Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 659

"Teacher, what is this?"

Ah Xiu's head came over and saw that the jade book was full of words like birds, which he couldn't understand at all.

"It's a chronicle of ancient times, recording some deeds of Shushan sword palace." Chen Fan said casually as he looked through it.

The person who wrote down the beginning is Li Shang. His words are full of vicissitudes, which makes people follow his writing style, as if returning to the era of war thousands of years ago.

At its peak, Shushan sword palace had 3000 disciples. At the end of the battle, there was only one person and one sword. The door was full of ink and there was no one to look at. What a despair. It's no wonder that Li Shang said, "Shu mountain is a vein of self destruction.".

"It's Li Shang Tian Xian. He is the last sword master of Shushan sword palace. It is said that he followed the ancient immortals, left our world, and disappeared. I didn't expect his last stroke here. "

Thousand night snow walks to the side, voice slightly surprised way.

"Do you know where to step on the road to heaven and look for the" road to heaven "in the stars Chen Fan turned the jade book and asked.

"The way of heaven?" Qianyexue frowned slightly. The goddess of the snow Temple hesitated very rarely:

"I've read all the ancient books in the palace, and I've never heard of the existence of heaven. Up to now, people have different opinions on how the immortals disappeared in ancient times. "

"Some say that they have run out of Shouyuan, some say that they have gone to another world, and some say that they have gone beyond Qingming."

To this, chen fan just nodded.

He believed in what Lishang Tianxian said. After all, if you want to leave the earth, you must take the ancient road of the starry sky. That way should be the interstellar teleportation array. I just don't know where this transmission array is.

"Qianyexue is only a disciple after all. It's estimated that this great secret is only in the hands of the highest level of the kunxu sect."

Chen Fan thought, continue to look.

Later, there are many small and big things about Shushan sword palace. From the beginning, Jiujian old man founded Shushan sword palace, to the later, through the hands of sword masters of all ages, they carried forward and won glory with the world's great religions. Until the battle of immortal meteorite opened, they were intermittently vague.

"What is the battle of immortal meteorite?"

Chen Fan frowned.

"The battle of immortal meteorite existed at the end of ancient times. Originally, heaven and earth had changed greatly, and many immortals were hard to cultivate. Later, they suffered the invasion of foreign enemies. Finally, the immortals fall like rain and the gods fall into the dusk. We all wonder if the gods of the western world, including the Holy See, have come here... "Qian yexue said in detail.

These are all well-known secrets, and she is not afraid to tell chen fan.

"The Western gods and the Holy See?"

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

At his level, overlooking the sky, his vision is far beyond imagination. Even through a few words, we can vaguely see through the fog behind history.

"Thousands of years ago, the aura of the earth began to dry up. Whether it is the Oriental immortals or the Western gods, there may indeed be a war because of the competition for cultivation environment. But this kind of war can never be fought to the end of the immortals. There is only one person left in Shushan sword palace, which is an exaggeration. "

"Just like other countries in the world, for the sake of oil and energy, will they beat most of their own people? Only when you really meet the enemy of life and death, you will fight for your life. This "Outland" definitely does not refer to the West or the Holy See, but more likely to be... '

Chen Fan's eyes were fixed and did not think about it any more.

It's not surprising that Chen fan has seen more in his previous life, whether it's foreign visitors, alien creatures or foreign gods. However, this chronicle of Shu mountain rings an alarm for Chen fan.

In those days, Outlands could invade. After thousands of years, who knows if they will come again?

Even the golden elixir has fallen. It can be seen that there must be a golden elixir in Outland, even above it.

"It seems that I can't be complacent. When I go back, I'll attack my inborn. Then I'll pursue the way of heaven and find a way to break through the golden elixir." Chen Fan thought.

"Since you don't know, I'll go to kunxu and look for those high-level people in kunxu."

Chen Fan said, closing the Shushan chronicle, turning to leave.

"Wait... You don't want the nine Li sword Sutra?" Seeing that Chen fan actually bought a pearl and completely ignored the celestial skill on the other side of the stone platform, qianyexue could not maintain the goddess posture, and spoke with a little anxiety.

This is the immortal skill that countless great religions in kunxu have been dreaming of.

For it, snow temple, Qingxuan Road, tianleizong and so on, but will hit the head broken blood. It's all for this jade book that so many of the most direct disciples, Dixian seed, have been sent.

"Jiu Li Jian Jing"

With a faint smile, chen fan took the sword Sutra, glanced at it, then tossed it to Xie Yan and said, "here you are. Compared with the version you practiced before, there are more magical skills and more perfect ones. It's enough to cultivate the golden elixir. Later, there is speculation of a higher level. It seems that the old man of nine swords has not broken through Yuanying after all. "

"Thank you, master."

This time, Xie Yan no longer panic, just bow down, income backpack.Seeing Chen Fan's calm atmosphere, Xie Yan already knew that the nine Li sword sutra was nothing at all. Now he just wants to make more contributions to the northern qiongpai, and then learn the real peak method from Chen fan.

"Do you give the nine Li sword Sutra directly to a servant?"

Qianyexue was stunned.

As for heishuimen, their eyes are straight.

All these skills are the secret skills of suppressing Yijiao. In addition to the sect leader, some elders and disciples, they are almost never passed on. There is no one in the secular world. Chen Fan raises his hand to give it away. It's incredible.

"Xie Yan is the Dharma protector of our beiqiong sect. You should respect the point." Chen Fan flicked his finger.

Thousands of nights of snow and wind.

But on second thought, maybe Chen Fan deliberately did so in front of her. After going back, he asked Xie Yan to return.

"This kind of immortal Dharma means that my grandmaster treats me like a daughter and will not give it to me for safekeeping. Chen beixuan must be putting on airs." A thousand nights of snow.

Then chen fan and others searched Shushan sword palace again.

When he left shangtianxian that year, he obviously took away all the treasures of the sword palace. In the end, there are few treasures except nine sword germs and some elixirs.

"Tangtang Shushan sword palace, Tianxian Daochang, can't be so poor."

Ah Xiu and others murmured.

"Shushan sword palace has been in the world for thousands of years, and there must have been some earthly immortals who had been searching for it. Geng star sword array can stop us, not necessarily those old-fashioned immortals. It's estimated that they've found all the things they can find. There's only one "Heavenly Sword talisman" that they can't crack Qianyexue explained nearby.

All of a sudden, they were dejected.

This sword palace in Shushan is poorer than a Dixian cave.

At this time, chen fan turned his back and walked to the center of the square. Here, just as the dividing point of the whole sword palace, there is a Disha well standing here. This Disha well is full of endless black flames. It is the core of the whole array. It absorbs the essence of the earth's lung and lifts the sword palace above the cloud. It is the engine of the array.

"What is he going to do?"

Thousands of night snow surprised to see.

See Chen Fan take out Shu mountain chronicle, gently to the jade book on a wipe.

See jade book above, a layer of white light, crackling burst open. The four characters of "Shushan Chronicle" changed abruptly into a flexible sword shape. The sword, like the hub of heaven and earth, communicates with the sun and the moon, and is extremely heavy.

"This is..."

the crowd glared at me in disbelief.

"Any Dharma array has a pivot or center to control the whole array. Shushan sword palace is no exception. Just a chronicle, how can you be qualified to worship the forbidden area of the master of the entrance, and juxtapose with the skill? "

Chen Fan said casually.

Thousands of night Sheraton was blushed, speechless, before she questioned chen fan, why take this book.


Chen Fan pressed the jade book with one hand and drank it gently.

Suddenly, the shape of the sword flew out of the jade book, just like a key, and suddenly it was inserted into the Disha well. Then, the ground brake well boils, the void shakes, and the whole sword palace seems to be shaking.

"Master, this place won't collapse."

Someone exclaimed.

Chen Fanli did not pay attention to it, but continued to pour mana into the jade book. I saw a black pillar of fire from the well, straight into the sky, and then the pillar of fire burning, showing a door opening.

"Sure enough, I guess it's right. Jindan wants to split space, either use Void Crystal or borrow other energy. There is no other way to maintain a space for a long time, except for the spirit of Disha. "

Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

And the rest of us have lost sight.

"Teacher... This can't be the treasure house of Shushan sword palace."

Ah Xiu stammered.

Kunlun, heishuimen and others are all red eyed. A treasure house of an ancient school. How many treasures are there? Once it's taken out, it's enough to shake the whole world. Even if Li Shangtian left that year and took away most of them, as long as there was something left, it would be enough for the kunxu sects to break their heads.

It's a thousand nights of snow, and it's all wooden.

Chen Fan broke her imagination again and again and puffed her face. Qianyexue doubts that if she talks again, she will be teased.


Chen Fan stepped into the treasure house with his hands behind his back.

The space opened up by Jindan, with the help of external forces, is much larger than that in the cultivation of Jianhu. It's the size of several basketball courts. There are many pills, a large number of magic weapons and various refining materials. Chen fan even saw piles of magic power crystals, which were obviously captured by Shushan sword palace.

But the most conspicuous thing is a pile of black stones like hills.

"Spirit stone, and many spirit stones, tens of thousands of them?" Thousands of night snow color change way. There are so many spirit stones, such as those in the snow temple. They have been collected for thousands of years, but they may not be so many."Yes, that's the biggest gain this time."

There was a smile on Chen Fan's face. With so many spirit stones, he was not only sure to break through the congenital, but also began to implement many long imagined ideas one after another.

"Order to go down and close the sword palace. I want to close it!"


just when Chen Fan entered the sword palace, the battle of Qingcheng Mountain could not be concealed and began to spread to the outside world.

Suddenly, the whole world began to shake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!