Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 653

"This... How is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many immortals are silly.

Chili sword is one of the seven immortal swords of Qingxuan Daozhen sect. Although it is not a top-grade spirit weapon, it can also be regarded as the top of the medium grade spirit weapon. In particular, Qingxuan road is known as the first sword sect in kunxu, second only to Jiujian old man in Shushan sword palace.

Such a peerless immortal sword was broken by Chen fan.

Is Chen beixuan a man or a God? It's the earth immortal. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Qianyexue's body trembles as if she knew Chen Fan for the first time, and her beautiful eyes look closely at her. Chen Fan's power now is beyond her imagination. In her image, even the first pride in the kunxu world, the one in Yuntian palace, couldn't sweep the world like Chen fan.

"Chen beixuan, you destroy my immortal sword. It's a bitter feud."

Xuanluo is worthy of being a Taoist immortal.

Although the flying sword was destroyed, he just felt a shock in his mind. He was slightly injured and recovered quickly. In his eyes, the green light was burning, and the body of the earth immortal was driven to the extreme. His momentum did not decline, but his fighting spirit became more and more boiling.


Xuanluo took his palm as his sword, pinched the formula and killed him in an instant.

Although Qingxuan Dao is famous for its imperial sword, it is actually proficient in both law and martial arts. Jiandao is only one kind of Qingxuan Dao. With xuanluo Dao as the body of Xiantai, without flying sword, its power is not inferior.

On him, layers of treasure shine.

As a young master of Qingxuan Taoism, he is the son of earthly immortals. Xuanluo had not only a flying sword, but also many magic weapons to protect his body.


See the sky and earth, shining green. It's like a blue magic sword, coming across the sky. The sharp invisible sword Qi tears the sky as if it could cut off King Kong.

"Shifang shadowless kendo."

This is Qingxuan Dao's sword Qi method, which is known as the peerless sword technique of cutting mountains and rivers with one hand. Qingxuan Taoism is juxtaposed by sword skill and sword Qi. Xuanluo cultivates two veins at the same time, which has infinite power.

"Even the flying sword has been destroyed by me. How dare you be presumptuous in front of me?"

Chen Fan chuckles and punches.

His crystal clear palm was wrapped in layers of golden runes, and the air burst directly, just like a hundred heavy guns bombarding at the same time. Chen Fan's fist directly broke the sound barrier, and instantly surpassed four or five times the speed of sound, reaching an incredible speed.


Xuanluo flew out directly.

All the layers of Baoguang on his body surface burst open, including the body protecting Qi. With Chen Fan's fist, they were all broken into paper. If he didn't rely on his shining blue clothes to protect his body, he would be seriously injured.

"Body protector?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The green robe xuanluo was wearing was a genuine body protector, at least of medium quality. This kind of treasure is not inferior in value. It's a top-quality artifact. It can be seen that the family background of Qingxuan Taoism is rich.

"There is a protective robe. No wonder you dare to challenge me, but do you think you can stop me with one garment?"

Chen Fan gave a sneer, and his body was in a flash. In an instant, he rushed to xuanluo like a mirage.

With a stroke of his hands, he produced a lotus like handprint like tai chi.

A thousand lotus flowers.

This is the first time that Chen fan has used his secret skill since he became a God.

As one of the thirty-six movements of Zhenwu, qianlianhua condenses the Qi and blood spirit of the whole body into one point, which can produce 120% power. If it wasn't for the body armor, it couldn't stop chen fan. What's more, chen fan was more powerful than before?


In the face of such a desperate situation.

Xuanluo's eyes glared like madness. There was a huge bright moon directly behind him, and the cool moonlight fell on xuanluo. Xuanluo stretched out his hand and coagulated. The silver moonlight turned into a three foot long bright sword. It was crystal clear, just like silver casting.

"This is xuanluo's magic power. Taiyin practices xuanjian!"

Someone called it out.

Xuanluo, as a Taoist immortal, was born with the body of earthly immortals, and naturally awakened his own supernatural powers. It is said that his supernatural power is extremely mysterious and seems to have something to do with his mother.

"Bang Dang."

Xuanluo, holding a three foot lightsaber in his hand, cleaved to Chen Fan in the air. There was a glimmer of pride in his eyes.

The magic power of Taiyin refining xuanjian is enough to rank in the top ten in the whole kunxu world. Before xuanluo, he almost never used it, which was regarded as the existence of killer mace. This magic power is known as the evil of the body. No matter how powerful the body of the earth immortal is, if it is cut by the sword of Taiyin, the way of life and death will disappear.

Because this sword contains the terrible dark light of Taiyin, which is thousands of times colder than the general Qi of Yinsha. Any body can't bear such a blow of dark light. It will freeze into ice in an instant. It can only be resisted by magic weapons or techniques.

"Chen beixuan, finally let me wait for this opportunity."

Xuanluo's eyes were full of pride.Although Taiyin refining xuanjian is a secret skill of killing and cutting, it's a pity that it has to fight close to the body. It's far from the flying sword, which often shoots a hundred miles away. If it's a little far away, the opponent won't fight with you. If he uses the magic to bombard you, xuanluo will have nothing to do.


But Chen Fan's face did not change at all. He didn't care at all. He just had a flash of his fingers. Five thin white fingers, like a lute, flicked on the three foot lightsaber one after another.

"Bang bang."

In the eyes of the outsider, these five flicks are just a little bit of Chen Fan's without any smoke. But xuanluo felt as if he had been hit by five ten thousand jin hammers. Each blow made his blood run high and he could hardly hold the lightsaber in his hand.

What scares him more is that.

Under the flick of Chen Fan's finger, the Taiyin Xuanlian sword vibrated violently. It was broken by Chen Fan's flick out of thin air. It turned into moonlight and burst open.

"How is that possible?"

Xuanluo's eyes are almost staring out.

The three foot lightsaber is the combination of Taiyin and Xuanguang. Taiyin dark light is invisible and has no substance. It belongs to a kind of pure energy, but contains extremely cold evil Qi. When do you see people and break the light?


But at this time, he had no time to think about it.

After wiping his fingers, chen fan turned them into a lotus seal and gently made a seal on xuanluo's chest.


Xuanluo's three Chi Qi, like paper paste, doesn't work at all.

And he was wearing a blue treasure coat. First, it was full of light and turned into a blue god awn. Then it burst open. The whole treasure coat was blown to pieces. Finally, chen fan slapped xuanluo on the chest. He hit xuanluo and shot him straight back. He ran into the mountains for thousands of meters. Then he managed to stop his body.

"Why do you want to stop me?"

Chen Fan hit xuanluo hard, but he didn't feel the slightest joy. Instead, he took back his hand and frowned and looked at the cold and proud woman in white.

Just now, if it wasn't for the woman in white, chen fan was blocked by a cold blade.

Xuanluo has been broken into pieces by Chen fan. No matter how strong he is, how can he stop Chen Fan's attack?

"Sir, xuanluo is the young master of Qingxuan, and his mother, Taiyin fairy, is from our snow god palace. If you kill him, you will be the enemy of Qingxuan road and snow god palace. You have offended Tianlei sect. Why bother Qingxuan again? "

The snow in the night is like a Moon Fairy coming into the world, and its sound is like a jade bead dripping down.

Many martial arts circles, including the girls of beiqiong school, look at qianyexue with envy. Their appearance, or secular beauty. But qianyexue's temperament and appearance are close to fairies. Her temperament is extraordinary, refined and illusory. Only Anya and Fang Qiong can match each other.

But Chen fan, who had seen Tianjiao goddess in his previous life, didn't care about this. He said with no expression:

"don't say it's just Qingxuan road. It's your ancestors who came to kunxu, and it doesn't matter to me. Since you're standing in my way, I'll give you one life for another. "

With that, chen fan grabs it out with one hand. In the void, a golden palm appears out of thin air, just like the left hand of the giant spirit God. He grabs the snow in the sky.


A thousand night snow sleeves, fly out two thin ice crystal spirit blade. This spirit blade is forged by the ice for thousands of years. It is extremely sharp, and it condenses the surging cold Qi of Yin. Its power is only inferior to that of Taiyin refining xuanjian, but it can attack from a long distance, just like a flying sword.

I saw two invisible white marks, circling in the void, hanging in the air, like a white dragon dancing in the void.


Other people in the immortal sect also know that this is a critical moment of life and death, and they have nothing left. Everyone is working hard.

On the whole Qingcheng Mountain, there are dozens of immortal people. Nearly half of them were killed by Chen Fan before, and there are 20 or 30 others. Among them, five or six are monks of shenhaijing.

How powerful are they?


See the sky, colorful, Huaguang straight into the bullfight!

Flying sword, spirit needle, golden hammer, jade talisman, magic, supernatural power... All kinds of magic tools and secret skills are smashed in the sky. Each of these immortal disciples has a lot of money, and almost every one of them has a spirit weapon. In particular, the five or six monks of shenhaijing had medium quality spirit tools.

After all, those who can survive in the secular world are basically the most elite disciples of the major sects in the kunxu world. Whatever good things are in the clan, they are naturally piled up.

Countless magic weapons, like a light belt, are pushed horizontally. Before their power, all the people in the secular world are disgraced.

"Hiss, that's too strong. It's like a missile salvo. "

Someone hit the tongue.

These people in the immortal gate, with one full blow, are comparable to rockets. With so many people working together, it's like a regiment's firepower covering the earth and shaking the earth, that is, the earth immortal, who may not dare to meet it. In particular, the two ice crystal blades of qianyexue are as cold as two rainbow penetrating the sun.

Many people, at this time, finally understand.

Why do people in Xianmen regard the earth as a common mole ant. Because these disciples alone are enough to sweep the earth. Not to mention the many local immortals of the major sects in Xianmen."The light of rice grains, dare to compete with the bright moon?"

Chen Fan snorted, not only the palm of his hand, but also the whole body began to shine. There are countless golden runes embedded in the layers of green light. Chen Fan's whole body is covered with green and golden light, just like the divine iron. The emperor's longevity was finally pushed to the top by him.


In this way, relying on his physical body, he rushed into many magic weapons. Regardless of it, he picked up the spirit weapon with his bare hand and swept directly.

Push ten thousand enemies with one hand!

PS: first of all, the author went to the hospital to do an atomization and came back soon. Today, at least four o (n_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!