Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 650

When Chen Fan appeared on the stage, xuanluo, tianmingzi and others didn't care at all. They were still concerned about the birth of sword palace in the sea of clouds. In their opinion, Teana fiction is just a worldly world. What kind of master can it have?

Even if there is an immortal, Lei Botian is not an opponent. There are others. Several great disciples join hands, even the immortal may not be able to fight. After all, although human immortals are strong, they are very different from Earth immortals.

But never thought that Lei Botian was killed by a slap?

"How is that possible?"

Xuanluo looked up in surprise.

Snow fairy is just like the beautiful eyes of Wanzai glacier, with a trace of color. Although Lei Botian is far behind them, he is also a leading figure of the younger generation in the kunxu area.

As for tianmingzi, he was so angry that his chest was about to explode.

"Someone even dares to kill my younger martial brother in front of me. Do you still regard me as tianmingzi?"

Tianmingzi roared. He didn't even care about Shushan sword palace. He opened a pair of lightning wings behind him and flew down from the sky to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

But Chen Fan didn't care about him at all, and his eyes were still fixed on the people in the immortal gate.

"There is a man named Cixuan who once cheated Kunlun. Is that you?"

Chen Fan Mou light falls on the black clothes assassin body, light asks a way.

Cixuan was shocked, and his cold hair stood up, as if he had been watched by a fierce beast. He once challenged xuanluo, the young master of Qingxuan, three times, and each time he was defeated and never died. He was recommended as the most gifted killer of the generation of mieqingzong. He claimed that he could escape from the earth immortal, but when he faced chen fan, he seemed to meet a natural enemy.

"No, run now."

Cixuan trusted his sixth sense so much that he ran away in a flash.


Chen fan has moved and chases after Cixuan. He was very slow, fell in the eyes of the public, just like a slow motion, but an incredible moment to thorn Xuan behind, just like a flash of light, out of space.

This kind of uncomfortable feeling makes people feel like vomiting blood.


Cixuan deserves to be the top assassin of mieqingzong. In such a desperate situation, he is not afraid at all.

The Black Dagger in his hand turned into a streamer and stabbed Chen Fan from an unimaginable angle. He stabbed the dagger, stabbed Xuan's face, instantly began to wither, black silk, also pale nearly half.

Mieqingzong stresses killing with one blow.

At that moment, Cixuan had already used the secret skill of mieqingzong, the burning emotion soul locking curse, to turn half of his vitality into strength and pour it into his dagger.


The dagger breaks the sound barrier in an instant, and the degree is faster and faster. Finally, only a touch of light and shadow can be seen.

One time, two times, three times... Finally, it's five times as terrible. It was between the fingers that the most terrible blow of his life was struck. This attack is even close to the power of the electromagnetic gun of the United States.

Moreover, the dagger in Cixuan's hand is a secret weapon of mieqingzong. It has no other effect, but it is integrated into the extreme west of kunxu. It is extremely rare. It's extremely pure gold. It's invincible. Even the body of the earth immortal can be broken.

"I'll give you half my life. It's worth it."

In Cixuan's eyes, a trace of joy just appeared.

Chen Fan didn't dodge, completely ignored the dagger, raised a hand and patted it from afar.

"He wants to change his life with me? But my dagger must have hit him first. " Thorn Xuan in the heart don't understand, but two people fight, between the electric light flint, he already had no time to think carefully.

Just listen to "bang Dang".

The dagger, which is made of the pure gold of Xingji, is enough to break the body of the earth immortal. It stabs Chen Fan's chest fiercely and makes a sound of metal. He felt as if he had hit an iron plate. He couldn't do anything to kill people.

"How is that possible?"

Thorn Xuan eyes round stare, can't believe!

Mieqingzong's "immortal killing dagger" is that even the immortals dare not carry it with their bodies. According to legend, only the master of Leiyin mountain, the "dragon elephant Zen master" who is known as the first body refiner in the kunxu world, can take the body of the great King Kong and kill the immortal with a dagger without any damage.

"Has this man become a King Kong? But it's impossible. Zen master Longxiang is already the peak of the earth immortal, and only one step away from the heaven immortal... "

Cixuan was shocked, but he had no time to think about it, because Chen Fan's hand had been taken.


Chen Fan's right hand is as white and tender as a woman's palm. It can't even break wood. It is gently patted on the top of Cixuan's head. However, this man, who is known as the first assassin of the younger generation in kunxu, was smashed from head to foot on the spot, like a fragile tofu. Even the spirit turned into powder.

Under a palm, stab Xuan to die again!

Chen fan came to Qingcheng Mountain, but in only one or two minutes, he had already killed two monks of Shenhai. But these two monks of Shenhai had been so powerful in China that they could not hold up their heads in the whole East. They dared to fight the fierce figures of beiqiong school and Kunlun school."Hiss."

Countless people took a breath.

Many people didn't even see the fight between the two people, and Cixuan had already died.

"Vulnerable, that's really vulnerable."

An idea emerged in the hearts of countless people.

Lei Po Tian and CI Xuan are all strong men above the middle stage of Shenhai. They can shake the top of the earth's divine realm, but they are weaker than human immortals. But they are like flies in Chen Fan's hands.

Many people who didn't go to the top of Yanshan mountain to watch the war understood for the first time what Chen fan, the first person in the world, meant.

"Chen beixuan is worthy of being the first in the world only when he is absolutely invincible." Guru guru combined ten ways. Next to him, a great God of Yishi, dressed in the robes of yin and Yang, nodded silently.

"Son of a bitch!"

At this time, tianmingzi had just come down from the top of the mountain.

See Chen fan not only don't stop, but also killed a fairy door. Suddenly, like a slap on his face, the three spirits of Tianming Ziqi come out of the body and smoke.

"Well, today I must wash the secular world with blood and use your blood to pay homage to my younger martial brother."

In tianmingzi's eyes, the lightning soared, and there was a wind dragon whistling beside him.

But Chen fan still ignored him, instead, he rushed into many immortal people and killed them.

"Before you, did you kill me

In a flash, chen fan came to monk Faxiang with cold eyes.


monk FA Xiang was afraid for the first time. In the face of these despised secular practitioners, the descendant of the earth immortal from Leiyin mountain felt his feet shaking.

"I vowed to protect the East. Those who violate our territory should be killed. "

Chen Fan's face was expressionless. He raised his hand and took photos from afar again.


Monk FA Xiang is worthy of being a descendant of Leiyin mountain. At this critical moment of life and death. The great thunder sound's body refining formula urges you to the top. His whole body was cast like steel. The sounds of tiger, leopard, thunder and dragon were heard from the four limbs and bones of Dharma. His whole life, like a golden arhat, is extremely sacred.

Practice the world on earth.

Taoism calls the congenital realm earth immortal and the golden elixir realm heaven immortal.

In Buddhism, nature is the realm of arhat, and the golden elixir is the great golden realm of Bodhisattva.

At this time, monk Faxiang was only half a step away from the achievement of arhat's golden body. He had already surpassed the black Duke and others, and was close to the body of the earth immortal. Seeing thousands of golden lights and clouds overflowing from monk Faxiang, he raised his hands to fight against Chen fan.


In Chen Fan's eyes, there are no joys or sorrows. Countless tiny golden Charms rise and fall like tides.

His thin white palm suddenly became crystal clear, just like a piece of sapphire glass. Among the colored glaze, there are countless gold threads swimming.

God body is small, only hand crack congenital, not to mention a half step arhat body?


In the eyes of the public, monk Faxiang ate Chen Fan's palm raw, but he didn't move. He didn't get hurt at all. His hands were not even heavy.

"In the way?"

All the disciples of Xianmen are just about to jump with joy.

When I saw monk FA Xiang, a trace of bitterness suddenly appeared on his face. This is like bitterness, just like Ananda's helplessness when he fell into hell.

"I wish that when I get Bodhi in the next life, my body will be like glass, bright inside and outside, pure and clean; my body will be bright and vast, my merits and virtues will be lofty, my body will be comfortable, my flame net will be solemn, and I will be more than the sun and the moon... What a great King Kong body."

The Dharma monk read in his mouth, and his eyes showed the color of liberation.

When they looked at him in horror, they saw a crack on his face. Then there were more and more cracks. From the top of his head, all the four limbs and bones of Dharma were covered. Finally, his whole body was like a broken vase to make up for the cobweb.

A final click.

The whole gold body of the Dharma monk turned into pieces, and every inch of it burst apart like a little gold light.

It turned out that he didn't block the blow. In that palm, the whole body of monk Faxiang had been smashed to pieces by Chen Fangang's powerful force. It was just that this force was too powerful to hide. After a few seconds, it finally burst out.

The third palm, leiyinshan, monk Faxiang is dead!

All the disciples of Xianmen are afraid. It's tianmingzi. He's all in shape, and his eyes are dignified.

But at this time, chen fan did not stop.

"Did you do it just now?"

Chen Fan flashed to the descendants of burning sky valley.

The seven orifices all have purple flames. After cultivating the body of "Purple Fire God", he can turn his whole body into a purple fire god flame. He is so scared that he wants to resist.

It's a pity that his flame was put in the eyes of Chen fan, the master of playing with fire?Chen fan directly from the fire of the golden pupil, burned into nothingness, even a trace of residue are not left.

Then, chen fan killed all the way, almost one person at a time. Finally, he killed half of the people in the immortal gate before he finally stopped.

There was a dead silence.

No one thought that, just now, he was about to kill all the people in the immortal gate in the martial arts world of the whole earth. In front of Chen fan, he was like a mole ant, vulnerable to a single blow.

Ten fingers, even kill twenty or thirty people, kill the fairy gate fear.

"It's the real power to hit the earth immortal."

Changchun Taoist priest hands shaking way.

And tianmingzi, with his angry head upright, is in full bloom:

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