Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 639

At that time, Wu Zhicheng also watched the battle on the top of Yanshan mountain. Although the Wu family had a lower status, he stood far away, but how could he not recognize chen fan?

This is Chen beixuan, the first person in the world!

Next to the second-line star, is still Jiao hum: "brother Cheng, surnamed Xu is too disobedient, you refrigerate her for a period of time, teach her a good lesson!"

In the past two years, Xu Rongfei has been in the limelight. I don't know how many people in the circle are envious.


As soon as the little star finished, he was slapped by Wu Zhicheng.

"Brother Cheng, why are you hitting me?"

The little star covered his face.

"If you say another bad word about Princess Xu Rong, I will not only beat you, but also kill you. Believe it or not!" Wu Zhicheng's face was cold and his legs were shaking.

He never thought of it.

Xu Rongfei's boyfriend is Chen fan! Although Chen Fan was engaged in Beishan just a few days ago, it is normal for such a big man as Chen fan to have more than one woman. Wu Zhicheng can't help but think about it. After all, he is in this circle. He has never heard that there is only one woman.

"My dear, this backing is too hard. It can frighten people to death. If I had been a little more anxious at that time, I would have been flattened by Chen beixuan now. "

Wu Zhicheng's heart is constantly scared.

Although Xu Rongfei was just in the red, she played several female fire masters and was regarded as the national goddess by many netizens. But the top management of Tianhe entertainment company is quite dissatisfied with Xu Rongfei. They think she is too proud and doesn't know the rules. It's normal for other female stars to accompany wine, commercial performance and even sleep. Just like a young lady, she can't even make an appointment for dinner.

"If she hadn't made money, Li Xinru had been protecting her and Zhifan liked her, I would have frozen her."

That's what Wu Zhicheng's father said.

Now want to come, others that which is arrogant? It's really strong!

"Chen beixuan's woman came out to be a star. Why didn't she say that earlier? "When Wu Zhicheng was filming his thighs, he suddenly thought of his younger brother Wu Zhifan. His face suddenly changed and he called in a hurry:

" what, the second is going to Yanjing film and Television College? Stop him quickly, call him, and never provoke Princess Xu Rong! "


at this time, the Internet has been boiling like a sea.

The first drama of the new year was so popular that it ignited the enthusiasm of countless people.

Many people are regretting:

"it's a pity for Princess Xu Rong. At this time, she should put an end to all gossip, maintain her image as a cold goddess, and attract more fans. Just at this time, it's too sad to have a boyfriend. "

"Yes, I heard that she is in the entertainment industry and has a bad relationship with the company. If such a mistake happens again, Tian He'll probably freeze her in anger. "

As for Li Jie, Xu Rongfei's agent, she called for the first time:

"concubine, are those photos on the Internet true or false?"

"What photo? I'm having dinner with brother chen fan."

Xu Rongfei blinked, puzzled.

"You... Ah, what can I say about you?"

Sister Li is very angry.

What's the time, just need her public relations crisis, even have leisure heart to eat?

"Forget it. Don't break any news later. Keep quiet. Don't talk to any reporter who comes to visit. I'll solve the problem."

Li said, immediately began to call, inform each website, ask them to delete information.

He also found the water army and began to confuse the public. In the name of Xu Rongfei's studio, he published information to the public, saying that the photos were all illusory.

Xu Rongfei put down her cell phone innocently.

They were sitting in a small restaurant outside the film academy. Although the restaurant is small, it is quite warm, including the box. The decoration is very warm, and the dishes are unique.

In addition to Chen Fan and Princess Xu Rong, her roommate Ning Xin is also here.

Ning Xin blinks her big eyes and looks at chen fan and Princess Xu Rong. She looks like a curious baby.

At this time, Ning Xin was no longer dressed in small suspenders and pants. She was wearing a yellow down jacket, a small vest and skirt inside, and a white pommel cap on her head. She was petite and lovely.

"Why, is there any trouble?"

Chen fan light way.

"It's more than trouble. You two have been poked into the Internet. There are a lot of photos. Now the microblog is boiling, and the topic goes directly to hot search number one. It is estimated that now the whole network knows that Xu Rongfei, the national goddess, has a boyfriend. "

Ning Xin rolled his eyes, not angry way.

"Ah? Brother chen fan, will you be ok. If sister Fang misunderstands me, it's bad. "

Xu Rong imperial concubine immediately covers small mouth, apologetic way.

She naturally knows that as Chen fan is now, once exposed, it will cause an uproar."What sister Fang?"

Ning Xin's eyes show a trace of suspicion.

"Do you know about my engagement to Joan?" Chen Fan raised his eyelids.

"Well." Concubine Xu Rong lowered her head, feeling a little lost.

"What? Are you engaged? " Ning Xin jumps up and stares at chen fan. It was like looking at Chen Shimei and Ximen Qing.

"Xiao Qiong won't care about this, and now I don't have much interference with exposure. Don't worry."

Chen Fan said with a gentle smile.

Now it's exposure, so what? He is the first person in the world. There are only two earthly immortals in China. In order to fight against the United States, China is bound to protect chen fan, not to mention Kunlun. Therefore, the general public opinion has no influence on Chen fan.


Concubine Xu Rong nodded her head cleverly.

Ning Xin, who was beside him, was so angry that his nose was crooked that he couldn't help standing up and accusing him:

"Hey, I said you're shameless. Do not rely on their own handsome, I dare not say you!

"People who are clearly engaged come to hook up with their concubines. And he said it's okay to expose yourself. Of course you are OK, but princess is OK! She is now on the rise in her career and in conflict with the company. Do you know what a blow it will be to the imperial concubine's star journey if it is exposed? Maybe it'll be ruined for a lifetime. The top management of Tianhe company has been looking for the handle of the imperial concubine...

a series of words, like machine guns, fly out of Ning Xin's mouth.

Princess Xu Rongfei quickly grabs her roommate and apologizes to Chen fan.

"Tianhe entertainment is troubling you?" Chen Fan frowned slightly.

"It's not difficult. I don't like communication very much, so some senior executives in the company may be dissatisfied with me." Xu Rongfei whispered.

"Don't worry, I'll solve it. You don't need to pay attention to it in the future

Chen Fan nodded.

Next to Ning Xin listen, sniff.

"Who do you think you are? In a word, even Tianhe and the company dare not provoke the big guys in the entertainment industry. Are you the royal city of the Wang family or Xiao Xuan of the Xiao family? "

But this sentence, Ning Xin didn't say it after all, he was held by his roommate.

Then the atmosphere became a little silent. Ning Xin is very dissatisfied with Chen fan. Looking at his eyes, they are full of big swindlers, big turnips, and animals who hook up with little girls...

but Princess Xu Rong hasn't seen Chen Fan for several years. She can't see enough of her beautiful eyes. She really enjoys eating with Chen fan.

"I'll live in Yanjing these days. If you want me to look for you, go to the north mountain. They like you very much, Xiao Qiong. They have always asked me to take you to meet them

Chen Fan explained.

"All right."

Concubine Xu Rong nodded her head hard.

As for Ning Xin, he turned his mouth and did not speak.

When they finished eating and were ready to leave, the box door was suddenly pushed open and a handsome tall man came in, but the man's face was not very good-looking and gloomy.

"Wu Shao?"

See a visitor, rather heart immediately jumped, can't help but worry to see a chen fan, desperately wink.

But she knows how bad the temper of the second young master of Tianhe entertainment company is. Some people once dared to pursue Princess Xu Rong, but Wu Zhifan sent someone to break her leg.

"Wu Zhifan, what are you doing here?"

Xu Rong Fei frowned.

"Imperial concubine, what you've done is too big. It's hard for the company to deal with it. Sister Li called me and asked me to advise you. For your image and future, you'd better make a statement. Before that, it's all fake. You're not in love. "

Wu Zhifan said with a kind face.

"By the way, this is the concubine's boyfriend. If you want to be good for the imperial concubine, you'd better take the initiative to stand in front of the media and tell everyone that it was a misunderstanding before. You and imperial concubine are just ordinary classmates. The imperial concubine is on the rise in her career. You should know how much impact it will have when the news of love comes out. "

Wu Zhifan said, looking at chen fan, a good look for you.

"Wu Zhifan, you don't care about my business, and don't call me princess"

Princess Xu shook her head coldly.

"It's not my business, princess. You have to be clear. You are from Tianhe company. At that time, you signed a five-year contract. The company has the right to restrain you. It has been stated in the contract that female artists can't fall in love within five years. This is a breach of contract. The company can ask you for compensation or even sue the court. "

Wu Zhifan's face grew colder, showing a threatening tone.

Xu Rong's pretty face suddenly froze.

At that time, when she signed the contract, she was just a new person. Although Li Xinru helped her fight for it, the terms were only more relaxed. Xu Rongfei didn't want to fall in love for a short time, so she didn't care about this one. She never thought that Wu Zhifan would take this one to crush her.

Ning Xin is extremely anxious to see beside.She glanced at chen fan and found that Chen Fan's Old God was there, ignoring Wu Zhifan. Instead, she was still drinking tea. She was even more angry and disappointed with Chen fan.

"The boyfriend that the imperial concubine is looking for is not responsible at all. It's such a jerk. I must let her break up!"

When Ning Xin swore hard, suddenly, the box door was pushed open again, and a person came in in a hurry. That person was Wu Zhicheng who arrived in a hurry.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Wu Zhifan is surprised.

Wu Zhicheng took three steps to Chen fan, knelt down, kowtowed heavily, and said in a trembling voice:

"heaven and Wu family, Wu Zhicheng, please... See Chen Tianren, please forgive him!"

All of a sudden, the whole room was silent. Wu Zhifan's face was stiff and he couldn't believe it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!