Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 648


The giant eagle spread out its wings, 20 to 30 meters long, and swept across the sky like a large bomber.

In recent months, the giant eagle followed chen fan, eating fruit and gnawing stone. Moreover, chen fan also gave him a method of breathing cultivation. His black feathers gradually transformed into new golden wings, which evolved towards the legendary golden winged Mirs. Chen Fan believes that if the giant eagle is given enough time, it can evolve into a divine beast.

"In contrast, I grew up more terrifying these three months."

Chen Fan stands on the eagle's back, hunting in his long clothes. There are small golden charms in his eyes, which fluctuate like the sea. The surrounding terrible storms, including the impact of the sonic boom, hit chen fan like a breeze.

"In the world of cultivating immortals, the way of refining body is divided into spirit body, treasure body, God body, Saint body and immortal body."

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet:

"rumu spirit body and Gengjin spirit body belong to ordinary spirit body. The king of war and the king of the sun belong to a higher level of treasure. As for the divine body, it has been a secret of the great immortal sects. Generally, there is only one divine body method in large sects or powerful races. The holy body and the immortal body are too far away for me. "

"The immortal body of the Qing emperor, which I built before, is a kind of divine method, but it only belongs to the incomplete version, and its strength is only comparable to that of the treasure body. Now, after two months of spiritual tempering and completing the foundation, we can be regarded as the true small success of the divine body. "

Chen Fan thought that golden runes appeared on his viscera, skeleton and muscles.

These golden talismans are all ancient patterns with incredible power. At this time, chen fan's physical strength is more than several times stronger than before? It is equivalent to a thin and weak person with adequate nutrition and strong body. The explosive force at this time is far stronger than before.

"The incomplete version of the God body can shake the earth immortals, and the complete God body can shake the earth immortals. I'm afraid the people of this star haven't seen it yet." Chen Fan gave a cold smile and his eyes were cold.

God body small into, called immortal, can only hand crack congenital!


At his feet, the giant eagle felt his master's fighting spirit on his back, and immediately increased his speed by half. At nearly twice the speed of sound, he cut through the sky and drove to the direction of Qingcheng Mountain.


on the top of Qingcheng Mountain.

At this time, this quiet Taoist holy land was disturbed by many foreigners. In the back mountain of Qingcheng, which is rarely visited by people, many warriors from China, Japan and even Southeast Asia gather here.

Even the people from beiqiong and Kunlun came here. They didn't like these arrogant people in Xianmen at all.

"Did you hear that? Ye Nantian, Lao Qinglong, Hua Yunfeng and Xie Yan are all here. This is the only divine realm left in China. "

Someone sighed.

"Not only that, it is said that even guru gurga of India and the great God Yishi of Japan have come."

The other one answers.

This time, the whole eastern divine realm almost came together.

But look at those people on the opposite side, many people have no bottom in their hearts.

There are only a few dozen people in the immortal sect who have been on earth this time, most of them are disciples of Huajing, and only a few dozen people in Shenjing. However, the ten or so people went to that station, which was like soaring into the sky, overwhelming the whole eastern power.

There's a big man with a knife. He's full of thunder and lightning. He's like a God in charge of lightning.

There is an assassin in black, with a cold face, shrouded in darkness, like the God of death at night.

There is a golden monk. He is made of whole body gold. He is just like the Vajra with angry eyes. He has the power to catch and kill the dragon with his bare hands.

There are...

"Lei Po Tian and CI Xuan, they are here as expected."

At the moment of seeing the people in the immortal gate, many people's pupils shrank. Some people even cried:

"that monk is a strange man who overturned a thousand ton ship in the Minjiang River. It is said that he is the Dharma Prime Minister of Leiyin mountain and has the power of dragon and elephant. The one around the purple flame comes to Tiangu... These are all the existence of immortals. "

In the past three months, the people in Xianmen understood the secular world, and the secular world also roughly understood their information.

Leiyinshan, huotiangu, including mieqingzong, where Cixuan is located, are all great sects in the immortal sect. There have been a large number of earth immortals in the past dynasties. Each inheritance for thousands of years has been recorded in ancient Chinese books.

But what really scares people is the two men and a woman standing on the top of the mountain.

There are two men, one in green with a sword and the other in black with ink. The woman next to him is like a cold ice fairy, independent from the rest of the world.

"The man in green is the little master of Qingxuan road in legend, xuanluo."

Beiqiong school and Kunlun people gathered together and looked at the road from a distance.

Not only old Qinglong, ye Nantian and others have arrived, but also some experts from beiqiong school, such as Xue Daisha and a Xiu.

"Yes, it's said that among the immortals, the Taoist master Qingxuan is the first of the immortals. He is invincible, and almost no one can help him. Xuanluo is the son of Qingxuan Taoist master and another female Dixian. He was born with the body of Dixian. It's incredibly powerful. "The old green dragon has a stern face.

Kunlun's energy is so terrible that it detects the news inside the immortal gate. But it is knowing that the hearts of the people are heavy.

Dao Ti Xian Tai!

This is the most terrifying talent recorded in ancient books. The two immortals were born together, and they were born with the highest quality. As long as there was no accident, they could be promoted all the way.

"The girl in white should be qianyexue, the goddess of the snow temple. They are all called snow fairies. The snow god palace is also a great sect in the immortal gate. It is said that there are gods and daughters born in all the dynasties, and each generation is absolutely amazing. Although qianyexue's talent is not as good as xuanluo's, she is incomparably mysterious. Some people even suspect that she has entered the earth immortal. "

Ye Nantian also looked solemn.

Ye Qingcang was injured, and Chen Fan disappeared without a trace. Now the burden of Huaxia is on them. Whether ye Nantian or Hua Yunfeng or others, they feel almost out of breath.

"By the way, who was the last man in black?"

Xuedaisha suddenly opened his mouth.

"He... Seems to be a bit like tianmingzi as the people in Xianmen say... The chief elder martial brother of Tianlei sect, a peerless genius who is equal to young master Qingxuan, is born of the best Lei Linggen, who is naturally able to control the power of lightning..."

old Qinglong hesitated.

Everyone's heart sank.

They can't solve a Lei Po Tian. Now even Lei Po Tian's elder martial brothers are here. How can this bureau be broken?


"a group of mole ants, don't worry too much."

When xuedaisha and others looked at them, xuanluo and others also noticed xuedaisha and others.

Tianmingzi sneered and didn't care. He turned his head and looked at the shaozhangjiao of Qingxuan Road:

"xuanluo, you sent us a message. What's the matter? You know, I'm in the underground palace of Qinling Mountains, cracking the Dragon protection array. It's said that if a celestial being was buried, even if it was just a spiritual treasure, it would be worth it. "

"Don't worry, Taoist. Shushan sword palace was founded by the old man of nine swords, the first sword repair in the world. The old man of nine swords swept through China with the book of nine swords, finally broke through the immortals and flew away. In the sword palace, there is the secret treasure of the masters of the sword palace in the past dynasties. There may even be Jiuli sword Sutra. That's a real and complete treasure book for cultivating immortals. "

Qingxuan little master light way.

As soon as he said this, the eyes of all the immortals brightened.

Although they despise people in the secular world, their orthodoxy is incomplete. In fact, the people in the kunxu community also lost part of their inheritance. The cultivation of immortals is either out of fashion or partially incomplete.

So for thousands of years, no one has been able to become a fairy, just because the fairy scroll has been lost.

Only legend has it that there is an immortal secret skill in Yuntian palace, which is a complete skill. Therefore, Yuntian palace was able to suppress the world of kunxu and became the largest religion in kunxu.

"That's right. If we can find the nine Li sword Sutra and complete the cultivation of immortals, our sect will be able to produce one or two real immortals. At that time, the biggest sect in the kunxu world will not belong to Yuntian palace."

Tianmingzi laughed.

"But before that, we should clean up those irrelevant people in the secular world. This sword palace in Shushan mountain is a collection of gods handed down from the ancient world of cultivating immortals. How can those mortals intervene? "

Lei Po Tian sneers.

"Not bad."

Cixuan, the descendants of burning sky Valley and others all nodded.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing that many people in the immortal sect are forced to come, many people in the martial arts circle turn pale.

"Get out of here."

The thunder breaks the sky from behind long knife a, black knife awn sweep, that knife awn top, still have electric awn burst open. All at once, seventeen or eighteen warriors were cut into two.

Stabbing Xuan's body turned into a remnant shadow, and instantly pulled out the sonic boom's body, which was hundreds of meters in length and breadth, with bursts of blood.

The descendants of the burning sky Valley spewed purple flames directly from their mouths, burning large areas of people into nothingness.

How can ordinary martial arts fight against these people in the immortal sect? The master of Huajing couldn't stop them. Suddenly, the whole Qingcheng Mountain turned into a sea of Shura blood.

"Stop it

The old green dragon and others see that they want to crack, and immediately stop them.

"Why, I haven't taught you enough before? Now let me behead you. Look at that coward named Chen beixuan. How dare he come out? "

Thunder breaks through the sky's eyes, and the long sword in his hand turns into a black dragon. He cuts Xie Yan and Hua Yunfeng across the sky.

Hua Yunfeng uses Zhenwu's thirty-six moves, and Xie Yan drives Wu Jin's wooden sword and immediately welcomes it.

However, there are too many divine realms on the opposite side. Lei Botian alone can't support them. What's more, monk Faxiang and the young master of the burning sky Valley all join hands and immediately fall away.

"Second elder martial brother, they are in danger."

Yu Wenjing's face changed.

Xue Daisha and others are worried. Their accomplishments are not enough to intervene in such a battle. These people are so terrible that they are all close to the same realm."A group of mortals, no need to pay attention, just wait for the sword palace to open."

Young master Qingxuan shook his head and put his eyes on the sea of clouds again. Qianyexue and tianmingzi did not look at their feet at all, and they looked into the deep sea of clouds.

At this time, suddenly a shrill hawk came from the distant sky, shaking the mountains.


countless people turned their heads and saw a giant golden winged eagle flying from the sky. The giant eagle was very fast and broke through the sound barrier, just like a fighter plane flying across the sky. Behind the giant eagle, a young man in white stands with a proud hand. His eyes are as bright as a torch, just like a man of God.

Here comes chen fan!

PS: Fourth, it's a little late, but I finally stayed up late to get a monthly ticket_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!