Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 638

"Chuzhou old friend."

"Chen fan?"

The name seems to have magic. Let Princess Xu Rong turn into a sculpture and sit there foolishly. She has no other ability to think. Ning Xin, who is next to him, has already waved his hand and said:

"if you don't see it, who can see it if you want? I didn't see Wu waiting for half a year, but my concubines didn't go down to see him... "

Ning Xin's words haven't finished.

Xu Rongfei has already rubbed to sit up, push the chair, without a trace of Goddess fan rushed out of the door. Only Zhang Haiyun and Ning Xin are at a loss.

"This is...

Ning Xin can't turn his head around.

She lived with Xu Rongfei for four years and knew how cold she was as a roommate. In addition to normal filming, she has little contact with other people, even the top directors and the executives of entertainment companies. When will you be so excited?

"How do you feel? It's like a girl in love hears her lover coming."

Ning Xin Na Dao.

And Zhang Haiyun's eyes flashed, and his eyes could not help showing a few different colors.


when Princess Xu Rong came downstairs, she saw Chen Fan in the crowd at first sight.

Although Chen Fan changed his appearance, Princess Xu Rong once met him at the Bank of Xizi lake. And through Xu Ao got Chen Fan's photos, so it's not strange.

"Imperial concubine, long time no see."

Chen fan has a gentle smile on his face.

Xu Rong's concubine stood there, looking at Chen Fan's face quietly, as if she wanted to remember his appearance deeply. She always engraved it in her heart, for fear that he would disappear.

At this time, many people downstairs feel wrong.

Princess Xu Rong is now just in the red, which is the focus. Everyone comes to her. As soon as she appears, she immediately attracts everyone's attention. But to everyone's surprise.

Princess Xu Rong seems to know that mysterious handsome guy!

Do they have an affair?

Many of the rich young CHILDES who came to wait for Princess Xu Rongfei suddenly looked ugly, but there was still a trace of expectation in their hearts. But the next moment, this expectation was quickly crushed.

"Brother chen fan."

Xu Rongfei called in a low voice.

Her beautiful eyes were watery, like abandoned puppies, looking at their owners. The voice is crisp and waxy, like a little girl's coquetry, with a trace of grievance, a trace of expectation, a trace of pain.

With this cry, the whole audience was dead and silent, and countless people looked over with wide eyes.

"It's my fault that I haven't come to see you these years. Don't worry. I won't let you be wronged any more. " Chen fan came over and touched the little head of Princess Xu Rong, sighing.


Princess Xu Rong bowed her head.

The little nose is red, the eyeground is full of water mist, but the heart is warm like boiling water.

Everyone was stunned to see this scene. When they saw Princess Xu Rong, who is usually a goddess of high cold, she was just like her little girlfriend cuddling up to her husband. How clever she was.

Ning Xin, who rushes down the stairs, is even more stupid.

"It's my first time to come to your college. You, the host, don't show me around?"

Chen Fan said with a smile.


Xu Rongfei also showed a brilliant smile, a pair of big eyes are smiling into crescent moon.

They watched Chen Fan take away the most beautiful girl in their No.5 dormitory. There was no way.

"Rigu rigu, where on earth did this boy come from and take away all the goddesses in my mind?"

"My God, goddess Xu hasn't had an affair in the entertainment industry for four years. Is this a hidden boyfriend?"

"Big news, big news, it's going to stir up the entertainment industry."

Some beat their chests and feet, some were extremely surprised, and some were extremely excited.

Usually, the paparazzi who stay outside the No.5 dormitory building and follow Princess Xu Rongfei seem to beat the blood of a chicken. They press the photo door frantically and circle their figures into the photos.

In the silver gray Lamborghini sports car, a handsome man is looking at chen fan and Xu Rongfei.

But he looked at Chen Fan's back, a little more doubt.

"Strange, how can I feel like I've met that man? Have you ever seen a picture? "

Wu Shao was surprised.


Chen Fan and Xu Rongfei walked side by side.

Yanjing Film Academy covers a large area, including literature department, performance department, director department, art department, animation department and so on. Each department has a long history, and there are many celebrities.

"Brother chen fan, this is the literature department. Many famous screenwriters graduated from the literature department of our college. For example, Sister Zhang Wei, the screenwriter of Du Lala's promotion, and teacher Ding Xiaoyun, the writer of love is lost

Princess Xu Rong is a treasure.

It can be seen that she likes the film and television industry very much and studies it very deeply."Before, I wanted to make a movie called the legend of beixuan, telling the story of brother chen fan. I asked the most famous director in China to make it. Even I have finished the script. Now I'm saving money. I'll be able to invest when I save a few more years. "

Xu Rongfei looks forward to the way.

"Well, I'll be the leading actor then, and you'll be the leading actress." Chen Fan said with a smile.


Princess Xu Rong's eyes are bright and tender.

"Of course."

Chen Fan patted her little head and spoiled her. Xu Ao's death is one of the most sorry things for Chen Fan's rebirth. Chen Fan wants to make up for Xu Rongfei as much as possible, and treats her like a little sister. As long as she wants, chen fan will try his best to satisfy her.

They talked while walking like this.

Xu Rong Princess secretly with a small hand, hook Chen Fan's palm, see Chen Fan no objection, gently nestle in Chen fan.

She used to be a man of the year in the film academy. Now she is so close to a man that she makes a circle around the whole film academy. All of a sudden, the whole Yanjing film and Television Institute was a sensation.

Because of the holiday, the relatively quiet Film Academy Forum, at this time, people are boiling.

"The goddess has a boyfriend!"

"Surprise, Yanjing school flower Xu Rong Fei, unexpectedly and mysterious man, the arm swim together."

"Exclusive information, first-hand news, Xu Rong Fei's mysterious boyfriend, is said to have been a high school classmate."

One more than one explosion of posts, in the forum brush out.

Those students who went home for the new year, when they saw the big news, they beat their chests and cried out how they didn't have a chance to witness it. There are many more photos, are posted to the forum, and spread to the outside of the network.

Someone posted the photos to Weibo.

The students of Yanjing film and Television College, who are on the microblog, belong to the beloved class.

They are all handsome men and beautiful women, and they have a relationship with the major stars. As soon as they forward it, what they reveal is the star Xu Rongfei, who is now in the red.

Immediately, the topic of Xu Rongfei's mysterious boyfriend rushed to the top of the microblog hot search list, and suppressed the topic of a star's cheating and divorce.

"I'll go, really? Concubine Xu Rong has been on the road for several years, but she hasn't had an affair? "

"Is it Princess Xu Rong who plays Lu Yanqi in the legend of Sword Fairy? I don't believe it. I don't believe it. It's my goddess. Please be pure and arrogant. How can you be conquered by men? "

"There are photos on the Internet. You can see them if you search them."

Soon, Weibo was boiling.

Countless gourd eaters stay at home, take out their mobile phones, open their microblogs, and happily flip through one picture after another. After all, these photos were taken secretly by amateurs. Only princess Xu and a man could be seen walking side by side. Princess Xu nestled her head on the shoulder of the young man. Because of the distance, I can't see what the man looks like.

"This is not princess Xu Rong."

Some people question it.

"Yanjing film and Television Academy, hundreds of people have seen it with their own eyes, how can it not be Xu Rongfei."

The other person immediately jumped out to refute.

More people are curious, who is Xu Rongfei's boyfriend? What does it look like?

"Damn, if you let me know who robbed the goddess. I will definitely take a taxi and give that little white face a beating. " More than one person cursed.

About an hour later, a post appeared on Weibo and was immediately forwarded by countless people.

This post was taken by the paparazzi in the bird studio, hiding outside the dormitory building No.5. Birdline studio is the largest paparazzi in China. They are well-equipped and equipped with high-definition cameras, shooting from the beginning.

Xu Rong Fei and Chen Fan's appearance, all clear in the photo.

It is said that Chen fan is Xu Rongfei's middle school classmate. They probably knew each other since childhood. Only the relationship between childhood and childhood can capture the heart of the goddess.

Once this post is published, the two people's love relationship is thoroughly established.

Countless people beat their chests and burst into tears, while more people sneer at chen fan and spit out sour water. They think that Chen fan, an ordinary classmate, is worthy of the national goddess, Princess Xu Rong?


on Weibo, when the discussion is in full swing.

In a luxury villa on the outskirts of Yanjing.

A frivolous man, is holding a beautiful second-line star, lying in bed smoking.

He is Wu Zhicheng, who once mocked Chen Fan in Yanshan. The Wu family in Yanjing has a shallow foundation, with assets of only tens of billions. But Yanjing is also a second tier family, especially the elite entertainment industry of Wu family. Tianhe entertainment company is very famous. With so many beautiful women and star resources in his hands, Wu Zhicheng's career in the Yanjing circle has also been a success.

"Oh, Cheng Shao, it seems that your concubine Xu Rong has an affair?"Second line stars are not well-known, but they have a charming face, eyes, chest, waist and legs. They are open enough in bed. Otherwise, they will not go to bed with their parents.

At this time, she is browsing the mobile microblog, a burst of shouting.

"Concubine Xu Rong, isn't the second one chasing her? Why do you have a boyfriend? "

Wu Zhicheng frowned slightly.

His brother, Wu Zhifan, has always been a fanatical pursuer of Princess Xu Rong. Otherwise, with his lust, he would have done something to Princess Xu Rong. And new female stars are most afraid of gossip. This will ruin the future of many female stars, especially Princess Xu Rong, who is famous for her high cold.

"Let's see..."

Wu Zhicheng took the mobile phone with cold eyes, and sure enough, she saw that Princess Xu Rong was standing with a man, with a small face and a shy face, like a little couple in love.

"I'm in love now."

Wu Zhicheng was furious in his heart. When he was about to get angry, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the man's face, and his pupils suddenly shrank, as if struck by lightning:

"this is... Chen beixuan?"

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!