Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 647


Two months later, chen fan began to speed up.

A piece of spirit stone, held up by magic power, floats to Chen fan. Then it explodes and turns into several black fire. These flames are made of high-purity aura. They are powerful and can burn everything.

Chen Fan's body sits cross legged in it.

The whole green emperor's immortal body is crystal clear, shining with the light of sapphire and glass. The skeletons, muscles and viscera are radiant, and the blood in the body is roaring like the Yangtze River. Visible to the naked eye, a thread of gold emerged from the skeleton and spread to the whole body.

Gold is called immortality.

Why is the cultivator called "golden elixir" means immortal. Once the golden elixir is completed, it can be said that it will live forever. Even after a thousand years, the body will be old and the spirit will be destroyed, but the golden elixir will still be preserved and will not be destroyed in 10000 years.

The immortal body of the Qing emperor, which Chen Fan practiced before, can not be regarded as a divine body. It is just one level higher than the ordinary spiritual body. It can only be called "treasure body and quasi Divine Body".

Now, after being tempered by spirit fire and absorbing the surging spirit, it begins to gradually repair and complete, giving birth to the real divinity.


Looking at the numerous spirit stones, they were destroyed one by one with a slow and firm speed. Yan Jingchao and others are distressed, tears are almost left. Those are supposed to be theirs. However, chen fan's terror is beyond their imagination.

"Master, how can there be such a pervert as Chen beixuan in this mortal world. It's obvious that he hasn't stepped into the earth immortal yet, but his body is stronger than the ordinary earth immortal. He practices his body with spirit fire, and eating spirit stone is like stir frying chestnuts with sugar. It's terrible. "

Zhang Ran said.

Several people from heishuimen are picking elixirs on Yingzhou island. There are huge eagles flying in the sky, and a few mental powers are also looming over here. The orcs were not worried about their escape.

"I don't understand. I don't understand."

Yan Jingchao also shook his head.

"Dad, do we really want to take him to the sword palace meeting in Qingcheng Mountain? Xuanluo shaozhangjiao doesn't know if it's Chen beixuan's opponent. " Xiao Wu pursed her lips.

Xuanluo is the next leader of Qingxuan Taoism. He is a Taoist immortal. He is one of the most famous Tianjiao in kunxu. It is generally acknowledged that he can enter the earth immortal before he is 50 years old. His accomplishments are unfathomable. No one knows how strong he is.

"Qingxuan Dao is known as the invincible of kendo, and xuanluo is even more powerful. The younger generation, Tao Ti Xiantai, once had an old immortal who was defeated by him. It's probably between Bo Zhong and Chen beixuan. "

Yan Jingchao frowned and hesitated.

Chen fan has a strong body. Xuanluoze was born in Qingxuan Taoist school. He was familiar with countless secrets. He was also a Taoist immortal. He was born in the body of earthly immortals. If they met each other, even Yan Jingchao didn't know for sure.

"Master, what is the Taoist immortal fetus? So powerful? "

Zhang Ran frowned.

"The so-called Taoist body immortal fetus means that they are born with the body of the earth immortal. On the quality, beyond all the best spiritual root, only relegated immortal reincarnation can be comparable. The Taoist immortal fetus can only be produced by a pair of earth immortals combined with each other. For the earth immortals, it's hard for them to have children, and they may only have one in their whole life. "

Yan Jingchao said.

"Ah? Are not xuanluo's parents all immortals Xiao Wu was stunned.

"Otherwise, why do you think he was young enough to be a little leader of Qingxuan Taoism? His father is the current master of Qingxuan Taoism and the first person in the kunxu community. "

Yan Jingchao snorted coldly, with a trace of worry in his eyes and said:

"but since Chen beixuan is looking for Lei Botian, it should have nothing to do with xuanluo."

Soon, two months passed.

In the past two months, great changes have taken place in the outside world.

The whole cultivation world of China is boiling.

It's not just Lei Po Tian and CI Xuan. Someone saw a woman in white walking against the wind on the top of the snow mountain, just like shooting a God. On the top of Emei Mountain, someone saw a man in green with a sword standing on the top of the sea of clouds. Some people see a monk, who blows thunder, overturns a thousand ton ship on the river....

all these things are strange and strange. Every day, new news explodes in the martial arts forum.

"I'll go. For the first time in my life, I found that there are so many divine realms in China."

someone make complaints about the forum.

"That's right. When Chen beixuan came out before, he felt that it was rare in a hundred years. Now, such as Chen beixuan's peerless genius, a big cut out. Almost every day there are new divine realms. According to our statistics, there must be 20 or 30. "

Another man said.

"These new divine realms are not all descendants of the seclusion. Even if there is a hidden world, there should not be so many. Moreover, each of them is young, and their practice seems to be quite different. There are so many hidden ways in China. "

A lot of people are suspicious.

If we say that there are one or two secluded sects, we can still believe that if there are a lot of them, the fool will be confused."It's not the secret world. They come from the immortal gate."

A man with a nickname of "Zhu xiaoque" came out and replied.

"What is the fairy gate?"

A series of strange people asked.

Then someone exclaimed:

"isn't that a legend? It is said that ancient gods and immortals entered the immortal gate and never came to the mortal world again. Moreover, the immortal gate was opened only once for hundreds of thousands of years. I thought that our ancestors cheated us. I didn't expect that the immortal gate really existed? "

As soon as this post was posted, the whole forum immediately became a sensation.

Most of the people in the forum come from different schools. Some of them have a long history, such as tianshido, Wudang Mountain, Xiangxi Yanjia, etc. they can be traced back to hundreds of years ago. There are records about Xianmen in ancient books, and many people have turned these records out.

"Yes, it's said that qingxuandao, tianleizong and xueshengong are all sects in the immortal family. Isn't Lei Po Tian claiming to be from Tianlei sect? They must all be from the immortal gate, otherwise they can't explain! "

Everyone is determined.

All of a sudden, not only the military and Taoist circles of China were shocked, but also the Chinese military could not sit still.

The appearance of such things as Xianmen in our own territory seems to connect with another world. This is a big event. As a result, many troops were mobilized, and Kunlun was ordered to contact the people of Xianmen.

It's a pity that those people in Xianmen are superior. They are not only interested in modern science and technology, but also despise ordinary people.

"You are mortals, and we are immortals. We belong to two worlds. When time comes, we will naturally go back to the fairyland and have little communication with your secular Dynasty. "

There are people in the fairy gate, directly to the military envoy replied.

There are also some arrogant people who sneer directly:

"it's said that there are some immortals in Kunlun in China, which makes people laugh. How can there be immortals in this secular world! What's more ridiculous is that the earth immortal was defeated by others. It's a disgrace to the word earth immortal. "

The envoys of Kunlun came back in black.

A few times later, we have a deep understanding of these people in the immortal gate.

They are young and proud. It's like a god overlooking all living beings.

"Bah, I'm just a bunch of weak chickens. If Chen beixuan is here, or Ye Tianren's injuries are completely recovered, one hand can crush them all. "

People with martial arts families can't see it and stand up to speak.

"Yes, you'll bully honest people like Changchun Taoist priest. When Chen beixuan comes back, you'll have a good look."

A lot of people also post one after another.

These words can't help but spread to the people in the immortal gate.

"Chen beixuan? It's just a coward. I've smashed all his bullshit, and I haven't seen him come out. " Lei Po Tian laughs and sneers.

As for other people in the immortal sect, they don't care at all.

"In this secular world, the cultivation world has long been declining, and the orthodoxy does not exist. Even if there are people who respect you, it's not out of date. There are no heroes. It's just that you can make a man famous. " The man of green dress negative sword light way.

When he said this, he set the tone directly.

As the Shaozhang sect of Qingxuan Taoism, xuanluo's status is the most noble among all the kunxu people who come to the world. Even qianyexue, the goddess of the snow temple, is a little worse than him. As for Lei Botian and others, they are even worse.

"If he dares to come, I'll wait for him at the top of Qingcheng Mountain."

There was only one sentence to stab Xuan, but he blocked the mouth of the whole Chinese cultivation world.

Although his strength was not as good as that of xuanluo, he was defeated three times and never died. The strength is extremely strong, chen fan does not come out, he has defeated Huaxia alone.

"Where is the teacher?"

Not only the people in the Chinese cultivation world, but also beiqiong paili was extremely anxious.

Now, as the leader of the Chinese cultivation circle, beiqiong sect must take responsibility. If it is trampled by Lei Po Tian or CI Xuan alone, it is afraid that beiqiong sect will never see the old Chinese culture again.

Two months later, the sword palace meeting is about to open.

Xuanluo, the Shaozhang sect of Qingxuan Dao, met the people in the immortal Sect on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, hoping to gather all the people's strength to open the legendary Shushan sword palace and have a glimpse of Tianxian sword.

Not only Xianmen people, but also many martial arts masters from China, Japan and Southeast Asia are eager to go.

Although we are not rivals of the people in the immortal sect, some people hope that if we can be selected by the people in the immortal sect and brought into the immortal sect, we will have a chance to have a glimpse of the divine realm and even the earth immortal?


April 20, 2012, the top of Bohai Sea.


A huge black hole suddenly appeared on the sea. This black hole is as deep as connecting different dimensions. A group of people came out of it. It was the people of heishuimen.

The head of a young man in white, white body, walking between, eyes faint golden light shot. Under the skin, there are countless golden charms. If there are people in the immortal world, they must exclaim:"It's the sign of Xiaocheng. Once the body of God is complete, it will be immortal

It is Chen Fan and others.

"It's just two months. It should be in time." Chen Fan caresses his sleeve, and a giant eagle flies out of the passage. He jumps directly on the giant eagle and shoots away in the air.

Everyone in heishuimen looked at each other.

"Master, what shall we do?" Zhang Ran asked.

"Also go to Qingcheng Mountain. Now there must be a good play to watch." Yan Jingchao stamped his foot and gritted his teeth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!