Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 658

I know that Chen Fan came from the square with his hands on his back. Tianlai's novel

qianyexue reluctantly captured his mind. He looked over and said, "you... You have taken the Geng star sword array. How is that possible? That's the Geng star sword array of the old man of nine swords. "

Old man Jiujian's cultivation of kendo, even if he is the first person in the kunxu world, master Qingxuan, he has to bow down and dare not compete with him. It's a ferocious ox man that can be killed by a fairy.

The sword array he left behind can be broken by force at most.

Chen fan actually took away the sword array. It's just common sense. I can't imagine it.

"It's a sword array left by Jindan, and no one has presided over it, but it's ownerless. To take it, for me, is to raise my hand. " Chen Fan said casually.

Even if Chen Fan didn't read the nine Li sword Sutra and forced him to use the Jue, he could still capture the sword array. What's more, chen fan also read Jiuli sword Sutra once and knew Geng star sword array well?

Even if he just glanced at this kind of Jiuliu sword canon, chen fan knew what had changed. He could guess with his buttocks. It's like a Nobel Prize winner looking at elementary school students' math.

In Chen Fan's eyes, Jiujian old man is just a middle school student.

Qianyexue has been shocked speechless.

"Keep going."

Chen Fan took the lead.

This sword array of Geng star is obviously one of the biggest barriers of the whole sword palace. Next, although we met several celestial prohibitions. But there is no need for qianyexue to speak at all, and Chen fan will break it easily.

This kind of prohibition under the golden elixir is thousands of years later, which is hard to defeat chen fan.

Thousands of night snow all the way, has no expression.

She didn't know what to say.

"This guy's going to Shushan sword palace is like visiting his own back garden. Is he the reincarnation of old man Jiujian? " A thousand night snow heart, can't help but come up with this idea.

Strictly speaking, she was right.

The master of the sword collection got the nine Li sword Scripture, which was given to Xie Yan by Chen fan. If it's true, Xie Yan is half of it.

"Teacher, this sword palace is so big and beautiful."

Ah Xiu couldn't help crying.

Many disciples of heishuimen nodded involuntarily. They are just small sects. When did they see such a huge and gorgeous palace. It's like a fairy palace.

Sword making hall, sword fighting platform, martial arts arena, sword raising Pavilion, sword burial grave...

all the people came together to open their eyes.

They thought that it was very simple to cultivate immortals. The master passed on the skills to his disciples. They could just find a place to study them. Even if the secular martial arts and Taoism clans, at most, there will be more than one school to practice dance. There's no such variety.

"This is the true essence of the great school of cultivating immortals. In the heyday of Shushan sword palace, there were 3000 sword practitioners who practiced Kendo here. It is said that there were 500 people in Shenjing sword cultivation alone, known as the five hundred sword immortals of Shushan. "

Thousand night snow slightly with a trace of proud said.

She said this, immediately calmed everyone.

"Five hundred realms."

Ah Xiu hit the tongue.

It is Ye Nantian who has changed his color.

It's hard to say whether there are 20 or 30 divine realms on earth today. What is the concept of five hundred divine realms? Not to mention the numerous immortals above.

Seeing the surprised expressions of beiqiong, Kunlun and others, qianyexue finally finds a trace of confidence.

"Snow fairy, how does your snow Temple compare with Shushan sword palace?" Yu Wenjing asked.

"My school, the snow palace, is not as good as Shushan sword palace. It only has thirty or forty deities. However, Yuntian palace, the largest religion in the kunxu Kingdom, claims to have 72 divine realms, suppressing the whole kunxu kingdom. "

Thousand night snow light said.

When she said this, everyone looked at each other.

No matter snow temple or cloud heaven sect, any one can hang the whole earth's cultivation world.

Ye Nantian, Lao Qinglong and others are worried. It's terrible. Even if the immortals don't come, it's just an expedition team composed of many divine realms, which can't be resisted by the Chinese martial arts and Taoism.

"When you go back, you must report it to the top and make a plan for the war. The danger of kunxu is much higher than that of the United States. "

Kunlun several people, look at each other, secretly determined.

"Don't be afraid. The gap between ranks can't be made up by the number of people. A normal inborn is that ten hundred divine realms may not be able to be defeated. As for the golden elixir level, the more everything, no matter how many are born, they are all mole ants. "

Chen Fan turned his back and said calmly.

In terms of the number of people, the human race is all over the universe. There may be hundreds of millions of people, and those who cultivate immortals are even more ignorant.

But there are only nine immortals who can stand on the top of the universe. And the nine immortals rely on the suppression of the world, of course, are those who are true immortals. No matter how many yuan babies and golden elixirs you have, it's impossible to face a real immortal.

"Hum."Qianyexue sneers in her heart and doesn't retort.


They walked through a long sword gallery and came to the last quiet room.

"This should be the place where the old man of nine swords and the Lord of sword palace of all ages practiced." Hua Yunfeng road.

There was a happy look on everyone's face, and they knew that the main play was coming.

Although there was a lot of harvest in the whole sword palace, many magic weapons and incomplete flying swords were found. But the real treasures of the sword palace, as well as the sword scriptures and secret scripts, are obviously hidden only in the main treasure room.

"Be careful, there must be the most terrible prohibition on it."

Qianyexue said.

They looked up and saw a yellow seal on the stone gate. This seal is different from others. It has only a faint sword shape, just like a brand.

"The sword of heaven."

Qianyexue's face is more dignified than ever: "it's said that when you see that your cultivation reaches a very high level, you can store your sword Qi in the rune paper. Once you touch it, it will explode the sword Qi, which is equivalent to a sword immortal's full blow. This sword sign may even come from the old man of nine swords... "

the crowd was suffocated.

The name of old man Jiujian has been heard many times since we entered the sword palace.

He handed down a sword Scripture, which was enough to cultivate the master of sword hiding. He opened the Shushan sword palace and once stood aloof in the ancient world of cultivating immortals. He once had 3000 swords and 500 swords. He once killed the immortals, and his sword array was invincible...

how terrible the power of such an ancient great sword cultivator would be, even the immortals could not stop it.

"Then what? Can you open the door without touching the sword sign? "

Old green dragon frowned.

"It's impossible. This kind of master's training room is often a forbidden area at the core of the clan. If you want to go in, you must have a special secret method or a magic spell. It's impossible for ordinary disciples of Shushan sword palace. It's estimated that only the headmaster or few headmasters of Shushan sword palace in those years can enter and leave freely... "

Qian yexue is saying.

Chen fan reaches out his hand, uncovers the yellow paper sword amulet, and then earns it into yangjianhu.

"This... This..."

qianyexue only felt that all her world views had been overturned, and a pretty face seemed to have been slapped for more than ten times in a row. In a moment, it turned red and almost speechless.

"Teacher, did you uncover it like this?"

Ah Xiu is hitting the tongue.

"It's just a little rune. It's not as exaggerated as you think."

Chen Fan said casually.

This kind of sword and amulet may have no solution for people in the world of earth cultivation and even kunxu. Unless his cultivation can surpass that of the old man of nine swords, or he is the descendant of the old man of nine swords, anyone who touches him will be attacked by the sword symbol instantly.

But who is Chen fan? It's too easy to break the forbidden system set by the golden elixir.

With that, chen fan pushed the door in.

Qianyexue can't say a word, so she can only follow Chen Fan in a stupefied way. She can feel that ah Xiu, Xiao Wu and others are laughing behind her back. But qianyexue couldn't figure out how Chen Fan uncovered the sword.

"Is this man not only the descendant of Shushan sword palace, but also the blood of the old man of nine swords?"

Qianyexue has an amazing idea in her mind.

After the stone door was opened, it was just a stone chamber with a radius of 10 Zhang. Obviously, both the old man of nine swords and the leader of sword palaces in the past dynasties are very simple.

"Wow, so many treasures."

Ah Xiu glared and exclaimed.

On the stone platform, there are nine jade boxes, in which there is a small sword. Those swords are made of very special materials. They are far better than many flying swords outside. At least they are top-quality spirit weapons.

"It's just the embryo of some semi-finished sword. It takes at least several decades of cultivation to really refine the top-quality spirit weapon or to rush into the spirit treasure." Chen Fan casually sees one eye, lightly says.

At his level, what can be used, at least, is a top-grade spirit weapon, or a level one treasure of spirit treasure. These sword radicles are not allowed to enter the eye.

"Xie Yan, Xue Daisha, since you two are practicing Kendo, come up and take one. You know, there is only one way to cultivate swords. If they want to cultivate top-quality swordsmanship, many sword immortals who transform gods and even return to emptiness are chosen by them in their innate period. They have never changed their original Flying sword. "

Chen Fan said with his back.

"Yes, master."

Thanks. Xuedaisha comes forward and bows slightly, then starts to choose.

Thousands of night snow beside, listening to the heart of a Lin.

With only four words, the essence of sword cultivation is revealed. In contrast, although Qingxuan Dao was known as the first sword sect in kunxu, they not only practiced Feijian, but also practiced all kinds of skills and sword Qi. It was quite complicated. Obviously, they put the cart before the horse.

"It's no wonder xuanluo broke his red glass immortal sword with his bare hands. Although he was arrogant, he did have some real talents and had a lot of insight in practice."A thousand night snow can't help looking at chen fan.

At this time, people's eyes turned to the room, and there were two jade books on the innermost stone platform.

The book on the left, the nine Li sword Sutra, is exactly the immortal method that people in the kunxu community have been dreaming of. However, chen fan walked over and ignored the nine Li sword Sutra. He took another nearby book, Shushan chronicle, and began to read it.

"... since the beginning of the battle of immortal meteorite and the invasion of foreign gods, it has been one hundred and thirty years since the battle of Shu mountain, one person, one sword, and one hand of self. Now it's the only way to go is to step into the sky, find another star, and open the way again...

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