Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 657

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

I saw that each flying sword was generous and bright, just like a bright meteor, hanging high in the sky, and strands of golden sword force the human body to fall from the top of the head. At a glance, the sky is like stars, beautiful and murderous.

"Geng star sword array."

Qianyexue is about to open her mouth when Xie Yan suddenly cuts in.

Qianyexue glanced at Xie Yan in surprise, and then continued:

"yes, it's the Gengxing sword array. The supreme sword array, which the old man of nine swords used to fight with the immortals in ancient times, was grounded in the golden Qi of the lung and attracted the power of the stars. The sword palace of Shushan stood in the southwest in those years. It is said that it once killed the immortals with this sword array."

The people nearby were all in awe.

In the eyes of people in the secular world, the earth immortal is already the highest existence. For thousands of years, no one has reached it except ye Qingcang. But when you get in touch with the people in the immortal sect, you know that there are celestial beings above the earth immortals.

It is said that the immortals can survive for thousands of years in the world. Moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, catching turtles in the sky, traveling in the sky and stepping on the stars are truly invincible. Even in ancient times, when the heaven stood side by side and the gods came out in large numbers, the Immortals were also the dominating figures.

Such overlords all fell into the sword array, which shows the horror of the "Geng star sword array".

"Although this sword array is strong, how can it be put in the eyes of the teacher?"

Hua Yunfeng said faintly.

If in the past, not to mention the immortals, it was the divine realm. Hua Yunfeng could only look up and did not dare to look directly at it.

But after seeing Chen Fan's invincible, and seeing the fragments of Chen Fan's divine knowledge, Hua Yunfeng also knew about the terrible strongmen who captured the stars and took the moon to destroy the country. The so-called heaven and earth immortals are just innate and elixir level characters. In the real world of cultivating immortals, they are just a pawn, just starting.

"Not bad."

Thank you and nod.

In Chen Fan's eyes, Jiuli sword Scripture is just a Jiuliu sword formula. How can Xie Yan look up to Jiujian old man, the founder of sword Scripture?

Qianyexue didn't speak, just frowned slightly.

"It seems that not only Chen beixuan is arrogant, but his disciples are not good at cultivation, but they are all arrogant. Even if Taoist Qingxuan is here, he can't say that he can ignore the old man's sword array! "

Thousand night snow thought in the heart.

At this time, I saw a meteor, falling from the sky, sword rush night. The golden sword covered the whole square like a golden rainstorm.

"Here we go."

The palm of snow's jade like hand was slightly clenched.

Although she doesn't like Chen fan, she sympathizes with Lu Yanxue. Naturally, she can't bear to see Lu Yanxue's husband and fall under the sword array. What's more, qianyexue doesn't know how to ban the red lotus in her body if Chen Fan dies.


Chen Fan stood there, carrying his hands, not dodging, facing these swords. When Chen Fan was hit by golden meteors, it was like hitting a steel plate, making a metallic sound. Chen Fan's body surface was hit, and gradually bloomed a cyan golden glow.

"It's useless. It's said that the Geng Jin sword formation is stronger and stronger. When the stars fall like rain, it's like ten thousand stars falling from the sky. Water drops and stone wears away. No matter how powerful the body is, it can't bear the impact of countless flying swords. "

The thousand night snow says coldly.

"Just keep looking."

Ah Xiu was unconvinced and said.

At this time, sure enough, with Chen fan moving forward step by step, the faster the meteors hit, and finally, they almost turned into a golden waterfall and fell from the sky. If you don't look carefully, you can hardly see that it is composed of a small sword.


The sound is more and more urgent. Like the rain beating the pipa, the impact is faster and faster. Chen Fan's green gold is more and more bright. It almost turns into an immortal gold. It is hit by countless hammers and gradually changes into shape.

In the end, the golden sword waterfall has submerged Chen Fan's body and can't be seen from the outside.

"Let your master come back. If you want to carry it like this, the Dragon elephant Zen master who built the great diamond realm in Leiyin mountain can't do it." Qianyexue shook her head.

Ah Xiu, Xue Dai Sha and others are also slightly nervous. Even if they have confidence in Chen fan, they can't help worrying about Chen fan at this time.

At this time, suddenly from the square came a whistling.

The roar was relatively low at the beginning, but at the end, it resounded through the whole square, and all the surrounding stone walls were bursting with all kinds of light. Then, chen fan's voice, through the golden shower, clearly into the public ears.

"Sword array, refine your body! Make me immortal


A green golden light, straight to Xiaohan, broke the whole sword array, and suddenly rushed into the sky.

People look around.

At this time, chen fan was above the sword array. His whole body seemed to be made of immortal gold. Countless small golden runes were not only all over the bones and viscera, but also all over the body. Even his face was covered with golden lines, just like the nine heavenly spirits.He stood there, giving people a taste of eternal life and Vajra immortality.

Perfect Qingdi longevity, Xiaocheng, finally refined!

Although it took two months to complete the repair in one breath, the foundation was not stable, and it would take at least a few months to gradually stabilize. But this time, with the help of the tempering of the sword array, it was finally stable in one breath.

"This is...

the pupil of qianyexue shrinks.

The last time she saw this kind of majesty, it was in the Dragon elephant Zen master of Leiyin mountain. But Chan Master Longxiang is the first person to practice in kunxu, the Bodhisattva of the great Vajra realm. How can Chen Fan compare with Chan Master Longxiang only in the divine realm?

It's just the beginning, and then, what shocked her happened.

Then I saw a series of meteor flying swords, which seemed to be infuriated, just like a fish dancing in the air, turning into a group of golden swords. As soon as they circled in the air, they drew a golden arc and rushed to Chen fan.

Every flying sword is at least in the realm of quasi spirit instrument, which is comparable to the highest strike of the divine realm. The power of ninety-nine ways to join hands is that the earth immortals will also turn pale.

But Chen Fan just laughs and makes a volley.


This fist, relying solely on the body, did not use any magic power. But Chen Fan's green and gold light converged into his right fist, and finally turned into a pure green and gold light column, which was ten feet long, and fiercely shook the whole sword array.


The whole square was shocked.

Countless swords, like raindrops, burst out in all directions.

I saw many Dharma arrays open, and countless runes appeared on the walls of the sword palace. These are the components of the whole sword palace array. That is, the strong of the earth immortal can protect themselves when they fight in the sword palace. But Han Baiyu on the floor was not so lucky. He was pulled out of the long sword mark by the sword Qi, and finally it was like a thousand knives ploughed by a cart.


The Golden Dragon Sword array couldn't support Chen Fan's fist. A shooting star flying sword exploded directly from the air. Like rain, it fell from the sky and was inserted on the floor.

Chen Fan smashed the whole Geng star sword array with one punch!

"How is that possible?"

Qianyexue's mouth is slightly open. I can't believe it.

This is the Geng star array that the old man of nine swords killed the immortals. Even if no one presided over it, it was enough to kill the immortals. It's terrible that Chen Fan broke it with his strength.

"I said, the teacher's strength is beyond your imagination."

A Xiu small head a Yang, chin tiny lift, Ao Jiao way.

Qianyexue frowned slightly, but after all, she was the goddess of the snow palace. She didn't bother to care with the little girl. She just said faintly: "Geng star sword array is immortal killing array, which is not as simple as you think."

Sure enough, I saw a flying sword, which vibrated violently and made a buzzing sound, as if it was provoked.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

One handle after another, straight into the sky, turned into a golden streamer, even gathered together, gradually condensed into a bright golden sword with a length of Zhang Xu.

This sword stretches across the sky as if it could split the sky.

The whole square, with the sword as the center, is divided into two parts. The sharp sword, even if it is 100 meters away from the crowd, can only pierce the human body and chill in the heart.

"A sword of thunder! It's said that the immortal can't cross this sword, just like being robbed by thunder. This is the Geng star sword array, the real killing move. "

Qianyexue's eyes are more dignified than ever, word by word.

Even the people of beiqiong school couldn't help mentioning their heart and looking nervously.

The power of this sword is too terrible, even if the sword is only about Zhang long, but in the eyes of people, it is more terrible than Lin Shuming's life burning Dixian sword.

It's normal, too.

Lin Shuming's sword was just a blow from the immortal. But this thunder rob a sword, but can kill the earth immortal!


In the void, someone seems to hold the sword handle and make an old voice.

Then, I saw the golden sword rainbow, whizzing and piercing in the air. It's almost impossible to see the flight path of this sword. It's still 100 meters away in the last second, and it's in front of Chen Fan in the next second. It seems that there is no movement in the middle, completely across the space, beyond the time.

Only an incredible sword can really kill the immortal.

"What do you take to stop the sword?"

A thousand nights of snow.

Everyone was also nervous. It seemed that they saw an incredible scene. Chen Fan's white clothes are flying, his long hair is flying, and there is no joy or sorrow in his eyes. Then he patted Yang Jianhu and said:

"Jian GUI!"

See yellow skin small gourd flying in the air, gourd mouth is on the golden sword rainbow, a fierce close.

The golden sword rainbow stopped out of thin air. Then it seemed that it couldn't bear the attraction. An inch long streamer was suddenly sucked away, turned into a small sword and flew into the cultivation sword. Then a shooting star flying sword broke away from the golden rainbow like a swallow, and was inhaled into the cultivation sword.At the end.

Ninety nine flying swords. The whole Gengxing sword array was absorbed by little gourd. There was nothing in the air.

Everyone was stunned and gaped. Especially the snow of a thousand nights, is a pair of beautiful eyes stare greatly, inconceivable.

"Well, I said it. It's just a sword formation. How can I help my master?"

Xie Yan looks at the snow in the night.

Qianyexue has turned into stone carving without saying a word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!