Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 661

In the outside world, when the blood ancestor was born, chen fan was still closed in Shushan sword palace.

The master of the palace is quiet.

Chen Fan sat cross legged, surrounded by a mound of spirit stones as high as a hill. In the middle of the quiet room, there was a burning fire. It is connected to the Disha well, and it can draw the surging fire of the earth lung essence at any time. Its power is not limited, and it is not inferior to the fire of the golden elixir period.

"Five years after the rebirth of the earth, I can finally have a luxury."

Chen Fan looked at the stone pile and sighed.

The cultivation environment of the earth is extremely exhausted. The aura of the outside world is not enough to push people into the innate world. Ye Qingcang also relies on his adventures in the burial Valley and Chen Fan's evolution of the "five elements God thunder" to refine his body and open the door of heaven.

"There are 58421 spirit stones here, plus the remaining 3000 from Yingzhou island and the 1000 magic crystals found, which is equivalent to 70000 spirit stones."

Chen Fan calculates.

At this time, he was only half a step away from congenital, about two or three thousand pieces, enough to break into congenital. But after getting this large number of spirit stones, chen fan's ambition expanded instantly.

"If I want to enter the realm of reincarnation, I don't need to be so simple. Even if you want to, you can gather the elixir in the secular world by secret method. But just as the golden elixir can be divided into nine grades, there are also three, six and nine grades in nature. "

"Some of the descendants of the beast, the son of the immortal, the blood of the real immortal, and so on, can defeat the golden elixir and kill the gods as soon as they are promoted to the congenital level! I can't be satisfied with just breaking through the inborn. "

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet.

The most common congenital is Ye Qingcang and Xuezu. Or natural breakthrough, or practice Jiuliu Gongfa. He is totally dependent on instinct and does not know how to practice.

A little better, the fairies of kunxu.

Mastering some small sects' immortal methods, possessing supernatural powers and magic weapons, belongs to the lowest existence in the world of cultivating immortals. If you put them among the major sects in the universe, you will not only have no hope of the golden elixir, but also have no need to think about Yuan Ying's transforming into a God.

Upward, they are the backbone of the world of cultivating immortals, the elite disciples of various sects and races. When they were born, they took pills and didn't dye grains. They were close to Taoist body and immortal fetus. They practiced the top skills in the sect. Choose the most suitable one for magic power, magic and body formula. They are the seeds of a sect. If they break through the golden elixir, they will be able to have a baby.

However, if we want to enter the period of deification and become a great power, we need fortune and opportunity.

"These three classes belong to the ordinary class in the world of cultivating immortals. In the future, as long as the disciples who have wild hope of transforming gods and returning to nothingness, they will all strive for perfection when they break through the inborn and condense the golden elixir."

Chen Fan sighed.

In fact, his last life was just an ordinary birth, but Chen Fandao was brave and indomitable. He stepped on countless proud corpses and climbed to the top of the robbery, but it also left hidden dangers, and finally fell in the immortal robbery.

"The reason why I fell in those days was partly due to the evil in my heart and partly due to the unstable foundation. In this life, I will gradually make up for my regrets and eliminate my demons, but the foundation is equally important. If I don't build the supreme foundation, how can I break the immortal robbery and get rid of the universe? "

Chen Fanchang took a breath and made up his mind.

At this time, in terms of aptitude, chen fan's three realms of refining Qi are very perfect, and he has trained "the eternal life of the green emperor" to a small degree, basically surpassing the ordinary realm of cultivating immortals, which is comparable to the true disciples of the five element immortal sect.

"But that's not enough. The true disciples of the five element immortal sect can practice the divine body, and the divine sons begin to practice the other four kinds of divine bodies, hoping to practice the holy body. As for the great saints, they are born with holy body, which is the supreme pride of heaven. Compared with them, I am still far behind. If we fall behind this step, we will need more energy to catch up in the future. "

Thinking of this, chen fan began to think.

In his mind, the previous life recorded many skills and supernatural powers of various major sects, immortal sects and races, but in the past, limited by resources, chen fan could not cultivate them. I barely practiced a green emperor's immortal body, but it's still a incomplete version, and it's only now that I've made it up.

"Above the innate body, I have become a God, and I have reached the peak of cultivation. If you want to go a step further, you can only make up your mind in the aspects of blood, supernatural power, spirit and skill. "

Chen Fan touched his chin.

In terms of magic power, he has the golden pupil of Lihuo and the great magic power "time". Although time can't be moved lightly, it costs him a lot of energy. But once cut out, the golden elixir is invincible. Even the golden elixir has to fear three points.

And blood, he can't help it. This body is just an ordinary human on earth. There is no divine animal blood, divine descendants and so on.

"That's all. Don't think about it for the time being. You can't catch a congenital creature, refine it and extract its blood. Besides, what's the use of the blood of ordinary congenital creatures? "

Chen Fan shook his head, and finally focused on the spirit and skill:

"the cultivation of spirit is the most difficult, which can be put at the end, but the skill..."

Chen Fan's eyes were fixed.

So far, he has practiced two skills. In the period of foundation building, it was called "the secret of void refining" and in the period of tongxuan Shenhai, it was called "the eternal life of Qingdi". Strictly speaking, these two skills are both "the art of training the body", not the real method of cultivating immortals. It's just enough in the gas refining period, and Chen fan doesn't want to change it."With so many resources, I can try to practice a real skill." Chen Fan began to recall.

Although there are three, six and nine grades in the cultivation of immortals, there is little difference. For example, in Chen Fan's eyes, Jiuli sword Sutra belongs to the ninth class, but there is no essential difference compared with the first-class skills of big sects.

"What really divides the hierarchy is the divine law, the holy law and even the immortal law of the major god sects, holy places and immortal sects! They are superior to the ordinary cultivation of immortals, and are the core of many great religious races to stand up in the universe. "

Thinking of this, chen fan's eyes revealed a blazing light.

In his last life, he practiced the supreme immortal skill of Zhenwu immortal sect:

"fighting immortal method"!

This is the most powerful skill of Zhenwu Xianzong. It is said that it was created by the ancestors of Zhenwu Xianzong. Relying on it, chen fan made the myth of beixuan immortal Zun. Even in the cosmic immortal list, fighting against immortals is one of the top ten and even the top five.

"The method of fighting against immortals requires the cultivation of deities and the cultivation of Zhenwu holy body. I'm still 18000 miles away from it. It's not just it. I'm afraid I can't practice the other skills of Zhenwu immortal sect. It's too demanding. "

Chen Fan frowned.

If you can't practice the immortal Dharma, you should lower the level and pursue the holy Dharma. But the holy law is also very demanding. Chen Fan's tens of thousands of spirit stones were blown to the chariot.

"Shall I practice the divine Dharma? Chen Fan shook his head slightly and suddenly thought of a strange skill from his memory.

In his last life, when he was completed, he once roamed the universe. On the wall of an ancient palace, he saw 12 images. That temple is suspended in the barren void at the edge of the universe. It exists for hundreds of millions of years, and it is immortal. Chen Fan's power is hard to shake. Chen fan always doubted whether it was a relic left by the last era.

Shi TU was nameless, and Chen Fan named it at that time:

"twelve day Gong Tu".

"The twelve stone pictures, I thought at that time, were not inferior to or even superior to the fighting against immortals. It's a pity that at that time I was in the period of passing through the calamity, so I couldn't transfer to practice any more. Now it's time for me to practice. " Chen Fan thought:

"moreover, these twelve stone pictures have no barriers, so anyone can practice, but they require resources like mountains and seas. It may only take tens of thousands of stone to complete the first one. But later, the more the number is, the larger the number is. By the twelfth picture, the resources of the whole Zhenwu immortal sect may not be enough. "

"But once it's completed, its power will be terrible enough to push thousands of people!"

But when Chen Fan came back, he had absolute confidence to make the decision. What are the resources? Moreover, in the middle of the way, he can also change to "fight for immortals".

"So it was decided that the first picture of practice, I hope these resources are enough."

Chen Fan closed his eyes.

In his mind, there was an ancient stone picture. Stone map seems to come from endless years ago, with the nothingness and craziness before Taigu. On the stone map, there is only a huge mouth, as if devouring heaven and earth.

"Twelve days' work map, the first one, swallow the sky map!"

Chen Fan's mouth is slightly open when he uses the skill.

Just listen to the sound of "crackling".

On the spirit stone pile, pieces of spirit stone burst apart and turned into a dark green pure aura, which was instantly inhaled by Chen fan. He is like a long whale drinking water, crazy devouring aura. It's ten times as fast as before.

As Chen Fan gradually practiced, he swallowed more and more aura. In his body, light spots emerge. Those light spots are hidden in the body. The human body is like the universe, with hundreds of millions of mysteries. These collections were not opened originally, but with the cultivation of tuntiantu, many collections were opened, and Chen Fan began a mysterious evolution.

His long-lived truth element gradually transformed into a strange truth element. The strange true yuan is as vast as the sea, and as deep as the abyss. It seems to pour heaven and earth into it, but it can't be filled, just like the mouth of a Kunpeng.

In the chamber of secrets, layers of divine brilliance are shining, and a peerless strong man is transforming.

At this time, after more than a month of brewing, the pressure from the outside world is growing, and even the beiqiong school can not support it. After all, it's the blood ancestor and the whole world.

June 7, 2012.

Accompanied by the ambassadors of Britain, France, Russia and the United States, Xuezu entered China, drove to the back mountain of Qingcheng, inquired at the gate of the sword palace, and asked to meet chen fan to discuss the great event of human survival.

The news spread that countless strong people, like fireflies, converged to Qingcheng Mountain.

For a time, Qingcheng Mountain became the focus of the whole world.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one. It's new year's day. There are so many things. All kinds of relatives and friends have come back. The author tries to ensure that O (n_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!