Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 655

Qingcheng Mountain, the fourth famous mountain of Taoism, is quiet since ancient times. There are often gas refiners living in seclusion.

Today, however, the holy land of Taoism is stained red with blood. Dozens of elite disciples from the immortal sect were killed by Chen Fan and buried at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. They were witnessed by many experts from the martial arts and magic circles at home and abroad.

"Tianlei Zong tianmingzi, Lei Po Tian, Huotian Valley zixingkong, Leiyin mountain Dharma monk, mieqing Dao Cixuan... And Qingxuan Dao Shaozhu xuanluo." Every time Yan Jingchao read a name, Zhang Ran and others turned pale.

Only they know what these people stand for.

Behind each name, it means a big sect standing in the kunxu world, a teacher above the level of immortal, and nearly half of the elite disciples of kunxu world.

They usually roam the kunxu area, such as heishuimen. They can hardly look at them. Now they are killed by Chen fanru.

No matter how little the girl in red danced, she turned pale.

"It's a big deal. It's a big deal! Mr. Chen, you have caused a great disaster! " Yan Jingchao's hands trembled and his face looked at chen fan.

So many great religions die on earth.

Once the news is sent back to Xianmen, it is bound to cause a 12 magnitude earthquake.

In particular, xuanluo, a Taoist immortal, was regarded as the only candidate for the future leader of Qingxuan Taoism. Even he died. Can the leader of Qingxuan Taoism, who is known as the number one in kunxu, give up? It doesn't even need Taoist master Qingxuan's hand. His mother, Taiyin fairy, is not easy to provoke.

"If you kill them, how can you be so forward-looking?"

Chen Fan flicked his finger and didn't care.

At this time, he was only half a step away from congenital, and his cultivation was improving all the time. Once you enter the congenital world, you will be able to resist Qi and cold for 90000 Li with one sword. No matter how many immortals come, it will not be enough for Chen fan to kill.

"But it's you. Why don't you run away and think I'm soft on women?"

Chen fan turns his head and looks at qianyexue with great interest.

The goddess of the snow palace, with a trace of dust, stepped on the ground with her feet, as if she could fly away at any time by virtue of emptiness. Everyone was ashamed in front of her.

"Chen Tianren killed xuanluo with his fingers and killed tianmingzi. His body was almost immortal. I finally believe that you really have the patience to defeat the immortals."

Qianyexue said calmly, a calm look.

"You still dare to talk to me here. It's just a magic weapon for your life. Let me guess what it is. When you see me, you still have strength and confidence."

Chen Fan said faintly:

"with your present ability, the magic weapons you can use are nothing more than those, such as taking things as a substitute, acting as a substitute, incarnation outside your body, and moving heaven and earth. Your accomplishments are not enough, maybe it's a magic Talisman? Since you come from the snow temple, you should have a Rune of ice or water on your body. It's probably the last protection card given by zongmen. "

Every time Chen fan says a word, qianyexue's face changes. In the end, she can no longer maintain her cool and proud appearance, just like seeing the ghost looking at chen fan.


In the whole system of cultivating immortals, it is the most difficult and profound magic. Different from xuanluo's crude technique of blood escaping, the technique of five elements escaping, Leidun, fengdun, yingdun, Guangdun and so on all have terrible power.

Because evasion is to transform itself into the energy of a certain attribute, so that it can be detached from the universe and completely integrated into the universe. For example, Shuidun is transformed into a stream of water, integrated with the sea, so that it can be thousands of miles away.

If you want to do this, you must at least have the innate state or the body of the earth immortal.

It is obvious that qianyexue is not born and is not qualified to practice evasion. But there must be a magic talisman in her body, which was given by her school. Only in this way can she speak in front of Chen fan.

"Chen Tianren is knowledgeable and admired by yexue. Please forgive yexue for not talking with him any more."

A thousand night snow slightly a bow, and then chest a jade Fu, out of thin air burst. She turned into a white rainbow and went away in a flash. The speed of this cold light was beyond imagination, and xuanluo's Xuedun was not as good as her.

How can you escape in front of me

With a faint smile, chen fan stretched out his palm and drank:

"seal the town!"


Thousands of square meters, instantly turned into a piece of iron, even the vitality of the void are condensed. No matter how strong the evasion method is, it will ultimately rely on the vitality of heaven and earth as a springboard. Now that the vitality is frozen, the evasion method of snow in the night will naturally fail.

Bai Hong broke up in an instant and appeared in the shape of a thousand night snow. But at this time, she lost her face and said in a panic:

"it's a long lost skill of closing the town. It's said that it can only be used at the peak of the earth immortal. Why do you do it?"

Chen Fan once used it in the battle of the Dragon hall. At that time, he could only seal the void hundreds of meters away, just ten fingers. Now, in a word, the space of one kilometer is as hard as iron. Not to mention ten fingers, it can last for ten minutes."My ability, is you can imagine, obediently go to hell."

Chen Fan said, eyes no joy no sorrow, raised his hand on the coagulation of a green gold giant palm, volley down.

A thousand nights of snow, a jade ball of ice and snow. This ice hockey is obviously her real magic weapon, and it is also a top-quality magic weapon. Ice hockey above, instantly blooming countless white awn, like ice needle, shot to the sky. Each one of these ice needles is as powerful as the flying sword, and with the cold air of human bones, it is a mammoth, which can be frozen into ice.

Bingpo Yuanzhu.

It's a few pieces of palace artifacts handed down by the snow god palace.

If qianyexue was not the goddess of snow temple, she would not have got this secret weapon.

"Ding Ding Ding."

A series of white ice needles hit the green gold giant palm, and the giant palm trembled slightly. Countless cold waves seemed to want to crack the giant palm. But Chen Fan's body was small, and his power was so terrible that he could only crack the earth immortal with his hand.

Just a click.

Qingjin's giant palm was forced down in the air, and all the ice needles were wiped out. Even bingpu Yuanzhu flew out in the air. There was a small crack on the surface of the bead, which seemed that the top-grade spirit weapon could not bear the power of Chen Fan's palm. Then, the rest of the power was not exhausted, and he patted to qianyexue.

Just when she was about to be patted into a meat cake, qianyexue suddenly called out a name, let Chen Fan look slightly changed, stop Qingjin giant palm.

"Do you know Lu Yanxue?"

Chen Fan looks at the woman in white.

At this time, the snow which has half a fairy palace goddess posture? Her hair was scattered, her white forehead was covered with sweat, and her eyes were still frightened. Hearing the words, she nodded and said: "Yan Xue is my younger martial sister. She was brought into the palace by an elder. She once told me that you are her husband in the secular world."

"How is Lu Yanxue now?"

Chen Fan frowned and did not refute her husband.

"Younger martial sister Lu is very good. She is the best ice spirit root, which is very consistent with the practice of our snow god palace. Everyone likes her very much. The patriarch even established her as a candidate for the next generation of goddess, but she seems to miss you very much... So she has been in a bad mood."

Thousand night snow smell speech to pause, hesitating to say.

Chen Fan snorted and did not ask again.

A thousand night snow words, among them not strict not real very much. Lu Yanxue, an alien disciple of the secular world, regards the secular world as a mole ant because of the arrogance of the people in the kunxu world. How can she like her?

However, chen fan did not ask more. Since he was sure that Lu Yanxue was still alive, he was a little relieved.


In qianyexue, when Chen Fan takes back his huge palm and breathes a little relief, he sees two golden flames directly in Chen Fan's eyes, turning into a red lotus in the air and instantly shooting into qianyexue's body.

"This is...

qianyexue looks very ugly.

In her opinion, how can she not understand that this is a kind of prohibition. As long as she has a slight change, these two red lotus will turn into hell flames and burn her whole person from inside to outside.

But now people have to bow their heads under the eaves. If she wants to live, she naturally has to accept this kind of prohibition.

Without saying a word, qianyexue flies to Chen Fan's side and stands around, just like a clever maid.

"It's terrible

Seeing the goddess of snow temple, they are all taken down by Chen fan. Yan Jingchao and others are shaking their hands and feet, especially Xiaowu. They secretly spit out their tongue. Before her, they thought Chen Fan was easier to talk.

"Mr. Chen, you are really in a big trouble. Qingxuan Taoist master, Taiyin fairy, snow god palace master, earth shaking immortal, dragon elephant Zen master... These people are all the top figures in the kunxu world. If they come to seek revenge, they will be ten of you. They are not their rivals. Even if you can escape, what can your sect and your relatives do? "

Yan Jingchao earnestly advised.

"Everything is done, and it's too late to regret." Chen Fan calmly said: "I ask you, when will those people in kunxu receive the news here? Can they go through the fairy gate? "

Yan Jingchao hesitated for a moment, looked at the corpses on the ground, and finally stamped his feet and said, "well, even if you don't say it, you will know it later."

According to Yan Jingchao, people are clear.

It turned out that the opening of the immortal gate was in stages. At first, there were only a few crevices, and you had to carry a secret treasure to pass through. Then, it was a little stable, and it could be passed by people under the earth immortal, and there could be no more than 100 people at a time. At least half a year later, the immortal gate will be completely stable, so that the strong can pass through.

"The immortal gate should be a space channel, which requires a high level of energy. The earth immortal carries a huge amount of energy, and it is easy to be involved in the turbulence of space if it is forced to cross."

Chen Fan nodded in agreement.

The others, however, looked ugly.

"So in half a year's time, there may be earth immortals stepping into our earth? And more than one? " Everyone looked at each other and could see the horror in each other's eyes.A few disciples of the immortal sect have been making trouble in the Chinese cultivation world. If several immortals enter the world, I'm afraid the whole earth will be turned upside down?

"Catastrophe, this is a catastrophe indeed!"

Someone's palm trembled.

Qianyexue looked on coldly, and her eyes were full of sneers: "Chen beixuan, you used to kill people simply, but now you know what kind of behemoths you have offended."

But she didn't speak, just thought in her heart, qianyexue is not a fool, know at this time to speak, will only ask for trouble.

"Moreover, this is not the key..." Yan Jingchao said with a bitter smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!