Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 645

Tear it.

The Yingzhou array split, and several embarrassed figures appeared. The first one was a middle-aged man, holding a star disk in his hand. The astrolabe was made of silver and inlaid with many black gems, corresponding to the stars of heaven and earth. Sprinkle a silver white light, the crowd shrouded in it.

"Hoo, I finally came in. This array is so terrible. I thought I was going to be torn to pieces."

Then Zhang was afraid.

Other disciples of the black water sect were also scared, and the girl in red Xiao Wu was even more scared and pale.

"Zhenjun of Dongfu was known as the first person in overseas scattered cultivation. He was a great man of the celestial class, second only to the ancestors of various religions. How terrible is the power of the Dharma array built by the 18 Tianren under his command. If it wasn't for the protection of the star disk handed down by the Jiuhua earth immortal, we would have been annihilated by the power of the Dharma array. "

The middle-aged man gave a cold hum.

His name is Yan Jingchao. He is one of the only two deities in heishuimen.

Yan Jingchao painfully looked at the astrolabe and found a long trace on the silver disk. I'm afraid that if I use it again, it will be completely broken.

"Fortunately, we're only going to go in and out once. We'll mine the Lingshi mine and leave immediately." Yan Jingchao is in the middle.

"Dad, the aura here is very strong. It's almost no worse than our fairyland, and it's so beautiful, just like a fairyland. Why did they withdraw from Jiuhua Dixian

Xiao Wu opened her hands, took a long breath and cried in a delicate voice.

"Sister dancer, you don't know. In those years, the battle of immortal meteorite broke out. It is said that innumerable immortals sank the earth. At last, the world changed greatly. Many immortal sects could not stay in the world, and hastened to retreat into the immortal gate. Although Yingzhou island is good, it's only a hundred miles around. How can it be as vast as my fairyland? "

Zhang Ran joked.

"Well, cut the crap. We are in an emergency and rush to the center of the island to mine Lingshi. I remember that there were many descendants of exotic animals here. They were extremely dangerous. You are always around me. You can't leave. "

Yan Jingchao frowned.

Blackwater gate is famous for controlling Blackwater.

I saw a lot of disciples knead the formula, a wave of water surged up, and everyone stepped on the waves. Like a Sea Patrol nocturnal fork riding on the wind and waves, he ran to Yingzhou island. When they got ashore, they found that there were many wild animals and fierce birds.


I saw the girl in red waving a black water whip, fiercely cleaving on a silver giant wolf. The giant wolf was three or four meters long, like a tiger. His fur was silvery white. He took a whip from a girl in red, rolled on the spot, stood up again, unharmed, and ejected a silver beam.

"Be careful, he is the descendant of Xiao Yue Sirius. Although his blood is thin, he is also a strange beast, which can rival the Huajing."

Yan Jingchao frowned, reached out to block the silver light column, and then kneaded a formula.


I saw a black water dragon several feet long condensing out of thin air. The black water dragon, like a steel whip, is very hard. It encircles the silver white giant wolf fiercely in it. Ignoring the wolf's howling in horror, it turns out that it is hard to wring the silver white giant wolf to pieces.

"Thank you, Dad."

Xiaowu's face was still a little frightened. Tiantian said with a smile, "Dad's" black water dragon riding skill "is more and more powerful."

"It's just an ordinary beast. When you meet the beast king who can rival the divine realm, it's your father. It's probably not your opponent." Yan Jingchao shook his head.

The other disciples of the black water sect, who had not been relaxed for a long time, looked around nervously.

They had only gone ten miles when they were attacked by many strange animals. If it were not for Yan Jingchao's protection, they would have been seriously injured.

"It's said that xuanluo and xuexianzi, the top disciples of the great religion, all went to Shushan sword palace, Qinling yundian, Ximo ancient city and other places to find the secret collection of the earth immortal and even the heaven immortal. We are the only ones who come here to look for spirit stone. We have to worry about it. " A disciple whispered.

"You're content. The places like Shushan sword Palace are the earth immortals. They may have gone or died. If we can get a spirit stone mine, it has been blessed by our ancestors. "

Another disciple yelled.

All the way, they walked dozens of miles, and gradually found that there were few animals. At the end of the day, there was no other animal.

"Hoo, it's OK. It seems that there is no animal king in this island. "

Yan Jingchao breathed a sigh of relief.


At this time, they just walked out of the forest and came to an open area. In front of me, there are all high walls, which are often tens of meters high, just like giant palaces. Unfortunately, the fairy palace is only a few broken walls.

"This should be the place where the immortals of Yingzhou gathered in those days."

Yan Jingchao's eyes are full of longing, and many disciples of Heishui sect are also longing for it.

"In the heyday of Yingzhou Island, there were celestial beings sitting in the town, gathering dozens of earthly immortals. Even our fairyland is not as good as a Yingzhou island in those days. We can see how prosperous the ancient world of cultivating immortals was. "Zhang Ran hit the tongue.

"Let's go and see if the boundary pillar is still there. If we find the boundary pillar, we can almost find the Lingshi mine." Said the middle-aged man.

All the way to the center of the island, many fuzzy murals on the surrounding walls still record the grand gathering of immortals. Looking at the disciples of heishuimen, I felt envious.

"Dad, there is a lovely big leopard there."

Xiao Wu suddenly exclaimed excitedly.

Yan Jingchao turned his head and saw that his hair almost exploded.

I saw a black leopard, four or five meters long, whose fur was like black silk, lying on a wall and yawning. Between its eyes half closed and half narrowed, there was a faint ray of thunder.

"Lei Lei, this is a Lei Lei, and it has entered the divine realm."

Yan Jingchao's face changed.

Strange animals in the divine world!

Many disciples turn pale at the same time. Even in fairyland, they walk horizontally. In addition to the legendary spirit beast, there is nothing stronger than them. In addition, when a strange animal evolves into a divine realm, it will often Master natural powers. Generally, monks in the same realm will have a headache.

"Fortunately, there is only one head. With our strength, we can clean it up."

As soon as Yan Jingchao finished speaking, he saw a big snake winding around the pillar beside him. The snake is fifty or sixty meters long, white and crystal clear, just like an ice band.

"Another beast of God?"

The faces of all the people changed wildly.

But this is just the beginning. Soon, several people found that their way was blocked by an old turtle and a winged horse.

"Black water Xuan turtle, negative winged Tianma, my God, this is just a Yingzhou Island, there are four gods and beasts." Everyone was shocked and numb.

At this time, Lei Yu yawned and motioned with his paw to let them follow.

Gods and beasts are often intelligent.

People have no choice but to keep up. As he walked along, Yan Jingchao said: "as soon as he finds an opportunity, he will release the" shenleizi "of Tianlei sect and hurt a strange beast. Then you will find an opportunity to rush out and mat for the master. We will gather at the entrance."

Zhang Ran and others nodded heavily.

Small dance is a pair of big eyes are covered with mist.

These are the four beasts in the divine world. They are the Taoist immortal fetuses like xuanluo and tianmingzi. They all need claws.

Soon, a towering black gold stele appeared in front of people's eyes, but what shocked everyone was not the black gold stele, but a person and a bird sitting cross legged under the stele.

Yes, Zhang Ran and others thought that there were only a few of them in Yingzhou Island, but they never thought that there were others.

And the scene in front of them startled them.

I saw a young man in white sitting lazily under the stone tablet. Next to him was a pair of black stones. In the distance, there was a big bird with two or three people high. The big bird looked at the boy with his eyes closed. He thought he was asleep, so he secretly stretched out his mouth and wanted to carry a stone. But every time he was hit by the boy, he could only cover his mouth and cry.

"Another fierce bird in the divine realm, and is that a spirit stone?"

Yan Jingchao's eyes glared out and looked at the pile of black stones.

Zhang Ran and others are greedy saliva are left, when they have seen so many stone in their life? This pile is enough to buy the whole Blackwater gate.


Let heishuimen and others, a scene of heartbreaking pain appeared.

The boy in white took a spirit stone and threw a big bird nearby. Big bird quickly jumped up to take it, swallowed it in three or two bites, chirped happily, and rubbed the boy, just like a pet.

"Too wasteful, too extravagant. Don't he know that a spirit stone in our fairyland can buy a inferior magic weapon? " They beat their chests and feet.

But Yan Jingchao's pupils are shrinking.

The boy in white was able to tame more than one beast in the divine realm. It can be seen that his strength is far beyond the imagination of people.

"Yan Jingchao of heishuimen, take his disciples to meet the elder. I don't know what school the elder belongs to?"

Yan Jingchao bowed.

Chen Fan did not answer, but took a spirit stone.

With a click, the black stone was crushed. A pure aura twines around Chen Fan in an instant, turns into a flame of aura, and burns his body bright. His whole body is like emerald glass, and there are gold threads.

Seeing this, Yan Jingchao and others are more respectful.

This is the legendary method of the earth immortals. Only those who are highly cultivated can refine the body with the fire of aura, so as to push the spirit to a higher level and transform it into the body of the golden elixir.

"Black water gate? Never heard of it? "

The boy in white shook his head.

Yan Jingchao and other people's faces are stiff. Although heishuimen is in fairyland, it can only be regarded as a middle school, far inferior to the great religions such as qingxuandao and xueshengong, but at least there are two fairyland masters who occupy one city. They are well-known. They are the earth immortals, and they should have heard of them.When Yan Jingchao was about to open his mouth, he suddenly heard the boy in white say:

"I'm Chen beixuan. This is the residence of our beiqiong school. What do you want to do when you break in?"

"What? Chen beixuan? "Northern Hainan school?"

Yan Jingchao and others were stunned.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!