Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 652

This fist is unknown.

It's just Chen Fan's fist, which is pushed by the power of the body, to display the power of the body. From the side, you can see that Chen Fan's spine is arched like a dragon, and his whole body turns into a crossbow.

And that delicate white fist is the spear that runs through everything.


When Chen Fan hit with this fist, people only felt that the heaven and earth were shaking, and they only saw this fist shaking the sun and the moon. They even had the illusion that they were beaten out of the whole world by this fist, which was out of place with the surroundings.

This fist is enough to make the earth immortals into the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

The power is close to Chen Fan's Zhenwu magic fist, which defeated Ye Qingcang at the top of Yanshan mountain.

"Not good."

Seeing this blow, xuanluo's face changed wildly, so he wanted to fight.

But it's too late.

There is a bright golden light in the crystal clear and delicate fist. The golden light is made up of many tiny divine lines. Ye gives birth to light.

The fist smashed on the top of the "Thunderbolt mace". It's said that this top-grade spirit weapon was made by an ancient celestial. Although it was only refined by the celestial in his spare time, its power is still terrible. Holding it in tianmingzi's hand is enough to beat the dead with one mace.

With this mace, tianmingzi can run across the earth and compete with the arbiter and ye Qingcang. This is the power of the top-grade spirit weapon.

But at this time, under Chen Fan's fist.


The blue thunder light, which was more than 20 feet long, burst into pieces like gorgeous glass. Finally, in tianmingzi's astonished eyes, chen fan stamped his fist on the thunder mace.


Just like the sound of Hongzhong and Dalu.

At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, there seemed to be a hundred bombs exploding at the same time, which made many people's eardrums crack. With Chen Fan and tianmingzi as the center, the land with a radius of 50 meters under his feet sank to the ground for three or four meters, and then gradually stopped. The huge shock wave even swept hundreds of meters, blowing many people upside down.

Tianmingzi, however, was directly shot out and shot hundreds of meters in the air before he stopped.

The power of one blow, how terrible?

Everyone took a cold breath, and the people in the immortal sect couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

They failed too fast before, but now they really realize that Chen Fan's power is stronger than tianmingzi, who is half a step away from the earth. Holding a top-grade spirit weapon, they can't even hold Chen Fan's fist.

"Is this man the immortal of the earth?"

Many people look at chen fan.

Tianmingzi stopped in the air, his face was full of horror, especially when he found that there was a shallow fist seal on the ancient bronze thunder mace.

This is a real top-grade spirit weapon, not a broken one in Ye Qingcang's hand.

To be able to leave a mark on it, at least you have to be an old Dixian, or even the top of kunxu!

"Chen beixuan, I took your punch. According to what I just said, you can't kill me any more."

Tianmingzi is not a reckless man after all. Seeing that Chen fan is so powerful, he softens his attitude and wants to take words to live in Chen fan.

Many people in the martial arts and Taoism circles remembered at this time. Chen Fangang said that tianmingzi spared him if he didn't die after receiving his fist. Do you really want to spar tianmingzi now?

Xue Daisha, a Xiu, Hua Yunfeng and Lao Qinglong all look at chen fan.

Tianmingzi's eyes show a trace of pride. Strong people like Chen fan are the most arrogant. When they say something, it's like pouring water. It's impossible to take it back. If they are praised in public again, they won't be able to get off the stage.

"Yes, if you take my fist, you will not die... Unfortunately, you didn't take it after all."

Chen Fan's face showed a light irony.

"What do you mean?"

As soon as tianmingzi's expression changed, he would open his mouth.

But at this time, a golden light burst from his right hand, which was just the beginning, followed by arms, shoulders, chest, thighs, limbs... To the last head.

Gold fists burst out of thin air.

The pillar of light blasted nine times in a row, smashing the whole body of tianmingzi into pieces. In the end, even tianmingzi's original spirit wanted to fly out, and was directly smashed by a blow from the spirit.

One punch can kill the immortals!

This is the real power of the God body. Chen Fan didn't use any real yuan. Just relying on his physical strength, chen fan made a nine fold effort to crush tianmingzi into pieces.


At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, the whole scene was dead.

Everyone took a cool breath.

Many people in Xianmen, including xuanluo and qianyexue, have never been more serious and look at chen fan.

"That's tianmingzi, the chief of Tianlei sect, a half step immortal! He killed him with one punch? Or people in the secular world, which is totally impossible? "Some people can't accept it.

Another man, with a dead face, said:

"they all said that Chen beixuan could defeat the immortals only with his fist... We used to treat him as empty words, but now it seems that maybe he can defeat the immortals!"

All the people looked at Chen Fan's eyes with fear.

This is a character who can defeat the immortals with the spirit. Can they really defeat this man? Countless people look at Qingxuan Shaozhu and qianyexue. Even tianmingzi has been defeated. The people in the immortal sect can only count on these two people.

"Earthly immortals are more powerful than we think. They are ten times as powerful as the divine realm. He was able to defeat the immortals because his foundation was not stable when the immortals just broke through. Once he let the immortals consolidate his realm, he was no match. Besides, the earthly immortals can hardly be compared with our kunxu world, and when he defeated the earthly immortals, he obviously relied on the unknown formula of refining the body... "

xuanluo said, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

Thinking of this, xuanluo was full of confidence and said:

"Mr. Chen beixuan, do you know that you have already made a big disaster!"

"Oh? What catastrophe? "

Chen Fan took the thunder mace, played it in his hand and said casually.

"The people you killed, such as Lei Po Tian, CI Xuan, FA Xiang and so on, all come from the kunxu sect. Their masters are all immortal. In particular, tianmingzi, the leader of Tianlei sect, is the only one to be appointed as the leader of Tianlei sect. The leader of Tianlei sect is known for his fiery temper. When you kill his disciples, do you think the earth shaking immortal can let you go? "

Xuanluo has a good mind and says slowly.

Many people in the martial arts and Taoism circles, who were cheering and cheering, seemed to be splashed on their heads by a basin of cold water at this time.


Lei Po Tian, CI Xuan and others are nothing. They can be solved with a single missile, but behind them are the immortals of kunxu! Although it is not clear whether the earth immortals really exist and whether they can come to the earth, as long as two or three come, it will be a disaster for the whole earth.

This is also the reason why China has always exercised restraint and not used heavy weapons.

"What's more, you think you have enough strength and are not afraid, but what about your subordinates, your relatives and your Taoist partners? You know, some earth immortals like to do whatever they can. You can protect them for a while, and you can protect them for a lifetime? "

Every time the man in green opens his mouth, people's faces will lose one point. In the end, many people's faces are as pale as paper.

"What are you going to do?"

Ah Xiu couldn't help saying.

"It's very simple. Chen beixuan, you follow me back to the kunxu world, plead with the leader and the earth immortal, and offer your body refining formula. As the young master of Qingxuan, I will guarantee your life."

Xuanluo at this time, just to see.

"Yes, we should go to Tianlei sect first. This time, a chief of Tianlei sect died. He had to give us Tianlei sect at least 50 years of slavery to make up for it."

"We leiyinshan, but also died a legitimate, get our leiyinshan slave for a hundred years!"

"The valley of burning heaven also wants to...

many people in the immortal sect are now arrogant.

Now they remember that there are still many immortals behind them. They were frightened by Chen Fan's casting power before, but now they have come back to their senses.

"As long as I go back and tell the master, the master will surely destroy the whole beiqiong sect."

A disciple of mieqingzong bowed his head and his eyes were full of killing intention.


Snow on behalf of sand and others, pretty face pale, all pale, ah Xiu more angry call out.

"It's not mean, it's power! Chen beixuan, it's up to you to make a choice. " Xuanluo stroked his long sleeve. At this time, he was wearing a sword in green clothes and flipped the whole court between his fingers, which fully showed his ability to teach.

Even qianyexue is shaking her head and sighing, thinking that Chen fan has no other choice.

Chen Fanhu's leisurely way:

"let's not say, can the earth immortals in kunxu pass through the gate? And how many at a time? If I'm here and kill all of you, who else will report it? "

"What do you mean?"

Xuanluo smile a stiff, the facial expression sinks down a way.

"What I mean is very simple. Why don't I kill all of you first, and then I'll go into the immortal gate and wipe out all the local immortals and Zhangjiao in kunxu, so that no one will come to me for revenge."

Chen Fan flicked his finger and said with a smile.


The whole audience was silent, and everyone didn't expect that Chen fan would say such a thing.

"Chen beixuan, you are too arrogant! Even me, you may not be able to fight. Now you dare to say that you want to kill us all and enter the immortal gate? You don't know what real power is

The green awn in xuanluo's eyes, inch by inch burst open.

His body, crystal clear, just like a piece of blue clouds, a road of auspicious rising from his body, just like the legendary immortal lower world."Buzz."

The ancient sword, which was carried behind xuanluo's back, bounced up with a bang and turned into a red glow, lying in the void.

"The name of the sword is red glass, which is handed down by our ancestors of Qingxuan Taoism. It is one of the seven immortal swords of our Taoism. Today, I will use this sword to show you what is the true way of Sword Fairy. "

Xuanluo finished and kneaded the formula.


The ancient red glass sword turned into a red sword with a length of more than ten Zhang. With the thunder of sword Qi, it suddenly cut out at chen fan. And Chen Fan didn't say much at all. He just grabbed it from afar.

Such as catching fish.

"Bang Dang."

The red glass sword was caught in the void by Chen fan. No matter how bright it was, the sword was full of vigor. Chen Fan's white and delicate palm was nothing to do with it.


Xuanluo's eyes were staring at him. If he saw the book of heaven, it was a thousand nights of snow, and his face changed.

"An ordinary spirit sword, dare to call it immortal sword."

With a sneer, chen fan's hands burst into golden light. With a click, he pulled the red glass sword into two pieces and threw it to the ground. This ancient sword, which has existed for thousands of years in the world, was badly damaged in an instant. It lost all its aura and turned into scrap iron.


Xuanluo's blood gushed out and his mind was shocked.

And others, have been silly to see, all of them are dumb, can't believe this scene.

PS: Fourth, the author seems to have caught a cold. I hope it's not true. If we don't have time to update tomorrow, it will be a tragedy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!