Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 642

The black stone tablet is more than ten feet high. It is made of black gold stone, shining with metallic light. The cloud seal script on it is flying, and its mana is surging. Even after thousands of years, it still stands tall.

Behind the stone tablet are rows of small characters, which record the origin of Yingzhou Fairy Island.

"... Yingzhou island is hundreds of miles away from the west coast, with Shenzhi fairy grass and jade. When you come out of Liquan, you'll get drunk every time you drink. The earth immortals gather on the island, and the real king of Dongfu gathers 18 heaven people to open up this island, which is independent of the boundary of cultivating immortals in China, and is the holy land of earth immortals... "

" so, this island is a good place for the family of immortals created by a real king of Dongfu who gathers 18 earth immortals? " Chen Fan nodded if he thought about it.

The array outside Yingzhou island has a certain spatial power.

The real king of Dongfu is at least a monk of Jindan level. Only in this way can he open up a hundred Li square and a scenic spot of Dongtian.

But this is not what makes Chen Fan change color.

If you continue to look, the blockbusters are all about the grand occasion of Dongfu Zhenjun and Dixian. At the most time, Yingzhou Island gathered 20 or 30 Dixian. It is the second largest island in the world, next only to Penglai.

Unfortunately, later, the heaven and earth changed greatly, and the aura in the island began to fail, gradually not enough to support the survival of so many immortals. So one of the immortals left, and only a few remained. Then, we met the battle of immortal meteorite...

"the battle of immortal meteorite?"

Chen Fan frowned and looked carefully.

Unfortunately, when it comes to this paragraph, it is not clear. There are many words that seem to have been erased.

It's just that heaven and earth are in chaos, killing and looting are everywhere, the world of cultivating immortals is in chaos, and there are also foreign gods' palaces invading. In the end, the earth immortal fell like rain. Even the invincible Dongfu Zhenjun encountered a powerful enemy and finally fell in the battle. The last immortals, with their disciples, left Yingzhou island in a hurry and went to Xianmen.

"Wait a minute, all the earth immortals in Yingzhou island have gone to Xianmen?"

Chen Fan turned his head and looked over.

You can only see the ruins of the palace.

I don't know what kind of fighting happened here in those years, which made those buildings tens of meters high turn into ruins. In addition, only wild animals are left everywhere.

"If they all go to Xianmen and leave this world, what is left of Yingzhou island? Is this the ruin? " Chen Fan looks a little ugly.


The giant eagle came over and flattered him, as if he were still talking about it.

"Go, go."

Chen fan can't laugh or cry, but he has some helplessness in his heart.

It's not easy to find a good place for earthly immortals. It may also be a super large cave opened by friar Jindan. But all those caves were broken, and all the useful things left were taken away by the last immortals. Basically nothing. I can leave it to Chen fan. How can chen fan not be discouraged?

"That's all. Since I came here, I can't just leave. Let's see if there's anything good left here." Chen Fan jumps on the back of the eagle, flies it into the air and sweeps it down.

This time, he scanned every inch of land in detail.

"Tianlan grass, 1500 years old, belongs to the top grade spirit grass. It can make ice soul elixir. It is a necessary panacea for the cultivation of several kinds of supernatural powers."

"Jiuyou tree, which grows in the netherworld, has no grade, but has a unique effect. After taking it, its body will be immortal for thousands of years. It can be used to preserve the body and cultivate ghost immortals and corpse immortals. "

"Jinwu fruit, the shape of which is similar to Jinwu, is a close relative of Jinwu grass, a legendary drug. Fire is a top-grade spirit fruit. Chen Fan found many miraculous herbs along the way.

At his present stage, ordinary herbs have little effect. So Chen Fan gave all the herbs in Qinglong formation to the disciples of beiqiong sect.

But the best medicine is different.

Each elixir has different effects. For example, if Chen Fan takes it, the power of Lihuo Jintong and Jinyan Zhanjia will increase. The more you take, the stronger the growth, and it may even double. When the time comes, the fire will burn the void. Even the earth fairy can burn to ashes.

"The records on the stone tablet are not empty words. It is true that there are Shenzhi Xiancao. With these elixirs alone, I can refine a few more batches of "ChiYan elixir" elixirs. Even if I don't use it myself, giving it to my father and grandfather is enough to recreate a lot of tongxuan period. "

Chen Fan thought.

After a search, he turned the whole island hundreds of miles away. Twenty or thirty strains of panacea were found. It's several times as many as before, which makes Chen Fan very happy.

"It's time to leave. Before leaving, refine the Falun of this island. Such an island, shrouded by the void array, can be used as the base of the beiqiong faction. If there is any change in the future, the beiqiong faction can directly retreat here. It's nuclear weapons. I'm afraid it's very difficult to break the French array. "

Chen Fan looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

In addition to the giant eagle, there are several animal kings on Yingzhou island.

A thunder beast is like a leopard, but it is four or five meters long. It is as tall as a rhinoceros, shining with electric light. It is as fast as thunder and can easily break the sound barrier.A super snake king has the largest body, tens of meters long. It's like a hill when it's coiled up. It's all white and cold. It can freeze hundreds of meters around.

In addition, there is a black water turtle, and a winged horse.

In addition to the giant eagle, the whole Yingzhou Island, a total of five God sea beast king. We should know that these natural creatures are often powerful, far from being able to compete with the earth's divine realm in the same realm. They have amazing powers, strong bodies, and can easily break the sound barrier.

Five together, enough to traverse the earth, ye Qingcang or the Vatican can not, it is estimated that no one can do anything about them.

"Well, don't yell. Stay here and watch the island. If anyone doesn't have my mark, come in and kill them all. "

Chen Fan said.

These king of beasts, all of them have great intelligence. After Chen Fan subdued them one by one with great magic power, they all nodded like chickens pecking rice. Giant eagle's face, more revealing a trace of human joy, finally the God of plague hope away.

As a result, the next moment, chen fan looked at it and said:

"by the way, you go out with me, and the others stay."


The giant eagle was silly. Unexpectedly, he could not escape the fate of his mount.

For Chen fan, it's like flying freely and happily on this Yingzhou island.

Next, chen fan began to refine the array.

"There must be a core in every Dharma array. The core of my Qinglong formation is beiqiongge. Almost all the palaces here are decaying, leaving nothing but black gold steles. Then the core of the array must be this stone tablet. "

Chen Fan's eyes fell on the stone tablet more than ten feet high.

After thousands of years, there is still no damage, as new as yesterday. In addition to the special material of the stone tablet, it is also related to the protection of the power of the FA array.

"A golden elixir, together with 18 innate arrays, can't really refine even with my present strength. But as long as I sacrifice and refine a little bit, leave my brand in it, and be able to open the entrance and exit. "

Chen Fan thought.

Although this island is nothing in the ancient world of cultivating immortals. But several times of aura, hundreds of miles around, in the modern world, is to break the head to grab the supreme Holy Land!

You know, the area of a Zhonghai city is only a hundred Li square. Modern people can build a super metropolis with tens of millions of people on it. Chen fan is going to turn this place into the private property of beiqiong school.


Chen fan made a long life Zhenyuan, shot into the black gold stele, and began to sacrifice.

"Boom boom boom."

With the beginning of his sacrifice, the bright light on the black gold stele began to emerge. Those lights were forbidden by many immortals and elixirs in those years. Every prohibition contains the power of terror.

These earth immortals are not the beginners of Ye Qingcang, but the real old congenital, some even the existence of congenital peak.

Chen fan can't bear a single blow. Besides, among the ten immortals, there is also an unfathomable "true king of Dongfu". Even if Chen fan can only do it, he should be more careful.

One day, two days, three days...

Chen Fan sat in front of the stone tablet, trying to refine this super large array.

This kind of Dharma array, which involves space and covers an area of more than 100 Li, is qualified to intervene at least at the level of Jindan. Chen Fan's sacrifice with the highest power of Shenhai is extremely laborious and cautious.

When he is thirsty, he uses Lingquan, and when he is hungry, he eats lingguo.

Yingzhou island is rich in products, in addition to those top quality elixirs, there are also a large number of Chinese and inferior elixirs, as well as a large number of Lingquan. The effect of these spirit springs is no worse than that of "cloud and mist spirit water".

"It's a wonderful place. Even after so many years, they all have such rich output. In contrast, the cultivation environment of the earth is a desert hell. "

Chen Fan sighed.

With such a superior cultivation environment, chen fan would have broken through his nature if he practiced hard here for a year or two at most. The reason why those animal kings were promoted to Shenhai was that they were born with a good environment.

"Prick, prick."

With Chen Fan's sacrifice, a layer of green light quietly appeared at the bottom of the stone tablet. It's about one twentieth of the category. When this layer of blue light completely covers the stone tablet, it means that Chen fan can control this super large space array.

At that time, chen fan will close the array. Even if the golden elixir comes, he will cry out.

"Oh, but with what I can do now, I can sacrifice at most one tenth. But it's enough. One tenth can control the array a little and open up the entrance and exit. "

Chen Fan confirmed in his heart.

At this time, the giant eagle carrying a black stone came to Chen fan, just like a treasure.

At the beginning, chen fan thought that it was sending lingguo again, but he didn't care. When his eyes swept over the black stone, he almost exclaimed: "I'll go, there's still this thing on earth?"

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!