Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 644

The earthly immortals are high above, and they are the existence of gods.

Lei Po Tian, a monk in the realm of divine sea, is certainly much more powerful than the ordinary realm of divine sea. But similarly, the natural friars who have practiced the skill of cultivating immortals are better than the earth immortals.

It's incredible that Chen fan can defeat the immortals with his divine state, which is unheard of.

"Even in our fairyland, we have never heard that there is a fairyland that can defeat the immortals. You mortals have no idea how terrible the power of the earth immortal is. Such as xuanluo and tianmingzi, it is impossible for them to defeat the earthly immortals. You old thief, you must be deceiving me

Lei Po Tian was shocked first and then angry. He stepped on the old man's chest and turned it into meat sauce on the spot.


A group of tianshidao disciples were all indignant.

Some real people, already unable to restrain themselves, directly control the thunder method, throw out thunder lights and smash them into the sky.

"Ha ha, how dare you be presumptuous in front of my lineage? Don't you know that the thunder method of your Heavenly Master's way is to inherit our heavenly thunder sect? "

Lei Po Tian laughed wildly.

He roared like thunder.

The real sound waves fly out of Lei Po Tian's mouth, and the whole mountain behind the dragon and tiger is shaking.

Many windows, glass, buildings and plants were shattered to pieces, and many disciples cried with a headache. Then, as soon as Lei Po Tian pulled out the long knife behind him, the long black knife turned into a ten Zhang long sword awn and swept in front of him.

You guys can still resist. Ordinary disciples are held back for two moments in front of this sword awn.

"A group of ordinary people dare to cheat you, Mr. Lei."

Before thunder breaks the sky, it doesn't need any magic power to kill all the real people one by one. It's a pity that the master of heaven's Taoism has been handed down for thousands of years. He is the leader of Taoism. Today, he was killed by thunder.

After the thunder broke the sky and killed people, he was unwilling to fly directly into the air, stood up with a knife, and suddenly drank:

"where is the thunder in the sky?"


Above the head, suddenly gathered a dark cloud, dark cloud foot shrouded hundreds of meters around. A purple thunder light as thick as a thigh split out of the air and fiercely split on the black long knife.

Lei Botian held up a long knife and cut it down fiercely.

I saw the bright sword awn wrapped in purple thunder light, flying up in the air, more than ten feet long, with a fierce knife on the main hall of Tianshi road. The hall, which covers thousands of square meters, was cut into two pieces.

"Have a good time! Have a good time

After Lei Po Tian destroyed the hall with a knife, he laughed and patted the back of the knife, turning into thunder.

Only the Taoist who came from the former mountain in a hurry was left. When they saw this scene, they all looked down.


the way of Heavenly Master is destroyed!

This news, like lightning, swept the whole Chinese cultivation world.

The master of heaven in Longhushan is the one who takes charge of the world. Yao Daoyi was so powerful at that time. Although Yao Daoyi was not there, tianshidao was still a great school of thousands of years. It had a deep foundation. Several real people were in charge of it. I didn't expect that it would be destroyed today.

"Who is the one who destroys the way of Heavenly Master?"

"I don't know. It's like a strange place called Lei Po Tian."

"This kind of ferocity, step on the door to destroy religion, is there another Chen beixuan in the world?"

On this day, Lei Botian is really famous.

The news that he challenged many aristocratic families and clans came out. In just a few days, Lei Botian defeated seven or eight Huajing masters, including the top master of banbu Shenjing, who couldn't stop him.

In the martial arts world of China, I was still surprised.

Then, a mysterious man in black named Cixuan was born and challenged the Taoist priest of Changchun on the top of Zhongnan mountain. Zhongnan gas refiner, Taoist Chang Chun, is the only remaining divine realm in China. He has always stood aloof from the world.

Under the pressure of Cixuan, Taoist priest Changchun had to do it.

In that battle, Taoist priest Changchun urged Taixu's technique of condensing Qi to the extreme. It is said that the long white dragon is more than ten feet long. It is like a whip dancing in the air. It can crush gold and iron, even an armored car can smash it.

But it's more terrifying.

He was dressed in black and masked. A Black Dagger ran through the void. He cut the White Dragon into pieces with one knife, and then hit Taoist priest Changchun with one knife. In the end, the mayor of Changchun was defeated.

"How could it be?"

This time, the martial arts circle of China was really shocked.

Taoist priest Changchun is a person of the same age as Yao Daoyi and Li Changsheng. Although his cultivation is only in the middle of the divine realm, it is not comparable to ordinary divine realm. Especially that thorn Xuan, it seems that he is only in his thirties.

"Company commander Chun is defeated. We in China can only count on the gods of beiqiong sect and Kunlun."

Many people are worried.

There were ten figures in the divine realm of China, but since the first battle of Yunwu Mountain, chen fan almost killed them. Now the only ones are in beiqiongpai and Kunlun.

Many people call for beiqiongpai and Kunlun to punish Lei Botian and Cixuan.But what is shocking is that Lei Botian even hit the gate of beiqiong school.


At that time, thunderstorms and knives crossed the sky over beiqiongge. Hua Yunfeng is not the opponent of Lei Botian at all. Until Xie Yan makes a move, they just stop Lei Botian.

"What bullshit, Chen beixuan? "Northern Hainan school?"

"But so!"

Lei Po Tian splits them off with a knife, shakes his head and sneers.

Then, another shocking news came.

Cixuan secretly touches Yanshan mountain to see if the legendary earth immortal Ye Qingcang exists. Fortunately, ye Nantian finds it.

After that, ye Nantian joined hands with Lao Qinglong, and they fought together to stab Xuan, but they were defeated. In the end, it was the Kunlun guards who used heavy weapons to scare away the "Cixuan.".

When these two news came out, not only China but also East Asia was shocked.

"Since Chen beixuan's reign in heaven and earth, there are still people who dare to challenge beiqiong school and Kunlun. Who are these two people?"

Countless people posted on the Wudao forum, and the discussion was very hot.

Many people think that Lei Po Tian and CI Xuan should come from the ancient orthodoxy. It is estimated that this ancient orthodoxy has not existed for hundreds of years, so no one knows it.

Only the people of Kunlun and beiqiong school look grim.

"It's from the fairy gate! Their realm is no higher than ours, but their fighting power is earth shaking. It must be the birth of the people in the immortal gate. "

Ye Nantian looks grim.

Ye Nantian can feel that the most important thing is the middle stage of the divine realm. But the strength is far stronger than him, even Lao Qinglong is not an opponent. The skill is so strange that it can easily break the sound barrier. In the end, it was the Kunlun guards who used missiles to frighten the assassin back.

"It's a pity that the general is injured, so he can't make a move. Otherwise, he will be captured and the information of Xianmen will be interrogated."

The old green dragon sighed.

"Haven't you contacted Chen beixuan yet?" Ye Nantian frowned.

"Beiqiong school said that Chen Tianren had traveled all over the world, and he had no news for most of the month. He couldn't get through his mobile phone, and we couldn't get in touch with him with our location communicator. As if he had disappeared from the world. "

Old Qinglong had no choice but to shake his head.

Two people big eyes stare small eyes, in this case, can only wait quietly.


and at this time, over the Bohai Sea.

There are several men and women, standing on the sea, looking for something.

"Master, if you want me to say that modern technology is quite useful. After hundreds of years, those maps are old. With this GDP positioning, it's easy to find a position. "

A young man in his twenties, dressed in very fashionable clothes, laughs with a hand-held instrument.

Next to the three or four men and women, frown slightly, do not like to look at him.

"Zhang Ran, you should know that we are here to search for the immortal fate and the Linggen disciples. It's not for you to enjoy in the afterlife. No matter how good these wonderful things are, what's the use of not practicing? If you like, I can make up my mind to let you stay in the world forever. "

A middle-aged man with a star chart hummed coldly.

"No, No. Master, I'm wrong. "

Zhang ran quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Next to the lovely girl in red, Wu mouth snicker, let Zhang ran a helpless.

"Xiao Wu, Zhang Ran, you know, I am different from other sects." The middle-aged man sighed:

"such as yuntianzong, qingxuandao, xueshengong and so on, if there are Dixian in our world, they are just a handful of orthodoxy, monopolizing all kinds of cultivation resources. I, heishuimen, your martial uncle and I, have stepped into the realm of God. You are all over 30 years old, and then you can barely achieve the realm of enlightenment. If heishuimen doesn't produce another Earth immortal, I'm afraid it won't be long before it will be removed from fairyland. "

"Yes, master."

Several disciples of Heishui sect nodded their heads.

"The map of Yingzhou island and the open array astrolabe are handed down by the retreating Jiuhua Dixian. Jiuhua Dixian once wrote a message that there was a Lingshi mine on Yingzhou island. After thousands of years, the Lingshi mine must have been restored. If we can find the Lingshi mine, the Lingshi in it will be enough to make an immortal. "

The middle-aged man said solemnly.

"Lingshi mine!"

Zhang Ran, the girl in red, and several other disciples all had eyes shining.

This is the most important cultivation resource. Even in the fairyland, a spirit stone mine can make all the major religions fight.

"Father, it's been thousands of years. Will the Lingshi mine be excavated by mortals?"

The girl in red pursed her lips.

"Younger martial sister, you don't know that the cultivation of the people in the secular cultivation world is too bad. Lei Botian and Cixuan are said to have upset the world of secular cultivation and smashed their two most powerful forces, beiqiong and Kunlun. No one can help them. They still boast about immortalsOne of the children next to him laughed.

"Yes, in my fairyland, Lei Po Tian and CI Xuan can only be regarded as medium talents. Compared with xuanluo of Qingxuan Road, the snow in the snow temple is far away. Even they can't stop it. It can be seen that there is no one in the secular world. It's just a joke to say that the divine realm is superior to the earthly immortals. "

The middle-aged man nodded. Suddenly, his face was deep. He held up his astrolabe and said:

"fast forward, the passage is about to open."

With a roar, a black passage appeared on the sea, and people rushed into it.

In a flash, the hole disappeared, leaving only the sea with waves and clouds. , the fastest update of the webnovel!