Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 646

Yan Jingchao and others did not come to the world for a day or two. Although they despised the earth's science and technology, they also learned some common sense of the earth's cultivation world. Coupled with the trouble of Lei Po Tian and CI Xuan, they naturally knew who the beiqiong school and Chen beixuan were.

"In the present cultivation environment of the mortal world, there is no earthly immortal. That Kunlun Ye Qingcang is just boasting. As for Chen beixuan, who is superior to earthly immortals in the realm of God, it's a joke. "

Yan Jingchao was determined to do so.

Including Zhang Ran, Xiao Wu and others also nodded in agreement.

The gap between the earth immortal and the divine realm is quite different, ten times and a hundred times. It's said that Qing Xuan Dao, who was born to be an immortal and was expected to advance to the rank of the earth immortal at the age of 50, could not defeat the earth immortal. The earth fairy is so powerful.

But this scene completely shattered their fantasy.

"The former is Chen beixuan from beiqiong school, not from fairyland?"

Zhang Ran stammered.

"Are you from Xianmen? Well, it's true. Although it's the nine stream water system method, it's the immortal method after all. " Chen Fan raised his eyes and swept them around. He nodded and took a spirit stone and continued to quench his body with spirit fire.

"How can there be immortal cultivators? And according to legend, isn't Chen beixuan a divine realm? But he can refine his body with spirit fire, which is better than ordinary earth immortals. "

Yan Jingchao and others were stunned.

The aura in the spirit stone is very pure. And with this pure aura, it turns into fire, and its power even surpasses the innate fire. Spirit fire can burn magic weapons, and even spirit weapons may not be able to carry it. Chen fan can refine his body with spirit fire, which represents his Tao body. He has reached the state of great success and has been transformed to perfection. Only the old Dixian can do it.

But they don't know that Chen fan is just repairing the foundation.

The immortal body of the Qing emperor is the supreme divine body. Chen fan only made it by force, but it is only a incomplete version. Now he uses the spirit fire to harden the body, hoping to make it a complete divine body.

"Master, this is Yingzhou island. We found it only after we got the map of Jiuhua Dixian. We don't know that it has been occupied by master, so we will leave."

Or Yan Jingchao knows it's bad, apologizes in a hurry and wants to leave.

Whether Chen fan is a God or an immortal, his strength is far superior to others. If you break into the gate of another mountain without permission, you can be killed on the spot if you put it in a fairyland.

"Don't hurry. I have something to ask you."

It's not easy to meet the people in Xianmen. How can Chen Fan let them go and raise his hand at will.


Black water Xuan GUI, Lei Yu and so on are forced to come up, each shining with lightning, black waves, momentum all over the sky. Yan Jingchao and others can only turn back with a bitter face and say:

"if you have any questions, you must answer them according to the facts."

Zhang Ran was in tears.

Isn't it true that the mortal world is the end of the law era, and there are few people who have completed the divine realm, three or two big cats and two little cats, who are allowed to bully at will? How did Chen beixuan come out of the blue?

But no matter how dissatisfied they are, they can only smile.

"Since you are from the immortal gate, where does the immortal gate lead to?"

Chen fan asked the most concerned questions.

At first, chen fan thought that the immortal gate was an ancient path leading to another immortal cultivation star field. But later I heard that people in Xianmen were often born, so I felt wrong.

Every time this kind of interstellar transmission array is opened, it will consume a lot of resources, including not only spirit stone, but also void crystal stone, space gem and many treasures.

Those people in the immortal sect can go down to earth even if they have nothing to do, which is different from Chen Fan's cognition.

You know, those who can travel in the starry sky at least have to be above the golden elixir level.

"The world we live in is known as fairyland. It is said that in ancient times, also known as the kunxu Kingdom, it was the site of the ancient heaven. Later, due to the battle of immortal meteorite, heaven and earth changed greatly and were not suitable for cultivation. Mortal practitioners all retreated to the kunxu world through the immortal gate. Since then, only once in hundreds of years has the immortal gate been opened to communicate with the mortals. "

Yan Jingchao said carefully.

These secret stories of the immortal sect should not have been told to mortal practitioners.

But now people have to bow their heads under the eaves. With Chen Fan's accomplishments, even if he went to kunxu, he was also a hegemonic figure. Yan Jingchao did not dare to hide it.

"Kunlun ruins, isn't this the ruins of Kunlun in ancient Chinese mythology? It's said that the queen mother of the West and the emperor of heaven are here. Unexpectedly, it has become a fairyland. "

Chen Fan frowned and continued to ask.

According to Yan Jingchao, the boundary of kunxu is about thousands of Li, equivalent to half the area of China.

The total population is about tens of millions, including many ancient cities. These ancient cities often have a history of thousands or even thousands of years. It's full of aura, far better than the world. The control of kunxu is the holy land of many great religions.

"Today, the most powerful places in kunxu are yuntianzong, qingxuandao, tianleizong, xueshengong and so on. It is even said that there is an immortal ancestor in yuntianzong, but this is just a legend, which has not been confirmed. However, yuntianzong is still the largest religion in the kunxu Kingdom, which has been inherited from the ancient heaven, and there are countless magic weapons. "Yan Jingchao said respectfully.

"Snow palace?"

After a few months, chen fan finally heard the name again, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough, that old Taoist is from the immortal family. So Lu Yanxue should be in the kunxu area. I'll go into the fairy gate and look for Lu Yanxue when I'm born. "

Chen Fan thought, but his brow was still slightly wrinkled:

"is the kunxu area too small, just thousands of miles away? My teacher Cang Qingxian's "dark world" is hundreds of millions of miles away. The congenital friars can't fly to the end after flying for a hundred years. In this way, the so-called kunxu world is just a small world. I don't know whether it was created by the power of God or by nature. "

Thinking of this, chen fan interrupted with a wave of his hand and said solemnly:

"do you know where all those people in the ancient world of cultivating immortals went?"

According to Yan Jingchao, the most powerful in today's kunxu community is only Dixian. The immortals have not been born for hundreds of years, so it is very likely that they will become immortals. This kind of small world is not the Xiuxian planet chen fan is looking for.

He wanted to find an ancient way to heaven, leave the earth and reach other immortal stars.

"The ancient world of cultivating immortals?"

Yan Jingchao is stupid.

"In ancient times, the great gods and immortals were all figures in myths and legends, and they have disappeared for thousands of years. It's just a legend that they seem to have left our world and gone to the other side of the starry sky. As for how they left, I don't know. "

Yan Jingchao lowered his head and said.

"That's all. When I get into kunxu, I'll go directly to those big masters." Chen Fan frowned slightly, then stretched out and shook his head. He said lazily:

"how did you find this Yingzhou island? Has the fairy gate been opened? Is there anyone else besides you? "

With these words, Yan Jingchao's face suddenly froze.

They wanted to come to Yingzhou island to excavate Lingshi, but now it seems that those Lingshi are obviously occupied by Chen fan. Moreover, chen fan's accomplishments are so terrible. Once he knows that Lei Botian has attacked beiqiong sect, chen fan is likely to be furious.

What kind of person is Chen fan? As soon as these people hesitated, he suddenly lowered his face and hummed coldly:

"speak quickly."

Zhang Ran can't bear the pressure first, so he should explain first.

According to them, Zhang Ran was one of the first people to go out of the immortal gate. There were about ten of them. They are all elite disciples of various sects and sects. In those days, the practitioners left in a hurry. There are many relics like Yingzhou Island left behind. They all come to the world to search for the earth immortals and even the heaven immortals cave.

By the way, I talked about Lei Botian and others.

"Good, good!"

Chen fan was furious, his eyes were cold, and a huge murderous gas suddenly overflowed.

He never thought that he had only been out for a few days, and beiqiong sect was bullied to the end.

"Master, calm down. Nalei Po Tian is the direct disciple of Tianlei sect. Although he is not as good as the chief Tianming son of Tianlei sect, he has also been cultivated to the middle of the divine realm. In addition, Tianlei sect has the immortals in its seat, which is a great religion and should not be lightly humiliated. "

Yan Jingchao and others fell to the ground in a hurry, shaking and saying.

"Hehe, tianleizong? Dixian? Can they come to earth? "

Chen Fan sneered.

"It takes a lot of resources to open the gate of immortals... Ordinary earth immortals seldom come to the world unless they spend a lot of money." Yan Jingchao hesitated and said.

"What are you afraid of? It's not that I didn't kill any of them. "

Chen Fan snorted coldly.

At this time, he was only half a step away from the birth, and the divine body was close to complete repair. Chen fan is not afraid even if there are old-fashioned immortals.

"But just in case, it's better to accumulate some cards before going out."

Chen Fan sat down again.

At the same time, he was going to repair the divine body and become the real immortal body of the Qing emperor. But this is obviously too time-consuming. It can't be finished in less than half a year. Chen fan can only choose one now.

"It's the fastest way to repair the divine body. As for the congenital, we can take our time. "We need absolute safety. It's obviously not right now." Chen fan made up his mind and turned to ask Yan Jingchao and others:

"do you know the whereabouts of that thunder breaking sky?"

"Well, I'm not sure. I just heard that two months later. Xuanluo, the next leader of Qingxuan Road, seems to be gathering all the people in the immortal gate on Qingcheng Mountain to open Shushan sword palace. Lei Botian should go back then. "

Yan Jingchao hesitated and said slowly.

"Two months is enough."

Chen Fan looks up at the starry sky.

The immortal body of the Qing emperor is the most powerful divine body, two or three orders higher than the general spiritual body. If you can repair it completely and reach the real spiritual state, you will be a congenital monk. You can also capture and kill it with one hand. What is the point of breaking the sky by thunder? The Tianlei sect behind him is not in Chen Fan's eyes.

"These two months, please stay on Yingzhou island."Chen Fan touched his sleeve.

Looking at the giant eagles, Lei Lei and other beasts, Yan Jingchao could only nod with a bitter smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!