Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 654


A purple shadow flying sword cuts on Chen fan, making a sound of metal sound, just like splitting on steel. Chen Fan's bright cyan gold light is like an immortal gold.

Chen fan is standing there.

It seems that in his eyes, each of these attacks is enough to split a building, which is comparable to the spirit weapons of the powerful in the divine realm. They have no effect on him.

"Bang Dang."

Chen Fan grabbed a golden hammer the size of a watermelon. The whole body of this golden hammer is made of fine steel. The dense runes on it are shining with thunder light. It is extremely heavy and weighs thousands of Jin. It was sacrificed by a monk at the top of his realm. One blow is enough to break the stones as big as the millstone.

But in Chen Fan's hands, he was pressed like he Mian, and then he made a cake.

"Poof, my hammer."

An immortal disciple vomited blood directly. His cultivation is not enough. He has no spirit. He relies on blood sacrifice to control the magic weapon. So once the magic weapon is destroyed, his mind and spirit will be implicated and seriously damaged.

This is just the first one.

Every time Chen Fan raised his hand, a magic weapon was discarded.

Many disciples of the immortal sect vomited blood one by one, and their eyes were full of fear.

"It's too powerful. His body is definitely more than that of the earth immortal. It's comparable to the" dragon elephant Zen master "in Leiyin mountain, reaching the legendary realm of Vajra."

A disciple of Beimang sect exclaimed.

The Beimang sect is famous for controlling ghosts and driving corpses. The Jinjia corpse he controls is irrigated with pure gold, which is enough to withstand the missile bombardment. However, even chen fan can't catch it, so it is photographed as smashed.


The two "ice crystal blades" of qianyexue were cut off by Chen fan. The spirit blade cuts on Chen Fan's arm and gives out a bright light. The cold air of ten thousand years has not affected him at all.

The body of God is small and almost immortal, and all laws are inviolable.

"This man's body is really close to the peak of the earth immortal, even the heaven immortal."

Thousands of night snow also can't from the facial expression tiny change, in the beautiful eye flash a wave.

Although she didn't do her best just now, chen fan used her body to block her attack without hurting her. This kind of terrible night snow has only been seen in a few earth immortals at the top of the kunxu world, as well as those who are at the top of the body refining peak or spirit beasts.


Chen Fan's arms were shocked, and his terrible blood soared into the sky. The bright green and golden light directly condensed into a huge light palm, which was shot out of thin air. There were three or four disciples of the immortal sect. They had no time to escape and were patted into meat cakes.

"Run away."

People turn pale at the same time. They want to escape when they master the magic weapon.

But Chen Fan's speed is so fast.

He broke the sound barrier in an instant and pulled out a long white mark in the air. It was like the roar of a whistle. Each punch and one foot could easily crush several immortal disciples. Even if he just hit them, he could crush them all.

"Bang bang."

Almost immediately, chen fan killed more than ten people.

The others were almost scared, and each of them urged the secret arts to turn into a way of Guanghua to escape. Especially the five or six disciples of shenhaijing ran faster than rabbits.

"You can't escape."

Chen Fan's figure is like a flash of light.

He flashed behind a man in white. The man in white was full of breath. He was a great master of Shenhai. He was even stronger than Lei Po Tian and close to tianmingzi and xuanluo.

Lian Yunsheng.

The Holy Son of hunyuanmen generation.

Lian Yunsheng is not a Taoist immortal, but in the whole kunxu community, the younger generation can also rank in the top ten. In particular, he is a master of Hunyuan real skill. He can practice to the extreme without relying on external forces. A mouthful of Hunyuan real Qi is enough to move mountains and fill the sea.


Lian Yunsheng turned his head and opened his mouth to spit out a white rainbow hanging like a Tianhe river. It turned into a pinlian rainbow of tens of feet. There was a vast white fog on it, full of vigorous Qi, which was enough to crush steel. Even a bomber here would be smashed by Bai Lian.

Hunyuan sect is a great sect in kunxu. It stands side by side with qingxuandao and tianleizong, relying on this Hunyuan spirit.

"True Qi is good, but it's not concise enough."

Chen Fan lightly said that with a blow, he would blow away the Hunyuan Qi which has been condensed by lianyunsheng for decades. Then he went away and patted Lian Yunsheng on the top of his head.

"I'm not reconciled..."

Lian Yunsheng's body was smashed in an instant. A transparent spirit leaped out of his head and wanted to escape. But where could he get there? He was smashed by Chen Fan's shenmang.

This is just the beginning.

Many martial arts people in the secular world watched as Chen Fan caught up with the arrogant people in the immortal sect one by one. No matter how they begged for mercy, threatened, cursed, or denounced, they did not leave their hands. They slapped them with one hand, even the spirit and the body, and they were beaten to ashes."This... This... Is really going to be wiped out!"

Someone whispered.

"If we don't kill these people, it may be our earth that will suffer."

Ye Nantian said solemnly.

No one knows how many earthly immortals there are in the world of kunxu. Can those earthly immortals come out? Just in case, kill all these informers. For at least a period of time, people in kunxu will not be alert.

"Spare my life..."

a woman in red, charming and lovely, with an enchanting face and drooling eyes. Unfortunately, chen fan's face was indifferent, and her eyes spewed golden flame, burning her to ashes.

As soon as the woman died, the people in the immortal gate were almost dead. In the end, there was only qianyexue in white and xuanluo who just flew out of the mountain with a fist seal on his chest.

"You dare to kill them..."

xuanluo cried with a ferocious face.

"Chen beixuan, you are dead. No one in the world can save you any more. You are ready to wait for the Revenge of kunxu." The young master of Qingxuan, with loose hair and bleeding mouth, stares at Chen Fandao.

"Is it?"

In Chen Fan's eyes, there was no joy or sorrow, and he didn't care.

With a flash of his body, he rushed to xuanluo, trying to kill the most powerful young man in kunxu.

"Damn it."

Xuanluo's face changed wildly.

He never thought that Chen fan should be so cruel.

"If I go back to kunxu, I must tell my father that all the elders of Qingxuan road should join hands to split the immortal gate and enter the secular world, and kill Chen beixuan and beiqiong from top to bottom."

Xuanluo called in his heart.


Xuanluo directly urged Xuedun to turn into a blood shadow and flee to the distance. The essence and blood of the Taoist immortal fetus contain infinite aura. The skill of blood escaping is more than several times faster than the ordinary divine realm.

Before they even had time to see it, they saw a startling rainbow of blood, which went straight into the distance at the speed of breaking the sound barrier several times, just like a supersonic missile.

"Won't you let him escape?"

The faces of beiqiongpai, Kunlun and others changed.

Once xuanluo escapes, all his previous achievements will be wasted. Not only beiqiong sect, but also the whole martial arts and Taoism world of China may be angry by the local immortals of kunxu.


Chen Fan didn't chase after him at all. He just took out a black short shuttle from the sword gourd.

Stimulated by the magic power, the black short shuttle turns into a black awn and goes away silently. The speed of this black awn is so fast that it has surpassed the sound and emptied the battery. It's like thunder. Even many people can't catch it.

It was the spear of killing gods that Chen Fan got from the Americans.

In terms of power, this is the most powerful weapon in Chen Fan's hands, that is, the top-quality spirit weapon may not be comparable. Its power and speed may reach 20 times the speed of sound at the peak.

"This technique of blood escaping needs to burn essence and blood. This time I use it, the time to enter the earth immortal will be postponed for at least ten years, but it's important to run for life... In this secular world, where can Chen beixuan be such a terrible pervert? How on earth can he practice it?"

Xuanluo couldn't think of breaking his head.

He was sure that Chen fan had not broken through the immortals, but it was incredible that the divine realm was so powerful.

Even in the heyday of the ancient world of cultivating immortals, I never heard of such monsters as Chen fan.


A shadow suddenly appeared in his mind.

"What's that?"

Xuanluo hasn't responded yet. The spear of killing God has penetrated the space instantly and chased from behind.


Xuanluo screamed wildly, and there was a strange image of the moon rising from the void behind him. The cold moonlight condensed and turned into a thin sword light, trying to stop the spear of killing gods.

But how terrible is the power of the spear!

Without waiting for xuanluo to wave his sword, he had already penetrated xuanluo's body in an instant, penetrating from his back and shooting from his front chest. In xuanluo's chest, he burst out a big blood hole.

The body of the Taoist immortal, the body of the earth immortal, is almost vulnerable in front of the spear of killing gods, just like paper paste.

This is the horror of the spear of killing gods! In the hands of the Americans, it's just a bullet of an electromagnetic gun, but in the hands of Chen fan, it's a magic weapon that frightens the gods.

"I'm not reconciled!"

A blue spirit jumped out of xuanluo's head, suddenly wrapped in the moonlight, and wanted to escape to the distance. Once the spirit is out of the body, it's too difficult to find such a body as DaoTi Xiantai, which means that xuanluo may have no hope in his life.

However, in the face of life, this sacrifice is inevitable.

Just then, a golden lightning burst from the spear of killing gods and shot at xuanluo. It was obviously Chen Fan's idea hidden in the spear of killing gods.

"Chen beixuan, my father is the Taoist master of Qingxuan. He is the first person in the world of kunxu. If you kill me, my father will break you to pieces."The blue spirit was scared out of his wits and screamed wildly.


Chen Fan's mind didn't stay at all. The golden lightning poured into the blue spirit, and instantly blew xuanluo's spirit to pieces. It was useless to let it have a magic power to protect itself.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone was staring at the scene.

The people in the immortal sect come here in a fierce manner. They look down on all living beings and regard common people as mole ants. Who would have thought that Chen fan would kill them all at a glance. Even the little leader of Qingxuan Taoism, xuanluo, would die and die. In the end, there is only a thousand night snow left.

All the people of heishuimen arrived just in time, and their faces turned crazy when they saw this scene.

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