Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 660

Although Kunlun and beiqiong jointly issued a command. After all, some people are not afraid of death, forced to leak out. Moreover, the war at that time was earth shaking, and all the big powers quietly targeted their satellites, which was naturally recorded.

"The gate of immortals... The world of kunxu... Many sacred places... The immortals of the earth... Chen beixuan."

As soon as these key words came out, they suddenly set off waves in the dark world, and even the world powers were shocked.

"Wait, there is a space channel in China, which can connect with other worlds. Which world has many fairylands and immortals? And before long, those immortals will step into the world and take revenge on Chen beixuan? "

Countless people were stunned.

This is beyond human imagination. There is a hidden world on our earth, which is even more incredible than that of aliens.

"Whether it's true or not, the earth immortal hasn't seen it for thousands of years. So far, it's just a leaf Qingcang. After the first World War in Yanshan, they were still hiding to heal their wounds, and they could hardly be seen. If there are many immortals in the kunxu area, why have they never been born? "

There is doubt.

"I saw it with my own eyes in Qingcheng Mountain. Those in the immortal sect are only disciples of each sect. But the strength is appalling. Tianmingzi, xuanluo, qianyexue, which one is enough to push the world invincible, is that the black Duke is not necessarily an opponent. It's not the earth immortal who can teach such disciples

A person who posted anonymously replied.

"So, Chen beixuan is going to have bad luck."

Some Western powers began to gloat.

We all know the strength of Chen fan. It's just that I beat the earth immortal. It's just when I just broke through. If all the immortals in kunxu were to enter the world, no matter how strong Chen Fan was, his fists would be hard to beat.

Many people hate Chen Fan:

"if you kill other people's disciples, can those earth immortals not come to the earth for revenge? This is equivalent to bringing in a group of tigers. Who knows what they will do? "

Even those who had a good feeling for Chen Fan shook their heads at this time.

Even many people in China are complaining that Chen Fan was too cruel and completely offended the immortals in the kunxu area. Originally, if the two worlds could sit down and have a peaceful dialogue, it would be impossible for them to go to war.

"The immortals of kunxu may not have come before, but Chen beixuan did so. They must come, but after killing Chen beixuan, do you think they will have other ideas, such as conquering the earth

Some people are not afraid to speculate with the greatest malice.

Countries around the world, as well as major organizations, are also worried.

"Otherwise, when we come to the earth fairy world, we should hand over Chen beixuan."

Someone suggested.

As soon as this proposal was put forward, countless people from both East and West responded.

Some Western strongmen even came to the gate of the northern Qiong sect from afar and openly claimed that they wanted chen fan to bind his hands and go to the kunxu world to plead guilty.

"It's for the benefit of all mankind. Chen beixuan, since you are human, you should sacrifice yourself to preserve the whole race. "

These people have a lot to say.

"Go away, ask others to sacrifice themselves in exchange for your pleasure life. Why don't you sacrifice yourself?" Ah Xiu straight gas, waving a small fist to retort.

"Xiusheng Nu, I'm the one who is required by the market. I will stand up and give my life to mankind without hesitation. Chen beixuan was born and raised on the earth. He should contribute to the earth and the whole mankind. "

An old man with white hair coughed and said.

Many people recognize him as a famous friar of the Holy See. He has been doing good for decades and has been honored as a saint of rebirth by the Holy See. However, some people doubt that this reincarnated sage, in fact, has been holding talks and gathering money in the name of doing good...

"you are you, my master is my master, and you have no right to make decisions for my master."

Yu Wenjing stood up and calmed down.

"Ha ha, in front of humanity's great righteousness, what does little righteousness mean? Haven't you heard that the minority is subordinate to the majority? " Another blonde came out and said that she was from a big western newspaper. She was a very famous journalist and was famous for her humanitarian concern.

"That's right. Chen beixuan should take the initiative to stand up and take up this responsibility. After all, he brought in all the immortals in kunxu." More people jumped out to agree.

Beiqiong sent to deal with these people and beat them out of the door.

However, the move of beiqiong faction immediately aroused a voice of Crusade in the whole world.

"Those people go all the way to persuade for the benefit of all mankind. Your beiqiong faction is not only not kind-hearted to entertain people, but also beat them out of the door. Is this the work of a responsible big faction?

Not only in the underground forums, but also in the dark organizations.

Even some senior Japanese officials openly stood up and said: "if China wants to become a world power, it should take the initiative to persuade Chen beixuan to come out and resolve this human crisis."


Britain, France, Germany, Italy...

countless countries have jumped out to put pressure on China.Even within China itself, there are many aristocratic families or sects that quite agree. Wang Keqin, a member of the Wang family, once said publicly: "as a descendant of the Wang family, chen fan should take the initiative to stand up and take responsibility."

The Qin family, the Han family and other big families also wavered and revealed some information.

After hearing the news.

The northern Qiong school was in full swing to attack the Wang family.

Wang Xiaoyun shut himself in the door for three days and three nights. When he came out, he was as cold as iron, so he gave a written explanation directly, and completely cut off all relations with the Wang family, so that he would never be in debt again.

"Those people are so hateful. Do you think that if the master doesn't kill xuanluo and others, the immortals won't join the world? The immortal gate will be completely opened in half a year, and the earth immortals will surely come back. Hundreds of years ago, the secular world was deserted, and they didn't care. But now that they see the grandeur of modern science and technology, the terror and power of nuclear weapons, and the wild prospect of the stars and the sea, can they really give up this secular world? "

Xuedaisha calm analysis.

Unfortunately, few people are willing to think that way.

In other words, many people understand it, but they have a grudge against Chen fan, and they know it and won't say it.

"The bottom decides the head. You can't wake up a man who pretends to sleep." Fang Qiong sneered. "In order to protect Xiaofan, beiqiongpai must grow up and have its own team, strength and chips."

Beiqiong people quickly reached a resolution.

Under Fang Qiong's command, Longtang began to gather Chinese disciples in Southeast Asia, Myanmar and other places to teach simple and effective martial arts. And open the sword palace, a batch of magic utensils, pills, like flowing water. The green dragon array is also in full swing. People in the medicine Valley collect medicinal materials and refine them in batches.

The potential and inside information of beiqiong school is beyond everyone's imagination.

The Dragon hall is the fist. It has hundreds of millions of people in Southeast Asia. It is an inexhaustible source of disciples and soldiers. Yaoshengu is the training base for alchemists, with a large number of mature alchemists. The black witch sect and the Yin ghost sect have both left and right wings, and there are many warlocks.

The resources from the dark arbitration department, Qinglong formation and Shushan sword Palace are endless.

When this giant beast once started, the whole world was shocked.

"The beiqiong school is said to have gathered 100000 Chinese children to train 100000 warriors."

"Not only that, it is said that the black witch sect and the Yin ghost sect are also recruiting disciples. They have too many pills, so they can pile them into the Tao by force."

"This is to use the strength of one faction to make an enemy of the world."

Many people felt the power and will of the beiqiong school, and were shocked. They immediately lurked and did not dare to speak any more. But those world-class forces and families, the big powers in the world, are not afraid at all and are still sneering.

"What does the beiqiong school want to do, to be an enemy to the whole mankind?"

Britain, France and other countries said.

"To sacrifice for the sake of the whole mankind is the greatest and glorious thing. Chen beixuan should stand up."

After decades of seclusion, the Vatican began to speak.

"We expect Mr. Chen beixuan to step forward and take on more responsibilities."

The US spokesman was equivocal.

As soon as these great powers spoke, they were under great pressure in northern Joan Payton. Even in China, there were many differences.

We have different opinions on whether to protect Chen beixuan. Fortunately, ye Qingcang spoke. He was the only immortal in the world. With his support for Chen fan, many Chinese families have to bear it.

And just when these quarrels were going on for more than a month, a shocking news came from the West.

The blood ancestor is born!


blood ancestor!

The mythical figure in the legend, who lived from the Middle Ages to the present, may have a history of thousands of years. At that time, he once escaped from the Vatican saints. His five blood guards established the dark arbitration department and ruled the dark world for hundreds of years.

Such a well-known earth immortal was born, which shocked the world.

"Is it true that the blood ancestor was born?"

"There's something wrong with that. Someone saw the sea of blood separate and came out of Romania by the sea of blood. When the black Duke saw him, he knelt down on one knee and saluted

"The blood ancestor is born, the world will change greatly."

Countless people's eyes, looking to the west, looking to the myth of the alien.

Compared with Chen Fan and ye Qingcang, the two earthly immortals, Xuezu is not only a real mythical figure, but also an alien. He seems to have stepped into the existence of the real world from a storybook, which makes people feel absurd and inconceivable.

"When Xuezu was born, do you want to take revenge on Chen beixuan?"

Many people doubt it.

The North Qiong faction is like a big enemy. After all, this is the blood ancestor, far from ye Qingcang, the new immortal. Fang Qiong, Wang Xiaoyun and other Chen family members all hid in Shushan sword palace for fear of being taken by Xuezu.

But then, a shocking news came from the West:

"Xuezu said that facing the enemy of kunxu, the creatures of the earth should join hands to defend the earth. He will put down his hatred, personally visit the door, apologize to Chen fan, and persuade chen fan to put the overall situation first, sacrifice himself and save mankind. "When the news came out, countless people were stunned, but more people cheered and praised the tolerance and righteousness of Xuezu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!