiao Fan to go out and answer the questions of Xuezu. Now our pressure is increasing. It is said that many overseas countries have begun to restrict and seal up the industry of beiqiong group, forcing us to agree. "

Fang Qiong pursed her lips.

"Well, those industries outside can be abandoned at any time. As long as we close the sword palace array, the nuclear bombs may not be able to blow open. I don't believe that they can wait outside for more than ten years. It's impossible for my son to pay for their lives. "

Wang Xiaoyun said.

This beautiful woman, nearly 50 years old, has a firm look in her eyes. In Wang Xiaoyun's mind, even the safety of the whole earth and mankind is not as important as his son's.


Ah Xiu, Fang Qiong and an ya all nodded their heads and made up their minds.

And the snow stands on one side and doesn't speak, but the light in the beautiful eyes is flickering, I don't know what I'm thinking.


At this time, the stone door of the quiet room suddenly opened, and Chen Fan pushed the door out."Why are you standing at the door?" Chen Fan looks surprised.

"Xiaofan, have you succeeded in closing the door?" Fang Qiong and others turned their heads and looked over in surprise.

"Not yet." Chen Fan said helplessly. "There are some mistakes in my calculation of practice. Those spirit stones and spirit crystals are not enough, they are still a little short. I'm going to visit Kunlun burial valley or Qinling underground palace to see if I can collect more. "

Chen fan has a bad face.

I thought that 70000 spirit stones would be enough to build a picture of swallowing heaven. I never thought that. The first picture of this heavenly palace requires a lot of resources. After more than half of his cultivation, chen fan realized that there was not enough spirit stone. He swallowed all the spirit grass and pills he was carrying. He found that it was still a little short, so he had no choice but to go out.

"Teacher, Xuezu has been born. At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, I want to meet you and discuss the kunxu world..."

a Xiuhui reports.

But Chen Fan didn't listen to her words at all. Instead, his eyes lit up like a light bulb: "what do you say? Blood ancestor is born, and in front of the door? "

Then, no matter what the crowd said, chen fan had already rushed out in a gust of wind, as if he had been hungry for ten days and nights and met a fat meal.

They were stunned and surprised.


at this time, countless people have begun to complain in front of Qingcheng Mountain.

"It's been five days. Can Chen beixuan come out?"

"He's not afraid of death. Xuezu didn't come to him for revenge. He just talked about kunxu. "

"If you want to talk about me, Lord Xuezu would just lead us into that Shifu Shushan sword palace and find out Chen beixuan directly!"

Many Western powers sneer.

But the Eastern martial arts people, their faces are slightly embarrassed. Whether Chen fan is willing to go to kunxu is his business. But the blood ancestor has already visited, he has not come out to see, some really can't say.

"I'm not really afraid."

Some people mutter to themselves.

"Chen Tianren must be shut up at a critical juncture. He can't get away with something."

Only Chen Fan's fans are still defending him. For example, Gao Tianming and Guo Xiaoman of bajimen. But they are just a drop in the ocean. How can they argue with so many people.

The ambassadors are also aggressive.

"Miss xuedaisha, how long does Mr. Chen beixuan have to go through the customs?"

"Miss xuedaisha, if Chen beixuan doesn't go through the customs again, we have the right to use force!"

"It's a matter of life and death for human beings, initiated by Chen beixuan. Is he really ready to stand by?"

The British, French and American ambassadors, one by one, spoke sharply and pointed directly at cheddar. Xuedaisha, as the foreign spokesman of beiqiong school, has been dealing with the public these days, but even with her eloquence, she is too busy to argue.

"The master of my house is closed. When to leave, you'll have to worry."

Snow on behalf of sand, cold as ice, cold speech.

"In that case, don't blame us for going directly into the sword palace." The black Duke sneered.

Four of his friends were killed by Chen fan, and the dark arbitration department, which had been running for hundreds of years, was destroyed by Chen fan. Even many of his descendants died under Chen Fan's blood curse. The hatred of the black Duke against Chen fan is really exhausting, and it's hard to wash away.

"You dare...

Xue Dai Sha Mei's eyes are round and ready to scold.

At this time, suddenly, the vast sea of clouds split from it, and a person came out, wearing white casual clothes, with a crystal clear long spread over his shoulders, with a bit of laziness on his face, as if he had just woken up. It was Chen fan.

"Is Chen beixuan out?"

Everyone was surprised, did not expect Chen Fan really will come forward.

"Mr. Chen beixuan, you have finally come out."

Ambassadors from all countries spoke one after another.

The blood ancestor, who had been standing there, also opened his scarlet eyes and stared at chen fan. His eyes flashed a little greedy, and then said:

"Dear Mr. Chen beixuan, I am Reinhardt von kamalira, the ancestor of the blood clan."

"I'm here to apologize for causing you trouble and trouble for my bodyguards and children."

Xuezu bowed slightly and behaved gracefully.

He is not like a devil at all, but more like a noble born medieval nobleman.

Chen Fan didn't speak. He just looked at him up and down. His eyes seemed to be shining. It's as if women see jewelry and gourmet food.

There was a strange flash in Xuezu's heart, but he continued to say:

"Sir, the enemy of kunxu is about to enter the earth. You and I are all creatures of the earth. We should make sacrifices for human beings, for human race and for the life of the earth. If you are willing to take the initiative to make amends to the immortals in kunxu, I will swear that you will never seek revenge from beiqiong sect, and protect them forever, and treat them as my nephew. "

"Oh? What if I don't want to? "Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and said with a smile.

"Then I can only capture you and send you to the immortal of kunxu. For the sake of all mankind and the earth, we have to make this sacrifice." Blood ancestor righteousness words, a face of righteousness.

The ambassadors of the neighboring countries and the people of the western world nodded together.

For a moment, the murderous spirit overflowed on the top of Qingcheng Mountain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!