Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 656

"What is it?"

Old green dragon asks anxiously.

There is no doubt that he and Kunlun are the most urgent, not chen fan. After all, many immortals, once they enter the earth, will bear the brunt, that is, Huaxia and Kunlun. Those earthly immortals regard common people as mole ants. They are unruly and unscrupulous. Who knows what they will do?

"These people are the lineages of the most elite of the major religions."

"Their spirits are a little distracted, and they are made into spirit tokens, which are offered to the general altar of each main gate. Once they die, the spirit tokens will be destroyed. This is not only a means for the major sects to control their disciples, but also a way to track down the cause of death in case they fall. If only one or two of them die, it doesn't matter. Now dozens of them fall at the same time, I'm afraid that the major sects in the kunxu world already know about it... "

Yan Jingchao stammered.

Ye Nantian and others smile bitterly. It is estimated that the world of kunxu is not only knowing, but shaking!

The most elite zhenzhuan disciple of the sect, the future Zhangjiao, fell and died so many times at one time. I'm afraid that the whole kunxu world will be overturned by such an unexpected change.

Many people have a heavy heart.

If you don't know many sects in kunxu, it's better to know now. Who knows what secret magic weapon they have. They can forcibly break through the space passage and enter the earth ahead of time. At that time, I'm afraid the whole of China will be ruined.

"It doesn't matter if you know. Half a year is enough." Chen Fan flicked his finger and said calmly:

"the magic weapon that can travel between the two worlds is very rare, at least Lingbao level. Even if people in kunxu want to cross the level by force, there are only one or two at most, which is not in my eyes. As for half a year later..."

Chen Fan didn't say any more, but just showed a trace of contempt at the bottom of his eyes.

Half a year later, he was already born. At that time, chen fan's divine body will become small, and his innate state will be enough to sweep all the earthly immortals on the earth. The golden elixir will not come out. The earth should be respected by him. What is the kunxu realm?

"Well, this battle is inevitable. If the immortals in the kunxu area want to be reckless, it depends on whether China agrees or not."

Old green dragon proud, back straight as a sword, bold said.

Although Dixian is strong, it may not be able to defeat nuclear weapons. China is a big country in the world, with a huge nuclear arsenal and various high-tech weapons. In the end, it is uncertain who will win or lose!

"Pass on the orders. Today's news is strictly sealed off and no one is allowed to divulge it."

With the orders of Ye Nantian and others, Kunlun and beiqiongpai, one by one, immediately issued a command.

After all, this event is too shocking. There is another world beyond the earth. There are many immortals in that world, and they have to go to the earth for revenge. Once the news comes out, the whole world will be shocked.

Many warriors nodded in a hurry.

This is the sealing order issued by the beiqiong school and Kunlun at the same time. In today's world, it is estimated that only the United States can offend chen fan and Kunlun at the same time.

At this time, chen fan stood on the top of Qingcheng Mountain with his hands behind his back, looking at the sea of clouds in the distance:

"you are here for this relic."

"Yes, Mr. Chen. It's said that there is a sword palace in Shushan in the depths of the sea of clouds in Qingcheng Mountain. The Jiujian old man who founded Shushan sword Palace at that time was the peak among the immortals. In particular, the nine Li sword Sutra is a complete method of cultivating immortals. If you can get the nine Li sword Sutra, I'm afraid the kunxu world will add another god sect. "

Yan Jingchao said respectfully.

According to him, although great religions coexisted in kunxu, only Yuntian palace was the supreme god sect. In other words, it is said that there is a complete secret method of immortals in Yuntian palace, which can directly point to feisheng Avenue.

"Old man nine swords? "Nine Li sword classic"

Chen fan has a strange face.

Behind him, Xie Yan also had a dull face.

Isn't this the sword Scripture that the master of sword hiding found in the mountains of Shu? At that time, chen fan turned around and found that Jiuliu Kung Fu was not on the table in the world of cultivating immortals in the universe, so he threw it to Xie Yan. Unexpectedly, people in the world of kunxu wanted to break their heads for it.

"Yes, it's a rare skill. The reason why there has not been a celestial being in kunxu for thousands of years."

"First, the environment of heaven and earth is gradually changing dramatically, not only in the mortal world, but also in the kunxu world. Second, there is a lack of skills that directly refer to the celestial beings. The skills of the major religions can only reach the peak of the earth immortals. Even the first Taoist master Qingxuan of kunxu is stuck in the peak of the earth immortals, so he can't take that step all the time. "

Thousand night snow voice is cold to say.

The more she said, the more funny chen fan and others looked.

"If I remember correctly, the nine Li sword Sutra that I gave Xie Yan is a cultivation method of Tianxian stage. It seems that I overestimate the kunxu kingdom. Not only are the earth's skills incomplete, but they are not really immortal. They can only be regarded as half of the Taoist tradition of cultivating immortals."

Chen Fan shook his head.

If you think about it now, that's right. Many great powers in the ancient world of cultivating immortals left. Naturally, they took away all the good skills and magic weapons. What remained was either incomplete or insignificant.The so-called kunxu world, which claims to be a fairyland, is actually just abandoned old land.

"Since there is Tianxian cave, let's go in and have a look."

Chen Fan said casually.

Qianyexue is about to open her mouth to remind chen fan that before the time comes, Shushan sword palace is shrouded by the celestial array. It will open every few years. It will take at least a few days to open.

However, chen fan played a trick and drank it softly:



Just listen to the void, as if there were grand rituals in operation, making a roaring sound, as if the door of heaven had been split. The boiling sea of clouds was divided into two parts from the middle, showing a cloud ladder extending from the depth of the clouds to Chen fan.


snow in the night was stunned.

The immortal array controls the power of heaven and earth. Even if the immortal is here, he has to be careful not to act rashly. Because in front of the immortals, the immortals are just ants. At most, they are powerful ants. Who would have thought that Chen Fan could split the array with one word?

"This should be a coincidence..."

qianyexue bowed her head and said in secret. Chen Fan's ability to defeat many people in the immortal sect depends on his super strong body, his invincible push and his brute force. The goddess of snow Temple doesn't believe it. Chen fan is still a master of array, and his attainments go straight after the immortals.

"Follow me."

Chen Fan stepped on the ladder and took the lead.

Other beiqiong sent people to keep up. Qianyexue and heishuimen had no choice but to move forward.

Shushan sword palace is worthy of being opened by the old man of nine swords. The whole sword palace is built on the sea of clouds, and is hidden by the huge array of Dharma, which can't be detected from the outside.

"It is said that Yuntian palace, the largest religion in kunxu, also stands on the top of the cloud. It's said that it was built by the descendants of the ancient heaven court. It looks like a divine realm. Therefore, it can make the kunxu world famous. "

Yan Jingchao looked around the scenery and sighed.

"Yes, the Yuntian palace was built in the sky, but it was made of special floating stone. The whole heavenly palace is added by innumerable Taoist and Dharma arrays. It's not only a palace, but also a super weapon. If the immortals enter, they will die. "

Thousand night snow light said.

The snow god palace goddess, knowledgeable, three or two sentences, to convince the people around.

Only chen fan, with both hands on his back, walked leisurely in the front, ignoring the snow of a thousand nights, making the goddess frown slightly.

"Dad, look, what's that?"

After walking for several miles, they saw a palace gate. Behind the gate was a wide square. On both sides of the gate were white marble pillars several feet high, carved with a large number of exquisite reliefs. On the plaque, the ancient cloud seal script was used to write four big characters: "Shushan sword palace!"

"This is Shushan sword palace! It is said that the old man of nine swords not only laid a great array of clouds outside the sword palace, but also left a set of Zhengong sword array composed of ninety-nine flying swords. Once foreign enemies invade, the sword array will be opened. It is powerful enough to kill the immortals. "

Thousand night snow light said.

"What about that?"

Kunlun and beiqiong all turned pale.

The old man with nine swords was able to build a palace on the top of cloud. His skill was beyond people's imagination. The sword array left by him must be extremely powerful.

"If you want to crack this set of sword array, either the top master of sword repair has come to this point, using the induction method of sword core array, and calculating 7749 days, you can work out a ray of life. However, the top sword repair in kunxu is basically concentrated in Qingxuan road..."

as Qian yexue said, she looked down at chen fan.

Everyone looked at each other.

Listen to what she said, doesn't it mean that everyone can't enter the sword palace?

"Yes? I'll try. "

Chen Fan walked in with his hands behind his back.

Qianyexue frowned slightly and wanted to remind her, but she didn't open her mouth in the end.

"Well, if you don't hit the south wall and don't know how to look back, I'll show you the power of the real top power! So that you don't think you've done a good job, you can look down on the heroes of the world. "

Qianyexue thinks like this.


In the eyes of all the people, chen fan strides into the gate of the sword palace.

Just listen to "bang Dang!" Let's hear it.

One of the 99 seven inch long flying swords inserted in the square was suddenly activated, turned into a bright rainbow and shot at chen fan. Chen Fanli didn't pay attention to it. He just flicked the flying sword away.

But unexpectedly, chen fan this make, instantly angered all flying sword.


I saw a flying sword, which seemed to wake up gradually, turned into a ray of light, across the sky, arranged in the void, ten, twenty, thirty... To ninety-nine, all the flying swords were listed in the void, and the sword Qi was strong, pointing directly at chen fan.

"The sword array has been opened. Let him come back quickly."Qianyexue's face changed greatly and cried in a hurry.

Sword array and ordinary flying sword are two concepts. The sword array composed of ninety-nine flying swords is far more powerful than ninety-nine flying swords. It's a real terror killing array that can kill the immortals.

But then, qianyexue stares at the scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!