Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 641

To Chen Fan now, worthy of his pursuit of the goal, only promotion.

Congenitally is the first gate for those who cultivate immortals. Only when Chen Fan stepped into nature and his life changed qualitatively, could he arrange everything calmly and freely.

Although he can defeat Ye Qingcang now, it is because ye Qingcang has just entered the earth immortal, and Zhenwu immortal sect is powerful. Facing those old-fashioned immortals, or powerful nuclear weapons, chen fan still has to be afraid.

"Now that I have reached the peak of Shenhai, if I want to step into the congenital world, I need at least three secret spirits of the earth immortals, or 500 divine power crystals, so that I can be promoted."

Chen Fan's eyes are deep.

"The coast of the East China Sea, yundian of the Qinling Mountains, the hinterland of the Shu mountains, the ancient West desert country, and the burial valley of Kunlun."

"These are the places that many predecessors in the Chinese cultivation world have explored, where there may be traces of immortals or where immortals once existed. Since the burial Valley is determined to be the ancient immortal battlefield, there is a golden elixir array. Then put it in the last place. The golden elixir array is powerful. It's also dangerous to enter with my current strength. "

Chen Fansi measured his figure, turned into a green awn, and flew to the East.

Ordinary divine realm, can only fly tens of kilometers, you have to stop to rest. Chen fan is so rich now that he is not inferior to the immortals. It's not a big problem to fly thousands of kilometers at a time.


He cut through the sky and walked against the wind.

Chen fan has not experienced the feeling of flying freely for a long time when he gallops at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, accompanied by clouds and fog. He was as fast as a subsonic fighter. In three or four hours, he was on the shore of the East China Sea.

The so-called shore of the East China Sea is a very big concept.

According to ancient Chinese legend, the east of the land is the East China Sea.

There is not only a crystal palace in the East China Sea, but also a dragon king in the East China Sea. There are also three islands in Shizhou, Penglai, abbot and Yingzhou. There are earthly immortals living on it. Qin Shihuang once sent the alchemists to take a boat to look for these immortals, but they were not found.

What Chen fan is looking for is the ten continents and three islands.

"Hoo Hoo."

On the Bohai Sea, if a fisherman of a fishing boat looks up, he can see a faint blue light, which is Chen fan, flying across the sea from low altitude. Chen Fan's mind, like a huge spider web, inch by inch swept the Bohai Sea.

Now he has stepped into the peak of Shenhai. His mind is wide enough to cover a hundred kilometers. With Chen Fan's speed, even a detailed search can scan the whole Bohai Sea almost one day and one night.

"Shizhou and three islands, recorded in ancient books, are just above the Bohai Sea. With the development of science and technology, we can't find it. It must be hidden by a large array. It may even be split by the golden elixir or even the monk Yuanying, and exist in the void. "

Chen Fan thought in his heart.

The Bohai Sea is not big. Chen fan has been searching for a long time. When he is about to finish his search, he suddenly has a big body and his eyes are shining:

"where is the falian wave?"

As soon as he kneaded the formula, a bright sword light cut out.

The light of this sword is transparent and invisible, as if it doesn't exist in the world. Suddenly it splits into the void, and the space shakes, showing little waves, just like heavy objects falling on the water.

"Sure enough, there is a Dharma matrix, and this dharma matrix seems to have the power of space. It is most likely set by Jindan. " Chen fan was overjoyed and raised his sword in a clap:


The dazzling Golden Rainbow crosses the sky and cuts on the array fiercely. The void vibrates, and the ripples get bigger and bigger. The whole picture seems to be shaking and broken. Chen fan knows that the reason is that the FA array is disturbed by external forces and cannot maintain the illusion.

"Go! Go! Go

Chen Fan split 17 or 18 swords in one breath.

Each sword light is 20 feet long, like a dragon dancing in the sky.

This dharma array is a super large-scale illusion Dharma array. It was created by Jindan or even higher level practitioners. But now, thousands of years later, the power of the Dharma array has been gone for a long time, and the array base is broken.

In front of Chen Fan's flying sword, the Dharma array trembled and suddenly revealed a gap.

In a flash, Chen mortal sword into one, turned into a rainbow, fiercely into the gap. As Chen Fan entered, the grand array continued to operate. Soon, it was calm and returned to its original state.

After a meeting, a fishing boat sailed by, completely unaware that there was a huge hermit Dharma array here

"hoo, finally come in."

Chen Fan rushed into the array and looked up. He saw an island surrounded by clouds and mist, hundreds of miles around, with exotic flowers and plants, thunder and animal roar. He even saw a bird more than ten meters in size flying in the sky.

"According to the description, this should be the legendary Shizhou three islands."

Chen Fan looked back and saw that the back road had been covered with a thick layer of white fog. In the white fog, there is a trace of great potential, isolated from the mind, as if forming a world of its own.

Chen fan is not surprised.

"The Bohai Sea is not big in all. If such an island with a radius of more than 100 Li had appeared, it would have been discovered by countries all over the world. At that time, East Asian countries will be able to fight for this island. "Chen Fan smiles.

Then, chen fan flies to the island leisurely. The island is not big, and Chen Fan's mind can be enveloped almost instantly. On the whole island, although there are many exotic animals, there is no sign that the legendary earth immortal wins the court.

"Although the aura of heaven and earth here is three or five times more abundant than that of the outside world, that's why these ordinary beasts evolved into fierce beasts. But after all, it is not enough to support the existence of a culture of cultivating immortals. Those immortals may have turned into dead bones long ago. "

Chen Fan thought quietly.

At this time, a giant eagle with wings spread out and nearly 30 meters in size came down from the sky. It has black feathers. Its roots are like swords, shining with metallic luster. Its eyes are extremely sharp, and its golden claws are as sharp as knives.


The giant eagle fell down and grabbed a 20 meter long snake from the grass. This big snake is as thick as a bucket. It's no weaker than the Yin snake chen fan has ever seen. It weighs several tons.

But when the snake was caught by the giant eagle, its whole body soared up. The snake's head was directly broken by the giant eagle's claws, and its hard scale was like paper.

The snake died on the spot.

"What a great eagle."

Chen Fan clapped his hand and showed appreciation in his eyes.

From the perspective of cultivation, the giant eagle may have reached the level of the sea of gods, but it doesn't know the spirit and wisdom, and doesn't open the wisdom. But the pure body of the eagle is also enough to compete with the ordinary sea of gods. And with Chen Fan's divine sense, this giant eagle is one of the strongest creatures in the whole island.


When the giant eagle saw chen fan, he immediately let out an eagle.

Sharp sound waves, like a mighty wave, sweep in all directions. How terrible is the power of a creature in divine realm, whistling with all its strength? The leaves with a radius of tens of meters were smashed, even the trunk was broken, and many creatures rushed away.

"This little skill can't help me."

Chen fan is smiling and doesn't care. The strong sound waves rush in front of him like the breeze.


The eagle seemed angry and spread its wings.

Ten meters long wings, like a sword, bang when cut. This move is obviously the unique skill of giant eagle. The air was split, and there was a sonic boom in the air. In the air, a white mark appears and strikes chen fan, which is comparable to the sword of Japanese swordsman Takeo Watanabe!

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan laughs and claps it with one hand. The green light in his hand shines and slaps the giant eagle to the ground. When the giant eagle was angry and wanted to resist, chen fan turned it with one hand.

In the void came the roar of the rolling mill. A huge green hand, 20 feet in size, seized the eagle and pressed it to the ground.

In front of this God like green light giant palm, the giant eagles are as vulnerable as fragile babies.

"Why, do you know how to surrender? It seems that you are very intelligent. "

as the giant palm was pressing down step by step, Chen Fanhu's expression moved, and he felt a sense of anxiety coming from him, with a faint meaning of begging for mercy. He didn't want to kill the eagle. After all, it's very rare for life to reach the divine realm on earth.

"That's all. I'll spare your life."

Chen fan takes back the big catcher.

The giant eagle got up and didn't run away. He came carefully and rubbed Chen Fan with his head down. It's like a dog fawning on its owner.

"Don't give me that. Now go to the center of the island."

Chen Fan flew to the eagle's back. The eagle nodded cleverly and spread its wings fiercely.


Like a fighter, it broke the sound barrier and stepped into supersonic speed. Unlike human beings, they are as strong as Chen Fan and can't maintain supersonic speed for a long time. Giant hawks are birds. They are good at flying by nature and cruise at supersonic speed all the time.

"Yes, with this mount, I won't have to fly by myself. Am I a fighter pilot now

Chen Fan stood on the eagle's back, laughing.

Giant Eagle speed is extremely fast, but a few minutes, to the center of the island.

When Chen Fan jumped down, he saw the ruins here.

Just look at the wall tens of feet high and the scene of the gathering of immortals on the mural. In those days, there must have been a huge palace here, stretching in groups, just like a fairy palace. There might even have been a group of immortals swimming here.

But I don't know how many years have passed. Even if these relics are engraved with Dharma array and Taoist pattern, they will be immortal for thousands of years. With the passage of time, they will eventually become fragile. Chen fan just touches them and turns into ashes.

"If you don't transcend the universe, you will be able to live in harmony with the Tao and the real immortals will also decay, not to mention being just born."

Chen Fan sighed.

As he walked through the ruins of the fairy palace, he saw a huge black stone tablet standing there. On the stone tablet, two big characters were written in the ancient Yunzhuan script, which was impressively:


"This is where Yingzhou Fairy Island, one of the three islands in ten continents, was located?"Chen fan was stunned.

Then he found that there were small characters on the back of the stone tablet. Seeing those words, chen fan's face changed.

PS: the first one is presented. Stimulated by brother Ju Diao, the author stayed up late to write a chapter. It's very hard to ask for a monthly ticket_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!