Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 640

There was silence in the box.

Chen Fan lightly sat there drinking tea, as if unaware that someone was kneeling at his feet and kowtowing. And Xu Rong Fei sat there, blinking big eyes, very strange.

As for Ning Xin and Wu Zhifan, they have been fooled. Why don't you know Tang Tang Tian and Wu Zhicheng?

"Brother... What are you doing on your knees? Get up quickly."

Wu Zhifan spoke with difficulty.

That sentence Chen Tianren, let him have a bad premonition in the heart. This name is heard every day in the upper class of Yanjing. However, Wu Zhifan did not dare to imagine that the first man in the world who lost the first battle against the immortals was the young man in white in front of him.

Without saying a word, Wu Zhicheng still buried his head deep on the floor, shaking even more.

After a long time, chen fan put down his tea cup and said faintly:

"do you know me?"

"Villain... Once upon a time, I have seen heaven and man on Yanshan mountain."

Wu Zhicheng buried himself in a trembling voice.

Although he came here in an emergency, he was slow. Seeing the situation in the box, he knew that his brother Wu Zhifan had offended chen fan. So Wu Zhicheng, no matter what happened, knelt down and pleaded guilty first. At this time, he could only pray that Wu Zhifan's head would not be too faint and that Chen fan would be offended too deeply.

"Since you know me, you should know what will happen if you offend me."

Chen Fan fingers gently clasp the table, each knock, like a hammer hit in Wu Zhicheng's heart.

"Tianhe Wu family is willing to make every effort to make up for heaven and man. Just ask heaven and man to let my brother go. " Wu Zhicheng trembled.

"Let him go? Yes

Chen fan light smile, eyes joking: "as long as you can do a little Wu, I will let you go."

"Heaven and man, please say it."

Wu Zhicheng gritted his teeth.

"It's very simple to abolish all the contracts with Princess Xu Rong and sign a new one without any compulsory orders."

"The best resources, the best treatment and the best agent of your company must be given to her, just like a baby. Let her do whatever she wants to do. Even if she wants to tear down your Tianhe company, you must clap your hands. If I hear that she is a little aggrieved and unhappy, I will settle with you Wu family. "

Chen Fan said calmly.

And next to Ning Xin has been listening to silly.

This is not an artist contract, this is the ancestor! Shoot as you want, leave as you want, and do whatever you want. The chairman of the board cheered when the company was dismantled. But even the top queen of heaven did not receive such treatment!

Xu Rongfei's eyes widened and she couldn't believe it.


Wu Zhicheng nodded.

In this case, he knew in his heart that he only had to say no. Waiting for him, it's definitely head landing. Chen beixuan is famous for his decisiveness in killing and fighting. It's in Princess Xu Rong's face to talk to him so much.

"Go down and take your brother with you."

Chen Fan waved his hand.

Then in the eyes of the two women, Wu Zhicheng bows back and takes Wu Zhifan out of the box. As soon as he got to the door, Wu Zhifan reacted and said anxiously:

"brother, his condition is too unreasonable. Dad and the directors of the company can't accept it. Why do you agree? "

"If I don't promise, you just died there."

Wu Zhicheng was looking at him.

Wu Zhifan's face suddenly froze and said: "no, this is Yanjing after all. Does Chen beixuan dare to kill people in public?"

"He is a man of heaven. If he wants to kill you as a mortal, it's like crushing an ant all the time. There are a hundred or a thousand ways to make you die in the dark." Wu Zhicheng said, as if remembering something, with a look of fear in his eyes:

"you have never seen the Yanshan war with your own eyes. You can never imagine the horror of Chen beixuan. It's a God above all living beings! Don't say to tear down the company is to hide my Wu family property, and my father dare not say no to it. "

Wu Zhifan stood there with regret in his heart.


and then in the box, after they left, Princess Xu Rong jumped up excitedly, jumped into Chen Fan's arms and gave him a kiss: "thank you, brother chen fan."

Her eyes are like water, looking at chen fan.

It seems that when they met at KTV for the first time, chen fan also stood up like a prince charming who came down from the sky and taught Chou Tianhao a lesson. It was then that Chen Fan's figure was deeply engraved in the heart of Princess Xu Rong and could not be erased for several years.

"All right, my Lord, come down. You are the national goddess. "

Chen fan is funny and pats Princess Xu Rong's waist.

"I don't know. You are engaged to sister Fang Qiong. I'm not allowed to give you a hug. The chance of meeting each other is less and less in the future." The more Princess Xu Rong said, the more depressed she was.Chen fan was silent and sighed in his heart.

After all, they are from different worlds, and he did not come back for Princess Xu Rong.

At this time, a exclamation broke the peace of the box:

"my God, chen fan, who are you? How to make Wu Zhi CD kneel down and beg for mercy? That's Wu Zhicheng. He is in charge of many things in Tianhe entertainment company. Say quickly, you are not what top class rich family childe elder brother, and imperial concubine play Prince and Cinderella game

Ning Xin can't believe looking at chen fan.

As a student of Yanjing Film Academy, how can Ning Xin not know the power of entertainment giant Tianhe Wu family. It can be said that if Tianhe Wu family wants to hold up a person, you are the ugliest girl. They can hold you up as the hottest star in China.

Such a person, who was walking almost horizontally in Yanjing, even knelt down and apologized to Chen fan, and promised that incredible treaty. The shock in Ning Xin's heart can't be restrained.

"Maybe it's because he's afraid I'll beat him." Chen Fanyang raised his eyebrows, which seemed to be true but not true.

Ning Xin naturally is not satisfied, also sits to Chen fan side, pesters chen fan to say.

The three had a fight here for a while before they left the restaurant. Chen fan takes Princess Xu Rong and Ning Xin all the way to the gate of the film academy and leaves after leaving a phone.

Looking at Chen Fan's back.

Ning Xin immediately pinched a Xu Rong imperial concubine waist, jealous way: "die Ni son, have so fierce boyfriend, you still don't tell me."

"By the way, he's not really engaged."

Speaking of this, Ning Xin's face suddenly changed.

"It's true. A few days ago, maple leaves were dyed red all over the city, and the whole Yanjing city had a fleet of ten miles long. He was engaged." Xu Rong said.

"It's the mysterious person who got engaged on the Beishan Mountain, which is popular on the Internet?"

Ning Xin covers her mouth and takes a cool breath.

On the day of Chen Fan's engagement, rich families gathered and all countries came to celebrate. The grand scene is that many Yanjing people have never seen it in their life. Luxury car like rain, discharge tens of miles long. The whole Yanjing has been blocked for a whole day, and the red makeup and maple leaves are full of frost, which is a wonder. Many Yanjing people can talk about it with relish for a lifetime.

"There was a lot of noise on the Internet at that time, but now it's still on the microblog topic list. I only know that the woman is the CEO of beiqiong group, but no one knows about the man. Everyone is guessing, is it the prince of Yanjing Wang family or Xiao family. Imperial concubine, what's his identity

Rather open your eyes, like a curious baby.

She hesitated and said, "if I guess wrong, he should be the" Burmese immortal "you once worshipped."


Ning Xin Leng on the spot, cherry mouth open big, as if to swallow apples.

After leaving Yanjing Film Academy, chen fan will go to his home in Beishan.

At this time, during the Spring Festival, chen fan accompanied several relatives and girlfriends to visit Yanjing every day. Looking at Fang Qiong and Anya's increasingly happy smile, chen fan also feels warm in his heart.

During this period, Wu Zemin, the owner of the Wu family, also took Wu Zhifan to Beishan to apologize to Chen fan. Wu Zemin had no choice but to beat Wu Zhifan hard after he was stopped by Xue Daisha. Then he begged to go to Princess Xu Rong's door and apologized again and again.

At that time, many of the girls who were still in the college were staring at this scene.

All of a sudden, the news that Xu Rongfei had a backer forced Tianhe's boss to beg for mercy spread all over the entertainment industry. Many stars who had been proud of Xu Rongfei were so scared that they were afraid to put on a good posture.

"Thank you, brother chen fan."

Princess Xu Rongfei takes Ning Xin to Beishan to thank chen fan.

She is very beautiful, small mouth and very sweet, meet Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Kexing. One by one, my uncle and aunt cried.

Wang Xiaoyun met Princess Xu Rong at the annual meeting of the Chen family and took her as his daughter-in-law. Knowing that Xu Ao died because of Chen Fan and that Princess Xu Rong lost her father, she felt more and more sorry. She said in public that she would take Princess Xu Rong as her daughter.

"Chen fan, you listen to me clearly, after the imperial concubine is your sister, don't bully her casually, you know?"

Wang Xiaoyun grabs Chen Fan's ear and raises his face.

"Yes, Ma."

Chen Fan smiles bitterly and gives up his hands.

Princess Xu Rongfei, Anya, Fang Qiong and others are watching. They all cover their mouths and smile. Chen Fan's status is so noble that Wang Xiaoyun is the only one who has just taught him. When other people see Chen fan, they dare not even show up.

Ning Xin is next to you, and you can breathe cold air secretly.

A few days is enough to let Ning Xin know what kind of character chen fan is.

All these adjectives are not as shocking as Xiao Laoqin and others who come to the door to apologize.

"This is a man who has stepped on the whole upper circle of Yanjing. No wonder Wu Zhicheng and his father are so scared. In front of the Xiaos and the qins, it's nothing but heaven and the WUS. "Ning Xin thought, looking at Xu Rong Fei, eyes can not help showing envy.

With such a brother, who dares to embarrass Princess Xu? From now on, Xu Rongfei is supposed to walk horizontally in the entertainment circle.


ten days later, the winter vacation is over.

Chen Fan officially began to leave Yanjing and embarked on a journey around the world.

"The first stop is on the coast of the East China Sea."

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet.

PS: Fourth, I'd like to recommend my friend Jiang Tanqiu's novel "three realms of the gods". Poor Jiang Tanqiu, as the protagonist's best friend, only appeared in a few chapters, and then disappeared. O(∩_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!