Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 651

For tianmingzi.

Chen Fan killed 20 or 30 monks in front of him step by step. Among them, there are even five great religious elites in Shenhai, which is like slapping tianmingzi in the face. He didn't even know how to explain to the local immortals.

You know, monks like FA Xiang and Lei Po Tian are the most direct disciples of the great cult. At least one master of the earth immortal told us that five or six of them fell down here at one go and were sent back to the immortal gate. It's a shocking thing.

"Well, well, you secular world will be washed by our blood. After I kill you Chen beixuan, I will destroy your beiqiong sect and cut it down from top to bottom to pay homage to my younger martial brother and all the disciples of Xianmen. "

In tianmingzi's eyes, every inch of thunder burst open, and he gritted his teeth every word.


Chen fan was not prepared to quarrel with tianmingzi. After all, tianmingzi didn't do it before. There has always been a reason for Chen Fan's killing. Since tianmingzi didn't do it, chen fan didn't bother to argue with him, but he didn't expect tianmingzi to kill beiqiong.

"Don't live if you do evil."

Chen Fan took back his hand. His eyes were like the polar wind, penetrating his heart.

Tianmingzi was not afraid.

He is one of the top natural pride of the young generation in kunxu. It's a natural variation of the best Lei Linggen. In terms of combat power, it can fight the killing immortal. In addition to many immortals, only a few people, such as Qingxuan Shaozhu and Xuexian, can compare with him.

"Chen Tianren, be careful. This tianmingzi is said to have mastered the power of shenlei, and has become the body of earthly immortals. In particular, he practiced a magic power called "wind and thunder wings", which has infinite power. "

Someone from Kunlun called.

Kunlun, after all, is backed by the state and extremely powerful. In recent months, I caught a man from Xianmen by accident and got a lot of news from kunxu.

"Ha ha, you just know, so what? I'm afraid you people in the secular world don't know what magic power is

Tianmingzi laughed.

The wings of thunder and lightning behind him suddenly spread out, most of them several feet long. It makes up for the blue thunder light, and the wind dragons gather around tianmingzi. As soon as his wings were fanned, there was a loud sound of wind and thunder.

Then, tianmingzi turned into a blue lightning and shot at chen fan.


The two were clearly separated by a hundred feet.

But this hundred Zhang void, in front of tianmingzi, seemed to be nonexistent. His shadow is still a hundred feet away, and his real body has rushed to Chen Fan in an instant. The speed is almost twice the speed of sound.

Wind and thunder have wings.

The most secret core skill of Tianlei sect is the top-level magic power recorded in Jinglei book. No more than five people have completed this magic power since the Tianlei sect. Once it is accomplished, it will have infinite power. Its speed will be like a flash of light, and it will be as fast as thunder. It can travel a hundred miles in a flash, and it will be beyond the reach of the earth immortals.

Tianmingzi, with his wings of wind and thunder, roamed the world of kunxu and the younger generation.


Tianmingzi, with a wild smile on his face, wrapped his hands in blue thunder, turned into fists and bombarded chen fan. He didn't use any secret method. He was just going to crush Chen Fan with his power.


But I didn't expect that tianmingzi's fist would blow in the void. Chen Fan didn't know when it would disappear.

As soon as tianmingzi's pupil shrank and looked up, he saw Chen Fan standing ten feet away from his left side, holding his hands on his back and looking at him leisurely:

"I said that the wind and thunder wings are just a nine stream little magic power 'thunder wings'. If you were not born with the wind and thunder wings, you would not be able to cultivate this magic power, and even if you could, it would not be of much use."

Although there are tens of thousands of talents for the cultivators, the most popular one is the division of spirit root and spirit body.

The natural spirit body is the body that starts from the nature. It has high talent and can enter the nature without hindrance. For example, the dark blood clan, many spirit beasts and so on. Adulthood is the life of the nature.

But the spirit root is a little worse than the spirit body, only there is a spirit pulse in the body, which echoes with some aura between heaven and earth. The best spirit root is already the best one among the spirit roots. If you have the chance to be born, it's even stronger if you have two lines of the best spirit root.

But in Chen Fan's eyes. It's the son of Qingdi, who was born with a great body of God, and even has the hope of becoming a true immortal in the future. He can kill it with one hand, not to mention the son of Tianming.

"You fart!"

Tianmingzi was furious.

Tianlei Zong is famous for his hot temper. As the chief of Tianlei Zong, his temper is even more explosive.


The only thing I see is that tianmingzi turns around in the void, takes a green shadow and kills Chen Fan in the air. His wings behind him turn into two green light sabres and chop Chen Fan in the air.

These two lightsabers are powerful enough to cut a warship into two.

"Tianmingzi is angry."

Xuanluo, standing on the top of the mountain, said lightly."Look at these two, who wins and who loses?" Qianyexue looks cold and her voice is like a jade drop on a silver plate.

"I can't see the root of Chen beixuan, but I should also get some chance to practice the immortal method. Unfortunately, as long as he does not become an immortal, he is not the opponent of tianmingzi after all. As the chief of Tianlei sect, tianmingzi has more than just wind and thunder wings. "

Qingxuan is the master of xuanluo, full of confidence.

"Then I'll beat Chen beixuan to win."

A thousand night snow says, the vision sweeps to Chen fan.

She suddenly saw the younger martial sister Lu Yanxue, who was brought back from the secular world two or three years ago.

"Yan Xue once told me that she has a husband, also called Chen beixuan, who is in the secular world and has the power to transform and kill the divine realm. I don't know if it's you."

Thousand night snow in the heart leisurely think.

At this time, the battle is still going on.


The blue lightsaber, which is several feet long, is like a thundering sword, roaring and crushing the void, like a fighter plane galloping for nine days.

Tianmingzi's whole body was wrapped in thunder and lightning, and came crashing. His body has reached the body of the earth immortal, only half a step away from the congenital realm. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is not much worse than ye Qingcang in front of Dixian.

"I said, you don't know magic."

Chen fan, with one hand behind him, stretched out his finger and flicked it.


Between heaven and earth, like thunder.

The whole void, a golden streamer, burst open. Many people's eyes were wide open, and they could only catch it. It seemed that there was a golden column of light shooting from the palms of Chen Fan's fingers. It instantly crossed the void, pierced two wings of wind and thunder, and hit tianmingzi's fist all the time.


Tianmingzi seemed to be hit by a huge ship of ten thousand tons. In an instant, his whole body flew backward and turned into a green shadow. He jumped hundreds of meters into the void and crashed into a small mountain, making a big hole in it.

"This is...

everyone's eyes shrink, including the confident xuanluo, whose face is stiff.

What happened just now? Almost no one can see clearly, and even everyone doesn't know how chen fan made his move. It was not until tianmingzi flew out of the cave that people saw him.

On both sides of tianmingzi's wind and thunder wings, there was a hole as big as a tea cup, which seemed to be pierced by a rocket. On tianmingzi's left shoulder, there was a small hole with the thickness of his thumb, which ran directly through his shoulder and continued to the opposite side.

It's the body of the earth immortal. If it's broken in the heart, it will fall on the spot. Fortunately, it's just the shoulder.

How powerful is a finger?

"It's impossible? It's the earth immortal who can't even have a finger, so he hits Feitian Mingzi and damages his body. That Chen beixuan must have used some top magic weapon or magic power. "

Xuanluo eyes dignified to the extreme, a word said.

Qianyexue's eyes flashed. It seemed that Chen Fan could win. She supported chen fan before, only in the face of poor Lu Yanxue.

"I'll kill you."

Tianmingzi was mad with blood, and his eyes were full of anger.

When has he suffered such a great loss since he crossed the kunxu area? At this time, his brain, no longer to consider whether Chen Fan's opponent, eyes just want to kill chen fan.

"Bang Dang."

Tianmingzi pulled out a simple bronze soldier.

"Thunderbolt mace, Tianlei Zong asked him to bring this weapon of Zhenjiao. It's a top-grade weapon." The man in the immortal gate, with a change of face, exclaimed, and xuanluo showed a more determined color.

"Jinglei mace, as one of the five teaching tools of Tianlei sect, has the power of impressing the immortals. Chen beixuan is dead."

Xuanluo is determined.

And a thousand night snow can't help sighing.

This is the biggest difference between the immortal and the secular. No matter how powerful your magic power is, no matter how wide your magic power is, I am rich in value. If you have a magic weapon from the clan, you should bear it with me.


This time, the power of the weapon was completely different.

Between heaven and earth, a ray of thunder burst out. In the void, all of them turned into a hundred meter thunder sea. Thunder pillars, as thick as buckets, fell from the sky and gathered in the hands of tianmingzi.

In the end, tianmingzi, as if holding the scepter of Zeus, smashed Chen Fan in the air.

"I'll crush you."

Tianmingzi laughs wildly.

The cyan electric awn turned into a huge mace shape more than 20 feet long and beat Chen Fan fiercely. This blow is comparable to that of Dixian sword, which can break the aircraft carrier.

Even many people in the world of martial arts and Taoism have their eyes shrunk and their hearts are shocked. Many people in Xianmen are even more excited: "Chen beixuan is dead."

"It's a teaching instrument of tianleizong town. He's not as good as Dixian. He can't stop it."

"Finally, I can kill the devil and avenge my brothers."When everyone thought that Chen fan would die. Chen Fan's face was expressionless. He raised a delicate fist and hit it slowly:

"if you take my fist, I will spare you."

Suddenly, the sky and the earth hung upside down, the void cracked, the sun and the moon void, as if they were crushed under this blow.

This fist can shake Kunlun! , the fastest update of the webnovel!